
Senate Agenda, September 22, 2000 - EXHIBIT I



1. Senate Membership: Graduate Student Constituency

Recommended: That the Senate seat held by Gary Pon as the elected representative of the Graduate Students, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and,

That Fern Gauthier (PhD Zoology), be elected to complete Mr Pon's term (to October 31, 2000).

2. Strategic Planning Task Force: Terms of Reference and Composition

Recommended: That the Strategic Planning Task Force Terms of Reference and Composition be approved and recommended to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

Strategic Planning Task Force

Building on Leadership in Learning, the Task Force will bring the University's strategic planning up to date in light of new and evolving issues, with a time horizon to 2010. The Task Force will hold public meetings and invite written submissions from the University and the external community. The Task Force will seek to distribute a draft report by the Spring of 2001 and to submit a final report for approval by Senate and the Board in September 2001.

The Task Force report will indicate key initiatives which the University should undertake in support of its mission, vision, and basic principles, in such areas as enrolment planning, recruitment, retention, and support of faculty, staff, and students; building on strength in research and teaching; undergraduate curriculum; student leadership; lifelong learning; the use of technology in teaching and learning; alumni relations; private funding; relationships with the people of London and with other external communities; research partnerships with the private sector; ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s identity in a competitive institutional environment.

The composition of the Task Force will be as follows:

• President, who shall Chair the Task Force

• Provost & Vice-President (Academic)

• Four persons named by the Board, including an alumna or alumnus of the University

• Seven persons named by Senate, including an undergraduate student and a graduate student

• One faculty member named by UWOFA

• One staff member named by the Board of Governors on recommendation by the Presidents of the non-faculty employee groups

• One member named by the President

The Vice-President (Administration) and General Counsel, the Vice-President (Research), the Vice-President (External), and the Director of Institutional Planning & Budgeting will serve as resource persons. The Executive Assistant to the President will serve as Secretary to the Task Force.

3. Constitution - Faculty of Arts

Recommended: That the Constitution of the Faculty of Arts be amended by removing references to an Executive Committee in sections 9 and 11, and, revising references to "Assistant" Dean to read "Associate" Dean in sections 2, and 4(A)(iii) and (iv), as shown in .


In April 2000, the Council of the Faculty of Arts approved a motion to abolish the Arts Executive Committee at the end of the academic year and that mention of it be removed from the Constitution of the Faculty. The Executive Committee has not met for several years, and during that time the focus of other committees (e.g., Educational Policy Committee, Chairs, Nominating) has broadened to the point that an Executive Committee is unnecessary.

Since there is no Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the revisions to these titles to read Associate Dean is a matter of housekeeping.

4. Disbanding the Senate Committees on Sabbatical Leaves and Sabbatical Leave Appeals

Recommended: That the Senate Committee on Sabbatical Leaves and the Senate Committee on Sabbatical Leave Appeals be disbanded.


The Collective Agreement between The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario and The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario Faculty Association sets out a new process for requests for sabbatical leaves. These Senate Committees are no longer needed as part of the process.


1. Amendments to Candidates for Degrees

a. Spring Convocation 2000

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 2000, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 23, 2000.

Tuesday, June 6, 2000 Faculty of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Honors English Language and Literature

ADD: Luke Wilmshurst

b. Spring Convocation 1999

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 1999, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 18, 1999.

Thursday, June 10, 1999 Faculty of Science
Bachelor of Science

DELETE: David Michael Markus

c. Fall Convocation 1999 and Spring Convocation 2000

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the lists of Candidates for Degrees for Fall Convocation 1999, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 15, 1999 and for Spring Convocation 2000, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 23, 2000.

Friday, October 22, 1999 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE
Bachelor of Arts
Administrative and Commercial Studies


Thursday, June 8, 2000 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE
Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies