

The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in A. Brandon Conron Hall, University College.

As approved at the January 19, 2001, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.


P. Barker, A. Belcastro, D. Bell, D. Bentley, F. Berruti, D. Bevan, R. Bohay, D. Brebner, W.A. Bridger, P. Burman, C. Callaghan, L. Dagnino, R. Darnell, P. Davenport, P. Dean, P. Deane, J. Doerksen, D. Dutrizac, W. Flintoff, M. Floryan, R. Forbes, T. Fulton, J. Garland, J. Garnett, F. Gauthier, W. Gibson, R. Graham, R. Harris, J. Haywood-Farmer, I. Holloway, R. Howse, N. Kapoor, A. Katz, G. Killan, R. Kudar, A. Lee, F. Longstaffe, J. MacKinnon, P. Mahon, S. Mangsen, C. McAulay-Weldon, D. McCarthy, L. McKechnie, J. McMullin, L. Milligan, G. Moran, J. Morgan, P. Neary, N. Nelson, M. Nolan, K. Okruhlik, S. Osborn, A. Pearson, A. Percival-Smith, L. Petrykowski, C. Piper, C. Prabhakar, S. Radcliffe, T. Rajan, S. Rich, D. Rosner, J. Roth, D. Sandler, J. Santos, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, R. Telfer, B. Tepperman, B. Timney, J. Van Fleet, A. Vandervoort, A. Weedon, G. Weese, B. Welling, M. Westmacott, J. White, R. Whyte, M. Witen, B. Wood, M. Workentin

Observers: L. Gribbon, D. Jameson

S.00-272 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of November 17, 2000, were approved with the following corrections:

p. 23 The composition of the committee described in S.00-267a changed to read:

7 members of Senate, including:

The Chair shall be elected from among the members of the committee.

p. 25 The second sentence in the fourth paragraph changed to read: "Professor Timney replied ..."

S.00-273 Report of the President

The President reported on the Strategic Planning Task Force, "Access to Excellence" visits to MPP's, visit by Deputy Minister Kevin Costante, and the Premier's Research Excellence Awards Dinner. Overheads used to highlight his presentation are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.


S.00-274 Senate Membership: Graduate Student Constituency

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by R. Telfer:

That Tania Kerman, representative of the graduate student constituency, be granted a leave of absence from Senate and that Fern Gauthier be appointed her alternate (term from December 8, 2000, to February 26, 2001).

S.00-275 Terms of Reference: ad hoc Senate Committee to Review the Draft Code of Student Conduct

On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by N. Kapoor,

That Senate approve the following terms of reference for the ad hoc Senate Committee to Review the Draft Code of Student Conduct:

Dean Pearson explained that the March 16 report date has been set in order that Senate's advice may be provided prior to consideration of the Code by the Board of Governors. The Board committee responsible for making recommendations on this matter to the Board is the Campus & Community Affairs Committee (CCAC). He referred Senators to the letter from the Chair of the Board of Governors (Annex 1 to Exhibit I) which explains that the Board will defer debate on the Code of Student Conduct until its May 3, 2001, meeting. The CCAC will formulate its recommendation at its April 5 meeting, by which time Senate's advice will be available. He noted, as well, that the Board had given some direction to the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee, as set out in the Board Chair's letter.

Asked if there was any reason why input should be sought only from the University community, Dean Pearson advised that the Operations/Agenda Committee formulated that term of reference based on discussion that took place at the November 17th Senate meeting, and that there had not been discussion about input from the broader community.

It was therefore moved by D.M.R. Bentley, seconded by D. Rosner,

That the second term of reference be revised to read: "To seek input from the University and external communities."

Amendment CARRIED.

The main motion, as amended, was called and CARRIED.


S.00-276 Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure I

Sylvia Osborn was elected to the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure I (term to June 30, 2001).

S.00-277 Senate Review Board Academic

Graduate students Alan Chan, Steve Mangos, Dwayne Raymond, and Tom Urbaniak were elected to SRBA (terms to November 30, 2001).

S.00-278 ad hoc Senate Committee to Review the Draft Code of Student Conduct

The following were elected to the ad hoc Committee to Review the Draft Code of Student Conduct (S.00-267a): Albert Katz, Martin Westmacott, Paul Barker, Nicole Nelson, Michelle Witen, Fern Gauthier, and Chris Sinal.

Dr. Davenport encouraged those elected to attend the December 11 meeting of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee where the draft Code of Student Conduct prepared by the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee will be presented.


S.00-279 Huron University College: Honors Program in International and Comparative Studies

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by C. Sinal,

That, effective September 1, 2001, a Bachelor of Arts program in Honors International and Comparative Studies be introduced in the Faculty of Arts and Social Science at Huron University College.

(page 284 of the 深夜福利站 2000 calendar)


Admission Requirements

A first year program in Arts or Social Science with three courses as principal courses. The principal courses must include International and Comparative Studies 020 and two full course equivalents numbered 020-099 from English, French, Philosophy, History and Political Science. Admission to second year requires a grade of not less than 70% in International and Comparative Studies 020, an average of at least 70% in three principal courses including International and Comparative Studies 020 and no grade less than 60% in any Arts or Social Science course. Students should note the language requirement for graduation in this program when selecting courses.

Language Requirement for Graduation

Students graduating with an Honors BA in International and Comparative Studies degree must demonstrate competence in a second language to a level at least equivalent to completion of the second year of university studies. Students are permitted to use language courses numbered 200 and above to meet program requirements where appropriate. Students may also meet the language requirement by completing a language proficiency test administered by the relevant department.

Second Year

ICS 200E

Two full course equivalent courses from the following: Political Science 231E, 245E, 280E, History 210E, English 242E, 243 F /G, French 252E, Philosophy 215F/G, 216 F/G

Third and Fourth Years

ICS 301F/G

One of ICS 400E-409E or ICS 490E

3.5 full course equivalent courses in ICS numbered 200 or above

One full course equivalent course in Arts or Social Science numbered 200 or above. The course(s) taken to meet this requirement must have international and comparative content and receive prior approval from the Department.


S.00-280 Brescia College: Certificate Program in Community Development

Professor Fulton pointed out that the course listed in the background information as Interpreting Law ans Social Policy to Build Communities (bottom of p. 3 of Exhibit III) should be "Sociology 423", and the course listed at the top of page 4 of Exhibit III as Community Analysis: Research & Evaluation should be "Sociology 422". With that correction, it was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by N. Kapoor,

That effective September 1, 2001, a Certificate Program in Community Development be introduced at Brescia College.

[p. 281 of 深夜福利站 Academic Calendar 2000]


The Certificate in Community Development offered through the Department of Sociology at Brescia College is a 4th year alternative to the Honors Sociology Program. This one-year program is comprised of three core courses (including a practicum/placement component) and two optional courses to be selected from an approved interdisciplinary list.

Admission Requirements

Limited enrolment based on completion of:

Three years towards the BA in Sociology with a minimum overall average of 70% in Year 3 and

The specialized Certificate Program Application Form

Progression Requirements

To successfully complete the Certificate program, students must obtain an average of 70% in the three full-course equivalent core courses, with no course under 60%.

Year Four Sociology Certificate in Community Development

Students must take the following core courses:



S.00-281 Faculty of Science: Four-Year BSc in Biology

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by P.A.W. Dean,

That effective September 1, 2001, a Four-Year Bachelor of Science degree in Biology be introduced in the Faculty of Science.



Admission Requirements

Students enter fourth year of this program after completing all requirements of the three-year BSc in Biology with an overall average of 60%, and an average of 60% in the 5.0 Biology courses in the area of concentration. It is strongly recommended that students complete one of Biology 284a or 285b prior to entry. If they have not done so, they must meet this requirement prior to graduation from the fourth year.

Fourth Year

A total of 5.0 courses.

- at least 1.0 300-level or above course from the offerings of the Department of Plant Sciences*
- at least 1.0 300-level or above Biology course from the offerings of the Department of Zoology*
- at least 1.0 300-level or above course from the offerings of the Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Medical Biophysics, Microbiology and Immunology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Physiology.
* Of these 4.0 courses, at least 3.0 must be from the offerings of the Departments of Plant Sciences and Zoology, with not more than 2.0 from either department; at least 1.0 of these courses must have a laboratory component.

The area of concentration will consist of the 5.0 courses which made up the area of concentration for the three-year BSc Biology, plus the 4.0 courses from the Departments listed above, for a total of 9.0 courses (or 9.5 courses if one of Biology 284a or 285b is taken in the fourth year).


S.00-282 Faculty of Science: Withdrawal of the Three-Year BA in Statistics

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by P.A.W. Dean,

That the three-year BA program in Statistics be withdrawn in the Faculty of Science, effective September 1, 2001.
For students who entered this program in September 2000 or earlier.
This program is being discontinued. No students will be admitted to second year of this program after September 2000. All students currently in the program should complete their course requirements by April 2002 to guarantee that the required courses will still be available.

S.00-283 Secondary School Reform: Admission Requirements for Programs

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by R. Forbes,

That the admission requirements be revised to reflect the new high school curriculum as outlined in Exhibit III, Appendix 1.

S.00-284 WISE Program (formerly Concurrent Studies)

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by P.A.W. Dean,

That the Concurrent Studies program be renamed 深夜福利站's Initiative for Scholarly Excellence (WISE) and revised as outlined below:


深夜福利站's Initiative for Scholarly Excellence (WISE)
(Tuition fees waived for one full course equivalent.)
Limited Enrollment

Secondary school students who are studying in Ontario at the time of their application may be eligible to enrol in one university course on campus or by distance studies at either the Constituent University or the affiliated colleges, concurrently with their secondary school studies.

Credit for this course will be granted upon successful completion of the course. Registration in a course shall require that the necessary prerequisites at the secondary school level have been attained. Students may not register in a first- year course at the University where an equivalent course in the subject is available to them in the high school system.

For students applying under OSIS: Students must have achieved at least an 80% average in Grades 10, 11 and Grade 12 and have a minimum of twenty-four credits including one or more OAC credits. Applicants who have an overall 85% average in Grades 10, 11 and/or 12 but do not have any OAC credits will be considered. For students applying under OSS: Completion of a minimum of 24 credits. Achievement of an 80% average in subjects undertaken in Grades 10 and 11 including one or more Grade 12 U/UC courses. For those applicants who have not completed any Grade 12 U/UC courses, an overall 85 % average will be required on subjects undertaken in Grades 10 and 11. Registration in a sufficient number of secondary school subjects to fulfill 深夜福利站's admission requirements and nomination by the secondary school principal, guidance counsellor or teacher are also required. WISE students will follow standard admission procedures when they wish to study at 深夜福利站, subsequent to the WISE program, for an undergraduate degree program.

Applications and all documentation should be submitted to the Admissions Office no later than July 1 for the fall/winter session.

Application forms may be obtained by writing to the Registrar's Office of the Constituent University or from the Affiliated College.

Mr. Sinal referred to the provision for Gifted Students in the background information and asked how gifted students would be identified and whether academic performance would be the only criterion. Professor Fulton stated that the clause for gifted students is included in order for students, who do not fit the criterion outlined, to be able to make application.

The question was called and CARRIED.

S.00-285 Sessional Dates

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by N. Kapoor,

That Senate approve the sessional dates outlined in Exhibit III, Appendix 2.

S.00-286 New Scholarships and Awards

Senate was informed that SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the terms of reference for the following new scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

S.00-287 Collaborative Nursing Program with Fanshawe College

Senate was informed that in July 2000, Commencing September 2001, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and Fanshawe College signed an agreement for a collaborative BScN program to begin in September 2001. The collaborative program will follow the BScN curriculum that is currently in place with the exception that there will be two streams within the program. The 深夜福利站 stream will involve 100 students (an increase from the current number of 88) who will complete four years at the university. The Fanshawe stream will admit 100 students who will complete Years I and II and the final semester of Year IV at Fanshawe. For Year III and the first semester of Year IV, the Fanshawe stream will be at 深夜福利站. Additional details are contained in Exhibit III, pages 8-9.

S.00-288 Renaming of Programs: Four-Year BA or BSc in Honors Actuarial Science and Statistics (formerly the Four-Year BA or BSc in Honors Statistics and Actuarial Science)

Effective September 1, 2001, the Four-Year BA or BSc programs in Honors Statistics and Actuarial Science program will be renamed a Four-Year BA or BSc in Honors Actuarial Science and Statistics. The change in name reflects the fact that students in the program predominantly have an actuarial science orientation.


S.00-289 Annual Report of the Senate Review Board Academic [Exhibit IV]

Senate received for information the annual report of the Senate Review Board Academic, contained in Exhibit IV.


Announcements and Communications, detailed in Exhibit V, were received for information.


The meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary