As approved at the March 23, 2001, Senate meeting. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in A. Brandon Conron Hall, University College.
P. Barker, A. Belcastro, F. Berruti, R. Bohay, D. Brebner, W.A. Bridger, C. Callaghan, T. Carmichael, G. Cherian, L. Dagnino, R. Darnell, P. Davenport, P.A.W. Dean, P. Deane, H. DeLasa, E. Dipchand, J. Doerksen, D. Dutrizac, A. Esterhammer, W. Flintoff, M. Floryan, R. Forbes, T. Fulton, J. Garland, F. Gauthier, W. Gibson, R. Graham, R. Harris, J. Haywood-Farmer, I. Holloway, N. Kapoor, A. Katz, G. Killan, R. Kudar, A. Lee, F. Longstaffe, J. MacKinnon, S. Mangsen, D. McCarthy, L. McKechnie, M. McNay, G. Moran, J. Morgan, P. Neary, N. Nelson, M. Nolan, K. Okruhlik, S. Osborn, A. Pearson, L. Petrykowski, S. Radcliffe, M. Randall, S. Rich, D. Rosner, C. Ross, J. Roth, D. Sandler, J. Santos, E. Skarakis-Doyle, J. Sutton, B. Timney, T. Topic, J. Van Fleet, A. Vandervoort, J. Wallace, A. Weedon, G. Weese, B. Welling, M. Westmacott, M. Weyers, J. White, R. Whyte, M. Witen
Observers: D. Braun, E. Ebanks, L. Gribbon, D. Jameson
By Invitation: J. Thorp
The minutes of the meeting of January 19, 2001, were approved with the following amendments:
The President reported on the following: Strategic Planning Task Force, OCUFA Conference on Faculty Recruitment and Initial Budget Recommendations for Faculties and Tuition Fees, 2001-02. Copies of slides used during his presentation are attached as Appendix 1.
S.01-29a Accessibility Funding
Dr. Davenport announced that ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ will not receive funding from the Accessibility Fund. In order to be eligible to share in the Accessibility Fund, universities were required to increase or match their fall 1999 first-year admissions in fall 2000. ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ had one of the three highest such increases in the province. Efforts by University administration to lobby the Minister to alter the eligibility criterion were unsuccessful. As a result, there will be a $1.4 million reduction in ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s currently modeled revenues for 2000-01 and a shortfall in the budget projections for 2001-02.
S.01-29b Initial Budget Recommendations for Faculties and Tuition Fees, 2001-02
Dr. Moran provided an overview of the initial budget recommendations for faculties and tuition fees, 2001-02. ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s revenue sources consist of government grants, tuition fees and other sources including investment income and faculty turnover recovery. Expenditures are projected to increase, with employee salaries forming the largest component of the operating budget. Substantial new investment is needed in areas identified as critical to ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s scholarly objectives in teaching and research. Thirty percent of the additional tuition fee revenue resulting from increased tuition rates will be set aside for student financial aid. The revenue and expenditure assumptions are such that even the most basic expense increases exceed ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s anticipated revenue increases in the coming year.
The government has yet to announce its university grant allocations, but a modest increase is assumed. The announcement that ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ will not receive funding from the Accessibility Fund must be factored into the initial budget recommendations. The initial budget adjustment includes a 3% cut to most faculties/units, however, selective investments, as noted above, will be made. Each faculty must submit an academic plan that identifies areas of strength and priority by June 1, 2001.
Tuition fee recommendations include a 2% increase for regulated programs and a 3% increase for international tuition. Recommendations for tuition fee levels for deregulated programs are: HBA - $14,000 for incoming students; DDS - $15,680; LLB - $7,500; MD - $14,000 for incoming students. In each of these cases, 65% of the incremental tuition revenue, over and above the base increase in regulated programs and net of the 30% set aside for financial aid, will be returned to the operating budgets of the Faculties involved.
Other planning considerations include ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s response to the increased cohort which sees an expansion of the first year entry by approximately 15% over the 1998-99 level, space management to accommodate enrolment increases and research expansion, and Canada Research Chairs (CRC) in that the Faculty must accommodate any additional salary costs that will arise should CRC support end for any reason.
Discussion included the following questions and responses from the Provost:
• How does this budget relate to the Medical Sciences Building renovations [Dagnino]
The final budget will address the broad capital challenges facing the University. The second priority in the original SuperBuild submission is the renovations to the Medical Sciences Building. ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ continues to give this project extremely high priority in order to continue as a leading university for research in biomedical sciences. An annual allocation of $500,000 from the general University Operating Budget to the Capital Budget began in 1999-2000. This allocation will occur for the next ten years for a total of $5 million towards the renewal of the facilities in the Medical Sciences Building. ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ continues to lobby the government for funding of the project which is estimated to be $32 million.
