
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - November 16, 2001



1. Senate Membership - Faculty Constituencies

The recommendations for appointment of representatives of Faculty constituencies are proposed in accord with Senate regulations for filling vacancies.

Recommended: That the following nominees be appointed to Senate to represent the constituencies shown for the two year terms (to October 31, 2003):

1) Representing the Faculty of Engineering Science: George Nakhla [Chemical & Biochemical Engineering]

2) Representing the Faculty of Health Sciences: Carroll Iwasiw [Nursing].

3) Representing the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry: [3 to be elected, 1 of whom must be from the School of Dentistry]: Richard Bohay [Dentistry], Ewa Cairns [Dept. Medicine], and Irene Hramiak [Dept. Medicine].

2. Nominating Committee - Membership

[Senate Membership List is attached as Appendix 1]

Composition: Seven members of Senate, elected by Senate, at least one of whom shall be a graduate student. Not more than two members may be from a single academic unit. The Faculty of Graduate Studies is not considered an academic unit in this context.

There will be three alternates who are members of Senate, one of whom is a student, to attend meetings when regular members are unable to attend.

Ex officio members include: Chair of the Student Caucus on Governance

Current Membership:

Retiring in November 2001:

B. Dominick (Grad), T. Carmichael (Arts), S. Mangsen (Mus.), A. Percival-Smith (Sci)

Alternates: M. Witen (Undergrad), G. Cherian (M&)

Continuing to November 2002:

M. Floryan (Engg.Sci.)[Alt: A. Lee (Arts)], J. MacKinnon (HS), M. Westmacott (Soc.Sci.)

Alternate: R. Darnell (Soc.Sci.)


One graduate student Senator;

Four members of Senate: Three for two-year terms (to November 2003) and one to complete the term of M. Westmacott who has resigned (term to November 2002). Not more than one may be from the Faculties of Engineering Science or Health Sciences, and not more than two may be from any other faculty; and

Two alternates who are members of Senate, one of whom is a student.

Nominees: Errol Stewart (Graduate Student - term to November 2002)
Tom Carmichael (Arts) (Term to November 2002)
John Doerksen (Music) (Term to November 2003)
Anthony Percival-Smith (Sci) (Term to November 2003)
Brian Timney (Soc.Sci.) (Term to November 2003)
_____________ (Alternate)(Student) [Nomination to be Presented at Senate]
Wendy Kennedy (Admin Staff) (Alternate)

3. Selection Committee for Dean of Graduate Studies

Recommended: That the Associate Vice-President (Research), Dr. Ted Hewitt, be a member of the Selection Committee for Dean of Graduate Studies soon to be established, in place of the Vice-President (Research) until such time as a new Vice-President (Research) takes office.


Appointment Procedures for the Appointment of Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University sets out the membership of a Selection Committee for Vice-President (Research) as follows:

(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair

(b) the Vice-President (Research)

(c) 5 persons elected by the Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies: one from each of the four Divisions of the Faculty and one graduate student

(d) 3 persons elected by the Senate, only one of whom may be a Dean

Appointment Procedures also stipulate that the incumbent shall not be a member of the Selection Committee for any office. Since the incumbent Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Alan Weedon, is also the Acting Vice-President (Research), the Provost recommends that Dr. Ted Hewitt, Associate Vice-President (Research), serve in his stead.

4. Senate Meeting Dates 2003

Recommended: That the following Senate meeting dates for 2003 be approved, with all meetings to begin Fridays at 1:30 p.m:


1. Senate Membership - Representative of the Alumni Association

The Alumni Association has announced the reappointment of Sally Siegner to Senate as a representative of the Alumni Association for a term from November 1, 2001, to October 31, 2003.

2. Senate Attendance Requirements

The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario Act provides, in Section 26:

Meetings 26.(3) Where within any membership year a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 50 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate may by resolution declare such membership vacant.
Idem (4) Where within any membership year a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 25 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate shall by resolution declare such membership vacant.

Senate attendance is reviewed by the Operations/Agenda Committee from time to time, and the Committee is prepared to recommend to Senate that a Senate seat be declared vacant should a pattern of absenteeism develop. Senators who find they have a schedule conflict with Senate meetings may apply for a Leave of Absence from Senate for the Period of conflict. In this case, an Alternate will be appointed in accordance with the Senate policy for filling vacancies. If the conflict is unresolvable, resignation from Senate would be appropriate in order that the constituency concerned be represented by a duly appointed replacement.

3. Meeting Schedule 2002

The Senate Handbook recently issued incorrectly listed the January 2002 meeting as January 13. The correct date is January 18, 2002. The schedule of upcoming Senate meetings is found on