
Senate Agenda, May 18, 2001 - EXHIBIT I



1. Senate Membership

Faculty Constituencies


1) That the Senate seat held by Patrick Deane elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Arts constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Douglas Kneale (English) be elected to complete Professor Deane's term (July 1 to October 31, 2001).
2) That the Senate seat held by Patrick Mahon elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Arts constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That John Hatch (Visual Arts) be elected to complete Professor Mahon's term (July 1 to October 31, 2001).
3) That Marilyn Randall elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Arts constituency, be granted a leave of absence from Senate, and
That Clive Thomson (French) be elected to serve as an alternate for Professor Randall (term July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002).
4) That Philip Stooke elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Graduate Studies - At Large constituency, be granted a leave of absence and
That Michael Carroll (Sociology) be elected to serve as an alternate for Professor Stooke (term July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002).
5) That the Senate seat held by Tilottama Rajan elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Graduate Studies - Interdisciplinary/Collaborative programs constituency, be declared vacant as a result of her resignation, and
That Lai-Wo (Stan) Leung (Neuroscience) be elected to complete Professor Rajan's term (September 1 to October 31, 2001).
6) That the Senate seat held by Jerry White elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Graduate Studies - Arts/Music/Social Science constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Christopher Smart (Geography) be elected to complete Professor White's term (July 1 to October 31, 2001).
7) That the Senate seat held by Maciej Floryan elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Engineering Science constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and

That Jesse Zhu (Chemical and Biochemical Engineering) be elected to complete Professor Floryan's term (August 1 to October 31, 2001).

8) That the Senate seat held by Phillip Dean elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Science constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Lalu Mansinha (Earth Sciences), first runner up in the last Senate election, be elected to complete Professor Dean's term (July 1 to October 31, 2001).
9) That the Senate seat held by Louise Milligan elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Science constituency, be declared vacant as a result of her resignation, and
That Ronald Martin (Chemistry), runner up in the last Senate election, be elected to complete Professor Milligan's term (July 1 to October 31, 2001).

Graduate Student Constituency


1) That the Senate seat held by Tania Kerman, elected representative to Senate for the Graduate Student constituency, be declared vacant as a result of her resignation, and
That Fern Gauthier (PhD Zoology) be elected to complete Ms. Kerman's term (to October 31, 2001).

Undergraduate Student Constituencies


1) That the Senate seat held by Michael Curry, elected representative to Senate for the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine & Dentistry constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Sera Vavala (Health Sciences IV) be elected to complete Mr. Curry's term (September 1 to October 31, 2001).
2) That the Senate seat held by Luke Petrykowski elected representative to Senate for the Undergraduate Student At Large constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Kyla Lamarsh (Honors Political Science II) be elected to complete Mr. Petrykowski's term (August 18 to October 31, 2001).
3) That the Senate seat held by Jeff Sutton, elected representative to Senate in the Undergraduate At Large constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Tim Shortill (Honors Political Science III - Huron) be elected to complete Mr. Sutton's term (to October 31, 2001).
4) That Michele Witen elected undergraduate student representative to Senate for the Arts and Music constituency, be granted a leave of absence, and
That Mathew Varsava (Honors Philosophy II) be elected to serve as alternate for Ms. Witen (to August 31, 2001)

2. Nominating Committee Membership

[Senate Membership List effective July 1/01 is attached as Appendix 1]

Composition: Seven members of Senate, elected by Senate, at least one of whom shall be a graduate student. Not more than two members may be from a single academic unit. The Faculty of Graduate Studies is not considered an academic unit in this context.

There will be three alternates who are members of Senate, one of whom is a student, to attend meetings when regular members are unable to attend.

