
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - January 19, 2001



Senate Committee on Appeals

Note: See UWOFA Agreement: Transition Provisions, Article 6: "Promotion and Tenure for Candidates Under Consideration in the 2000-2001 Cycle."
Membership terms on SCPT-I, SCTP-II and SCA expire June 30, 2001.


One Dean

One student from the constituent University

Five full-time tenured members of Faculty at the time elected, who are eligible for Senate membership. No more than one shall be an Assistant Professor, and none shall be a Vice-President, Dean, or Department Chair. At least three of these five members of Faculty shall have been members of a Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure or of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, or the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, within five years of the date of election of the Senate Committee on Appeals [marked * on the list below].

Alternates: Alternates shall be elected for each category of member noted below, with the same restrictions. The student Alternate should be from a Faculty other than that of the Member student.

Members: Alternates:
Continuing to June 30, 2001:

D. Raymond (Grad./Arts)

D. Allison (Assoc./Educ.)

S. Galsworthy (Assoc./M&D)


E. Noble * (Assoc./ HS)

A. Pearson (Dean/Educ.)

M. Spence * (Prof./Soc.Sci.)

Continuing to June 30, 2001:

J. Sutton (Undergrad./Soc.Sci.)

D. Hair (Prof./Arts)

C. Iwasiw* (Prof./HS)

F. Longstaffe (Dean/Sci.)

C. Nolan* (Assoc./Music)

J. Rylett* (Prof./M&D)

S. Singh (Prof./Sci.)

* indicates Member or Alternate had requisite Faculty or Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee experience at time elected.

Members Required: One full-time member of Faculty, with tenure, who is eligible for Senate membership, to complete the term of P. Haase who is an Acting Chair and therefore no longer eligible for membership (term to June 30, 2001).

- has been a member of a Faculty Committee on Promotion & Tenure or of the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure I or II within the last 5 years

- not a Vice-President, Dean, or Department Chair

Nominee: K. Baines * (Prof./Sci.)