
MAY 19, 2000

As approved at the June 23, 2000, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in the Richard Ivey School of Business, Room RI40.


D. Bell, D. Bentley, D. Bevan, R. Bohay, R. Bryan, C. Callaghan, P. Canham, T. Carmichael, G. Cherian, R. Coulter, M. Curry, P. Davenport, H. DeLasa, E. Dipchand, C. Down, D. Fairbairn, B. Frohmann, R. Harris, R. Holt, B. Hovius, S. Iacobelli, N. Kapoor, A. Katz, W. Lai, F. Longstaffe, S. Lupker, J. MacKinnon, P. Mahon, M. McNay, I. Moore, S. Mulligan, P. Neary, J. Nicholas, M. Nolan, K. Okruhlik, A. Oosterhoff, M. Parker, A. Pearson, C. Piper, G. Pon, S. Radcliffe, M. Randall, S. Rich, J. Roth, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, E. Skarakis-Doyle, P. Skidmore, D. Small, J. Stokes, B. Tepperman, B. Timney, J. Van Fleet, J. Vance, A. Vandervoort, A. Weedon, G. Weese, M. Weyers, D. WilliamsonObservers: D. Braun, F. Gauthier, D. Jameson

By Invitation: J. Thorp

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of April 14, 2000, were approved as circulated.


The President reported on the following items: Board approval of the University budget, Update on Leadership in Learning, Provincial Budget, Industry Canada Distinguished Lecture, and Private Universities and Applied Degrees. Copies of overhead slides used to highlight his presentation are attached as Appendix 1.

S.00-103a Private Universities and Applied Degrees

Senate debated at length the issue of private universities and applied degrees. Discussion included the following points/concerns:

- There is a distinction between a university degree and an applied degree. The term "bachelors" should be reserved for university degrees.

- Consistent with recommendations of the Smith Commission, accreditation of private universities should be allowed in Ontario under two conditions: a private institution must meet the same academic standards as existing universities and must be not-for-profit. There is a conflict between for-profit orientation and the values associated with higher education.

- The accreditation process for private universities should be a transparent, open process, with public applications and an opportunity for public submissions at open hearings.

- The selection process for members of the Quality Assessment Board is unknown.

Dr. Davenport agreed to provide Senators with the Ministry's website for the consultation document and the contact information. He urged Senators to submit their concerns to the Minister and Deputy Minister with respect to applied degrees to be offered by Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology and private universities being permitted to offer degrees in Ontario.

S.00-103b University Budget [S.00-98a]

Mr. Curry asked why the Board of Governors ignored the Senate's advice regarding the tuition fees for the Orthodontics program. Dr. Davenport explained that the UWO Act clearly states that the Board of Governors holds the deciding power relative to tuition fees. In his view, Senate should advise the Board on tuition fees and that the Board should consider carefully the advice received before it acts, but it is not bound to accept all advice that it receives. The Board did accept Senate's advice that the tuition fees for graduate students in Masters and PhD programs be reduced to a 2% increase, but did not believe that the case made for those students applied to the students enrolled in the Graduate Orthodontics program.


S.00-104 Senate Membership - Faculty Constituencies

On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by T. Carmichael,

S.00-104a That the Senate seat held by Juvenal Ndayiragije, elected representative of the Faculty of Arts, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and,
That Marilyn Randall (French) be elected to complete Professor Ndayiragije's term (to October 31, 2000).
S.00-104b That the Senate seat held by David Cunningham, elected representative of the Faculty of Health Sciences, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and,
That Ron Watson (Kinesiology) be elected to complete Professor Cunningham's term (July 1 to October 31, 2000).
S.00-104c That the Senate seat held by Steve Lupker, elected representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and,
That Jonathan Vance (History), runner up in the last Senate election, be elected to complete Professor Lupker's term (July 1 to October 31, 2000).

S.00-105 Senate Membership - Graduate Student Constituency

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by G. Weese,

That the Senate seat held by Geoffrey Vanderberg, elected representative of the Graduate Student constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Gary Pon (MLIS II) be elected to complete Mr. Vanderberg's term (April 1 to October 31, 2000).