Ex officio members include: Chair of the Student Caucus on Governance

Current Elected Membership:

Retiring November 2001:

M. Weyers (Grad.), P. Deane (Arts), S. Mangsen (Mus.), T. Rajan (Arts)

M. Witen (Undergrad.), G. Cherian (M&D)

Continuing to November 2002:

M. Floryan (Engg. Sci.), J. MacKinnon (H. Sci.), M. Westmacott (Soc. Sci.)

R. Darnell (Soc. Sci.)

Members Required:

Three members of Senate: two to complete the terms of P. Deane and T. Rajan who have resigned (terms: July 1 to November 2001) and one to serve as an alternate for M. Floryan who has requested a leave of absence (term: August 1, 2001 to May 31, 2002). Not more than one of these members may be from the Faculties of Health Sciences, Music or Social Science.

Nominees: Alison Lee (S)(term: August 1, 2001, to May 31, 2002)
Tom Carmichael (S)(term: July 1 to November 2001)
Sharon Rich (S)(term: July 1 to November 2001)

3. University Research Board

Recommended: That the Associate Vice-President (Research) be added as an ex officio member of the University Research Board.


The AVP (Research) is a new position and a logical addition to the Board's membership.

4. Senate Committee on Priorities in Academic Development

Recommended: That the membership of SUPAD be revised to replace the Vice-President (Research) with the Associate Vice-President (Research) who will serve as Chair.


The current ex officio (voting) membership of SUPAD includes: 1) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair, 2) the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, who shall be Vice-Chair and 3) the Chair of SCUP. With the naming of the new AVP (Research), the Vice-President (Research) has asked that the responsibility serving on and chairing SUPAD be delegated to this new position.

5. Senate Election Procedures for Faculty

Recommended: That the Senate Election Procedures relevant to election of faculty to Senate be revised as shown below to allow for Internet Voting.



Academic Units and Constituencies

Pursuant to Section 24.(1)(b) and (1)(d), members of Faculty shall be elected as follows:

24.(1)(b) members of the Faculty, elected in the following numbers:

(i) Faculty of Graduate Studies - ten members
(ii) Faculty of Arts - five members
(iii) Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - five members
(iv) Faculty of Science - five members
(v) Faculty of Social Science - five members
(vi) Faculty of Health Sciences - four members
(vii) Faculty of Information and Media Studies - two members
(viii) Faculty of Education - two members
(ix) Faculty of Engineering Science - two members
(x) Faculty of Law - two members
(xi) Faculty of Music - two members
(xii) Richard Ivey School of Business - two members
(xiii) subject to approval by two-thirds of the members of Senate, any other academic unit that may be established hereafter - one member

24.(1)(d) three members from each affiliated college, one of whom shall be the academic head of that college and the others to be elected as provided in section 25, who shall have voice in all matters but shall not vote on resolutions, recommendations or requests submitted to the Board where such matters do not directly involve the affiliated colleges as shall be determined by the Senate.

Pursuant to Senate Resolution, the following constituencies comprise the Faculty of Graduate Studies unit:

2 members - elected by members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies holding faculty appointments in the Faculties of Music, Arts, Social Sciences

2 members - elected by members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies holding faculty appointments in the Faculties of Medicine & Dentistry, Science, Health Sciences

2 members - elected by members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies holding faculty appointments in the Faculties of Engineering Science, Education, Information and Media Studies, and the Richard Ivey School of Business

1 member - elected by members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies who are members of interdisciplinary or collaborative graduate programs

3 members - elected by the members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at large

Pursuant to Senate Resolution, the following constituencies comprise the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry unit:

1 member - elected from and by the School of Dentistry

4 members - elected from and by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at large

Candidate and Voter Eligibility

To vote for representatives of constituent university Faculties and Schools, members of Faculty of the University must be listed as such in the records of the Records Section of the Division of Human Resources. Since these records may not include all Affiliated College faculty, for the Brescia College, Huron University College and King's College constituencies, the respective College may conduct its own internal election and report the name of the winner to the Senate Secretariat.

Pursuant to Section 25(1) and 25(2),

25.(1) The election of a member of the Senate under clause 24(1)(b) or (d) shall be by secret ballot of the members of the academic unit or affiliated college to be represented who hold the rank of assistant professor or higher, but in all other respects such an election shall be in accordance with the manner and procedures established and determined by the Senate.

