As approved at the October 19, 2001, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
The meeting was held at 1:30 p.m. in Room 40, Richard Ivey School of Business.
A. Belcastro, D. Bentley, G. Blazak, R. Bohay, D. Brebner, P. Burman, C. Callaghan, T. Carmichael, M. Carroll, G. Cherian, L. Dagnino, R. Darnell, P. Davenport, H. DeLasa, E. Dipchand, B. Dominick, T. El Solh, A. Esterhammer, W. Flintoff, R. Forbes, T. Fulton, J. Garland, J. Garnett, R. Graham, R. Harris, J. Hatch, J. Haywood-Farmer, R. Howse, N. Kapoor, A. Katz, D. Kneale, R. Kudar, K. Lamarsh, A. Lee, S. Leung, F. Longstaffe, S. Mangsen, R. Martin, C. McAulay-Weldon, D. McCarthy, L. McKechnie, J. McMullin, M. McNay, J. Morgan, P. Neary, N. Nelson, M. Nolan, M. Novak, K. Okruhlik, J. Orange, S. Osborn, A. Pearson, C. Piper, S. Radcliffe, S. Rich, D. Rosner, C. Ross, J. Roth, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, E. Skarakis-Doyle, A. Stock, B. Tepperman, B. Timney, T. Topic, J. Van Fleet, A. Vandervoort, S. Valvala, J. Wallace, G. Weese, B. Welling, M. Witen, B. Wood
Observers: D. Jameson, D. Jorgensen, M. Lawless
Dr. Davenport gave a brief statement in recognition of the horrific events which occurred on September 11 in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania. He asked Senators to join in a minute of silence to express 深夜福利站's condolences.
Dr. Davenport, on behalf of Senate, welcomed several new Senators to their first meeting.
The minutes of the meeting of June 21, 2001, were approved as circulated.
The President reported on the following items: 2001 Canada Summer Games and TD Waterhouse Stadium; St. Andrews Exchange; and Ivey Hong Kong Convocation. Slides used during his presentation are attached as Appendix 1.
On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by B. Timney,
That the Senate seat held by Mark Weyers, elected representative to Senate for the Graduate Student constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Brendan Dominick (PhD History) be elected to complete Mr. Weyer's term (October 31, 2001).
It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by P. Neary,
That the Senate seat held by Chris Prabhakar, elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Science constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Mathew Novak (Biology III) be elected to complete Mr. Prabhakar's term (September 1 to October 31, 2001).
B. Dominick was elected to the Nominating Committee to complete the term of M.Weyers who has resigned (term to November 2001).
It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by E. Skarakis-Doyle,
That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, the following changes to the composition of the Selection Committees for vice-presidents:
SECTION F: Provost & VP (Academic)
A committee to select a Provost & Vice-President (Academic) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 5 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student and only one of whom may
be a Dean. Of those elected, no two members of faculty may be from the same Faculty, and
only one may be a Dean.
(d) 1 person elected by the Board of Governors
SECTION G: Vice-President (Administration)
A committee to select a Vice-President (Administration) shall consist of:
(a) The President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 4 persons elected by the Board of Governors, one of whom shall be a member of the administrative staff
(d) 4 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student. Of those elected, no two members of faculty may be from the same Faculty.
SECTION H: Vice-President (Research)
A committee to select a Vice-President (Research) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 5 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student and only one of whom may
be a Dean. Of those elected, no two members of faculty may be from the same Faculty, and
only one may be a Dean.
(d) 1 person elected by the Board of Governors
SECTION I: Vice-President (External)
A committee to select a Vice-President (External) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 4 persons elected by the Board of Governors, two of whom will be alumni
(d) 4 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student. Of those elected, no two members of faculty may be from the same Faculty.
It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by R. Harris,
That Senate recommend to the Board of Governors that the following appointment procedure policies be rescinded:
(a) Faculty of Applied Health Sciences: Sequential Term Appointments, approved by Senate in December 1993 and by the Board in January 1994;
(b) Faculty of Dentistry: Sequential Term Appointments, approved by Senate and the Board in March 1989; and
(c) Faculty of Nursing: Sequential Term Appointments, approved by Senate and the Board in May 1994.
It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by D. Rosner,
That the Senate's policy on retention of Senate Minutes be revised to: 1) acknowledge the use of the World Wide Web in making agendas and materials public, and 2) reduce the retention period for tape recordings of Senate meetings to 2 years, as highlighted below:
6. Minutes: Form, Editing, Correcting and Retention
(S.95-292) Minutes
1. Committee reports and other reports (Exhibits) distributed with the agenda for a meeting shall constitute a part of official Senate Minutes and the Minutes per se will include appropriate references to those reports.
