
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - October 20, 2000



1. Candidates for Degrees - Autumn Convocation 2000

On behalf of Senate the Provost approves the list of Candidates for Degrees upon the recommendation of the Registrar [S.96-124]. The list of Candidates approved by the Provost will be appended to the Official Minutes of the October 20, 2000, meeting of Senate.

2. Order of Convocation: Spring 2001

The Order of Convocation for Spring 2001 is:

10:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 5

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Faculty of Arts; Faculty of Information and Media Studies; Faculty of Music

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts, Information and Media Studies and Music

3:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 5

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Richard Ivey School of Business; Faculty of Engineering Science; Faculty of Law; aculty of Medicine & Dentistry

* = students in programs hosted by the Richard Ivey School of Business, and the Faculties of Engineering Science, and Medicine & Dentistry

10:00 a.m. Wednesday, June 6

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Faculty of Education

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Education

3:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 6

Brescia College; Huron College; King's College

10:00 a.m. Thursday, June 7

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Faculty of Social Science (Honors and ACS)

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Social Science

3:30 p.m. Thursday, June 7

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Faculty of Science

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Science

10:00 a.m. Friday, June 8

Faculty of Social Science (3 year program)

3:30 p.m. Friday, June 8

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Faculty of Health Sciences

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Health Sciences

3. Order of Convocation: Autumn 2001

The Order of Convocation for Autumn 2001 is:

3:30 p.m.Thursday, October 25

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Richard Ivey School of Business; Faculty of Education; Faculty of Engineering Science; Faculty of Health Sciences; Faculty of Law; Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry; Faculty of Music

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Education, Engineering Science, Health Sciences, Medicine & Dentistry, Music, and the Richard Ivey School of Business

10:00 a.m. Friday, October 26

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Faculty of Arts; Faculty of Science; Brescia College; Huron College; King's College

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts and Science

3:30 p.m. Friday, October 26

Faculty of Graduate Studies*; Faculty of Information and Media Studies; Faculty of Social Science

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Information and Media Studies and Social Science

4. Amendment - Candidate for Degrees - Spring Convocation 2000

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 2000, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 23, 2000.

Wednesday, June 7, 2000 Faculty of Graduate Studies

Master of Library and Information Sciences


5. Rules Governing Motion to Reconsider

Senate By-Law IX states "Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure" by Alice Sturgis (Current Edition) shall govern the Senate in all parliamentary situations not provided for in the UWO Act, Senate By-Laws, or Senate Rules of Order."

The Rules of Order of the Senate which were adopted by Senate in September 1980 (S.2905), at the time when the Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Authority was adopted as Senate's Parliamentary Authority, are appended to the Senate's by-laws (see http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/senate/bylaws.html).

From time to time, based on questions of procedure that arise at Senate meetings, the Operations/Agenda Committee advises Senate of parliamentary rules. At the September 22nd meeting, a question arose about Motions to Reconsider. Sturgis(1) provides the following advice.

Motion to Reconsider

The purpose of a motion to reconsider is to enable an assembly to set aside a vote on a main motion taken at the same meeting or convention and to consider the motion again as though no vote had been taken on it.

Main motions are occasionally approved or disapproved under a misapprehension or without adequate information, and sometimes later events cause an assembly to change its mind.

The vote on any main motion, whether carried or lost, can be reconsidered at the same meeting or convention, except when something that cannot be undone has been done as a result of the vote.

Rules Governing the Motion to Reconsider:

1. Alice Sturgis, Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, 3rd Ed. New and Revised (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988), 35-37.