
Senate Agenda, May 18, 2001 - EXHIBIT II



Senate Committee on Information Technology and Services (SCITS)

Composition: Includes one graduate student and six faculty members from at least five Faculties, elected by Senate. [The USC Communications Officer is an ex officio member of SCITS.]

Current Senate-elected Members:

Terms to June 30, 2001: S. Vantyghem (Grad.), (vacancy), R. Wood (Mus.)

Continuing to June 30, 2002: R. Eagleson (Engg. Sci.), D. Jamieson (H.Sci.)

Continuing to June 30, 2003: C. Gibson (IMS/M&D), G. Gloor (M&D)

Required: One graduate student for a one-year term and two members of faculty for three-year terms (July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2004). Neither faculty member may be from the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and no more than one may be from the Faculties of Engineering Science, Health Sciences or Information & Media Studies.

Nominees: _______________ (Graduate Student) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]

Ben Forster (Soc.Sci.)

Mike Nelson (IMS)

2. University Planning (SCUP)

Composition: Includes six members elected by Senate: one graduate student*; one member of administrative staff; and four members of faculty who are members of Senate at the time elected. Membership terms for elected faculty are three years, non-renewable; graduate student's term is one year, renewable.

* The President of the Society of Graduate Students shall qualify as a student for this purpose.
[The President of the University Students Council is an ex officio member of SCUP.]

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Term to June 30, 2001: F. Gauthier (Grad.), W. Kennedy (Admin. Staff), K. McQuillan (Soc. Sci.)

Continuing to June 30, 2002: D. Cunningham [Alt. P. Dean to June 30/01], L. Milligan (Sci.)

Continuing to June 30, 2003: S. Rich (Educ.)

Required: Two members of faculty who are members of Senate: one for a three-year term (term July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2004), and one to complete the term of D. Cunningham who has resigned (term July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002)

One member of administrative staff for a three-year term (July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2004)

One graduate student to complete the term of F. Gauthier who has resigned (term to July 1, 2001) and one graduate student for a one-year term (term July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002).

Nominees: _______________ (Graduate Student - term May 1 to June 30, 2001) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]

_______________ (Graduate Student - term July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]

Claire Callaghan(S)(Staff)

Elizabeth Skarakis-Doyle (HS) (S)(faculty)

Sandra Mangsen (Mus)(S)(faculty - term July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002)

3. University Research Board

Composition: Vice-President (Research) [Chair]; Provost & Vice-President (Academic); Deans of Arts, Social Science, Science, Engineering Science, Medicine & Dentistry, and Graduate Studies; six other members of faculty who have strong records of research achievement and a broad interest in research administration, to be elected by Senate. At least one elected member shall occupy a senior position in a Type 3 research centre. One graduate student, elected by Senate.

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Term to June 30, 2001: R. Gowing (Grad.), R. Darnell (Soc. Sci.), G. Shaw (Sci.)

Continuing to June 30, 2002: J.R. Bend (M&D), D. Jamieson (H. Sci.)

Continuing to June 30, 2003: M. Goodale (Soc.Sci.), C. McWilliam (H.Sci.)

Required: One graduate student for a one-year term (July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002), two members of faculty who have strong records of research achievement and a broad interest in research administration for three-year terms (July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2004) and one member of faculty who will serve as an alternate to C. McWilliam who has asked for a leave of absence (July 1 to December 31, 2001).

Nominees: _______________ (Graduate Student)[Nominations to be invited at Senate]

Tom Carmichael (Arts)

Catherine Nolan (Mus.)

Jim Olson (Soc.Sci.) (Alt. faculty: July 1 to December 31, 2001)

4. Teacher Education Advisory Committee

Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate for three-year terms.

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Term to June 2001: B. Garcia (M&D)

Continuing to June 2002: N.C. Baird (Sci.), J. Zezulka (Arts)

Continuing to June 2003: R. Bryan (Sci.)

Required: One member to serve on the Teacher Education Advisory Committee for a three-year term (June 2001 - June 2004).

Nominee: Victoria Meredith (Mus.)

5. Honorary Scrutineers

Required: One person to serve as Honorary Scrutineer for Senate Elections for a term from September 2001 to September 2003.

Current Members:

Term to September 2001: S. Farnell

Continuing to September 2002: B.D. Jameson

Nominee: Sharon Farnell

6. Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA)

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Faculty Members:

Continuing to November 30, 2001:

P. Barton [Alt. J. McMullin to June 30/01], M. Cheesman, S. Galsworthy, L. Milligan, D. Peterson, J. Toswell

Continuing to November 30, 2002:

T. Carmichael, T. Lo, S. Rich, C. Roulston, M. Simner, S. Trujillo, M. Westmacott

Current Student Members:

Continuing to November 30, 2001:

Undergraduates: Y. Chumak, L. Petrykowski, A. Prior, J. Santos, T. Shorthill, C. Sinal

Graduates: A. Chan, S. Mangos, D. Raymond, T. Urbaniak

Required: One member of faculty to serve as an Alternate for C. Roulston who has asked for a leave of absence (term July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002)

One undergraduate student to replace L. Petrykowski who has resigned (term August 18 to November 30, 2001)

Nominees: Jeff Stokes (Mus.) (faculty)

_______________ (undergrad.) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]

7. Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (SCAPA)

Composition: Includes ten members elected by Senate, including

- eight members of Faculty, at least five of whom must be members of Senate at the time elected. At least one member shall be from the Faculties of Arts, Graduate Studies, Science and Social Science. No more than one of the members of faculty may be a Dean.

- two students, at least one of whom is a graduate student and at least one of whom is a member of Senate

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Continuing to December 31, 2001:

E. Dipchand (S) (Undergrad.), R. Whyte (Grad.), P. Dean (S) (Sci/GS), J. Hore* (M&D/GS), S. Mangsen (S) (Mus/GS), A. Pitman (Educ/GS), J. Thorp* (Arts/GS)

Continuing to December 31, 2002:

R.Howse (S) (Gen. Comm.), J. MacKinnon (S)(HSc/GS), B. Timney (S)(Soc.Sci./GS)

* A member of Senate at the time elected.

Required: One graduate student to complete the term of R. Whyte who has resigned (term September 1 to December 31, 2001) and one member of the Faculty of Science to complete the term of P. Dean who has resigned (term July 1 to December 31, 2001).

Nominees: ______________ (Graduate Student)[Nominations to be invited at Senate]

Sylvia Osborn (Sci.)

8. Senate Committee on Appeals


Membership includes one student and one alternate student from the constituent University. The student Alternate should be from a Faculty other than that of the Member student.

Alternate Required: One student to replace Jeff Sutton who has resigned. The nominee must be from the constituent University and not from the Faculty of Arts (term May 1 to November 2001).

Nominee: _______________ [Nominations to be invited at Senate]

9. Senate Grievance Committee

Composition: The panel from which members are selected by lot is composed of nine tenured members of the faculty of the constituent University, elected by Senate. At least one member of this panel but not more than two shall be from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Science and Medicine & Dentistry, and not more than one shall be from any other Faculty.


Terms ending April 30, 2001:

Regna Darnell (Soc. Sci.), Diane Fahselt (Sci.), Tom Tausky (Arts)

Terms continuing to April 30, 2002:

Ingrid Connidis (Soc.Sci.), Stan Dunn (M&D), Vlad Tumanov (Arts)

Terms continuing to April 30, 2003:

Jon Hore (M&D), Heather Laschinger (HS), Turab Lookman (Sci.)

Required: Three members of the faculty of the constituent University with tenure* for three-year terms.

* Pursuant to Senate resolution, the following are also eligible for election:

• members of Faculty in the Faculty of Medicine (& Dentistry) with University Full Academic (UFA) appointments [S.88-43]; and

• Clinical Academic members of the academic staff of the University appointed under Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999) who hold Continuing Appointments in the Senate Stream [S.99-64]

Of these, none may be from the Faculties of Health Sciences or Medicine & Dentistry and not more than one may be from any other Faculty (Terms: May 1, 2001 - April 30, 2004).

Nominees: Tom Carmichael (Arts)

Diane Fahselt (Sci)

Jeff Stokes (Mus.)

10. Honorary Degrees Committee

According to Senate By-Law VI 13.a), the Nominating Committee appoints temporary replacements (Alternates) for committee members who are granted Leaves of Absence and reports those appointments to Senate for information.

Composition: Nine members, one of whom must be a student who is a member of Senate, elected by Senate.

Continuing to November 2001: F. Longstaffe (Sci.), K. Okruhlik (Arts), B. Singh (M&D), A. Vandervoort (HS), G. Weese (Gen. Cmty.)

Continuing to November 2002: F. Berruti (Engg. Sci.), K. Fleming (Soc.Sci.), C. McWilliam (H.Sci.)

Required: One member to serve as an Alternate to C. McWilliam who has asked for a leave of absence (term July 1 to December 31, 2001)

Nominee: Ian Holloway (Dean/Law)

11. Council of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies: Representative from the General Community

Composition: Includes one member of Senate who represents the general community, appointed by Senate for a two-year term.

Current Senate-Elected Member: G. Weese

Required: One member of Senate who represents the general community (term to June 30, 2003) to serve on the FIMS Council.

Nominee: Shanthi Radcliffe

12. Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (SUREP)

Composition: Includes a Chair of the Subcommittee, two Ethicists, and two additional members to be elected by Senate.

Terms to June 30, 2001: Jeff Nisker (M&D)[Ethicist], Dalice Sim (M&D)

Terms to June 30, 2002: Bill Fisher [Chair] (Soc. Sci.), Jim Côté (Soc.Sci.), Barry Hoffmaster (Arts) [Ethicist]

Required: Two members, at least one of whom is an Ethicist* (terms to June 30, 2003).

* Definition for "Ethicist": an individual whose research or scholarship includes study of the discipline dealing with professional, practical or philosophical ethics. "Ethics" is defined as moral principles and values or the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group.

Nominees: Jeff Nisker (M&D)[Ethicist]

Angela Schneider (HS)[Ethicist]

13. Selection Committee - Vice-President (Research)

Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University provides that a selection committee for Vice-President (Research) includes:

(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair

(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor

(c) 5 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student and only one of whom may be a Dean

(d) 1 person elected by the Board of Governors

Required: 5 persons, one of whom is a student and only one of whom may be a Dean.

Nominees: David Bentley (Arts)

Tom Carmichael (Arts)

Mel Goodale (Soc.Sci.)

Duncan Hunter (Sci.)

______________________ (Student) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]