
OAC Agenda - EXHIBIT I - November 9, 2000



1. Senate Membership

1A) Faculty Constituencies

The recommendations for appointment of representatives of Faculty constituencies are proposed in accord with Senate regulations for filling vacancies.

Recommended: That the following nominees be appointed to Senate to represent the constituencies shown for the two year terms (to October 31, 2002):

1) Representing the Faculty of Arts constituency, that Alison Lee (English) and Marilyn Randall (French) be appointed.

2) Representing the Richard Ivey School of Business constituency, that John Haywood-Farmer be appointed.

3) Representing the Faculty of Law constituency, that Bruce Welling be appointed.

4) Representing the Brescia College constituency, that Paul Barker be appointed.

5) Representing the Huron College constituency, that Dermot McCarthy be appointed.

1B) Administrative Staff Constituency

Recommended: That Rick Graham (Physical Plant Dept.) be appointed to Senate to represent the Administrative Staff constituency (term to October 31, 2002).

The recommendation has been made by an ad hoc subcommittee duly constituted by Senate at its last meeting to nominate a representative for the administrative staff constituency. The ad hoc Nominating Committee has conferred and agreed that Mr. Graham be recommended for election to Senate. Mr. Graham has been with the University for 10 years in Transportation and Stores and is President of CUPE local 2361.

1C) Senator from the General Community

Recommended: That Rebecca Howse be appointed to Senate as the Senator from the General Community (term to October 31, 2002).

Membership on Senate, according to the UWO Act (1982) includes five representatives of the General Community -- the President of the Alumni Association (or designate), two persons appointed by the Alumni Association, and two persons elected by Senate. Nominations for the Senate-elected members come from an ad hoc Senate Nominating Committee.

In accordance with Senate procedures, the ad hoc Nominating Committee has conferred and agreed that Ms. Rebecca Howse be recommended for election to Senate. Ms. Howse, a 深夜福利站 alumna, is the principal of Lord Dorchester Secondary School in Dorchester, Ontario.

2. Nominating Committee - Membership

Composition: Seven members of Senate, elected by Senate, at least one of whom shall be a graduate student. Not more than two members may be from a single academic unit. The Faculty of Graduate Studies is not considered an academic unit in this context.

There will be three alternates who are members of Senate, one of whom is a student, to attend meetings when regular members are unable to attend.

Ex officio members include: Chair of the Student Caucus on Governance

Current Elected Membership:

Retiring November 2000:

M. Weyers (Grad.), B. Bryan (Sci.), J. MacKinnon (H.Sci.), C. Callaghan (Admin. Staff)

E. Dipchand (Undergrad.), R. Darnell (Soc. Sci.)

Continuing to November 2001:

P. Deane (S) (Arts), T. Rajan (S)(Arts), S. Mangsen (S)(Mus.)

G. Cherian (S)(M&D)

Members Required:

One graduate student Senator; and

Three additional members of Senate; none from the Faculty of Arts and not more than one may be from the Faculty of Music.

Nominees: (S)(Graduate Student) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]

Maciej Floryan (S) (Engg.Sci.)

Joyce MacKinnon (S) (HS)

Martin Westmacott (S) (Soc.Sci.)

Alternates Required:

Two members of Senate, one of whom is a Student

Nominees: (S)(Student) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]

Regna Darnell (S) (Soc.Sci.)

3. Senate Meeting Dates 2002

Recommended: That the following Senate meeting dates for 2002 be approved, with all meetings to begin Fridays at 1:00 p.m:

4. Terms of Reference of the University Council on Animal Care (UCAC) and Animal Use Subcommittee (AUS)


As of March 2000, the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) updated their recommendations for terms of reference for animal care committees. The following recommendations will bring the terms of reference of 深夜福利站's relevant committees into line with the CCAC's recommendations.

Recommended: That the terms of reference of the University Council on Animal Care (UCAC) be amended as shown below, as recommended by the UCAC:

Terms of Reference:

To advise the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall bring to Senate via the appropriate committee, those matters requiring Senate's attention.

To advise on all matters pertaining to the procurement, maintenance and use of experimental animals for teaching, research and testing in the University and its affiliated bodies.

The Council shall:

- the proper and humane care of animals has been questioned formally by an individual or an organization; or
- when a decision made by the Animal Use Subcommittee (AUS) is challenged by a member of faculty or the Animal Care and Veterinary Services veterinarian, or
- when a complaint is made by a member of the animal user researcher community regarding the operation of the AUS

Recommended: That the terms of reference of the Animal Use Subcommittee (AUS) be amended as shown below, as recommended by the UCAC:

Terms of Reference:

To review protocols for the use of animals in research, teaching and testing, according to the procedures established by the University Council on Animal Care (UCAC), to ensure that procedures are in accord with the regulations of the Ontario Animals for Research Act and the guidelines and policy statements, and the "Ethics of Animal Investigation" document of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) and to make recommendations thereon.

To undertake site visits of all animal care facilities and experimental laboratories (where animals are used) from time to time, but at least once a year.

To bring to the attention of the University Council on Animal Care any matters requiring its special attention, and to make recommendations as appropriate.

To undertake specific duties as may be requested by the University Council on Animal Care.

To report to the University Council on Animal Care as necessary, but at least annually.


1. Senate Membership - Alumni Association Representatives

The Alumni Association has announced the reappointment of Sally Siegner and Gary Weese to Senate as representatives of the Alumni Association for terms from November 1, 2000, to October 31, 2001, and October 31, 2002, respectively. Wally Gibson will continue as the designate of the President of the Alumni Association, to May 2001.

2. Amendment - Candidates for Degrees

On behalf of the Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the lists of Candidates for Degrees for Fall Convocation 1998 and Fall Convocation 1999, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 16, 1998 and October 15, 1999, respectively.

Friday, October 23, 1998 Faculty of Science
Bachelor of Science (Honors)


Friday, October 25, 1999 Faculty of Science
Diploma in Honors Standing


3. Officers of Convocation

The Operations/Agenda Committee, approved, on behalf of Senate, the appointment of the following Officers of Convocation:

D. Peterson has been appointed Director of Convocation (term to October 31, 2002)

J. Toswell has been appointed Marshal (term to October 31, 2002)

C. Jonkhans has been appointed Chief Usher (term to October 31, 2002)

J. Palmer has been appointed Esquire Bedel (Spring Convocation Ceremonies) (term to October 31, 2002)

B.D. Jameson has been appointed Esquire Bedel (Fall Convocation Ceremonies) (term to October 31, 2002)

4. Senate Attendance Requirements

The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Act provides, in Section 26:

(3) Where within any membership year* a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 50 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate may by resolution declare such membership vacant.

(4) Where within any membership year* a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 25 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate shall by resolution declare such membership vacant.

* (The Senate membership year begins in November.)

Senate attendance is reviewed by the Operations/Agenda Committee from time to time, and the Committee is prepared to recommend to Senate that a Senate seat be declared vacant should a pattern of absenteeism develop. Senators who find they have a schedule conflict with Senate meetings may apply for a Leave of Absence from Senate for the period of the conflict. In this case, an Alternate will be appointed in accordance with the Senate policy for filling vacancies. If the conflict is unresolvable, resignation from Senate would be appropriate in order that the constituency concerned be represented by a duly appointed replacement.