
Senate Agenda, EXHIBIT II - December 8, 2000



1. Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure I


Dean of Graduate Studies

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-II

Five tenured* members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.

* According to Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999), "References to 'tenured members of faculty' shall include Clinical Academics, Senate Stream" insofar as SCPT I, SCPT II, etc.

No member of SCPT-I may also be a member of SCPT-II or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Continuing to June 30, 2001:

A. Schulte-Hostedde (Grad. Student/Sci.), P. Deane (Assoc./Arts/Chair), J. Jiang (Prof./Engg.Sci.), H.Laschinger (Prof./HS), C. Trick (Prof./Sci.), J. White (Assoc./Soc.Sci.)

Required: One member of Faculty, with tenure [or Academic Clinicians, Senate Stream], who is eligible for Senate membership, to complete the term of C. Trick who is on leave. Term to June 30, 2001.

Nominee: Sylvia Osborn (Assoc./Sci.)

2. Senate Review Board Academic

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Members:

Retiring November 2000:

Graduates: R. Gowing, S. Mangos, D. Raymond, A. Schulte-Hostedde

Required: Four graduate students (terms to November 30, 2001)


Alan Chan
Mark Cukiernik
Dwayne Raymond
Tom Urbaniak

3. ad hoc Senate Committee to Review the Draft Code of Student Conduct

Composition: Seven members:


Rebecca Coulter [faculty]
Angela Schneider [faculty]
______________ [affiliated college Senator]
______________ [undergraduate student]
James Kay [undergraduate student]
Lynn Shaw [graduate student]
______________ [Senator]


At its November 17, 2000, meeting, additional nominations were made for four of the election items in the Report of the Nominating Committee. Subsequent to the meeting, a mail ballot was held. The following people have been elected to the Committees outlined.

Dean of the Faculty of Education

Fred Longstaffe, John Nicholas and Dan Shrubsole have been elected to the Selection Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Education.

Dean of the Faculty of Social Science

Angela Esterhammer, Joyce MacKinnon and Alan Weedon have been elected to the Selection Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Social Science.

Operations/Agenda Committee

Elected for a one-year term on the Operations/Agenda Committee (to November 2001) are Neil Kapoor, an undergraduate student Senator, and Anthony Percival-Smith, who will replace Kevin McQuillan who has resigned.

Elected for two-year terms on the Operations/Agenda Committee (to November 2002) are Tom Carmichael, John Doerksen, Wayne Flintoff, Alison Lee, and Sylvia Osborn.

University Council on Animal Care

Erin O'Sullivan (Grad. Student/Social Science) has been elected to the University Council on Animal Care as a non-bioscientist member for a one year term (to November 2001).