
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - January 28, 2000



Selection Committee - Senior Director, Information Technology Services

In accordance with Section U. of Appointments Procedures, a selection committee for Senior Director of Information Technology Services shall consist of:

(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) the Vice-President (Administration)
(c) the Vice-President (Research)
(d) the Chair of the Senate Committee on Information Technology Services
(e) four persons elected by Senate

Required: four persons elected by Senate


Ruban Chelladurai (Director - IPB)
Roy Eagleson (Sci.)
Joyce Garnett (Director - Libraries)
Gloria Leckie (IMS)

2. Senate Grievance Committee

Composition: The panel from which members are selected by lot is composed of nine tenured members of the faculty of the constituent University, elected by Senate. At least one member of this panel but not more than two shall be from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Science and Medicine & Dentistry, and not more than one shall be from any other Faculty.


Terms to April 30, 2000: J. Hore (M&D), H. Laschinger (HS), T. Lookman (Sci.)
Terms to April 30, 2001: R. Darnell (Soc. Sci.), D. Fahselt (Sci.), T. Tausky (Arts)
Terms to April 30, 2002: I. Connidis (Soc.Sci.), S. Dunn (M&D), V. Tumanov (Arts)

Required: One member of faculty of the constituent University with tenure who is not from the Faculties of Arts, Medicine & Dentistry or Science, to serve as an alternate for R. Darnell who has asked for a leave of absence (Term from January to June 30, 2000).

Nominee: Gloria Leckie (IMS)

3. Senate Review Board Academic

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Members:

Graduate Students: S. Mangos, M. McKenzie, G. Sholdice, A. Schulte-Hostedde

Required: One graduate student to complete the term of G. Sholdice who has resigned.

Nominee: Rob Gowing

4. Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admissions

Composition: Includes ten members elected by Senate, including

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Continuing to December 31, 2000: D. Braun (S)(Undergraduate Student) S. Osborn (Sci.) [Alt. D. Peterson (HS) to June 30/00], A. Pitman (Education), B. Timney (S)(Soc.Sci.), R. Telfer (S)(Graduate Student)

Continuing to December 31, 2001: J. Thorp (Arts), P. Dean (S)(Sci.), B. Frohmann (S)(IMS), D. Jorgensen (S)(Soc.Sci.), S. Mangsen (S)(Music)

Required: one member to complete the term of B. Frohmann who has resigned.

Nominee: Paul Théberge (IMS)


Appointment of Alternates

Pursuant to Senate By-Law VI.13a) ... Upon the granting of a Leave of Absence, the Nominating Committee shall appoint a temporary replacement and report its actions to the Senate.

1. University Research Board

Carol McWilliam (HS) will serve as Alternate on the University Research Board for Regna Darnell who is on leave (term: January to June 30, 2000).

2. Operations/Agenda Committee

George Cherian (M&D) will serve as Alternate for Martin Westmacott who is on leave (term: January to June 30, 2000).