
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT VII - December 7, 2001


Chair - M. Atkinson Vice-Chairs - S. Galsworthy, J. Toswell

From September 1, 2000, to August 31, 2001, the Senate Review Board Academic dealt with 33 applications for hearing appeals. Of these, 5 were withdrawn by the applicants prior to the hearing, 1 was referred back to complete the appeal process at the lower level, 3 did not fall within the jurisdiction of SRBA, and 3 were not allowed to proceed to a hearing based on insufficient grounds.

In all, 21 appeals were heard by SRBA:

7 appeals against scholastic offence/academic sanction - 6 denied; 1 granted

12 appeals for waiver of undergraduate progression requirements - 11 denied; 1 granted

1 appeal against general marking and grading practices. (A failure to follow a procedural requirement at the prior level was alleged.*) - 1 denied

1 appeal against a grade** alleging a failure to follow a Senate regulation - 1 denied

* In this case, SRBA found no evidence to support the allegation that there was a failure to follow a procedural requirement at the prior level.

** A grade appeal is not allowed unless the appellant is alleging a failure to follow a Senate regulation, or a failure to observe a procedural requirement at the prior level or bias at the prior level. In this case, SRBA found no evidence to support the allegation that there was a failure to follow a Senate regulation.