Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT III - October 19, 2001
Background (Items 1-3):
Nominees are still needed for the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I (SCPT-1), the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II (SCPT-II) and the Senate Committee on Appeals. These Committees will continue to function for the following categories of faculty members until changes to their appointment documents have been approved: a) Clinical Academics - Senate Stream (consideration for promotion and/or granting of Continuing Appointment) (Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999); b) Robarts Research Institute Scientists (consideration for promotion only) (Appointment and Promotion Procedures: Faculty Employed by Robarts Research Institute Affiliated With The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario); c) Basic Scientists in Clinical Departments in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry who are Hospital full-time (HFT) employees with University full academic (UFA) appointments (consideration for promotion only) (Conditions of Appointment: Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Sciences Departments (1988). Revisions to the 1999 Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments are currently being considered by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and it is anticipated that the revisions will come before Senate and the Board this later this year. SCPT-I, SCPT-II and SCA have been deleted from the new procedures in the revised document. However, until such revisions are approved, faculty members in category (a) fall under the current document. A new appointment and promotion document is also being prepared for those faculty members falling within categories (b) and (c) above. The Senate Committees have been removed from the revised procedures in this document also. This document is still being considered by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. Until the new document has been approved by Senate and the Board, the current appointment documents continue to apply for these members. |
Dean of Graduate Studies
One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-II
Five tenured members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.
No member of SCPT-I may also be a member of SCPT-II or the Senate Committee on Appeals.
All Terms were scheduled to end in November 2001
Members: A. Schulte-Hostedde (Grad./Sci.), J. Jiang (Prof./Engg.Sci.), H. Laschinger (Prof./HS)
S. Osborn (Assoc./Sci.), (vacancy, faculty), (vacancy, student).
Required: 5 members of Faculty, with tenure, who are eligible for Senate membership: one to serve for a one-year term (to November 2002), two to serve for two-year terms (to November 2003) and two to serve for three-year terms (to November 2004)
One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-II.
No member of SCPT-I may also be a member of SCPT-II or the Senate Committee on Appeals.
Nominees: Michelle Witen (Arts)(Student - Term to November 2002)
Jin Jiang (Prof/Engg.Sci.)(Term to November 2002)
Margaret McNay (Assoc./Educ.) (Term to November 2003)
Sylvia Osborn (Assoc./Sci.) (Term to November 2003)
Michael Spence (Prof./Soc.Sci) (Term to November 2004)
Tony Vandervoort (Prof./HS) (Term to November 2005)
The Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
Five tenured members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank, and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.
One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-I
No member of the SCPT-II may at the same time be a member of the SCPT-I or the Senate Committee on Appeals.
Members (All terms were scheduled to end in November 2001: (vacancy - Student), J. Cote (Assoc./Soc. Sci.), C. Ellis (Prof./M&D), A. Lee (Assoc./Arts), S. Mangsen (Assoc./Music), E. Skarakis-Doyle (Assoc./HS)
Required: 5 members of Faculty, with tenure, who are eligible for Senate membership: one to serve for a one-year term (to November 2002), two to serve for two year terms (to November 2003) and two to serve for three-year terms (to November 2004)
One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-I.
No member of SCPT-II may also be a member of SCPT-I or the Senate Committee on Appeals.
Nominees: Jon Richardson (HS) (Student - Term to November 2002)
Sandra Mangsen (Assoc./Mus.) (Term to November 2002)
George Emery (Prof./SS) (Term to November 2003)
Ted Lo (Prof/M&D) (Term to November 2003)
Jan Polgar (Assoc./HS) (Term to November 2004)
Charles Trick (Prof/Sci.) (Term to November 2005)
One Dean
One student from the constituent University
Five full-time tenured members of Faculty at the time elected, who are eligible for Senate membership. No more than one shall be an Assistant Professor, and none shall be a Vice-President, Dean, or Department Chair. At least three of these five members of Faculty shall have been members of a Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure or of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, or the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, within five years of the date of election of the Senate Committee on Appeals [marked * on the list below].
Alternates: Alternates shall be elected for each category of member noted below, with the same restrictions. The student Alternate should be from a Faculty other than that of the Member student.
Members: (All terms were scheduled to end November 2001)
D. Raymond (Grad./Arts), D. Allison* (Assoc./Educ.), S. Galsworthy (Prof./M&D), K. Baines* (Prof./Sci.), E. Noble* (Prof./HS), A. Pearson (Dean/Educ.), M. Spence* (Prof./Soc. Sci.)
Alternates (All terms were scheduled to end November 2001):
M. Driman (Undergrad./Ivey), D. Hair (Prof./Arts), C. Iwasiw* (Assoc./HS), F. Longstaffe (Dean/Sci.), C. Nolan* (Assoc./Music) , J. Rylett* (Prof./M&D), S. Singh (Prof./Sci.)
* indicates Member or Alternate had requisite Faculty or Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee experience at time elected.
