
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT III - September 21, 2001



1. Admission Requirements for the Doctor of Medicine Program

Recommended: That effective September 1, 2003, the admissions requirements for the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program offered by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry be revised as highlighted below. The changes will affect prospective students applying through the Ontario Medical Student Application Service (OMSAS) in October 2002 for entry to the Doctor of Medicine Program in September 2003.


These changes will replace 2001 Academic Calendar - pages 99 and 100


Application Deadline: Second week of October for admission to Medicine for the following September. Refer to the OMSAS web site for exact dates. (www.ouac.on.ca/omsas/)


Enrolment is limited. Admission to the Doctor of Medicine Program is competitive and the possession of the minimum requirements does not assure acceptance. Individuals satisfying the following requirements are eligible to apply for admission to the first year of the four year MD program in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will consider applications to its first year medical program from individuals who are currently (or were) registered in a Doctor of Medicine Program (or equivalent) elsewhere.

1. a) To be eligible to apply students must:

Only those terms in which at least 5 full or equivalent courses (30 credit hours) are taken will be used in the calculation of GPA admission cutoffs.

When students are required to take more than 5 full courses during any Sept. - April academic year because of program requirements, the five best courses will be used in the calculation of GPA admission cutoffs.

Three full or equivalent senior courses (second year and above) must be included in each of the two undergraduate years being used to determine compliance with established GPA cutoffs.

b) Special Students: University Graduates

Applicants who have earned a degree from a recognized university may elect to continue in full time undergraduate studies, so that academic standing may be improved for application to medical school, for a one year period only. The special year must contain five full or equivalent courses (30 credit hours) with a minimum of four full or equivalent courses at the honors level (numbered 200 or higher at 深夜福利站). Honors level courses at 深夜福利站 numbered 200 are equivalent to third year courses at all other universities. First year courses are not acceptable in the 'special year'.

Note: Prospective applicants who are deemed academically competitive may complete summer courses and part-time academic year courses in order to fulfil the mandatory course requirements listed in #3 prior to admission consideration. (See Selection Criteria for more details on academic requirements).

2. Graduate students are required to have completed all requirements for their graduate degrees and their theses (if required) must be submitted for defense by the examination committee prior to registration in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry MD Program.

3. Prior to being permitted to register in the MD Program, all applicants who are granted admission will be required to have completed successfully the following university-level courses:

a) Science Courses (interpreted as being equivalent to the science courses in 深夜福利站's Academic Calendar). A total of three full, or equivalent, science courses as follows:


two half courses in Organic Chemistry, at least one of which shall have a laboratory component


two half courses, one in each of Organic Chemistry (with a lab component) and Biochemistry (with or without a lab component)

b) Non-Science Courses (as interpreted by 深夜福利站's Academic Calendar)

*Validity of essay course will be audited.

Additional Non-Academic Requirements

Confidential Assessment Form

Any three persons who, in the opinion of the applicant, will give an informed critical assessment will be acceptable as referees.

Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)

All applicants must arrange for verified results of the revised Medical College Admissions Test to be submitted directly to the Ontario Medical School Application Centre. MCAT test results will be accepted provided the test was written no more than five years prior to the October application deadline. Refer to the OMSAS web site (www.ouac.on.ca/omsas/) for exact deadline dates.


Interviews will be conducted beginning in March. Applicants who satisfy the course load, the GPA, and the MCAT requirements (obtaining the minimum in each of the four sections of the MCAT), as determined by the Admissions Committee each year, will have their applications reviewed carefully and will receive consideration for an interview.

However, many factors contribute to the final determination of which applicants will be invited for an interview. Achieving the minimum GPA and MCAT scores does not guarantee an invitation to be interviewed.

Proficiency in English

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant whose facility in written and spoken English is judged to be inadequate.

Basic Life Support Training

Applicants should complete a St. John Ambulance course or the equivalent in standard first aid and a CPR Basic Rescuer course, and be able to produce valid certificates before enrolment in the medical program.

