
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT IV - October 19, 2001



1. Withdrawal of the Tertiary Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program (S.98-165)

Recommended: That Senate approve the withdrawal of the Tertiary Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program in the Faculty of Health Sciences' School of Nursing, effective September 1, 2001.


This post-masters certificate program was introduced in September 1998, to meet a need in the London and area health care agencies for advanced practice nurses. This need has now been addressed and there have been no admissions to the program since 1999. Additionally, the program is no longer congruent with the foci of graduate education in the School of Nursing.

2. Collaborative Masters and PhD program in Scientific Computing

Recommended: That Senate approve the establishment of a collaborative graduate program in Scientific Computing.


A collaborative graduate program is an offering involving two or more OCGS and Senate approved graduate programs. 深夜福利站 currently has three collaborative graduate programs: Environmental Sciences, Molecular Biology, and Theoretical Physics. Students in a collaborative program obtain their degree in the discipline of their home program along with a specialization in the area of the collaborative program. For example, a PhD (or MSc) student who has been admitted into the graduate program in Physics can also apply to be admitted into the collaborative program in Environmental Science; his or her degree would then be a PhD (or MSc) in Applied Mathematics with a specialization in Environmental Science. The degree diploma would designate the degree as "PhD (or MSc) in Applied Mathematics (Environmental Science)".

The proposed Scientific Computing collaborative program involves the participation of the following OCGS and Senate approved graduate programs: Applied Mathematics, Astronomy, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Geophysics, Geography, Physics, Physiology, and Statistics.

Students in the proposed collaborative program would acquire a knowledge of computers and computational techniques which they would apply to research problems in their home discipline. This knowledge would be acquired through three core half courses which may be taken in addition to, or as part of, the requirements of the home program. In addition, students would incorporate into their thesis work a scientific computing component. The three core half courses would be chosen from a list of approved graduate courses currently being offered within the participating departments. The program will be administered by an elected advisory committee and a director appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of a committee of chairs of the departments hosting the participating graduate programs.

The proposal for a collaborative graduate program has been approved by the Internal Appraisals Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, was approved for submission to OCGS by SCAPA in March 2001, and was approved by OCGS in September 2001.


1. New Scholarship and Award Conditions

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

HBA Ivey IPO Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

Awarded to students based on academic excellence and leadership qualities as demonstrated by involvement in University or community activities. Students must submit a current resume and an essay (maximum 1000 words) outlining their thoughts on what giving back to the community means to them, including their past experience and future plans for community involvement. The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review applications received by May 1 to select the recipient. This award is made possible by the generosity of the HBA Ivey IPO through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: 1 at $1,000 in 2001-2002; the value of the award in 2002-2003 and beyond will be dependent on income available from the endowed fund.

Effective: May 2001

George Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)

Awarded to a full-time student registered in fourth year of the Dentistry program who exhibits caring and compassion toward patients as well as academic achievement in course work. Selection will be made by the School of Dentistry Scholarships Committee. This scholarship was established by generous donations from the Dentistry Class of 1978 in memory of George Smith through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: $350

Effective Date: May 2001