• What is the justification of the proposed tuition increase for the HBA program [Forbes]
The justifications of the proposed tuition increase for the HBA program are: the high costs of the program, the availability of financial aid for students in need, the possibility that one of the three HBA sections in 2001-02 will be eliminated if additional revenue is not identified, the high quality of the program, the value an HBA holds for its graduates and the expected earnings of graduates. The additional funds generated by the tuition increase will be used to maintain the character and quality of the HBA program and to maintain current levels of enrolment.
• What are the University's strategies for retaining and attracting faculty? [Petrykowski]
Retaining and attracting faculty is largely a faculty by faculty, department by department task. The strategies used are based on what would attract faculty to a university like ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾, such as competitive salaries, career future of an individual, access to graduate students who have financial support, and high quality undergraduate students. It is a struggle to attract and retain faculty given the financial difficulties faced by ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾. Long-term financial planning is needed in order for ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ to meet this challenge. This would allow the provision of programs that attract and retain faculty including mentoring programs, greater start-up funds, reductions in teaching loads for faculty in the early years of their career thereby allowing the development of courses, and the continuation of research. Bridging to retirements would be beneficial.
Copies of slides used during the Provost's presentation are attached as Appendix 2.
A. Pitman was elected to the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards to complete the term of P. Théberge who has resigned (term to December 31, 2001).
On behalf of SCAPA, it was moved by G. Moran, seconded by N. Kapoor,
That Senate approve the introduction of a new field in Leadership in the MEd (Educational Studies) program.
It was moved by I. Holloway, seconded by R. Forbes,
That a concurrent Bachelor of Science Honors Computer Science and Bachelor of Laws be introduced in the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Law, effective September 1, 2001.
The concurrent BSc/LLB program allows students to complete both the BSc Honors Computer Science degree and the LLB degree in six years, instead of the seven years it takes if the programs are pursued separately.
Successful applications to the concurrent program will enter first-year law after completing two years of Computer Science at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾. After one year in the Law School, students in the concurrent program will take a combination of Computer Science and Law courses in years four, five and six. Upon completion of the program students will receive both a BSc in Honors Computer Science and an LLB.
Year 1
Principal courses:
Computer Science 025a/b or 026a/b, and Computer Science 027a/b.
One full course or equivalent, chosen from the following: Mathematics 030, Applied Mathematics 026, Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b, Linear Algebra 040a/b.
One other full-course equivalent.
Subsidiary courses:
Two full courses or equivalents.
Year 2
Principal courses:
Computer Science 208a/b, 209a/b, 210a/b, 211a/b, and 212a/b/y.
One half course in Computer Science at the 300-level.
Mathematics 222a, 223b
One half-course at the 200-level or higher offered by the Department of Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, or Statistical and Actuarial Sciences.
Subsidiary course:
One half-course option.
Year 3
Law 407 Constitutional Law
Law 410 Contracts
Law 412 Criminal
Law 425 Property
Law 430 Torts
Law 477a/b Introduction to Legal Theory
Years 4 to 6
Students must take the following principal Computer Science courses:
Computer Science 305a/b, 307a/b, 331a/b, 340a/b, 342a/b, and 350a/b. A different 300-level Computer Science course can be substituted if one of these was taken in the second year.
Computer Science 490y, to be taken in the sixth year.
One additional half-course in Computer Science at the 300-level or higher.
Four additional half-courses in Computer Science at the 400-level.
Law 462a/c/d Intellectual Property and one of Law 431a/c/d Computer Law, 480a/c/d Communications Law will be counted as principal courses toward the Computer Science degree.
In addition, 18 credit hours of Law courses will be counted as subsidiary courses toward the Computer Science degree.
Students must take the following Law courses:
Law 414a/c/d Evidence; 401a/c/d Administrative Law; 403a/c/d Company Law; 438a/c/d Income Taxation; 446a/c/d Civil Procedure; 476a/c/d Trusts; 462a/c/d Intellectual Property; 431a/c/d Computer Law or 480a/c/d Communications Law
Students must take an additional 17 credit hours of Law courses, if they took Law 431a/c/d Computer Law, and 18 credit hours if they took Law 480a/c/d Communications Law.
Students must also complete a paper of at least two credit hours in one of their law courses.
Application Information
Applicants to the concurrent program will apply to the Faculty of Law at the beginning of their second year of Computer Science. To be eligible for the concurrent program, students must have a cumulative, weighted average of 78%, or stand in the top 20% of their class in their first two years of Computer Science. In addition, candidates must meet the minimum LSAT requirement established by the Law School Admissions Committee.
Progression Requirements
Once admitted to the concurrent program, students must meet the regular progression requirements of the Faculty of Law and the Department of Computer Science, and stand in the top half of their respective classes in each year.
Failure to Meet Progression Requirements
A student who fails to meet these progression requirements would be required to withdraw from the concurrent program. However, if that student has met the progression requirements of either the Computer Science or Law program, he or she will be allowed to proceed to the next year of that program. In order to graduate, a student who is withdrawn from the concurrent program must complete all the degree requirements of the program in which he or she is registered.
