
Senate Agenda, December 7, 2001 - EXHIBIT I, Appendix 1

Composition and Rules of Procedure

1.0 The Faculty of Graduate Studies shall comprise the following Divisions: Arts, Biosciences, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences.

2.0 The Divisions of the Faculty of Graduate Studies shall consist of all members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies in the following programs:

(a) Arts: Art History, Classical Studies, Comparative Literature, English, French, Music, Philosophy, Spanish, Systematic Musicology, Theory and Criticism, and Visual Arts.
(b) Social Sciences: Anthropology, Business Administration, Economics, Education Studies, Educational Studies, Education (Counselling), Geography, History, Journalism, Library and Information Science, Nursing, Political Science, Public Administration, and Sociology.
(c) Biosciences: Anatomy & Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Family Medicine, Kinesiology, Medical Biophysics, Microbiology & Immunology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Occupational Therapy, Orthodontics, Pathology, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Plant Sciences, Psychology, Rehabilitation Sciences and Zoology.
(d) Physical Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Astronomy, Biomedical Engineering, Biostatistics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Geophysics, Engineering Science, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Physics, Scientific Computing, Statistics, and Theoretical Physics.
2.1 Upon approval of a proposed graduate program by the appropriate university and provincial bodies, members of such a program shall be eligible to be nominated for admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
2.2 Meetings of the Divisions may be called as necessary by the Division, the Divisional Committee, the Council, or the Dean.
2.3 A special meeting of the Division shall be called on the written notice of twelve (12) members of the Division concerned, and shall be convened within seven (7) days thereafter, to consider the matter(s) set out in the notice.

3.0 The academic and administrative head of the Faculty shall be the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The Dean shall be assisted by two Associate Deans, one representing the Arts and Social Sciences Divisions, and one the Biosciences and Physical Sciences Divisions.

3.1 Appointment of the Dean shall be made in accordance with current University policy. Appointments to the positions of Associate Dean shall be for a term of three years, renewable. Recommendations shall be made to the Vice-Chancellor by the Dean, who shall appoint an ad hoc committee to advise him/her on the selection of Associate Deans.

4.0 Recommendations for membership in the Faculty of Graduate Studies shall be upon nomination from the chair or director of the graduate program and the head of the nominee's home unit(s) (i.e., the Chair or Director of the Department or School, respectively, or the Dean in the case of Faculties without a Department or School structure), and shall be made to the Dean by the Credentials Committee.

4.1 Members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies shall be those persons appointed to the Faculty for renewable terms of up to seven years by the Board of Governors on the recommendation of the Dean. They shall normally be of the rank of assistant professor or above and shall be of such academic achievement and distinction as to enable them to undertake the instruction or supervision of students registered in the nominating graduate program. Where appropriate, the record of supervisory activity shall be a factor in these deliberations.
4.2 Graduate students shall be those students who have been admitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by the Dean, and who have formally registered in the Faculty.

5.0 There shall be a Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies responsible to the Senate and composed of:

(a) the following ex officio members:
(i) the Vice-Chancellor
(ii) the Vice-President (Academic), the Vice-President (Research) and such other Vice-Presidents as the Senate may determine
(iii) the Dean (who shall chair the Council) and Associate Deans of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
(iv) all other Deans of the University
(v) the Chairs of the four Divisional Committees
(vi) the Chairs of the Internal Appraisals and the Policy Committees
(vii) such other ex officio members as the Senate may, from time to time, determine.
(i) all members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
(ii) fourteen full-time graduate students, two from each of the four Divisions of the Faculty, plus six members at large, elected or appointed according to the procedures determined by the Society of Graduate Students.
(iii) such other members as the Senate may, from time to time, determine.
5.1 The Council shall meet at least twice each year and at such other times as the Council, Chair, or Senate may prescribe.
5.2 At meetings of Council a quorum shall consist of 30 members.
5.3 The Council shall report to Senate according to Senate procedures on all matters concerning the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
5.4 The Council may establish such committees as it considers necessary. The Council may delegate authority to its committees, but such committees shall be responsible to the Council.

6.0 Each of the four Divisional Committees (see Section 1.0) shall be responsible to the Council, and shall be composed of:

(a) the following ex officio members:
(i) the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
(ii) the Associate Dean representing the Division concerned
(iii) the Deans of the Faculties with membership in the programs in the Division concerned.
(i) the Chair of the Graduate Affairs Committee or Director of a program (or his/her designate) from each program within the Division, one of whom shall be elected to chair the Divisional Committee
(ii) those representatives of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on the Senate from the Division concerned
(iii) the graduate students on Council from the Division concerned.
6.1 The Divisional Committee shall meet at least twice each year and at such times as the Division, Chair, or Council may prescribe.
6.2 A special meeting of the Divisional Committee shall be called on the written notice of twelve (12) members of the Division concerned, and shall be convened within seven (7) days thereafter, to consider the matter(s) set out in the notice.
6.3 A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the members of the Divisional Committee shall constitute a quorum.
6.4 The Divisional Committee shall receive the reports of the Dean and Chairs of the Divisional Graduate Affairs Committees, and shall advise the Dean on matters pertaining to the Division. The Chair of the Divisional Committee shall report to Council.
6.5 The Divisional Committee shall establish such subcommittees as it considers necessary, and may delegate authority to its subcommittees, but they shall remain responsible to the Divisional Committee.
6.6 A Divisional Committee, or groups of Divisional Committees, may establish such other committees, including Area Committees, to represent unusual interdisciplinary groups, or for other purposes, as it considers necessary. The Divisional Committee may delegate authority to such Area Committees, but these committees shall be responsible to the Divisional Committee(s).

7.0 Each program within the Faculty of Graduate Studies shall establish a committee to oversee graduate affairs constituted in accord with the size and needs of the graduate program to be administered. Such committees shall be responsible to the program concerned.

7.1 The membership of the committee, which may include graduate student representatives, shall be elected or appointed, according to procedures determined by the program concerned, including a person to chair the committee, preferably for a period of two years or more. The person appointed or elected to chair the committee must have the approval of the head of his or her home unit(s) (as defined in 4.0) before accepting the position of chair. Consultation with students about matters of policy is expected. Student members of the committee may be asked to withdraw when matters concerning individual students are considered.
7.2 Graduate Affairs Committees shall administer graduate programs according to such internal regulations as shall be adopted from time to time and published by the members of the program concerned, or by the Graduate Affairs Committee acting on its behalf.
7.3 Graduate Affairs Committees shall report to the Divisional Committee on which they are represented about matters concerning their programs, and about matters referred to the Graduate Affairs Committees by the Divisional Committee.

8.0 The standing committees of Council shall be the Credentials Committee, the Internal Appraisals Committee, the Policy Committee, the Arts and Social Sciences Awards Committee, the Natural Science and Engineering Awards Committee, and the Nominating Committee. All Chairs of standing committees shall report to Council.

9.0 The Credentials Committee shall be composed of:

(i) the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, who shall chair the Committee
(ii) the Associate Deans of the Faculty
(iii) two full professors, noted for scholarly achievement, from each of the four Divisions of the Faculty, Two members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies from each division of the Faculty of Graduate Studies who hold tenure and who are noted for scholarly achievement. At least one of the members from each division must have PhD supervisory privileges.
9.1 The duties of the Credentials Committee shall be to advise the Dean on nominations for and renewals of membership in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and appointment to PhD supervisory privileges. An adverse decision may be reconsidered once in a particular year, provided additional evidence is brought to bear upon the case. In areas where the criteria are difficult to interpret, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members of the Faculty from related disciplines.

10.0 The Internal Appraisals Committee shall be composed of:

(i) the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
(ii) the Associate Deans of the Faculty
(iii) six members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, one from each Division and two at large, one of whom shall be elected to chair the Committee.
(vi) one graduate student
10.1 The duties of the Internal Appraisals Committee shall be to advise the Dean on all proposals for new graduate programs. The Committee may co-opt additional members of the Faculty from disciplines related to the one whose proposal is being appraised in order to lend their expertise to a particular appraisal.

11.0 The Policy Committee shall be composed of:

(i) the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
(ii) the Associate Deans of the Faculty
(iii) one faculty member elected from each of the Divisional Committees
(iv) seven Senators representing the Programs of the Faculty of Graduate Studies,
(v) four graduate students, one from each division, to be appointed by the Society of Graduate Students
The Committee shall elect the Chair from its membership.
11.1 The responsibilities of the Policy Committee shall be to advise the Dean on new or changing policies pertaining to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, its administration, regulations, and programs, and shall include matters of long-term planning. The committee may co-opt additional members to aid in its deliberations.

12.0 The Arts and Social Sciences Awards Committee shall be composed of:

(i) the Associate Dean (Arts and Social Sciences), who shall chair the Committee
(ii) three members from the Arts Division and three members from the Social Sciences Division six members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies from programs whose students are eligible to compete for SSHRC awards, two of whom shall be elected each year for a three-year term.
(iii) the committee may co-opt additional members as needed.
12.1 The duties of the Arts and Social Sciences Awards Committee shall be to select the annual winners of the Calendar relevant scholarships and fellowships available to students in the two Divisions and to prepare ranked lists of candidates in the annual competition for SSHRC doctoral awards. The Committee may also be requested, from time to time, to participate in the awarding of other scholarships.

13.0 The Natural Sciences Biosciences and Engineering Physical Sciences Awards Committee shall be composed of:

(i) the Associate Dean (Biosciences and Physical Sciences), who shall chair the Committee
(ii) nine members from the Biosciences and Physical Sciences Divisions, three of whom shall be elected each year for a three-year term nine members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies from programs whose students are eligible to compete for NSERC or OGSST awards, three of whom shall be elected each year for a three-year term.
(iii) The Committee may co-opt members from additional disciplines as needed.
13.1 The duties of the Natural Sciences Biosciences and Engineering Physical Sciences Awards Committee shall be to prepare ranked lists of candidates in the annual competition for NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships and OGSST awards. The Committee may also be requested, from time to time, to participate in the awarding of other scholarships.

14.0 The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the Dean and the Associate Deans of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the Chairs of the four Divisional Committees, and the President of the Society of Graduate Students.

14.1 The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be to prepare a slate of nominees for election to the standing Committees of the Faculty.

15.0 The by-laws and regulations for the conduct of the proceedings of Council, the Divisional Committees, the standing Committees, and all other committees or subcommittees within the Faculty shall, where practicable, be those adopted by Senate.

16.0 Proposed amendments to the Composition and Rules of Procedure of the Faculty of Graduate Studies shall be circulated to all members of Council along with the Agenda, at least two weeks in advance of the meeting in which approval will be sought. Approval shall be by a majority vote. If approved, the amendments shall be recommended to Senate for final approval.