2. The agenda and supporting documentation for meetings of the Senate may be published electronically by the Secretary prior to each Senate meeting. The Minutes of meetings of the Senate may be published electronically by the Secretary following their approval by the Senate.
2. 3. The minimum requirements for Senate Minutes will be the name of the mover and seconder of a
motion, the precise wording of the motion, and the outcome of the vote (passed, referred, deferred,
defeated, etc.); and amendments will be treated in the same way, in accordance with accepted
parliamentary procedure.
3. 4. In general, reporting of discussion will be limited to point-form general statements relating to
concerns, objections, or benefits of a proposal not otherwise cited in the agenda material (Exhibits).
On a Senator's request, and with the Chair's permission, the text of a statement made in Senate shall
be included in the Minutes if such inclusion appears desirable as a means of clarifying the intended
interpretation of a motion.
4. 5. Information items will be cited briefly by appropriate heading and reference to detail contained in
the agenda material.
5. 6. Resolutions or information presented at the Senate meeting but not otherwise detailed in the
agenda materials will be described briefly in the Minutes, such that a person who did not attend the
meeting can get a basic understanding of the issue discussed. Any written material distributed at the
Senate meeting that relates to such resolutions or information will be maintained in the official Senate
(S.1205) The Secretary of Senate is responsible for summarizing the deliberation of the Senate.
(S.1168) Requests for alterations of edited reporting of Senate proceedings (Minutes) should be referred to the Secretary, who shall be required to review the requests in light of transcript evidence, and to report to Senate for adjudication.
(S.95-292) Record Retention
1. The Official Minute Book shall be retained in a safe place in perpetuity, with appropriate copies (microfiche, CD, etc.) maintained off site.
2. As public documents, Senate Minutes will be available to any person for inspection in the office of the Secretary of Senate during normal office hours. These Minutes will include committee reports and other reports (Exhibits) distributed with the agenda and at the meeting.
3. Senate meetings will be tape recorded for use by the Secretariat. The tapes will be retained for
seven years: in the Secretariat for two years, then at an off-site location for the final five years.
It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by B. Timney,
That the Terms of Reference of the Animal Use Subcommittee be revised to permit renewable terms for the Chair and Vice Chair and that the wording be revised as follows:
The Chair will be elected fromamongthe members of AUS who have served at least one year on AUS. The term of office shall be two years,non-renewableonce renewable. A Vice-Chair shall be elected annually.for a one year term (renewable).
That the following note be removed from the Senate Election Procedures for Faculty:
(5) Emeritus Professors who are members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies are eligible to vote for representatives of the Faculty of Graduate Studies to the Senate.
The Order of Convocation - Spring 2002 is:
Tuesday, June 4
10:00 a.m. |
Faculty of Graduate Studies* Faculty of Arts Faculty of Information and Media Studies Faculty of Music * = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts, Information and Media Studies and Music |
Tuesday, June 4
3:30 p.m. |
Faculty of Graduate Studies* Richard Ivey School of Business Faculty of Engineering Science Faculty of Law Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry * = students in programs hosted by the Richard Ivey School of Business, and the Faculties of Engineering Science, and Medicine & Dentistry |
Wednesday, June 5
10:00 a.m. |
Faculty of Graduate Studies* Faculty of Education * = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Education |
Wednesday, June 5
3:30 p.m. |
Brescia College Huron University College King's College |
Thursday, June 6
10:00 a.m. |
Faculty of Graduate Studies* Faculty of Social Science (Honors and ACS) * = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Social Science |
Thursday, June 6
3:30 p.m. |
Faculty of Graduate Studies* Faculty of Science * = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Science |
Friday, June 7
10:00 a.m. |
Faculty of Social Science (3 year program) |
Friday, June 7
3:30 p.m. |
Faculty of Graduate Studies* Faculty of Health Sciences * = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Health Sciences |
MBA Convocation - Saturday, April 27
Huron University College Theological Convocation - May 2
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry [MD program] - May 17
On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 2001, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 21, 2001:
Wednesday, June 6, 2001 BRESCIA COLLEGE
Bachelor of Science (Human Ecology)
Foods and Nutrition
Wednesday, June 6, 2001 BRESCIA COLLEGE
Bachelor of Science (Honors Human Ecology)
Foods and Nutrition
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
K. Okruhlik was elected to the Selection Committee - Dean of Social Science.
Dean Neary stated that membership on the Selection Committee for the Dean of Social Science includes the Vice-President (Research). Dean Weedon, now Acting Vice-President (Research), was elected to the Selection Committee in November and now sits on the Selection Committee as Acting Vice-President (Research). Dean Neary asked what adjustments will be made to the Selection Committee when the new Vice-President (Research) takes office. Dr. Davenport advised that the Operations/Agenda Committee would review the situation should such be necessary.
B. Dominick and M. Lawless were elected to the Strategic Planning Task Force.
D. Kneale and C. Payne were elected to the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (terms to December 31, 2001).
The following were elected to the Nominating Subcommittee: Senate Representative from the General Community: T. Fulton, M. McNay (terms to September 2002), D. Kneale and B. Timney (terms to September 2003).
On behalf of SCAPA, it was moved by B. Timney, seconded by R. Howse,
That effective September 1, 2003, the admissions requirements for the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program offered by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry be revised as highlighted below. The changes will affect prospective students applying through the Ontario Medical Student Application Service (OMSAS) in October 2002 for entry to the Doctor of Medicine Program in September 2003.
CALENDAR COPY These changes will replace 2001 Academic Calendar - pages 99 and 100
Application Deadline: Second week of October for admission to Medicine for the following September. Refer to the OMSAS web site for exact dates. (
Enrolment is limited. Admission to the Doctor of Medicine Program is competitive and the possession of the minimum requirements does not assure acceptance. Individuals satisfying the following requirements are eligible to apply for admission to the first year of the four year MD program in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will consider applications to its first year medical program from individuals who are currently (or were) registered in a Doctor of Medicine Program (or equivalent) elsewhere.
1. a) To be eligible to apply students must:
Only those terms in which at least 5 full or equivalent courses (30 credit hours) are taken will be used in the calculation of GPA admission cutoffs.
When students are required to take more than 5 full courses during any Sept. - April academic year because of program requirements, the five best courses will be used in the calculation of GPA admission cutoffs.
Three full or equivalent senior courses (second year and above) must be included in each of the two undergraduate years being used to determine compliance with established GPA cutoffs.
b) Special Students: University Graduates
Applicants who have earned a degree from a recognized university may elect to continue in full time undergraduate studies, so that academic standing may be improved for application to medical school, for a one year period only. The special year must contain five full or equivalent courses (30 credit hours) with a minimum of four full or equivalent courses at the honors level (numbered 200 or higher at 深夜福利站). Honors level courses at 深夜福利站 numbered 200 are equivalent to third year courses at all other universities. First year courses are not acceptable in the 'special year'.
Note: Prospective applicants who are deemed academically competitive may complete summer courses and part-time academic year courses in order to fulfil the mandatory course requirements listed in #3 prior to admission consideration. (See Selection Criteria for more details on academic requirements).
2. Graduate students are required to have completed all requirements for their graduate degrees and their theses (if required) must be submitted for defense by the examination committee prior to registration in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry MD Program.
3. Prior to being permitted to register in the MD Program, all applicants who are granted admission will be required to have completed successfully the following university-level courses:
a) Science Courses (interpreted as being equivalent to the science courses in 深夜福利站's Academic Calendar). A total of three full, or equivalent, science courses as follows:
two half courses in Organic Chemistry, at least one of which shall have a laboratory component
two half courses, one in each of Organic Chemistry (with a lab component) and Biochemistry (with or without a lab component)
b) Non-Science Courses (as interpreted by 深夜福利站's Academic Calendar)
*Validity of essay course will be audited.
Additional Non-Academic Requirements
Confidential Assessment Form
Any three persons who, in the opinion of the applicant, will give an informed critical assessment will be acceptable as referees.
Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
All applicants must arrange for verified results of the revised Medical College Admissions Test to be submitted directly to the Ontario Medical School Application Centre. MCAT test results will be accepted provided the test was written no more than five years prior to the October application deadline. Refer to the OMSAS web site ( for exact deadline dates.
Interviews will be conducted beginning in March. Applicants who satisfy the course load, the GPA, and the MCAT requirements (obtaining the minimum in each of the four sections of the MCAT), as determined by the Admissions Committee each year, will have their applications reviewed carefully and will receive consideration for an interview.
However, many factors contribute to the final determination of which applicants will be invited for an interview. Achieving the minimum GPA and MCAT scores does not guarantee an invitation to be interviewed.
Proficiency in English
The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant whose facility in written and spoken English is judged to be inadequate.
Basic Life Support Training
Applicants should complete a St. John Ambulance course or the equivalent in standard first aid and a CPR Basic Rescuer course, and be able to produce valid certificates before enrolment in the medical program.
Selection Criteria
Admission to the MD Program is based primarily on the academic undergraduate record, MCAT scores, and the interview score. Although careful assessment is made of the academic record throughout all years at university, the academic marks obtained during the final and the best other full undergraduate year will be used to formulate your grade point average (five full courses in each year (30 credit hours), September to April, will be considered).
Admission and Application Policies
The maximum number of places available in first year is 118.
