

[As approved at the October 20, 2000, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.]

The meeting was held at 2:00 p.m. in A. Brandon Conron Hall, University College.


J. Adams, A. Belcastro, D. Bell, D. Bentley, F. Berruti, R. Bryan, P. Burman, C. Callaghan, P. Canham, G. Cherian, M. Chernoff, J. Clark, L. Cline, R. Coulter, M. Curry, P. Davenport, J. Davies, P. Dean, P. Deane, H. DeLasa, E. Dipchand, M. Distefano, C. Down, A. Esterhammer, D. Fairbairn, M. Floryan, B. Frohmann, T. Fulton, J. Garnett, T. Garrard, W. Gibson, C. Herbert, I. Holloway, R. Holt, J. Hore, S. Iacobelli, N. Kapoor, A. Katz, W. Lai, F. Longstaffe, P. Mahon, S. Mangsen, D. Martin, K. McKellar, K. McQuillan, P. Mercer, L. Milligan, G. Moran, P. Neary, J. Nicholas, M. Nolan, K. Okruhlik, J. Orange, M. Parker, A. Pearson, C. Piper, S. Radcliffe, S. Rich, C. Ross, J. Roth, D. Sandler, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, E. Skarakis-Doyle, R. Telfer, B. Tepperman, B. Timney, T. Topic, J. Vance, A. Vandervoort, G. Weese, M. Westmacott, M. Weyers, J. White, D. Williamson, R. Wood, P. Woodford

Observers: D. Braun, E. Ebanks, D. Jameson

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of June 23, 2000, were approved as circulated.

S.00-167 Welcome to New Senators

Dr. Davenport, on behalf of Senate, welcomed several new Senators to their first meeting.

S.00-168 New Chancellor

The President announced that Ms. Eleanor Clitheroe, President and Chief Executive, Officer of Hydro One Inc., will be installed as 深夜福利站's Chancellor at the October 26th convocation.


The President reported on the following items: Meeting with Local MPs - August 24, 2000; Strategic Planning Task Force; Update on Provincial Funding; First Collective Agreement with UWOFA; Orientation of New Students; President's Priorities for 2000-01; and Decanal Selection Committees.

The President's report about his priorities for 2000-01 was circulated with the agenda ("Report of the President") and copies of overhead slides used to highlight his presentation are attached to these Minutes as Appendix I.

S.00-170 Selection Committees for Senior Positions

Dr. Moran provided an update on decanal selection committees. Two major selection processes initiated last year are ongoing: one for the Dean of the Faculty of Music and the other for Senior Director (Information Technology Services). It is hoped that both positions will be filled by July 1, 2001. There are four decanal positions that are to be filled by July 1, 2002: Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Social Science, and Richard Ivey School of Business. Selection Committees will be established in November for FIMS, Education, and Social Science. However, for a number of reasons it is both impractical and inappropriate to strike a decanal committee this fall for the Dean of the Ivey School of Business. He explained that Ivey is involved in a very ambitious process of restructuring of their operational, financial and educational programs which involves very aggressive revenue generation in Executive education, higher reliance on external funding from gifts, and major changes to their academic programs. It would therefore be disadvantageous to refocus the energies of the School and external world on the appointment of a new dean over the next eighteen months. The extension of the current Dean's term for another year (to June 30, 2003) will move the School into a more stable position and allow more time for what will be an extremely complex selection process.


S.00-171 Senate Membership: Graduate Student Constituency

F. Gauthier was elected to Senate as a representative of the graduate students, to complete the term of G. Pon who has resigned (to October 31, 2000).

S.00-172 Strategic Planning Task Force: Terms of Reference and Composition

On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by M. Chernoff,

That the Strategic Planning Task Force Terms of Reference and Composition, detailed in Exhibit I, be approved and recommended to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor.

Dean Pearson, Vice-Chair of Senate, assumed the Chair during discussion of this item.

Dr. Davenport elaborated on the proposal to re-establish the Strategic Planning Task Force, outlining the terms of reference and composition of the Task Force and time frame for the process. He highlighted his presentation with the use of overheads, copies of which are contained in Appendix I.

The question was called and CARRIED.

