
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - January 18, 2002



1. Procedures for Casual Academic Appointments of Faculty at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario

Recommended: That the Procedures for Casual Academic Appointments of Faculty at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario (excluding physicians appointed in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry) document be revised as shown in Appendix 1.


The Procedures for Casual Academic Appointments of Faculty at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario (excluding physicians appointed in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry) document was approved by Senate and the Board in June 2001. Since then, it has become evident that a new rank should be included under this

document. The proposed rank of "Adjunct Clinical Professor" is appropriate in cases where there are minimal responsibilities within an academic unit relating to clinical activity which is ancillary to the appointee's principal occupation. For example, there are about 50 psychologists who perform minimal responsibilities in the Department of Psychology. This new rank would also be appropriate in some cases in the Faculty of Health

Sciences and the School of Dentistry. As is currently the case, appointees under this document will not be eligible for membership in the Bargaining Unit by virtue of their minimal responsibilities to the University.

2. Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University

Recommended: That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor:

That the Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University be amended by the addition of a new section R. VICE-PROVOST (POLICY, PLANNING & FACULTY) as shown below:

R. VICE-PROVOST (Policy, Planning & Faculty)

Composition of Selection Committee

A committee to select an Vice-Provost (Policy Planning & Faculty) shall consist of:

(a) The Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair

(b) The Vice-President (Research)

(c) 4 persons elected by Senate, one of whom shall be a Dean


1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.

2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.

3. The Chair shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.


The term of the Vice-Provost is five years and may be renewed.


The position of Vice-Provost (Policy, Planning & Faculty) is a new position that will report directly to the Provost & Vice-President (Academic). The appointee will advise the Provost and, in some circumstances, will act on the Provost's behalf. Key areas of responsibility will be: 1) to assist in the development and implementation of policy in a variety of budgetary and operational domains; 2) to supervise the operations of the Office of Faculty Relations and to support the Director of Faculty Relations in the implementation of the Collective Agreement; and 3) to support the Faculties in their efforts to attract and retain outstanding members of faculty to 深夜福利站 and to provide an optimal environment for them to pursue their scholarly and teaching aspirations.

3. Constitution of the Faculty of Engineering

Recommended: That, effective January 1, 2002, the Constitution of the Faculty of Engineering Science be amended, as shown in Appendix 2, including the change of name of the "Faculty of Engineering Science" to the "Faculty of Engineering", as recommended by the Council of the Faculty, subject to Senate's approval of the name change (SCUP Report to Senate, January 2002);


That references to the Faculty in University policies and procedures (e.g., committee terms of reference and other Faculty constitutions) be changed to reflect the new name.


For the most part, the proposed changes reflect changes in terminology due to the Collective Agreement with the faculty and the proposed change of name of the Faculty. The membership has also been amended by the addition of a member from each of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine & Dentistry.

4. Constitution of the Faculty of Arts

Recommended: That the Constitution of the Faculty of Arts be amended as detailed in Appendix 3.


The principal changes to the Constitution include:

5. Composition of the Subcommittee on Information Security (SUIS)

Recommended: That the composition of the Subcommittee on Information Security be amended:

FROM: Executive Assistant to the Vice-President (Administration) and General Counsel, appointed as legal counsel

TO: Associate General Counsel


1. Amendments to Candidates for Degrees

On behalf of the Senate (S.96-124), the Provost approved the following amendments to the lists of Candidates for degrees and diplomas awarded at the respective convocations, as recommended by the Registrar.

Friday, October 26, 2001 Huron University College

Bachelor of Arts Honors

Bachelor of Arts

Friday, May 31, 1972 Faculty of Social Science

Bachelor of Arts

Monday, June 7, 1976 Faculty of Social Science

Bachelor of Arts