25.(2) To be eligible for election to the Senate under clause 24(1)(b) or (d), a person must be a member of the academic unit or constituent parts thereof as designated by the Senate or affiliated college to be represented, must hold the rank of assistant professor or higher, and must have held an academic appointment in the University or affiliated college for at least two academic years.

Pursuant to Senate Resolution:

(1) A member of faculty, holding an appointment in more than one academic unit (or constituency within that unit) other than the Faculty of Graduate Studies, may accept nomination only in that unit designated as the "Home Faculty/School". Such a member of faculty would, however, be eligible to vote in each academic unit in which he or she is a member.

(2) Persons holding part-time academic appointments with the rank of Assistant Professor or higher shall be eligible for election and to vote in their appropriate academic units.

(3) Persons holding Clinical Academic appointments with the rank of Assistant Professor or higher shall be eligible for election and to vote in their appropriate academic units.

(4) If, at any annual election, no nominations are received for a faculty constituency, Senate may appoint a member upon the recommendation of the constituency concerned.

(5) Emeritus Professors who are members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies are eligible to vote for representatives of the Faculty of Graduate Studies to the Senate. Ballots will be mailed to the Emeritus Professors' home Departments.


The Secretary of Senate shall, within the first three weeks of September each year, call for nominations of candidates to represent the academic units.

The nomination of a candidate shall be on a prescribed form available at the Office of the Secretary of the Senate and accessible on an election website [http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/election]. Such form shall be signed in one of the following ways:

a. by 10 members or 10%, whichever is the lesser, of the members eligible to vote in the academic unit or constituency to be represented;

b. by the Nominating Committee of the Council of that unit through the Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Nomination forms signed only by the Chair of a Nominating Committee or, if the Chair is unavailable, the Dean shall be valid when the Chair or Dean is reporting for the Committee.

The agreement of the nominee to be a candidate for election shall be shown by the signature of said nominee on the nomination form or in an attached letter. Any person nominated, who might not be available to sign the nomination sheet, shall be permitted to notify the Secretary of Senate by mail of his/her intention to be a candidate up until the final date for nomination call. The nominee may submit on the reverse side of the nomination form a biographical statement or other comments up to a limit of 75 words. This statement (if submitted) and a digital photograph of the candidate (if he or she agrees to having it taken by the University Secretariat) will be posted on the Election Website and linked to the ballot.

Completed nomination forms must be submitted to the Secretary of Senate not less than seven but not more than fourteen consecutive days from the official date of call for nominations. The Secretary of Senate shall then publish official lists of the valid nominations in 深夜福利站 News and by memorandum to the Dean of each academic unit as soon as possible thereafter. The official lists will be by unit and by name alphabetically, showing the rank (and department, if applicable) of each nominee.

The Secretary of Senate shall, as soon as possible and not later than seven days after the publication of the list of nominees, distribute ballots to all eligible voters appropriate to their units showing only the full names of the candidates in alphabetical order, with official envelopes for their return. Completed ballots must be submitted to the Secretary of Senate not later than 4:00 p.m. on the seventeenth day after the official date of distribution of the ballots.

Balloting will be conducted during a designated period at an election site linked to 深夜福利站's Homepage on the Internet.

The Secretary of Senate and two Honorary Scrutineers, appointed by the Senate, shall be responsible for validating all ballots, for the counting of the poll and for publishing the names of the successful candidates in an official notice of the Senate, within forty-eight hours of the closing of the poll. The successful candidates for each unit shall be those who obtain the largest number of votes in each unit concerned.


The system of Internet voting for graduate and undergraduate students was used successfully in the Fall of 1999. The Board approved web-voting for the administrative staff in the Fall of 2000. The system, devised by Information Technology Services in consultation with the University Secretariat and the Division of Human Resources, will be able to allow voting on the World Wide Web for Board of Governors and Senate faculty constituencies in the next election. Internet voting will save significant amounts of time and cost which to date have been spent preparing, printing, stuffing, mailing and opening return and secrecy envelopes and counting ballots for approximately 1850 members of faculty to date.

