
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - June 21, 2001



1. Senate Membership: Graduate Student Constituency

Recommended: That the Senate seat held by Ryan Whyte, elected representative to Senate for the Graduate Student constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and That Tarek Elsohl (PhD II, Engineering Science) be elected to complete Mr. Whyte's term (September 1 to October 31, 2001).

2. Procedures for Casual Academic Appointments of Faculty* at the University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario

Recommended: That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, the Procedures for Casual Academic Appointments of Faculty* at The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario (Appendix 1).


Since 1984, the University has had formal procedures for the appointment of part-time and temporary faculty members on Limited-Duties appointments. Part-time faculty members with major responsibility for teaching courses were appointed under this document as well as those faculty members whose contributions to the University were minimal. For example, Adjunct Professors may have been collaborators on research grants and performing minimal teaching duties while other faculty may have held appointments where supervision of graduate students would be the only assignment involved in the appointment.

With the ratification of the Collective Agreement, the nature of Limited-Duties appointments changed. Under the Agreement, a Limited-Duties Appointment is defined as "a fixed-term non-probationary Appointment to the academic staff of the University which involves assigned duties equivalent to those associated with primary responsibility for teaching a university degree credit course." While the Collective Agreement Limited-Duties Appointments require this teaching component and Adjunct Professor is now a rank reserved for those Part-time Members who hold an earned doctoral degree, or equivalent, there remains a need for an appointment category for those who hold academic appointments with minimal duties who will not meet the threshold for an appointment under the Collective Agreement. In this regard, the "Procedures for Casual Academic Appointments of Faculty at The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario" (excluding physicians appointed in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry), has been developed as a means to appoint those who require appointments with the University in order to apply as co-investigators on research grants (Adjunct Research Professors), supervise graduate students on post-retirement appointments, supervise dental students in the clinics, etc. To avoid repeated appointment processes, the new procedures allow an appointment arrangement of up to five years. Appointees under this document will not be eligible for membership in the Bargaining Unit by virtue of their minimal contributions to the University.


* Excludes physicians appointed in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

3. Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (SUREP)

Recommended: That the Composition of the Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy be revised as follows:

1) Add one community representative to the membership, to be appointed by the Vice-President (Research) for a two-year term

2) Delete the position of Deputy Chair, Health Sciences Research Ethics Board (who is non-voting unless acting as Alternate for the Chair of the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board)

3) Revise the office acting as Secretariat to the Subcommittee from the Office of Research Services (Research Ethics section) to the Office of Research Ethics.


1) The addition of a community representative will parallel the requirements for other research ethics boards and conform with the tri-council policy guidelines.

2) The position of Deputy Chair, HSREB, is no longer formally recognized as a separate position. The incumbent currently attends as the Director of Research Ethics. The Chair of the HSREB attends a as an ex officio member and can therefore name an alternate to attend meetings.

3) The Office of Research Ethics which is fairly new has now been delegated this responsibility.

Appendix 2 shows the proposed changes.


1. Nominating Committee Membership

At its May 18, 2001, meeting, Senate received additional nominations for the membership of the Nominating Committee in the Report of the Operations/Agenda Committee. An election by mail ballot was held and the results of the election are that Tom Carmichael (Arts) and Tony Percival-Smith (Science) were elected for terms to November 2001 and Alison Lee (Arts) was elected as an alternate for M. Floryan for a term from August 1, 2001 to May 31, 2002.

2. Enquiry Period - Senate Meetings (S.01-26)

For many years the Senate agenda was ordered so that the Enquiry period followed the Report of the President.

Starting in November 1999, the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee ordered the Senate agenda such that "Enquiries" and "New Business" appear together at the end of the agenda, just before adjournment. At the time, the Chair of Operations/Agenda explained to Senate "that historically the intention of the 'Enquiries' session [had] been to question the progress of Senate matters. The Operations/Agenda Committee, following a review of the agenda format, observed that the Enquiry period [had] been used more frequently to raise questions of a general nature, and for that reason has been included in the same agenda item as New Business."At the May 18 Senate meeting, Professor Katz asked that the placement of Enquiries on the agenda be reconsidered, noting that often those who might answer an Enquiry have left the Senate meeting by the time Enquiries are entertained at the end of the meeting.Operations/Agenda has reviewed this issue and has concluded that Enquiries, coupled with New Business, is appropriately placed at the end of the agenda. It is important that the mandated business of Senate be considered in a timely way while quorum is still present. The Committee suggested, however, that Senators who plan to ask a question during the Enquiry period could ensure that an answer would be forthcoming at the Senate meeting if they advise the Secretary of Senate a few days prior to a Senate meeting of the substance of their question. If the question is received prior to the meeting of the Operations/Agenda Committee (typically 8 days prior to a Senate meeting), it can be placed on an Exhibit entitled "Enquiries and New Business" so that Senators will be aware of important questions that will arise. Alternatively, or in addition to the Exhibit page, the Secretariat could have a web page where such questions are posted (including those received closer to the Senate meeting).

3. Amendment: Candidates for Degrees - Spring Convocation 1979

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 1979, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 1, 1979: Faculty of Social Science

Bachelor of Arts


4. Amendment: Candidates for Degrees: October Convocation 2000

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Fall Convocation 2000, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 20, 2000. October 26, 2000

Faculty of Health Sciences


Faculty of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Arts (Honors Kinesiology)


Senate Agenda, June 21, 2001 - EXHIBIT I, Appendix 2
Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (SUREP)
Terms of Reference:To review issues relating to research involving human subjects and make recommendations to the Vice-President (Research).To decide appeals of final decisions made by the research ethics boards. Composition: To be elected by Senate for two year terms (staggered):

• Chair of the Subcommittee

• Two Ethicists

• Two additional membersTo be appointed by the Vice-President (Research) for a two year term:

• One Hospital/Research Institute representative

  • One community representative

Ex officio:

• Vice-President (Research) or designate

• Chair of the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board

• Chair of the Non-Health Sciences Research Ethics Board

• Director of Research Ethics, or designate• Deputy Chair of the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board (non-voting unless acting as Alternate for the Chair of the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board)The Subcommittee shall meet as required, but at least twice annually.The Subcommittee may establish ad hoc working groups and bring in expertise as required.The Office of Research Services (Research Ethics section) shall act as Secretariat to the Subcommittee.

Approved: 2001 01 2001 06