Members Required: Five full-time tenured members of Faculty at the time elected, who are eligible for Senate membership. No more than one shall be an Assistant Professor, and none shall be a Vice-President, Dean, or Department Chair. At least three of these five members of Faculty shall have been members of a Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure or of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, or the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, within five years of the date of election of the Senate Committee on Appeals [marked * on the list below].
Five full-time tenured members of Faculty, who are eligible for Senate membership: one to serve for a one-year term (to November 2002), two to serve for two year terms (to November 2003) and two to serve for three-year terms (to November 2004).
One student from the constituent University (term to November 2002).
One dean
Nominees: Mark Driman (HBA)( (Student - Term to November 2002)
Allen Pearson (Dean - Term to November 2002)
Kim Baines* (Prof./Sci.)( Term to November 2002)
Sally Galsworthy (Prof./M&D) (Term to November 2003)
Don Hair (Prof./Arts) (Term to November 2003)
Carroll Iwasiw * (Assoc./HS)(Term to November 2003)
Earl Noble* (Prof./HS) (Term to November 2004)
Catherine Nolan* (Assoc./Music) (Term to November 2004)
Alternates Required: Five full-time tenured members of Faculty, who are eligible for Senate membership: one to serve for a one-year term (to November 2002), two to serve for two year terms (to November 2003) and two to serve for three-year terms (to November 2004).
One student from the constituent University (term to November 2002), who is not from the same faculty as the student Members of the Senate Committee on Appeals.
One dean
Nominees: Yuri Chumak (Law) (Student - Term to November 2002)
Fred Longstaffe (Dean - Term to November 2002)
Derek Allison* (Assoc/Educ.)(Term to November 2002)
Jane Rylett* (Prof/M&D) (Term to November 2003)
Richard Semmens (Assoc./Mus.) (Term to November 2003)
Elizabeth Skarakis-Doyle (Assoc./HS) (Term to November 2004)
Shiva Singh (Prof./Sci.) (Term to November 2004)
Composition: The panel from which members are selected by lot is composed of nine tenured members of the faculty of the constituent University, elected by Senate. At least one member of this panel but not more than two shall be from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Science and Medicine & Dentistry, and not more than one shall be from any other Faculty.
Terms continuing to April 30, 2002:
Ingrid Connidis (Soc.Sci.), Stan Dunn (M&D), Vlad Tumanov (Arts)
Terms continuing to April 30, 2003:
Jon Hore (M&D), Heather Laschinger (HS), T. Lookman (Sci.)
Terms ending April 30, 2004:
Tom Carmichael (Arts), Diane Fahselt (Sci), Jeff Stokes (Mus.)
Required: Two members of the faculty of the constituent University with tenure* to serve as Alternates for faculty on leave: one to serve as an alternate to T. Lookman (term to June 30, 2002) and one to serve as an alternate to H. Laschinger (term: January 1 to October 31, 2002).
* Pursuant to Senate resolution, the following are also eligible for election:
• members of Faculty in the Faculty of Medicine (& Dentistry) with University Full Academic (UFA) appointments [S.88-43]; and
• Clinical Academic members of the academic staff of the University appointed under Conditions of Appointment: Physicians
Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999) who hold Continuing
Appointments in the Senate Stream [S.99-64]
The nominees may not be from the Faculties of Arts, Medicine & Dentistry, or Music, no more than one may be from each of the Faculties of Health Sciences, Science or Social Science.
Nominees: Jayne Garland (HS) (term from January 1 to October 31, 2002)
Regna Darnell (SS) (term to June 30, 2002)
Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate, at least two of whom are members of Senate at the time elected.
Retiring in November 2001: D. Fairbairn (S), B. Timney (S)
Continuing to November 2002: S.Siegner (S), G. Weese (S)
Required: Two members elected by Senate - membership terms: faculty - two year; students - one year
Nominees: Kristi McConnell (Undergrad/Sci.)
Brian Timney (S)(Soc.Sci.)
Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate, at least two of whom are members of Senate at the time elected.
Retiring in November 2001: J. Russel, G. Weese (S)
Continuing to November 2002: G. Miller, D. Fairbairn (S)
Required: Two members elected by Senate, one of whom is a member of Senate.
Nominees: Wes Brown (Undergrad/MIT)
Gary Weese (S) (Gen Cmty)
Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate, two of whom are not bioscientists.
Current Senate Elected Members:
Retiring in November 2001: E. O'Sullivan* (Student), P. Cass* (Sci.), W. Roberts (Soc. Sci.)
Continuing to November 2002: M. Bhatia (M&D)
Required: Three members, two of whom are not bioscientists [Terms: Faculty: 2 years; Students: 1 year.]
Nominees: Melanie Pronko * (undergrad/Sci.) (to November 2002)
Luis Capretz * (Engg.Sci) (to November 2003)
Bill Roberts (Soc.Sci.) (to November 2003)
[*Not a bioscientist]