
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - March 24, 2000



1. Selection Committee for Associate Vice-President (Research)

Subject to approval by the Board of Governors (March 30, 2000) Section R of Appointments Procedures provides the following composition for a Selection Committee for Associate Vice-President (Research):

(a) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair
(b) 4 persons elected by Senate, one of whom will be a graduate student
(c) 2 persons elected by the Board of Governors

Required: 4 persons, one of whom is a graduate student


Susan McDonald (graduate student)
Bill Avison (Soc.Sci.)
Fred Longstaffe (Sci.)
Kevin McQuillan (Soc.Sci.)

Position Description

Associate Vice-President (Research)

The Associate Vice-President (Research) (AVPR) has primary responsibility for the fostering, coordination and oversight of institutional proposals for support from large, collaborative infrastructure programs which often involve a multiplicity of partners and sponsors. These include proposals developed for the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario R&D Challenge Fund, the Premier's Research Excellence Awards and similar programs, and successors to these programs.

The AVPR contributes to the development and articulation of institutional research policy, and to the institution's contributions toward provincial and national research policy.

The AVPR serves as the delegate of the Vice-President (Research) in assuming responsibility for designated areas of authority within the portfolio, and for other tasks as assigned by the Vice-President (Research).

(This description was filed with the Operations/Agenda Committee in February 2000.)

2. Academic Colleague

Required: One member of Senate to serve as Academic Colleague to COU for a two-year term from July 1, 2000, to June 30, 2002.

Nominee: David Bentley (Arts)

3. Operations/Agenda Committee (OAC)

Composition: Nine current members of Senate, at least one of whom shall be a student. The Vice-Chair of Senate is the Chair ex officio of this Committee.

Current Composition:

Retiring in November 2000: C. Callaghan (Admin. Staff), D. Jorgensen (Soc. Sci.), J. Nicholas (Arts), K. Okruhlik (Arts), D. Rosner (Soc. Sci.), D. Small (Student).

Continuing to November 2001: K. McQuillan (Soc.Sci.), E. Skarakis-Doyle (HS), M. Westmacott (Soc.Sci)[Alt. G. Cherian (M&D)]

Required: One member to complete the term of D. Jorgensen who has resigned.[term to November 2000]

Nominee: Tom Carmichael (Arts)

4. Senate Committee of Academic Policy and Admissions (SCAPA)

Composition: Includes ten members elected by Senate, including

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Retiring December 31, 2000: D. Braun (S)(Undergrad), S. Osborn (Sci.) [Alt. D. Peterson (H.Sci.) to June 30/00], A. Pitman (Education), R. Telfer (S)(Grad), B. Timney (S)(Soc.Sci.)

Continuing to December 31, 2001: P. Dean (S)(Sci), D. Jorgensen (S)(Soc.Sci.), S. Mangsen (S)(Music), P. Théberge (IMS), J. Thorp (Arts)

Required: one member to complete the term of D. Jorgensen who has resigned (term to December 31, 2001)

Nominee: Jonathan Hore (M&D)

5. University Council on Student Housing (UCOSH)

Composition: Includes three persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student who does not live in a residence of the Constituent University.

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Continuing to March 31, 2000: A. Malowitz, D. Dawson
Continuing to March 31, 2001: C. Beynon

Required: Two persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student who does not live in a residence of the Constituent University.


_______________ (student: term to March 31, 2001)[Nomination to be made at Senate]
Debra Dawson (EDO/Educ.)

6. Senate Committee on University Planning (SCUP)

Composition: Includes seven members elected by Senate: one graduate student*; and one Principal of an Affiliated College (appointed on a rotating basis); one member of administrative staff; and four members of faculty who are members of Senate at the time elected. Membership terms for elected faculty are three years, non-renewable; graduate student's term is one year, renewable.

* The President of the Society of Graduate Students shall qualify as a student for this purpose.

[The President of the University Students Council is an ex officio member of SCUP.]

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Continuing to June 30, 2000: D. Bevan (Affil. - Huron College), J. McKay (Music), K.Barrowcliffe (graduate student)

Continuing to June 30, 2001: D. Campbell-Borland (Admin. Staff), K. McQuillan (Soc. Sci.)

Required: One graduate student to complete the term of K. Barrowcliffe who has resigned (term to June 30, 2000).

One member of administrative staff to complete the term of D. Campbell-Borland who has resigned (term to June 30, 2001)


Fern Gauthier (graduate student)
Wendy Kennedy (Admin.Staff)