The election schedules conform closely to the rules governing elections. However, some of the regulations need to be changed, as outlined below:

1. The ballot website now supplies more information to voters about candidates. Photographs and statements of candidates in all constituencies can now be posted on the election Web site.

2. The ballot is linked to the UWO Homepage [http://www.uwo.ca] during the two day period in which polls are open. In this way the ballot will be accessible to anyone from any computer with a connection to the Internet.

3. Reference to Honorary Scrutineers, recounts and retention of ballots has been removed since ballot counting will be managed electronically.

The election process will be advertised in 深夜福利站 News. The voter enters his or her Personal Computing Account name and password (normally used for uwo e-mail or dialin accounts) and these are checked by the system to confirm that the employee is a valid voter. ITS has assigned ID's and passwords to all faculty, staff and students. Through advertisements in the 深夜福利站 News and mass e-mails, everyone will be directed to the Election Website [http:\\www.uwo.ca\univsec\election\] which further explains the system and provides a sample ballot.

The new voting system will allow an individual to vote only once. Two files will be created and backed-up: one records the ID number, time and machine used to access the web, the other records the vote cast by the individual once the ID number is validated. However, the stored record will NOT reveal how the individual voted. The system is one-way encrypted, i.e., it would be impossible to retrieve information on how the voter voted.


1. Fall 2001 Senate Election Schedule

Elections will be held for representatives of the undergraduate and graduate student, faculty and administrative staff constituencies this Fall. The election schedules are outlined below:

2001 Senate Election Schedule
Faculty and Administrative Staff
Call for Nominations
[WWW, 深夜福利站 News]
September 13
Nominations Open September 14
Nominations Close 4:00 p.m., September 27
Posting of Nominations September 28
Balloting on the Web - Polls Open 12:01 a.m., Tuesday, October 10
Balloting on the Web - Polls Close 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, October 11
Posting of Results October 12
Publication of Official Results October 18 (深夜福利站 News)

2001 Senate Election Schedule
Graduate and Undergraduate Student
Call for Nominations
[WWW, Gazette, 深夜福利站 News]
September 13
Nominations Open September 14
Nominations Close for Undergraduate
"Academic" Constituencies
4:00 p.m., Mon., September 24
Nominations Close for Undergraduate
At Large and Graduate Student Constituencies
4:00 p.m., Thurs., September 27
Mandatory Candidates' Advisory Meeting 5:30 p.m., September 27 [Room 142 UC]
Posting of Nominations September 28 [Room 290 SLB]
Campaign Period begins 12:01 a.m. Monday, October 1
Campaign Period ends 11:59 p.m., Tues., October 16
Balloting on the Web - Polls Open 12:01 a.m., Wed., October 17
Balloting on the Web - Polls Close 8:00 p.m., October 18
Posting of Results October 19
Publication of Official Results October 25 (深夜福利站 News)

2. Candidates for Theological Degrees - Huron University College

a) Master of Divinity Candidates

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following list of candidates who received the Master of Divinity degree at the 2001 Spring Convocation at Huron University College (May 3, 2001).

Eleanor Caruana with distinction

Elaine Clark with distinction

P. Michelle Collins Wongkee with distinction

France Ouimet-Wilson with distinction

Lynda Weston with distinction

b) Master of Theological Studies

On behalf of the Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following list of candidates who received the Master of Theological Studies degree at the 2001 Spring Convocation at Huron University College (May 3, 2001).

Melanie LeBlanc

Lisa Poultney with distinction

3. Candidates for Degrees - Spring 2001

On behalf of the Senate the Provost approves the list of Candidates for Degrees upon the recommendation of the Registrar [S.96-124]. The list of Candidates approved by the Provost will be appended to the Official Minutes of the June 21, 2001, meeting of Senate.

4. Senate Meeting - June 21, 2001

Senate meets in June at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 21, 2001, in R140, The Richard Ivey School of Business.