Following the final date for application, an applicant may file any supplementary information relevant to the application with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, on or before the last day of May in the year following submission of the application.
Applicants may request a review of the decision of the Medicine Admissions Committee, provided that such a request is based upon new and significant information pertinent to the application. This request must be filed with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, no later than two weeks after the issue of the original decision. The request should contain information not available to the applicant prior to the last Wednesday in May in the year following submission of the application. This request will be passed on to the Appeals Committee whose decision is final.
Advanced Standing and Transfers
The structure of the medical curriculum at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario is such that transfer from another Canadian medical school can be considered only in very exceptional cases and subject to space being available. Applicants considering transfer must first contact the office of Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs. 深夜福利站 does not accept advanced standing or transfers from non-Canadian Medical Schools.
On-line applications can be obtained from the OMSAS website. Applicants are encouraged to use the on-line application form as there will be an extra charge for the paper version. Please refer to the OMSAS website for "Important Dates".
The Ontario Medical School Application Service (OMSAS)
170 Research Lane
Guelph, Ontario N1G 5E2
On-Line applications: (
All applicants must:
a) submit to OMSAS a completed on-line application for admission form, making sure that all the pertinent instructions in the OMSAS on-line Instructional Booklet are followed;
b) arrange for the MCAT official scores to be sent to OMSAS for verification. Applicants should contact the MCAT Program Office for further details on the test:
The MCAT Program Office
2255 North Dubuque Road
P.O. Box 4056
Iowa City, Iowa
U.S.A. 52243
Phone: (Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Central Time)
(319) 337-1357
A non-refundable institutional levy and OMSAS processing fee are required. Please refer to the OMSAS website ( for the application fees.
Offers of admission will commence at the end of May. Students accepted for admission into any year of Medicine will be advised directly by the Registrar's Office concerning registration.
No student will be registered after the designated registration date except by special permission of the Associate Dean, Admissions/Student & Equity Affairs. Those who register late will pay a late registration fee.
Students in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will be required to care for persons with infectious diseases (including Hepatitis B and HIV) should they be assigned to them. Students accepted to the medical program will be sent complete documentation regarding health status policies and immunization requirements. Documentation of immunization and tuberculin status will be required.
It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by E. Skarakis-Doyle,
That the Certificate in Palliative Care and Thanatology be renamed Certificate in Grief and Bereavement Studies.
SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, awards and bursaries for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:
Following approval of the Code of Student Conduct by the Board of Governors in June, the following statement will be added to the Academic Calendar [on page 9 (Student Services) under the Statement on Human Rights]:
Code of Student Conduct
Every student is expected to comply with the provisions of the Code of Student Conduct. Sanctions for non-compliance range from a warning or reprimand to expulsion from the University. It is the responsibility of every student to read the Code and familiarize him or herself with its contents. The Code is available at Copies can also be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, from Deans' Offices and from Residences.
The announcement of honorary degree recipients for Fall Convocation 2001, detailed in Exhibit IV, was received for information.
Thursday, October 25 - 3:30 p.m. - Dr. Henry Barnett - D.Sc.
Friday, October 26 - 10:00 a.m.- Mr. Peter C. Godsoe - LL.D.
Friday, October 26 - 3:30 p.m. - Dr. Michael Ignatieff - D.Litt.
Mr. Morgan stated that students enrolled in combined honors programs can register in only one of their two programs and asked how this problem will be addressed. Dr. Harris advised that the PeopleSoft Student Record system must be modified to facilitate the registration of students in combined honors programs. This modification is on the list of improvements to the Student Record system that will be addressed.
Professor Jorgensen observed that the budget surplus for Parking Services reported to the Board of Governors at the end of June was $415,000 as compared to $117,000 which was projected in the budget model presented to the Board on May 3. He asked if the administration is taking the $300,000 in additional funds into account in their parking plans, and if so, in what way. If this is not being taken into account, why not?
Dr. Davenport replied that parking rates have always included some component of cost recovery and some component of contribution to the operating budget. In the past several years, the contribution to the operating budget declined relative to the established contribution because Parking Services was running a deficit and they were trying to counteract that. The rates have been increased, however, because the University needs to acquire more parking spaces for additional faculty and staff who will be hired to support increased enrolment. That will involve creation of a new parking lot and providing access roads; it may even involve the purchase of land. On the specific issue concerning rates and cost recovery, Dr. Davenport advised that he did not have details at hand, but would ensure that Dr. Mercer would reply at the next Senate meeting.
Other questions concerning parking spaces and rates, posed by Professor Katz and Professor Carroll, that were deferred to the next Senate meeting were:
Mr. Lawless thanked the administration for the expedient provision of counselling services to students, faculty, and staff who had been affected by the September 11 terrorist attack on the United States.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary