
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - May 19, 2000



1. Senate Membership

Faculty Constituencies

Recommended: That the Senate seat held by Juvenal Ndayiragije as the elected representat ive of the Faculty of Arts, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and,

That Marilyn Randall (French) , be elected to complete Professor Ndayiragije's term (to October 31, 2000).

Recommended: That the Senate seat held by David Cunningham as the elected representative of the Faculty of Health Sciences, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and,

That Ron Watson (Kinesiology), be elected to complete Professor Cunningham's term (July 1 to October 31, 2000).

Recommended: That the Senate seat held by Steve Lupker as the elected representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and,

That Jonathan Vance (History), runner up in the last Senate election be elected to complete Professor Lupker's term (July 1 to October 31, 2000).

Graduate Student Constituency

Recommended: That the Senate seat held by Geoffrey Vanderberg, elected representative to Senate for the Graduate Student constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and

That Gary Pon (MLIS II), be elected to complete Mr. Vanderberg's term (April 1 to October 31, 2000).

Undergraduate Student Constituencies

Recommended: That the Senate seat held by Marl Kissel, elected representative to Senate for the Undergraduate Arts and Music constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and

That Sandra Iacobelli (Honors English III), be elected to serve as Mr. Kissel's replacement (term to October 31, 2000).

Recommended: That Paul Hong, elected representative to Senate for the Undergraduate Social Science and Information and Media Studies constituency, be granted a leave of absence, and

That Naheed Bardai (Honors Political Science II, SS), be elected to serve as Mr. Hong's alternate (term to September 1, 2000).

2. SUEPP Membership

Recommended: That the list of non-voting Resource persons on the SCUP Subcommittee on Enrolment Planning and Policy (SUEPP) be revised as follows:

DELETE: Deputy Registrar
Manager, Admissions and Liaison Services

ADD: Manager, Applicant Services.


Recent reassignments of duties within the Registrar's Office have included the discontinuation of the position of Deputy Registrar. The proposed change to the composition of SUEPP also reflects a change in title of the Manager, Applicant Services.

3. Terms of Reference and Composition of University Library Council

Recommended: That the Terms of Reference and Composition of the University Library Council be revised as shown below:

Terms of Reference:

To advise the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall bring to Senate, via the appropriate committee, those matters requiring Senate's attention.

To serve in advisory, advocacy and information transfer capacities to the University Libraries.

To review and make recommendations on the Libraries; University library system and to formulate current policy and long-range to advise on policies, plans, and priorities for the development of the system Libraries, including physical facilities, acquisitions collections, and services, and priorities.; and to help promote and support the Libraries within the University and external communities.

To report on its activities to Senate, as directed by Senate, but at least annually.


One representative from each Faculty (excluding the Faculty of Graduate Studies), appointed by the Dean or elected by the Faculty Council

Faculties of Health Sciences, Medicine & Dentistry, and Science elected by the Sciences Library Committee
Faculty of Information and Media Studies appointed by the Dean
Faculty of Law appointed by the Dean
Faculty of Social Science elected by the Faculty Council

One undergraduate student, elected by the University Students' Council

One graduate student, elected by the Society of Graduate Students

Ex officio:

President & Vice-Chancellor
Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
Vice-President (Administration)
Vice-President (Research)
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Director of Libraries
Chair, Allyn and Betty Taylor Library Committee
Chair, The D.B. Weldon Users' Committee

Secretary of Senate (non-voting)

The Chair of each of the following Library Committees:
Faculty of Arts
Richard Ivey School of Business
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculty of Music
D.B. Weldon Users' Committee


Council has not met for some time. As a result, changes were needed to update the Terms of Reference. The Composition has also been revised to reflect that the Sciences Library Committee has been replaced by the Taylor Library Committee, and the Council's recommendation that all faculties be represented on Council.

Currently membership terms run from November to November. Contingent on approval of this recommendation, current members terms would end June 30th, at which time Faculty Deans would be consulted regarding the appointment of new members or the reappointment of the current members for terms to run from July 1 to June 30. Terms for the faculty representatives would be for two years and staggered. Terms for student representatives would be one year.

4. Composition of the University Research Board

Recommended: That the composition of the University Research Board be amended by adding: "One graduate student, elected by Senate."

5. Affiliated College Representation on SCUP

Recommended: That the affiliated college representation on SCUP be revised from an elected position to an ex officio position. The wording, "one Principal of an Affiliated College (to be appointed on a rotating basis)", will remain the same.


The composition of the Senate Committee on University Planning (SCUP) includes, "one Principal of an Affiliated College (to be appointed on a rotating basis)". The rotational system in place is alphabetic, i.e., Principal of Brescia College followed by Huron College followed by King's College. Because the membership is an "elected" position, the name of the appropriate Principal is recommended to the Nominating Committee and added to the nominees for its report to the June meeting of Senate. The Principal is then elected for a three-year membership term to commence on July 1.

This recommendation is being made for two reasons: 1) there is no apparent advantage to having the appointed Principal elected by Senate, 2) having this position as ex officio will allow the appointed Principal to send an alternate Principal to the meetings which he or she cannot attend.


1. Candidates for Theological Degrees - Huron College

a. Master of Divinity Candidates

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following list of candidates who received the Master of Divinity degree at the Spring Convocation 2000 at Huron College (May 2, 2000).

Donald Gordon Alcock*
Dwayne Bos
Christine Crawford *
Honey Jean Fish
Janet Lesley Griffith-Johnson *
David Dennis Perks *
Bryan Erle Robertson*
Heather Robinson*
Dana Jane Rodgers *
Herbert Schroeder
Brian David Wearne
Christine Iris Young *

* = with distinction

b. Master of Theological Studies

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following list of candidates who received the Master of Theological Studies degree at the Spring Convocation 2000 at Huron College (May 2, 2000).

Philip James Baldwin *
Dennis Gary Pringle *

* = with distinction

2. Amendments - Candidates for Degrees

Fall Convocation 1999

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Fall Convocation 1999, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 15, 1999:

Friday, October 22, 1999
Bachelor of Arts


Friday, October 22, 1999
Bachelor of Arts