S.00-173 Constitution - Faculty of Arts

[Dr. Davenport resumed the Chair]

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by K. Okruhlik,

That the Constitution of the Faculty of Arts be amended by removing references to an Executive Committee in sections 9 and 11, and, revising references to "Assistant" Dean to read "Associate" Dean in sections 2, and 4(A)(iii) and (iv), as shown in Appendix 1.

S.00-174 Disbanding the Senate Committees on Sabbatical Leaves and Sabbatical Leave Appeals

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by J. Davies,

That the Senate Committee on Sabbatical Leaves and the Senate Committee on Sabbatical Leave Appeals be disbanded.

S.00-175 Amendments to Candidates for Degrees

S.00-175a Spring Convocation 2000

Senate was informed that the Operations/Agenda Committee, on behalf of the Senate, has approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 2000, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 23, 2000.

Tuesday, June 6, 2000 Faculty of Arts

Bachelor of Arts

Honors English Language and Literature


S.00-175b Spring Convocation 1999

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee has approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 1999, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 18, 1999.

Thursday, June 10, 1999 Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Science



S.00-175c Fall Convocation 1999 and Spring Convocation 2000

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the lists of Candidates for Degrees for Fall Convocation 1999, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 15, 1999 and for Spring Convocation 2000, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 23, 2000.

Friday, October 22, 1999 Faculty of Social Science

Bachelor of Arts

Administrative and Commercial Studies


Thursday, June 8, 2000 Faculty of Social Science

Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies



S.00-176 Nominating Subcommittee - Senate Representative from the General Community

J. Erskine, P. Mahon and R. Watson were elected for two-year terms (to September 2002) to the Nominating Subcommittee- Senate Representative from the General Community.

S.00-177 University Planning (SCUP)

L. Milligan was elected to SCUP to replace K. Rowe who has resigned (term to June 30, 2002).

S.00-178 Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (SUREP)

J. Côté was elected to the Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (SUREP) to replace B. Avison who has resigned (term to June 30, 2002).

S.00-179 Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA)

D. Raymond was elected to the Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA) to complete the term of M. McKenzie who has resigned (term to November 30, 2000).


S.00-180 Progression Requirements for the BSc(PT) Program in Physical Therapy

On behalf of SCAPA, it was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by A. Belcastro,

That effective September 1, 2000, in the Faculty of Health Sciences, the progression requirement for students in the BSc(PT) program in Physical Therapy be revised from a 60% average in each year of the program to 70%, and that students be considered to have failed a complete year's work if, in that year, they do not obtain at least a 70% average.


Academic Regulations

Progression in the program will be based on each year's achievement, the minimum for which is: an overall course average of 70%, with a mark of at least 60% in each principal course (physical therapy subjects), and satisfactory clinical performance (as outlined in the Guidelines for Clinical Placements); 80% attendance at lecture and laboratory courses and 100% attendance in clinical placements. Students whose work is unsatisfactory or who fail to meet attendance requirements retain the right to sit for examinations but may be denied a grade on such examinations.

Tests, assignments and practical work, as well as performance in final examinations will constitute the final mark in each course.

* *

Failed Year

Students will be considered to have failed a complete year's work if, in that year, they:

A course may be of one-half or one full credit. Withdrawal from the program is mandatory for students who have failed a complete year's work.

Ms. Dipchand asked how many students will be affected by raising the standards from 60% to 70%, effective September 1, 2000, with the result that they will have to leave the program. Professor Fulton advised that those who obtain less than 70% in the academic year 2000-01 will be affected.

In response to a question about past performance of students in the BSc(PT) program, Dean Belcastro advised that only a handful of students in the past obtained averages lower than 70%. The issue is that students must be able to carry out their practicum and 70% is required. Ms. Dipchand asked if the Faculty has any sort of recourse for students whose averages fall under the 70% level. Dean Belcastro stated there is a program in place for the support of students; full-time faculty can provide support.

S.00-180a It was moved by M. Chernoff, seconded by N. Kapoor,

That the motion be amended by changing the effective date from September 1, 2000, to September 1, 2001.

Mr. Chernoff stated that the one year delay in implementation will not affect students in the program. Ms. Parker added that the classes have already started and the students were not forewarned of the change.

The question on the amendment was called and CARRIED.

S.00-180b Mr. Curry expressed concern that the number of students affected is unknown and he argued that it should be relatively straight forward to for the Faculty of Health Sciences to generate this number. In the absence of this information, it was moved by M. Curry, seconded by D. Martin,

That the recommendation be postponed to the next meeting until data can be provided on the number of students affected.

Dr. Moran argued against postponement, stating that the issue involves an academic standard that has been recommended and set for a program at the University. SCAPA discussed this issue and supported Physical Therapy's proposal for an appropriate standard for progression. It is important, and it is the tradition at 深夜福利站, that those kinds of decisions be made at the program level not at the level of Senate. Moreover, while the issue of how many students would be affected is of interest and concern, it does not speak directly to the issue of the standards of progression.

Dean Belcastro stressed that the change in progression requirements relates principally to the clinical placement activity. As indicated in the background information, the majority of students with less than 70% overall average on their academic courses have had difficulties in clinical placements and/or academic courses in the later years of the program.

Ms. Martin spoke in favor of postponing the motion, asserting that it is Senate's responsibility to ensure that the program supports the students properly thereby allowing students to meet the academic standards to progress properly. It is important to know what support is in place and to know how many students are meeting the 70% average now. Mr. Chernoff added that students with marginal averages of 69% or 68% are not being punished by the introduction of the new standard, and that there is a way to help such students.

The recommendation to postpone the motion was called and was DEFEATED.

Asked about the significance of the phrase "and that students be considered to have failed a complete year's work", Professor Fulton stated that this statement also appears in the progression requirements for the programs Communications Sciences & Disorders and Occupational Therapy. Each year of the program is a self-contained package of required courses, therefore, the implication is that a student must pass every component of the year, subject to these standards, or the entire year is failed. Professor Davies asked if this would result in an "F" grade entered for each of the affected student's courses. Professor Fulton explained that SCAPA was advised, in response to that question, that the student would fail to progress from that year in the program to the next. Dr. Moran added that withdrawal from the program is mandatory for students who have failed a complete year's work.

Ms. Lai asked why the overall average must be raised when the concern is that the students are not meeting the clinical standards. Dean Belcastro stated that information gathered over the past four years indicates that students achieving less than 70% have difficulty in the clinical practicum, and there is also the issue of safety: the relationship between the two is important.

Professor Piper asked that data be provided to support the suggestion that less than 70% average in the academic program is predictive of unsatisfactory performance in the clinical placement. Professor Skarakis-Doyle stated that course work will reflect in clinical skills; students who do clinical work need a strong theoretical research academic background to do their job.

Dean Belcastro confirmed that this change in progression requirements for the BSc(PT) Program in Physical Therapy brings the program in line with the other programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The question on the main motion, as amended (i.e., effective September 1, 2001), was called and CARRIED.

S.00-181 Revisions to Affiliation Agreements

S.00-181a Terms of Affiliation Agreement: UWO, Brescia College, Huron University College, King's College

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by P.A.W. Dean,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor, that the Affiliation Agreement for The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and Brescia College, Huron University College and King's College be revised to include reference to the new Master of Theological Studies program at St. Peter's Seminary, as shown below:

9.(a)(i) All students taking theology programs offered by Huron University College leading to the degree Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Master of Theological Studies (MTS) are required to register in that College. All students taking Theology programs offered by St. Peter's Seminary leading to the degree Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Master of Theological Studies (MTS) are required to register in the Seminary.

and, to revise the reference to "Huron College" to read "Huron University College" throughout the document.


S.00-181b Terms of Affiliation Agreement: UWO, King's College, St. Peter's Seminary

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by P.A.W. Dean,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor, that the Affiliation Agreement for The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and King's College and St. Peter's Seminary, be revised to:

1. Revise the reference to SCAPA and Huron College in point 2 (d):

"...Curriculum changes shall initially be approved by a joint committee consisting of the full-time theological teaching faculties of Huron University College and St. Peter's Seminary then forwarded for the information of the Registrar of the Constituent University. Policy issues or proposals for new or discontinued programs will be directed to the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (SCAPA)."

2. Delete the reference to the Faculty of Part-Time and Continuing Education in point 13 (a):

"All rights and powers hereinbefore referred to as being possessed and exercisable by the University, its Board of Governors , its Senate, its Registrar, and its Faculty are hereby conferred on such bodies, organizations and persons; and..."


S.00-182 Examination Policy: Instructions for Candidates during Examinations

It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by P.A.W. Dean,

That the examination policy for instructions for candidates during examinations be amended to prohibit the use of any communication equipment:


Candidates are responsible for arriving at the examination room on time with adequate supplies (pens, pencils, erasers, calculators, current I.D. card) and may be admitted five minutes before the beginning of the examination. Upon entering the examination room, candidates will refrain from talking to or communicating with other candidates. Candidates will read any posted instructions concerning seating and other arrangements within the examination room. Candidates must place their I.D. card on the left corner of the desk.

No candidate may leave the examination room during the first thirty minutes of the examination.

Candidates must sign the nominal roll which will be circulated by the proctor during the first thirty minutes of the examination.

Candidates arriving later than thirty minutes after the commencement of the examination will not be allowed to write the examination. Under such circumstances, candidates should proceed to the dean of their faculty for instructions. In the case of evening or Saturday examinations, candidates should proceed to the Office of the Registrar for instructions.

Candidates prevented from writing an examination by circumstances such as illness, or death in the family, shall submit a written petition to the dean of their faculty. A petition made because of illness should be accompanied by a medical certificate stating the time and duration of the illness; a petition for other reasons should be supported by evidence from a responsible person acquainted with the circumstances.

Candidates are forbidden to give information or to receive it from any other candidate or person, other than an examination proctor, during the examination.

Candidates will not make use of any books, notes, diagrams, communication equipment or other aids, unless authorized by the examiner, such authorization being clearly stated on the question paper. Candidates who bring any unauthorized notes, books, communication equipment or other aids into the examination room must leave them in an area designated by the chief proctor.

Smoking is not permitted in the examination room.

In the case of an emergency, candidates will be permitted to leave and re-enter the examination room only if accompanied by a proctor. Candidates may be granted permission to move to another available seat if they can provide a legitimate reason.

Candidates are responsible for ensuring that they receive the proper question paper.

Candidates will use only the approved answer form supplied (question paper, markex card, or answer booklet). When answer booklets are employed, candidates will use them even for rough work and will not write on any other paper. Pages will not be removed from answer books. Candidates must keep all papers on their desk.

Candidates who require additional answer books during the examination will not leave their seat but will attract the attention of the proctor by raising a hand.

Any suspected irregularities in the question paper or any unusual distractions in the vicinity of the candidates should be brought to the attention of the proctor.

Upon completion of the examination, candidates will ensure that their student number, name, course number, book number and total number of books, and the name of the instructor are lettered legibly on all answer books. If more than one book has been used, they should be numbered consecutively and placed inside book one. No answer books or parts of answer books will be taken from the examination room.

Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination room during the last 15 minutes. Under no circumstances, including late arrival, will the time beyond the designated period be extended.

At the conclusion of the examination, candidates will remain seated until a proctor has collected their completed examination booklets. Candidates who leave the room and neglect to sign their name and submit their completed booklets to the proctor will be considered as not having written the examination.

Students may obtain a copy of these regulations from the Office of the Registrar in the Stevenson-Lawson Building.


S.00-183 Richard Ivey School of Business: Academic Excellence Program (AEP) renamed Academic Excellence Opportunity (AEO)

Senate was advised that effective immediately, the name of the Academic Excellence Program (AEP) in the Richard Ivey School of Business will be changed to the Academic Excellence Opportunity (AEO). The revised name properly reflects the intention of this option as a conditional offer of admission to the Ivey HBA program in the third year. Further details are contained in Exhibit III, page 4.

S.00-184 Life Sciences at 深夜福利站

Senate was informed of an umbrella framework devised by the Faculties of Science, Health Sciences and Medicine & Dentistry for some programs offered by these Faculties. The name for this framework is Life Sciences at 深夜福利站 and it will come into effect September 1, 2001.

This framework is fundamentally a recruiting tool for the BSc and BSc (Honors) programs in the biological sciences, the BMSc and BMSc (Honors) programs approved by Senate in June 2000, and the BHSc program. It allows for some interleafing of these programs, and some possibility of movement between them, as well as for a unified information and counselling service. Professor Fulton asked that the last line on page 4 be deleted since Dr. Lo is the BMSc Program Director not an interim Coordinator of the Life Sciences Advisory Committee. Dr. Herbert clarified that the Advisory Committee would serve a coordinating role only.

S.00-185 New Scholarship and Award Conditions

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following terms of reference for new scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:


S.00-186 Designated Chairs, Faculty Fellowships and Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Professor McQuillan, Chair of SCUP, announced the following amendment to the supplementary documentation for all three of the items related to the CIBC donations: under "Reporting" delete the phrase "in the medical community".

S.00-186a Academic Chairs

On behalf of the Senate Committee on University Planning, It was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by D.M.R. Bentley,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor, the establishment of the following Chairs:
The Novartis-Calvin Stiller Chair in Xenotransplantation, tenable at the Robarts Research Institute, as detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 1, item 1.
The CIBC Chair in Human Capital and Productivity in the Department of Economics, as detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 1, item 2.

Professor Davies asked if the policy requiring an amount equal to 5% of the total gift will be applied to the Novartis-Calvin Stiller Chair in Xenotransplantation to support fundraising, donor management and stewardship costs. Mr. Garrard explained that the 5% levy policy does not apply to the Novartis Chair because it predates the levy policy approved by the Board of Governors.

The question was called and CARRIED.

S.00-186b Faculty Fellowships

It was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by D.M.R. Bentley,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor,
the establishment of the CIBC Faculty Fellowships in Human Capital and Productivity in the Department of Economics, as detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 1, item 3,
and a revision to the George and Mary Turnbull Faculty Fellowship in the Richard Ivey School of Business, as detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 1, item 4.

S.00-186c Post-Doctoral Fellowship

It was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by J. Davies,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor, the establishment of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Human Capital and Productivity in the Department of Economics, as detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 1, item 5.

S.00-187 Update - Campaign 深夜福利站

Mr. Garrard, Vice-President (External), provided an update on Campaign 深夜福利站. He highlighted his presentation with the use of overheads, copies of which are attached as Appendix 2. Campaign 深夜福利站's target is $270 million. Mr. Garrard announced that over $162 million is committed to date, which is 60% of the Campaign's goal.

S.00-188 Enrolment Projections

As part of a provincial planning exercise, Ontario universities were requested to submit enrolment and facilities projections to 2005. 深夜福利站's initial and tentative projection, detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 2, reaffirms 深夜福利站's commitment under SuperBuild and stresses the necessity to secure adequate operating funds if this anticipated growth is to be realized. Professor McQuillan stated that a revised set of enrolment projections will be reviewed by SUEPP and SCUP in early October and reported to Senate at the October meeting.

S.00-189 Canada Research Chairs Strategic Research Plan

Senate received for information the Canada Research Chairs Strategic Research Plan detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 3.

Dr. Moran advised Senate that the Strategic Research Plan was developed by the Vice-President (Research) and the University Research Board. It was required before September 1, 2000, to accompany the University's submission to the first round of the Canada Research Chairs selection. It is possible to change the plan from year to year, and it is the intention of the Vice-President (Research) to bring the Research Plan forward as part of the annual planning process. The Provost agreed to forward the suggestion that an open meeting be held to discuss the research plan.


The announcement of honorary degree recipients for Fall Convocation 2000, detailed in Exhibit V, was presented for information:

October 27, 2000 - 10:00 a.m. Lt.-General Roméo Dallaire - LL.D

October 27, 2000 - 3:30 p..m. William Shurniak - LL.D.

Ms. Eleanor Clitheroe will be installed as Chancellor on October 26, 2000, and she will provide the Convocation Address.


Announcements and Communications, detailed in Exhibit VI, was provided for information.


The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair
L.E. Cline, Acting Secretary