
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - October 19, 2001



1. Senate Membership

Faculty Constituencies

The recommendations for appointment of representatives of Faculty constituencies are proposed in accord with Senate regulations for filling vacancies.

Recommended: That the following nominees be appointed to Senate to represent the constituencies shown for the two year terms (terms from November 1, 2001, to October 31, 2003):

1) Representing the Faculty of Law: Sydney Usprich

2) Representing the Faculty of Social Science: Peter Ashmore [Geography]

3) Representing Brescia College: Alicia Garcia [Human Ecology]

Graduate Studies - Medicine & Dentistry, Health Sciences and Science Constituency

Recommended: That Mark Workentin, elected to Senate by the Graduate Studies - Medicine & Dentistry, Health Sciences and Science constituency, be granted a leave of absence to December 31, 2001, and

That Rob Lipson (Chemistry) be elected as Alternate to Professor Workentin (term to December 31, 2001).

Member of Senate from the General Community

Recommended: That Shanthi Radcliffe be re-elected to serve on Senate (term from November 1, 2001 - October 31, 2003) as representative of the General Community.

Membership on Senate, according to the UWO Act (1982) includes five representatives of the General Community -- the President of the Alumni Association (or designate), two persons appointed by the Alumni Association, and two persons elected by Senate. Nominations for the Senate-elected members come from an ad hoc Senate Nominating Committee.

In accordance with Senate procedures, the ad hoc Nominating Committee has conferred and agreed that Ms. Shanthi Radcliffe, Executive Director of the London Intercommunity Health Centre and an active member of the London community, be recommended for a second term on the Senate.


1. University Records and Archives Policy

The policy attached as is presented for the information of Senate. Once approved by the Board of Governors, it will provide a clear mandate for the development and implementation of a comprehensive records management and archives program for 深夜福利站. It is intended that the draft be circulated to Senate for comment and ultimately submitted to the Board of Governors for approval.

The specific contents of the policy reflect accepted archives and records management principles and practices, as well as what are seen to be the particular needs at 深夜福利站. The following is a brief explanation of the various sections of the policy:

Sections 1.00-2.00 Affirm 深夜福利站's overall commitment to managing records effectively and provides a definition of what constitutes a record.

Sections 3.00-6.00 Define the two elements of the mandate of the University Archives and the scope of policy application and responsibility. The exclusion in 5.00 mirrors the contents of the Guidelines on Access to Information and Protection of Privacy.

Section 7.00 Lists specific goals of the Archives.

Sections 8.00-13.00 Describe the composition and terms of reference of the recommended President's Advisory Committee.

Sections 14.00-16.00 Outline the scope of records management services and support that will be provided to academic and administrative units.

Sections 17.00-24.00 Define the scope and methods of acquiring archival materials and address cooperation with other archives, monetary appraisal, and acquisition outside the normal scope of the policy.

Sections 25.00-29.00 Provide a mechanism for the Archives to review and reassess materials that should not be retained and manage the issue of loans and returns.

Sections 30.00-33.00 Define the range of restrictions that may be placed on access to archival materials and how they will be defined and administered.

2. Candidates for Degrees and Diplomas - Autumn Convocation 2001

On behalf of the Senate (S.96-124), the Provost approved the candidates the list of Candidates for degrees and diplomas to be awarded at Autumn Convocation 2001, as recommended by the Registrar. The list of candidates is appended of the Official Minutes of this Senate meeting.