
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT III - January 28, 2000



1. Affiliation Agreement between UWO and Brescia College, Huron College and King's College (S.90-97, S.92-3, S.96-139)

Recommended: That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, the revised Affiliation Agreement between the Board of Governors of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, Brescia College, Huron College, and King's College, as shown in Appendix 1.

Statutory Authority:

From The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Act (1982, as amended 1988):

20. On the recommendation of the Senate, the Board may,
(c) provide for the affiliation with the University of any college in Ontario offering courses leading to a degree and established for teaching any branch of learning on such terms as the Board may determine, and enter into any agreement that the Board may consider necessary to effectuate affiliation, and in order to preserve the undenominational nature of the University no more than two colleges of the same denominational control shall be affiliated with the University at the same time, and no college affiliated with the University shall be affiliated with or have affiliated with it any other college, school or institution of higher learning without specific permission in writing by the Board;


The Affiliation Agreement is being amended to reflect current practice. The current Affiliation Agreement can be viewed at http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/general/affils.html.

2. Four-Year BSc Program in Human Ecology (Foods and Nutrition)

Recommended: That a Four-Year BSc (Human Ecology) Foods and Nutrition program be introduced at Brescia College and the Faculty of Science, effective September 1, 2000.



Note: Common first and second years are taken by students in both the 3-year and the 4-year programs. [First and second years are outlined on page 285 of the 1999 Academic Calendar.]


Third Year

Principal Courses

Subsidiary Courses

Fourth Year

Principal Courses

Subsidiary Courses


The Human Ecology programs are recognized as professional programs (see 1999-2000 Calender, p 21 under Double Undergraduate Degrees). Most students entering these programs have clear academic and career objectives. Currently, most students want a four-year degree, but not all qualify for the Honors program. A Four-Year General program will allow students to include further Foods and Nutrition courses and to enrich/complement the program, e.g., with a minor in Kinesiology (under discussion) or additional courses qualifying them for the Family Studies teaching area at the Faculty of Education. Students enrolled in the Three-Year BSc (Human Ecology) Foods and Nutrition program will have the option of completing that degree or transferring to the Four-Year program.

Note: Admission criteria shall be the same as for the other Foods and Nutrition programs. Progression standards of the Three-Year General program shall apply.

3. Faculty of Health Sciences: Physical Therapy Appeal Process

Recommended: That the current undergraduate appeal policy in the School of Physical Therapy be changed to provide greater flexibility to the School in allowing students to continue in the program under special conditions. (Changes shown in italics below.)

(Page 85, 1999-2000 Academic Calendar)

Academic Regulations

Progression in the program will be based on each year's achievement, the minimum for which is:

an overall course average of 60%, with a mark of at least 60% in each principal course (physical therapy subjects), and satisfactory clinical performance;

80% attendance at lecture and laboratory courses and 100% attendance in clinical placements.

Tests, assignments and practical work, as well as performance in final examinations will constitute the final mark in each course.

A student who fails a course (a course may be of one-half or one full credit) or who fails to meet the progression requirements as noted above, will normally be considered to have failed the year and will be required to withdraw from the program. Such students may petition the School on medical or compassionate grounds for relief from the requirement to withdraw. Should such a request be granted, the School will review each individual case and determine the conditions to be met by the student to remain in the program.

Examinations (S.92-172)

(no change)

Failed Year (S.93-304)



Under the present policy, students who fail a course, or fail to meet the BSc(PT) program's progression requirements, are required to withdraw from the School of Physical Therapy. In such cases, students can submit a formal letter of appeal to the Dean to seek relief from the requirement to withdraw. If approved, reinstatement may include abiding by special conditions which are determined through consultation with the Dean and the School Director or the designate of each.

Under the proposed policy, the Director of the School of Physical Therapy or his/her designate will review each case where a student is required to withdraw from the program, and where appropriate, can set specific guidelines to which the student must abide to maintain registration. If the requirement to withdraw is upheld, the student can then submit a formal letter of appeal to the Dean of the Faculty (or his/her designate) for consideration.

4. Sessional Dates for Medicine & Dentistry

Recommended: That Senate approve the sessional dates for Dentistry and Medicine, as outlined below:



Aug. 29-Sept. 1 Clinical Orientation, Year III

Sept. 1 Dental Kit Orientation Day-Year I (All disciplines)

Sept. 4 Labour Day, classes cancelled

Sept. 5 Classes commence, All Years, Clinics commence, Years III & IV

Oct. 9 Thanksgiving Day ( no classes)

Oct. (TBA) Autumn Convocation

Dec. 1 Last day for receiving admission applications to school.