Dean's Honors List
Students in the concurrent program are considered for the Dean's Honors List in the Faculty in which they are enrolled. Eligibility is determined by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Science.
Graduation with Distinction
Eligibility to graduate with distinction for each degree is determined by each faculty.
It was moved by P. Deane, seconded by M. Witen,
That, effective September 1, 2000, a four-year Bachelor of Arts program in Classical Studies be introduced in the Faculty of Arts.
CALENDAR COPY(After the program description for the Three-Year BA in Classical Studies
on pg. 39 of the 2001 Academic Calendar)
Admission Requirements
A mark of at least 60% in Classical Studies 047.
For a major area of concentration, at least 7.5 senior Classical Studies courses of which at least 3.5 must be honors courses.
For a minor area of concentration, 5.0 senior Classical Studies courses of which 2.5 must be at the honors level.
Students may substitute one or more of the following for honors Classical Studies courses in the major or minor areas of concentration: any honors Latin or Greek course, Philosophy 210F/G, and Visual Arts History 247E, 445F/G.
The four-year degree is not designed to be used as a basis for admission to do graduate work in Classical Studies.
Note: Also see FOUR-YEAR PROGRAMS in the Faculty of Arts page 37.
S.01-34a The UWO Award for Excellence in Teaching by Part-Time Faculty
It was moved by N. Kapoor, seconded by G. Moran,
That the UWO Award for Excellence in Teaching by Part-Time Faculty, be revised by adding to the definition of eligible nominees clarification that the academic year in question is to be the calendar year:
For the purposes of this award a part-time faculty member is one who held an academic appointment to teach at least one degree-credit course offered by ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ or an Affiliated College during the academic year (September 1 through August 31) preceding nomination and was not a regular full-time faculty member, visiting faculty member, graduate teaching assistant or previous award recipient.
S.01-34b The Marilyn Robinson Award for Excellence in Teaching
It was moved by N. Kapoor, seconded by G. Moran,
That the definition of eligible nominees for The Marilyn Robinson Award for Excellence in Teaching be revised to remove specific reference to instructors, lecturers and clinical instructors, to read:
All continuing members of full-time faculty at the University and its Affiliated Colleges who are normally not tenured and who usually have seven years or less of university teaching experience at the time of their nomination are eligible for nomination for the award. Previous recipients of this award are ineligible for renomination.
S.01-34c Criteria to be Considered by SUTA
It was moved by N. Kapoor, seconded by G. Moran,
That for "The 11 Factors to be Considered by SUTA", the first item, on instruction, be revised to add clinical teaching to the criteria, and that the regulations be revised to read:
For nominees for either the UWO Award for Excellence in Teaching by Part-Time Faculty, or Marilyn Robinson Award, the following criteria are to serve as a format guideline since nominees may not have yet made contributions to all eleven criteria.
1. Instruction:
A) Classroom teaching:
This is obviously more than just "lecturing"; it covers all activities involving the teacher in all types of "classrooms" including undergraduate and graduate tutorials, seminars and laboratories.
B) Clinical teaching:
Instruction of students in dynamic, professional practice situations where the content of the teaching-learning interaction is the client whose physical, emotional, social and/or intellectual well-being, is (are) directly affected by the actions of the student.
The Subcommittee on Teaching Awards (SUTA) has chosen the following faculty members as recipients for 2000-2001:
• Laurence de Looze, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts
• James A. Erskine, Richard Ivey School of Business
• Allan J. Gedalof, Department of English, Faculty of Arts
• Rocco Gerace, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following terms of reference for new scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:
The following proposals, approved by Senate in September 1998 and February 1999 respectively, were reliant on having the new PeopleSoft software able to accommodate the required programming changes prior to implementation in January 2001.
Record of Scholarships, Awards, Prizes, Fellowships and Medals on Transcripts (S.98-219b, S.99-279)
Senate approved, "That the policy on Academic Transcripts be revised to add post-1993 information on scholarships, awards, fellowships, prizes and medals." The Office of the Registrar can add the record of undergraduate scholarships and awards on transcripts, however, it is only possible to add information from May 1, 2000. Therefore, the implementation has been revised as follows:
That the policy on Academic Transcripts be revised to add:
4. A listing of all undergraduate scholarships, awards, prizes, fellowships and medals awarded by the University to the student during the student's academic career at the University. [Note: This information is only available from May 1, 2000.]
Class Average, Class Size on Transcripts (S.99-43, S.99-279)
Senate approved:
That class (i.e., section) average be added to the transcript (assessing failures as 40%)
That for passing grades, the class size (i.e., section) be added to the transcript (including failures in the enrollment)
The Office of the Registrar regrets that it is unable to meet this deadline, however, the staff will continue to explore this issue and will return to SCAPA with a proposal for implementing the requirement that the class average (by section) be recorded on the transcript.
The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
Signed by:
P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary