
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - March 15, 2002



1. Introduction of Bachelor of Health Sciences and Biology Programs

1a Three-Year Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) and Biology

Recommended: That a Three-Year Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) and Biology program be introduced in the Faculty of Health Sciences, effective September 1, 2002.


Students that may be interested in the option of applying to professional schools or honors programs in the Biological or Biomedical Sciences should check prerequisites carefully.


First Year

Health Sciences 021

One of Psychology 020 or 023, or Sociology 020 or 1.0 full equivalent credit chosen from Anthropology 025F/G, 026F/G or 027a/b

Biology 022 or 023

Chemistry 020 or 023

Mathematics 030 or any two of the following: Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b, Mathematics 028a/b, Linear Algebra 040a/b, Statistical Sciences 024a/b

*Students intending to apply to Medical School are encouraged to take a full course in Physics in the summer session.

Second Year

Biochemistry 280a (formerly Biology 280a)

Biology 281b, 282b, 283a, 290a/b*

Health Sciences 202F/G, 203a/b, 204F/G, 205a/b, 207a/b

*Students intending to apply to Medical School may, with permission of Health Sciences, defer 0.5 Health Sciences course to Year 3 in order to include Chemistry 213a in Year 2.

* Note: Biology 290a/b plus 0.5 senior statistics course from the list in Year 3 completes the Health Sciences 201 course requirement.

Third Year

Chemistry 213a (if not taken in Year 2)

1.0 full course equivalent at the 200 or 300 level chosen from the Biology and Medical Sciences Laboratory Courses listed below

1.0 half course at the 200 or 300 level either from the Biology, and Medical Sciences Laboratory and Non Laboratory Courses listed below, or from Chemistry

0.5 statistics course from one of Biology 244a, Statistical Sciences 222a/b

Health Sciences 303a/b, 305a/b, 306a/b

0.5 Health Sciences elective chosen from the 300 or 400-series

0.5 subsidiary course (may be chosen from Health Sciences with permission of the Faculty)


Biology 204a, 205a, 216b, 217b, 240b, 271a, 272b, 304a, 305a, 318a, 320y, 321F (formerly Biology 203F), 322a, 326a, 327b (formerly Biology 213b), 328a, 332a, 335b, 336a, 338a, 345a, 346b, 352b, 355b, 366b, 370b, 390a, 391b, and

Anatomy and Cell Biology 309 (formerly Biology 309)

Biochemistry 380b (formerly Biology 380b)

Medical Biophysics 302, 303, 330a (formerly Biology 302, 303, 330a)

Microbiology and Immunology 220a, 361b (or the former Biology 358a, 359b)

Physiology 310 (formerly Biology 310)

NB: Only courses listed above may be used to fulfill the laboratory requirement. No substitutions are permitted.


Biology 284a, 285b, 316a, 351b, 387a, 392a, 393b, and

Biochemistry 381a, 382b (formerly Biology 381a, 382b)

Medical Biophysics 331G (formerly Biology 331G)

Microbiology and Immunology 221a/b, 357a (formerly Biology 221a/b, 357a), 360b

Physiology 314a (formerly Biology 314a)

No substitutions are permitted.


Student demand for a combination with the Bachelor of Health Sciences and Biology is high. The introduction of a BHSc and Biology will afford students more options upon graduation. It will embellish the health science and science options for students wishing to enter the two related undergraduate areas of study.

1b Introduction of an Honors Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) with Biology

Recommended: That an Honors Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) with Biology be introduced in the Faculty of Health Sciences, effective September 1, 2002.


Students that may be interested in the option of applying to professional schools or honors programs in the Biological or Biomedical Sciences should check prerequisites for these programs carefully.


First Year

Health Sciences 021

One of Psychology 020 or 023, or Sociology 020, or 1.0 full equivalent credit chosen from Anthropology 025F/G, 026F/G or 027a/b

Biology 022 or 023

Chemistry 020 or 023

Mathematics 030 or any two of the following: Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b, Mathematics 028a/b, Linear Algebra 040a/b, Statistical Sciences 024a/b

*Students intending to apply to Medical School are encouraged to take a full course in Physics in the summer session.

Second Year

Biochemistry 280a (formerly Biology 280a)

Biology 281b, 282b, 283a, 290a/b

Health Sciences 202F/G, 203a/b, 204F/G, 205a/b, 207a/b

*Students intending to apply to Medical School may, with permission of Health Sciences, defer 0.5 Health Sciences course to Year 3 in order to include Chemistry 213a in Year 2.

*Note: Biology 290a/b plus 0.5 senior statistics course from the list in Year 3 completes the Health Sciences 201 course requirement.

Third Year

Chemistry 213a (if not taken in Year 2)

1.0 full course equivalent at the 200 or 300 level chosen from the Biology and Medical Sciences Laboratory Courses listed above

One half course at the 200 or 300 level either from the Biology, and Medical Sciences Laboratory and Non Laboratory Courses listed above, or from Chemistry

0.5 statistics course from one of Biology 244a, Statistical Sciences 222a/b

Health Sciences 303a/b, 305a/b, 306a/b

0.5 Health Sciences elective chosen from the 300 or 400-series

0.5 subsidiary course (may be chosen from Health Sciences with permission of the Faculty)

*0.5 Health Sciences or Biology or Medical Sciences course may be deferred to Year 4

Fourth Year

1.5 full course equivalents from Biology 271a, 272b, 322a, 332a, 338a, 351b, 366b, 370b, 390a, 391b, 392a, 393b, Microbiology and Immunology 221a/b (formerly Biology 221a/b), 357a (formerly Biology 357a), Physiology 310 (formerly Biology 310), at least 1.0 of which must have a laboratory component.

Health Sciences 401

2.0 full course equivalent electives chosen from Health Sciences 300-400 series at least 1.0 of which must be at the 400 level

0.5 elective

5.0 full 200 level and above Biology courses must be completed for graduation which must include the following: Biochemistry 280a (formerly Biology 280a), Biology 281b, 282b, 283a, 290a/b plus two additional full course equivalents from the Biology and Medical Sciences Laboratory Courses listed above; plus one additional half course from the Biology and Medical Sciences Laboratory or Non Laboratory Courses listed above.


Student demand for a combination with the Bachelor of Health Sciences and Biology is high. The introduction of an Honors BHSc with General Biology will afford students more options upon graduation. It will embellish the health science options for students wishing to combine the two related undergraduate areas of study.

2. Admission Requirements for non-OAC Applicants to the 深夜福利站-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN Program

Recommended: That the admission criteria for non-OAC applicants to the School of Nursing's 深夜福利站-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN Program be revised as outlined below.


Applicants Currently Enrolled in a University, or who have Previously Attended University or other Post Secondary Institutions

Entry to the 深夜福利站-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN program is on a competitive basis. Applicants applying to transfer into or enter the nursing program are considered on the basis of their OSSD average and university or other post-secondary standing. Specifically, students applying with one year of full time university study must have achieved a minimum 70% overall average; students having completed 2 or more full time years of university may be admitted on the basis of a minimum overall average of 70% in the final two years of study. Students applying from part time university study will be admitted on the basis of a minimum 70% average in the last 10 credits completed.

Students applying from a community college, must have achieved an overall GPA of 2.5 in a completed program.

All students applying to the program must have completed the prerequisite courses in Biology, Chemistry and English (see program admission requirements).


There is increasing evidence to suggest that a change be made to the calculation of the admission average for university students applying to the nursing program. Currently, admission average calculations for university transfer students have been an overall average calculation based on all years of study completed. The Joint Admissions Committee has proposed changes to this admission criteria for several reasons. Generally, it has been well documented that there exists an upward trend in students' marks from first to final year of study. The final two years of study are highly predictive of student success and, based on the current admission criteria, the program has denied entrance to excellent candidates who have gone on to achieve success in other professional programs. Concern exists that excellent candidates are being penalized for a weak first and/or second year of study, as these lower marks, when factored into an overall average, not only fail to meet the preset admission average for this group (70%), but also fail to recognize a student's excellent performance in the final years of a program. Excellent candidates, with potential to be successful in this professional program, are being denied eligibility based on the current criteria of overall admissions average calculation.

For students applying from part time study, calculating admission on the last 10 full credits of university study is consistent with the admission criteria for graduate school and other professional programs.

3. Articulation Agreements between 深夜福利站 and External Colleges

Recommended: That the following procedure be approved for agreements between external colleges and 深夜福利站 with regard to acceptable admission and transfer credit

When UWO faculties and external Colleges wish to enter into an agreement establishing acceptable admission and transfer credit for one another's students, the first point of contact is the Manager of Applicant Services in the Office of the Registrar.

A written agreement between UWO and the external College will be required if the terms of the agreement are not covered by a previously-approved Senate policy on admission or transfer credit.

Following consent on the terms of the agreement by the Faculty, College and 深夜福利站's Registrar's Office, the Manager of Applicant Services will forward information on the agreement to the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (SCAPA) for approval and recommendation to Senate. The recommendation will include the appropriate entry for the academic calendar and background information stipulating the courses in question.

Contingent on approval by Senate, an articulation agreement will be signed by the appropriate signing officer of the external College in question and the Dean of the Faculty at 深夜福利站 and 深夜福利站's Vice-Provost and Registrar.

If the agreement is proposed by one of 深夜福利站's Affiliated Colleges, following consent on the terms of the agreement by the external College, the Affiliated College and the main campus Registrar's Office, the Manager of Applicant Services will forward information on the agreement to the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (SCAPA) for approval and recommendation to Senate. The recommendation will include the appropriate entry for the academic calendar and background information stipulating the courses in question.

Contingent on approval by Senate, an articulation agreement will be signed by the appropriate signing officer of the external College, the Affiliated College in question and 深夜福利站's Vice-Provost and Registrar.

An original copy of the articulation agreement will be retained in the University Secretariat and specifics of the agreement, e.g., the courses to which the agreement refers, may be updated from time to time without further approval by the Senate.

Further information on acceptable admission and transfer credit on current agreements can be obtained from the following website:

4. Articulation Agreement: Environmental Science Program at 深夜福利站/Environmental Engineering Technology Program at Confederation College, Thunder Bay

Recommended: That qualified students from Confederation College be granted up to 7.0 transfer credits towards a three-year BSc in Environmental Studies, as detailed in Appendix 1, effective September 1, 2002.


Admission and Transfer Credit for Graduates of Confederation College

Up to 7.0 transfer credits will be granted for students who have completed, since 1996, a three-year Environmental Engineering Technology diploma from Confederation College with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 as calculated by UWO's Admission Office, and have no mark less than a "C" in the corresponding courses. Please contact the Dean's Office in the Faculty of Science by June 1st for further details.


The Faculty of Science at 深夜福利站 plans on entering into an articulation agreement with Confederation College in Thunder Bay, Ontario. In reciprocity, Confederation College will offer graduates from the UWO Environmental Science program transfer credit in their Environmental Engineering Technology diploma program.

SCAPA has followed the proposed procedure for Articulation agreements outlined in item 3 above and, contingent on Senate approval of both item 3 and 4, an articulation agreement be signed by the appropriate signing officer of Confederation College, the Dean of Science (or designate), and the Vice-Provost and Registrar. The agreement is to take effect in September 2002 and be reviewed every two years.


1. Report of the Provost's Undergraduate Program Review Committee

The Report of the Provost's Undergraduate Program Review Committee (PRC) is attached as Appendix 2.

2. Editorial Revisions/Corrections to Academic Policies

2a Removal of Reference to Grade Point Waiver in Policy on Student Academic Appeals: Deadlines for Requests for Relief

Effective September 1, 2002, the following section of the Senate regulation on Deadlines for Requests for Relief, will be revised to reflect changes resulting from the withdrawal of the Grade Point System and the implementation of the new Progression Requirements approved by Senate in January.

Under ACADEMIC RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: STUDENT ACADEMIC APPEALS: Deadlines for Requests for Relief (S.96-155, S.97-274, S.98-014, S.02-10) [p. 31 of the 2002 academic calendar]
Program eligibility and progression: A request for relief against a decision concerning program eligibility must be made to the Chair of the department in writing by June 30th. A request against a decision of the Chair must be made to the Dean in writing within three weeks of the Chair's decision being issued. Students requesting a Dean's Waiver of Progression Requirements must do so in writing to the Dean of their Faculty by June 30th.

2b Removal of Reference to Grade Points in Policy on Grade Reports

Effective September 1, 2002, the following section of the Senate regulation on Grade Reports will be revised to reflect changes resulting from the withdrawal of the Grade Point System and the implementation of the new Progression Requirements approved by Senate in January.

Under ACADEMIC RECORDS AND STUDENT TRANSCRIPTS (S.96-85, S.98-168, S.98-219, S.98-246) [p. 29 of the 2002 academic calendar]
Students are able to access their grades at the end of each academic term by contacting the Registrar's Grade Reporting System on-line at www.registrar.uwo.ca. Courses attempted, the grades achieved, comments concerning a student's eligibility for a requested program, progression and graduation eligibility, and averages where appropriate, are reported to the student. This information is confidential and may only be accessed using a secure Personal Information Number.

2c Correction to the Policy on Letters of Permission: Transfer Credit to 深夜福利站

Effective immediately, the following section of the Senate regulation on Transfer Credit to 深夜福利站 will be corrected to read as approved by Senate. The sentence was erroneously modified in the 1998 calendar, removing the reference to deans' discretion in the decision making process.

Under LETTERS OF PERMISSION: TRANSFER OF CREDIT TO WESTERN (S.1302, S.1694c, S.02-10) [p. 20 of the 2002 academic calendar]
A Letter of Permission is a document...transferred to the student's record at 深夜福利站.
Students apply to the Dean of their Faculty for a Letter of Permission to take courses at another university.* Approval shall be at the discretion of the Dean, who shall base the decision on the applicant's overall academic record, the appropriateness of the particular course to the applicant's program at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, and on any other factors the Dean may deem relevant. For substitution of required, principal or prerequisite courses, the Dean will also obtain departmental approval. Following authorization, the Registrar's Office will issue to the university concerned a Letter of Permission that is contingent upon successful completion of progression requirements.
* A non-refundable fee of $50.00 is charged for Letters of Permission.
Students granted permission....

2d Policy on Course Credit

At the January 18, 2002, Senate meeting, the following statement was included in the calendar copy which was being revised to reflect changes which would result from the withdrawal of the Grade Point System and the implementation of the new Progression Requirements. After further review, the University Secretariat and Registrar's Office have determined that the wording is already covered by other academic policies and the policy on Course Credit is effectively rescinded.

Unless otherwise stated "course", "option", or "full-course equivalent" means one full course or two half-courses. See Course Numbering Policy (S.99-155), page 175 of the 2002 academic calendar.
A course repeat is any course previously attempted and recorded at UWO. A course attempt having a passing grade may be repeated only once. A course attempt having a failing grade may be repeated only twice. Further course repeats may only be authorized by the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is registered. Grades (including failures) for all course attempts will appear on the transcript and will be included in the accumulation of course attempts and maximum failures allowed. All but the most recent course attempt will appear on the transcript as Repeated, No Credit and will be excluded from cumulative average calculations used for progression requirements. The last mark/grade will be used for all other academic purposes. This regulation also applies to courses that are antirequisite to each other. See Progression Requirement Policy also approved at the January 18, 2002, meeting.
Unless otherwise specified, two half-courses equal one full course in undergraduate programs, whether or not they have been taken in the same subject. In programs that include optional courses, one option is defined as one full course or two half-courses. See Course Numbering Policy (S.99-155), page 175 of the 2002 academic calendar.
Students may substitute for a prescribed course only with the consent of the Department of their honors program or area of concentration and with the written approval of the Dean of their Faculty of registration. All substitutions must conform to the basic requirements set by the Senate. See Registration/Course Selection (S.01-256), page 19 of the 2002 academic calendar.

3. Report on New Scholarships and Prizes

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships and prizes for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

Dr. John Robinson - Government of Ontario Graduate Research Scholarship in Science & Technology (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Medicine)

Awarded to a full-time Masters or Doctoral student conducting research in Microbiology. All OGSST scholarships are awarded by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and all OGS scholarships are awarded by the Province of Ontario on the basis of academic achievement and research potential. This scholarship was established in honor of Dr. John Robinson by Mrs. Jessica Robinson.

Value: $15,000
Effective: May 2001-May 2005

These funds include the 2:1 match under the Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (OGSST) program.

Lily Jay - Government of Ontario Graduate Research Scholarship in Science & Technology (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Medicine)

Awarded to a full-time Masters or Doctoral student conducting research in Medical Biophysics. All OGSST scholarships are awarded by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and all OGS scholarships are awarded by the Province of Ontario on the basis of academic achievement and research potential. This scholarship was established in honor of Lily Jay by Dr. Alfred Jay.

Value: $15,000
Effective: May 2001 only

These funds include the 2:1 match under the Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (OGSST) program.

Dr. Alfred Jay - Government of Ontario Graduate Research Scholarship in Science & Technology (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Medicine)

Awarded to a full-time Masters or Doctoral student conducting research in Medical Biophysics. All OGSST scholarships are awarded by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and all OGS scholarships are awarded by the Province of Ontario on the basis of academic achievement and research potential. This scholarship was established in honor of Lily Jay by Dr. Alfred Jay.

Value: $15,000
Effective: May 2001 only

These funds include the 2:1 match under the Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (OGSST) program.

London Air Show Prize (Faculty of Social Science, BACS/Commercial Aviation Management)

Awarded annually to a student registered in first year of the BACS/Commercial Aviation Management Program in either the flight or non-flight option. The student must submit a one-page essay on the theme, "The impact that I hope to have on the future of aviation". The Director of the Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies program will identify the top two essay submissions and provide them to the London Air Show Board of Directors. Applications to be picked up at the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Social Science. Submission deadline is May 30, 2002, and thereafter January 31st of each year.

Value: $500
Effective: May 2001

Arts Scholarship (Faculty of Arts)

Awarded to an undergraduate student in any year of a program in the Faculty of Arts based on academic achievement (minimum 80% average) and financial need. Applications may be obtained through the Office of the Registrar - Student Financial Services and must be submitted by October 31. The Office of the Registrar-Student Financial Services will complete an assessment of financial need and the recipient will be selected by the Arts Scholarships and Awards Committee. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by an anonymous donor.

Value: $1,000
Effective: May 2002- May 2006

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Dean's HBA Entrance Scholarship (Richard Ivey School of Business)

Awarded to a full-time student with a minimum average of 80% entering the Honors BA Program in Business Administration (HBA) at Ivey. The Scholarship may be continued in the second year of the program based on the maintenance of a minimum 80% average with a full course load. If the student does not qualify to continue to receive the scholarship, it will be awarded to a student in the same year as the current recipient. Preference will be given to students who have shown a demonstrated interest in accounting or the practice of accounting. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business. Recipients will be selected by the Richard Ivey School of Business HBA Program Office. This award was established by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

Value: $2,500 (continuing for 2 years)
Effective: September 2002 to September 2006

Distribution of each award is as follows:

Memorial Scholarship (Faculty of Arts/Faculty of Social Science)

Awarded to a student in the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Social Science in any year, beyond year one who achieves a minimum 80% academic average and who is not already receiving another scholarship. This scholarship was established from generous donations of alumni and friends who wish to celebrate the life of someone special through a memorial gift in support of students at 深夜福利站. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: $600
Effective: May 2001