Selection Criteria

Admission to the MD Program is based primarily on the academic undergraduate record, MCAT scores, and the interview score. Although careful assessment is made of the academic record throughout all years at university, the academic marks obtained during the final and the best other full undergraduate year will be used to formulate your grade point average (five full courses in each year (30 credit hours), September to April, will be considered).

Admission and Application Policies

The maximum number of places available in first year is 118.

Following the final date for application, an applicant may file any supplementary information relevant to the application with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, on or before the last day of May in the year following submission of the application.

Applicants may request a review of the decision of the Medicine Admissions Committee, provided that such a request is based upon new and significant information pertinent to the application. This request must be filed with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, no later than two weeks after the issue of the original decision. The request should contain information not available to the applicant prior to the last Wednesday in May in the year following submission of the application. This request will be passed on to the Appeals Committee whose decision is final.

Advanced Standing and Transfers

The structure of the medical curriculum at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario is such that transfer from another Canadian medical school can be considered only in very exceptional cases and subject to space being available. Applicants considering transfer must first contact the office of Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs. 深夜福利站 does not accept advanced standing or transfers from non-Canadian Medical Schools.


On-line applications can be obtained from the OMSAS website. Applicants are encouraged to use the on-line application form as there will be an extra charge for the paper version. Please refer to the OMSAS website for "Important Dates".

The Ontario Medical School Application Service (OMSAS)

170 Research Lane

Guelph, Ontario N1G 5E2

E-Mail: omsas@ouac.on.ca

On-Line applications: (http://www.ouac.on.ca/omsas/)

All applicants must:

a) submit to OMSAS a completed on-line application for admission form, making sure that all the pertinent instructions in the OMSAS on-line Instructional Booklet are followed;

b) arrange for the MCAT official scores to be sent to OMSAS for verification. Applicants should contact the MCAT Program Office for further details on the test:

The MCAT Program Office

2255 North Dubuque Road

P.O. Box 4056

Iowa City, Iowa

U.S.A. 52243

Phone: (Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Central Time)

(319) 337-1357


A non-refundable institutional levy and OMSAS processing fee are required. Please refer to the OMSAS website (www.ouac.on.ca/omsas/) for the application fees.


Offers of admission will commence at the end of May. Students accepted for admission into any year of Medicine will be advised directly by the Registrar's Office concerning registration.

No student will be registered after the designated registration date except by special permission of the Associate Dean, Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs. Those who register late will pay a late registration fee.


Students in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will be required to care for persons with infectious diseases (including Hepatitis B and HIV) should they be assigned to them. Students accepted to the medical program will be sent complete documentation regarding health status policies and immunization requirements. Documentation of immunization and tuberculin status will be required.


The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has proposed these changes to provide flexibility to applicants applying to the medical program. Some students take six courses in the academic year and presently the GPA is calculated on the six courses. With the recommended change, the Faculty will take the best five.

The Faculty was also of the opinion that applicants should be given a choice of taking Biochemistry as the feedback received from current students is that it is a benefit for the applicants to have taken a biochemistry course.

At the present time, the Faculty accepts MCAT scores as long as the test was written in April 1991 or later. The change to this policy is that the test must be written no more than five years prior to the October application deadline. This will keep in line with the other Ontario Medical Schools.

Due to the fact that the Faculty has increased enrollment by 15, making the class size 118, The International (Student Visa) MD Program has been suspended. Anything relating to the International Program has been removed from the calendar.

2. Certificate in Palliative Care and Thanatology to be renamed Certificate in Grief and Bereavement Studies

Recommended: That the Certificate in Palliative Care and Thanatology be renamed Certificate in Grief and Bereavement Studies.


This certificate is offered jointly between King's College and The 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies. It is the view of the King's College that people do not understand the current title of the certificate and it does not accurately reflect what is being taught. As a result, the College has requested that it be changed. The calendar copy for program and course descriptions will not change as a result of this change to the title.


1. Report on New Scholarships and Awards

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, awards and bursaries for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

Sylvia D. Chrominska HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

Awarded biennially to a student entering first year of the HBA program based on financial need and academic excellence. Preference will be given to female students. The award will continue in year two upon successful completion of year one. If a recipient does not retain the scholarship, a new student will not be selected. Applications for this award can be obtained from the HBA Program Services office at the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be completed by August 1. The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient once financial need has been determined by Student Financial Services. This award was established by Sylvia D. Chrominska (HBA '75).

Value: 1 two year continuing award of $1,500 offered biennially

Effective from 2001-2002 to 2004 - 2005 or as long as funds permit.

Marlene Lee Scholarship (Faculty of Social Science, Sociology)

Awarded to a student in an undergraduate Sociology program based on academic achievement (minimum 80% average). The recipient will be selected by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Science in consultation with the Department of Sociology. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: $500 effective beginning in the 2002-2003 academic year

Effective: May 2002

Jean Kienapple Memorial Scholarship In Audiology (Faculty of Graduate Studies, CSD)

Awarded to a student entering the first year of a Graduate Program in Communication Sciences and Disorders in Audiology based on academic achievement (minimum 80%). The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders will select the recipient. This scholarship was established by generous contributions from family, friends and the Audiology community in memory of Jean Kienapple.

Value: $600 effective 2001-2002

Effective: May 2001

Dentistry Class of 1975 Scholarships (2) (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)

One scholarship will be awarded to a student entering first year of the undergraduate Dentistry program and a second scholarship will be available to a student enrolled in any year of the undergraduate Dentistry program. The School of Dentistry Scholarships and Awards Committee will select the recipients based on academic achievement. These scholarships were established by generous donations from the Dentistry Class of 1975 through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: 2 at $1,000 effective 2001-2002

Effective: May 2001

Ontario Medical Association Student Bursaries (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Awarded to students in the undergraduate Medicine program who demonstrate financial need. These bursaries were established by generous donations from medical alumni and friends and the Ontario Medical Foundation

Value: Approximately $5,000 will be available in 2001-2002, but the amount available in future years will vary based on funds received. Bursaries will be valued at a minimum of $1,000 each.

Effective: May 2001

M. E. (Peggy) Collins Memorial Awards (Faculty of Graduate Studies)

Awarded to a part-time graduate student in a part-time designated graduate program who achieves a minimum 78% academic average in courses completed. Preference will be given to individuals who are in the workforce full time; have family commitments; are involved in the community at 深夜福利站 or the community at large. Applications are available through the Society of Graduate Students Office and must be completed by October 31. Applications must be accompanied by an essay (max. 250 words) describing the candidate's commitments to work, family and community involvement. Selection will be made a committee appointed by the Professional and Managerial Association (PMA) with undergraduate and graduate faculty representation in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

This award was made possible by generous donations from the family, friends and colleagues of Peggy Collins, a long-time employee of 深夜福利站. It is hoped that this award will help to continue Peggy's unending efforts to support others in their meaningful struggles to balance family, career and personal development. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: Up to 2 at $1,000, depending on funds available

Effective: May 2001

M. E. (Peggy) Collins Memorial Awards (Any Undergraduate Faculty)

Awarded to a mature undergraduate student who is taking one or more part-time credit courses at 深夜福利站. Selection will be based on academic achievement in courses completed and preference will be given to individuals who are in the workforce full time; have family commitments; are involved in the community at 深夜福利站 or the community at large. Applications are available through Student Financial Services in the Office of the Registrar and must be completed by October 31. Applications must be accompanied by an essay (max 250 words) describing the candidate's motivation for returning to school as a mature student and any commitments to work, family and community involvement. Selection will be made by Student Financial Services in consultation with a committee appointed by the Professional and Managerial Association (PMA) with undergraduate and graduate faculty representation.

This award was made possible by generous donations from the family, friends and colleagues of Peggy Collins, a long-time employee of 深夜福利站. It is hoped that this award will help to continue Peggy's unending efforts to support others in their meaningful struggles to balance family, career and personal development. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: Up to 2 at $1,000, depending on funds available

Effective: May 2001

Dr. E.F. Lepine Memorial Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in Medicine who demonstrates academic achievement and financial need. Preference will be given to a student on a varsity athletic team, followed by a preference for a student on an intramural athletic team. Applications are available through Student Financial Services in the Office of the Registrar and must be completed by March 15. Recipients on a varsity team must be in compliance with OUA and CIAU regulations. Selection will be made by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry in consultation with Intercollegiate Athletics. This award was established by a generous gift from the estate of Dr. E.F. Lepine through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: $1,000

Effective: May 2001

This award includes matched funding through the OSOTF program.

General Motors of Canada Limited - Government of Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Engineering Science (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Engineering Science)

Awarded to full-time Masters or Doctoral students conducting research in Engineering Science with preference given to students in Electrical or Computer and Software Engineering. Recipients will be selected by the Province of Ontario or the Faculty of Graduate Studies based on the criteria identified by the OGS or OGSST programs.

Preference for receiving funding from General Motors of Canada Limited will be given to individuals who meet one or more of the following additional criteria: are female; are members of a visible, cultural or ethnic minority; have a physical disability; are the first members of their families to attend a university. These scholarships were established by a generous contribution from General Motors of Canada Limited.

Value: Approximately $6,400 will be available beginning in 2001-2002 provided that recipients are found. With government matching funds, this will provide at least $19,200 to graduate students in Engineering Science. The value of the scholarships will increase as the allocation for spending generated by the capital increases.

Effective: May 2001

General Motors of Canada Limited Graduate Scholarships in Engineering Science (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Engineering Science)

Awarded annually to full-time Masters or Doctoral students entering first year of their graduate program in Engineering Science based on academic achievement (minimum 80% admission average). Preference will be given to students conducting research in Electrical or Computer and Software Engineering. This scholarship may be retained provided that the recipient maintain an 80% average. A new recipient will not be selected unless the current recipient fails to qualify or graduates. Recipients will be selected by a committee of Members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies from Engineering Science. The Selection Committee should consult the Faculty of Graduate Studies to determine what other sources of graduate funding may be held concurrently with this scholarship. Recipients may not hold this scholarship beyond the normal duration for funding at the graduate level. Consult the Graduate Studies calendar for details.

Preference for receiving these scholarships will be given to individuals who meet one or more of the following additional criteria: are female; are members of a visible, cultural, or ethnic minority; have a physical disability; are the first members of their families to attend a university. These scholarships were established by a generous contribution from General Motors of Canada Limited.

Value: One at $5,000 (applied to recipient's UWO tuition account in two equal instalments in each of the first two terms of full-time enrolment). This scholarship will only be given if funds are available.

One at $1,412 (applied to recipient's UWO tuition account in two equal instalments in each of the first two terms of full-time enrolment). This scholarship will only be given if funds are available.

Effective: May 2001 for the 2001-2002 academic year

General Motors of Canada Limited Scholarship of Excellence in Engineering Science (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student entering first year of the Engineering Science program who achieves a 90% admission average. This scholarship will continue in Year 2 and beyond provided that the recipient is in an Electrical or Computer and Software Engineering program and maintains an 80% average and full-time course load. If the recipient of the continuing scholarship fails to meet these requirements, another student from the same year will be selected based on the criteria stated herein.

Preference for receiving this scholarship will be given to individuals who meet one or more of the following additional criteria: are female; are members of a visible, cultural or ethnic minority; have a physical disability; are the first members of their families to attend a university. This scholarship was established by a generous contribution from General Motors of Canada Limited.

Value: 1 at $2,000 (continuing for four years)

Effective: May 2001 for the 2001-2002 academic year

General Motors of Canada Limited Scholarships of Distinction in Engineering Science (2) (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students entering first year of the Engineering Science program who achieve an 85% admission average. These scholarships will continue in Year 2 and beyond provided that the recipients are in an Electrical or Computer and Software Engineering program and maintain an 80% average and full-time course load. If the recipients of the continuing scholarship fail to meet these requirements, another student from the same year will be selected based on the criteria stated herein.

Preference for receiving these scholarships will be given to individuals who meet one or more of the following additional criteria: are female; are members of a visible, cultural or ethnic minority; have a physical disability; are the first members of their families to attend a university. These scholarships were established by a generous contribution from General Motors of Canada Limited.

Value: 2 at $1,000 (continuing for four years)

Effective: May 2001 for the 2001-2002 academic year

Accenture HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

Awarded to a student entering year two of the HBA program at the Richard Ivey School of Business who has demonstrated leadership in extracurricular activities such as professional, school, social or community organizations, sports or part-time employment. The recipient must also obtain a minimum 80% academic average in year one and have an interest in pursuing a career in consulting. Applications are available from the HBA Programs Office and must be completed by May 1. The Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select the recipients. This award is made possible through funding provided by Accenture Inc.

Value: $1,000

Effective: May 2001

John E. Hastings Scholarship (Faculty of Social Science, Political Science)

Awarded to an undergraduate student in any year beyond year one of a program in Political Science based on academic achievement (minimum 80% academic average) who demonstrates an interest in Canadian politics and involvement in extra-curricular activities at the University or in the community. Applications can be obtained from the Faculty of Social Science and must be returned by October 31. The Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, in consultation with the Department of Political Science, will select the recipient. This award is made possible by a generous gift from John E. Hastings.

Value: $1,000 effective 2001-2002 to 2005-2006

Effective: May 2001

Ron Joyce Foundation Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Social Science, Richard Ivey School of Business)

One bursary will be awarded to an undergraduate student in any year of the Honors Business Administration program and a second bursary will be awarded to a student in any year of the Administrative and Commercial Studies program who demonstrates financial need. These bursaries were established by a generous gift from the Ron Joyce Foundation.

Value: 2 at $2,375 awarded annually (value will increase as capital increases)

Effective: September 2002

Mary R. Stewart Scholarship (Faculty of Arts)

Awarded to a student entering third year of the combined Honors program in English and French, who achieved the highest academic average in second year. In the case of a tie, preference will be given to a female student. The Faculty of Arts Scholarships and Awards Committee will select the recipient. This scholarship was established by a generous bequest from Mary R. Stewart (HBA '39) through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: $1,500

Effective: May 2002

Stephanie Spinks French Scholarship (Faculty of Arts, French)

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in any year beyond year one of a French program with a minimum 85% academic average. This scholarship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by a bequest from Stephanie Spinks (BA'60, French).

Value: $1,000 (s.a. Stephanie Spinks Arts Scholarship in the award revisions below.)

Effective: May 2001

Honor Robinson-Hair Memorial Scholarship (Faculty of Science, Mathematics)

Awarded to a full-time student in any year of an Honors Mathematics program based on academic achievement. Preference will be given to a female student. The Faculty of Science Scholarships and Awards Committee will select the recipient. This award was established by Ms. Jane L. Hair, Mrs. Judith Hair-Weinstein and Mr. James Hair in memory of Honor Robinson-Hair (HBA '32) who was one of the first female graduates from 深夜福利站's Honors Mathematics program. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: $1,000

Effective: May 2002

Jon and Nancy Love HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

Awarded biennially to a student entering first year of the HBA program based on financial need and demonstrated extracurricular activities. The award will continue in year two upon successful completion of year one. If a recipient does not retain the scholarship, a new student will not be selected. Applications for this award can be obtained from the HBA Program Services office at the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be completed by August 1. The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient once financial need has been determined by Student Financial Services. This award is made possible by a donation from Nancy Yeomans Love (HBA '76) and Jon Love (HBA '76)

Value: $500 HBA Year 1 in 2002-2003

$1,000 HBA Year 2 in 2003-2004

$1,500 HBA Year 1 in 2004-2005

$2,000 HBA Year 2 in 2005-2006

$2,500 HBA Year 1 in 2006-2007

$2,500 HBA Year 2 in 2007-2008 and thereafter

2. Statement on Code of Student Conduct for the Academic Calendar

Following approval of the Code of Student Conduct by the Board of Governors in June, the following statement will be added to the Academic Calendar [on page 9 (Student Services) under the Statement on Human Rights]:

Code of Student Conduct
Every student is expected to comply with the provisions of the Code of Student Conduct. Sanctions for non-compliance range from a warning or reprimand to expulsion from the University. It is the responsibility of every student to read the Code and familiarize him or herself with its contents. The Code is available at Copies can also be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, from Deans' Offices and from Residences.