Dec. 8 Classes end- All Years

Dec. 9-16 Exam Period


Jan. 2 Winter Term Commences -all years

March 12-16 Study Week

March 19-24 Final exams-Fourth Year

April 13 Good Friday (no classes)

Apr. 27 Winter Term ends- all years

Apr. 30-May 4 Written supp. exams Year IV

Apr. 30-May 18 Study & Final Exams, Year I, II, III

June (TBA) Spring Convocation

July 16-27 Supp. Exams, Years I, II, III

[Note: For the 2000-2001 year the fall term for Dentistry is 14 weeks in length in order to meet the minimum standards required for accreditation.]



August 30 - September 1 Year 1 Orientation (Meds 2004)

September 5 Classes begin for Years 1,2 (Meds 2004, 2003) & Year 4 Clinical Electives(2001)

September 5-8 Year 3 Clerkship Orientation (Meds 2002)

September 11 Year 3 Clerkship begins

October 9 Thanksgiving

October 16 - 22 Exam Week Year 1

November 9 - 15 Exam Week Year 2

December 11 - 15 Exam Week Year 1

December 15 Classes end Year 1

December 20 Classes end Year 2


January 2 Year 1 classes resume

Year 4 CaRMS preparation/Electives

January 4 Year 2 Classes resume

January 29 Year 4 Transitional Period Scheduled Classes begin

February 15 - 21 Exam Week Year 2

March 5 - 9 Exam Week Year 1

March 12 -16 Year 1, 2 Vacation period (Meds 2004, 2003)

April 13 Good Friday

April 20 Year 4 ends (Meds 2001)

May Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam Part 1

May 21 Victoria Day

May 28 - June 1 Exam Week Year 1

June 4 - 8 Exam Week Year 2

Year 1 Mandatory Rural Medicine Experience (Meds 2004)

June 8 Year 1 and 2 final day before summer vacation (Meds 2004, 2003)

August 31 Year 3 Clerkship ends (Meds 2002)

5. Introduction of English 265E at King's College

Recommended: That English 265E: American Women Writers: 1800 to the Present be introduced at King's College, effective September 1, 2000.


English 265E: American Women Writers: 1800 to the Present
This course will examine the diverse range of American women's writing and their contribution to the American literary tradition from the nineteenth century to the present. Representative writers will be studied, with emphasis on major figures such as Fuller, Alcott, Harper, Jewett, Gilman, Wharton, Cather, Welty, Angelou, H.D., Rich, and Morrison.
Antirequisite: English 255E at King's taught in 1996-2000.
Prerequisites: At least 60% in one of English 020E, 022E, 024E or the former English 026, and 60% in all subsequent English courses, or permission of the Department.
3 hours.


The addition of this course will increase student choice. It was offered as a special topics course at King's College for three years. The course will be listed in the Affiliated College section of the academic calendar and will be cross-listed with Women's Studies.

6. Scholarships and Awards Policy on Exact Ties (S.97-219b)

Recommended: That Senate approve a revision to the policy on exact ties noted below to discourage Faculties from granting an award to two or more recipients, i.e., splitting awards, or granting awards "in name only".


One scholarship, award, medal or prize will be awarded except in the case of exact ties (without rounding) where the award value will be split equally. Faculties are strongly discouraged from splitting any award including scholarships, awards, medals and prizes, or from granting any award "in name only".


At the October meeting of SCAPA, members had been asked to give guidance to the Registrar's Office on the burgeoning practice of splitting an award between two or more recipients. In some cases, this practice has also resulted in Faculties giving awards "in name only" to a number of recipients. The revision shown above clarifies the position taken by SCAPA as part of a policy statement.


1. New Undergraduate Scholarship Conditions

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for a new undergraduate Scholarship for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

Alan & Mary Adlington Scholarship (Faculty of Social Science)
Awarded to an undergraduate student who is enrolled in the Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies Program in the Faculty of Social Sciences beyond year one, based on academic achievement. This is a continuing award provided academic achievement is sustained. This scholarship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by a generous donation from Dr. Alan (HBA'50, LLD'86) and Mrs. Adlington.
Value: $600
Effective: May 1999

2. Four-Year Bachelor of Arts Program in English (S.99-228)

At its October meeting, Senate approved the introduction of a Four-Year Bachelor of Arts program in English, to be introduced by the Faculty of Arts effective September 1, 2000. At the request of the Department of English and the Faculty of Arts, the implementation date will be revised from September to May 1, 2000, in order to allow a student who has satisfied the requirements for the degree to graduate from it in the Fall.

3. Proposal for Reform of the Undergraduate Program

Attached as Appendix 2 is a document entitled, "SCAPA White Paper: The Reform of the Undergraduate Program" which will be circulated for comment to Deans, Associate Deans and Department Chairs, and published in the 深夜福利站 News. The deadline for responses is Monday, March 13, 2000, and they should be directed to Professor J. Thorp, Chair of SCAPA, c/o University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.