S.00-106 Senate Membership - Undergraduate Student Constituencies

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by M. Curry,

S.00-106a That the Senate seat held by Marl Kissel, elected of the Undergraduate Arts and Music constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Sandra Iacobelli (Honors English III) be elected to serve as Mr. Kissel's replacement (term to October 31, 2000).
S.00-106b That Paul Hong, elected representative of the Undergraduate Social Science and Information and Media Studies constituency, be granted a leave of absence, and
That Naheed Bardai (Honors Political Science II, SS) be elected to serve as Mr. Hong's alternate (term to September 1, 2000).

S.00-107 SUEPP Membership

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by B. Timney,

That the list of non-voting Resource persons on the SCUP Subcommittee on Enrolment Planning and Policy (SUEPP) be revised as follows:
DELETE: Deputy Registrar
Manager, Admissions and Liaison Services
ADD: Manager, Applicant Services.

S.00-108 Terms of Reference and Composition of University Library Council

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by E. Skarakis-Doyle,

That the Terms of Reference and Composition of the University Library Council be revised as shown below:
Terms of Reference:
To advise the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall bring to Senate, via the appropriate committee, those matters requiring Senate's attention.
To serve in advisory, advocacy and information transfer capacities to the University Libraries.
To review and make recommendations on the Libraries; to advise on policies, plans, and priorities for the development of the Libraries, including physical facilities, collections, and services; and to help promote and support the Libraries within the University and external communities.

To report on its activities to Senate, as directed by Senate, but at least annually.

One representative from each Faculty (excluding the Faculty of Graduate Studies), appointed by the Dean or elected by the Faculty Council
One undergraduate student, elected by the University Students' Council
One graduate student, elected by the Society of Graduate Students
Ex officio:
President & Vice-Chancellor
Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
Vice-President (Administration)
Vice-President (Research)
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Director of Libraries
Chair, Allyn and Betty Taylor Library Committee
Chair, The D.B. Weldon Users' Committee
Secretary of Senate (non-voting)

S.00-109 Composition of the University Research Board

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by M. Curry,

That the composition of the University Research Board be amended by adding: "One graduate student, elected by Senate."

S.00-110 Affiliated College Representation on SCUP

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by M. Parker,

That the affiliated college representation on SCUP be revised from an elected position to an ex officio position. The wording, "one Principal of an Affiliated College (to be appointed on a rotating basis)", will remain the same.

S.00-111 Candidates for Theological Degrees - Huron College

S.00-111a Master of Divinity Candidates

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following list of candidates who received the Master of Divinity degree at the Spring Convocation 2000 at Huron College (May 2, 2000).

Donald Gordon Alcock*
Dwayne Bos
Christine Crawford *
Honey Jean Fish
Janet Lesley Griffith-Johnson *
David Dennis Perks *
Bryan Erle Robertson*
Heather Robinson*
Dana Jane Rodgers *
Herbert Schroeder
Brian David Wearne
Christine Iris Young *

* = with distinction

S.00-111b Master of Theological Studies Candidates

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following list of candidates who received the Master of Theological Studies degree at the Spring Convocation 2000 at Huron College (May 2, 2000).

Philip James Baldwin *
Dennis Gary Pringle *

* = with distinction

S.00-112 Amendments - Candidates for Degrees - Fall Convocation 1999

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Fall Convocation 1999, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 15, 1999:

Friday, October 22, 1999 HURON COLLEGE
Bachelor of Arts


Friday, October 22, 1999 FACULTY OF ARTS
Bachelor of Arts



S.00-113 Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (SCAPA)

A. Weston (Graduate) and D. Martin (Undergraduate) were elected to the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards (terms to December 31, 2000).


S.00-114 Bachelor of Arts (Human Ecology) Family Studies Programs

On behalf of the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards, it was moved by B. Timney, seconded by R. Harris,

That effective September 1, 2000, a Three-Year Bachelor of Arts (Human Ecology) Family Studies program and a Four-Year Bachelor of Arts (Honors Human Ecology) Family Studies program be introduced at Brescia College and the Faculty of Science.


Note: Admission Requirements and Progression Requirements are those approved previously for the BA (Human Ecology) Clothing, Textiles and Design Programs (p 282 of 深夜福利站 Academic Calendar 2000)


Note: Common first, second and third years are taken by students in the 3-year and the 4-year programs.

First Year

Principal Courses

Family Studies 020
Human Ecology 022a/b, 033a/b

Subsidiary Courses

Chemistry 020, 021, 023
Business 020
One Arts or Social Science course at the 020-level

Second Year

Principal Courses

Human Ecology 122a/b
Foods and Nutrition 021
Family Studies 200
Human Ecology 255a/b

Subsidiary Courses

Computer Science 031a/b
One option and one half option at the 100 level or higher

Third Year

Principal Courses

Human Ecology 330a/b, 338a/b, 343a/b
Psychology 240a

Subsidiary Courses

Three full course equivalent senior options (must include at least one half-course in Statistics for those progressing to Year IV).


Fourth Year

Principal Courses

Human Ecology 401a/b
Family Studies 402a/b
Two senior half-courses from: Education 100E, Psychology 141, 150, 153, Sociology 144a/b, 172a/b, 202, 235, 267a/b, 341F

Subsidiary Courses:

Three full-course equivalent senior options. At least one must be from outside the department.


S.00-115 Diploma in Accounting Offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences in Partnership with the 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies

It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by D. Small,

That a Diploma in Accounting be introduced at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences in partnership with the 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies, effective September 1, 2000.


(To be inserted in the composite academic calendar under the Faculty of Social Science following "Certificate in Health Promotion and Education")

Diploma in Accounting

The Diploma in Accounting is designed to provide students with the 51 credit-hours prescribed in the Syllabus for Entry to the Chartered Accountancy Profession [Uniform Final Examination (UFE)] of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO). The 51 credit hours will be attained through the successful completion of 6.5 degree-credit full-course equivalents and 3 diploma-credit full-course equivalents. The latter are completed in two nine-week sessions during the spring/summer term.

Enrolment is limited and competitive. Eligibility for admission to the program will be based on: 1) successful completion of the first three years of the BACS or HBA program with an overall average of at least 70%, including an overall average of at least 70% in all degree-credit courses that are to be applied towards the ICAO's 51 credit-hour requirement; or 2) successful completion of the BACS or HBA program. Other similarly qualified students will be considered for admission to the program. However, they must show evidence of having: a) successfully completed the 6.5 full degree-credit courses (or their equivalents as determined by the Faculty of Social Science); or b) the prerequisites required to enroll in the required 6.5 full degree-credit courses. This will be determined on a case by case basis by the Faculty of Social Science.

All students will be admitted to the program according to the policies and guidelines for admission to the University. Non-UWO students must first apply to The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario through the Ontario University Application Centre in Guelph, Ontario. In addition, prospective students must also complete the application form for the Diploma in Accounting provided by The 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies. Application forms are available through The 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies. Students who are currently enrolled at UWO are only required to complete The 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies application form.

Application Deadline: January 15 to be considered for diploma-credit courses offered during the spring/summer term of the same year.


The program consists of a combination of degree-credit courses and diploma credit courses as listed below.

Degree-credit components (6.5 full-course equivalents)

Administrative and Commercial Studies

Business Administration

Computer Science


Total degree-credit full-course equivalents 6.5

Diploma-credit courses* (3 full-course equivalents)

Total diploma-credit full-course equivalents 3.0

* These are Diploma-Credit (non-degree credit) courses and their descriptions may be found in the Continuing Studies Calendar produced each year by The 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies.


S.00-116 Report on New Scholarships and Awards

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:


Senate received for information the Annual Report of the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee for the year 1999-2000, detailed in Exhibit IV.


The Report of the Academic Colleague on the 250th meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities, detailed in Exhibit V, was received for information.


S.00-119 Announcements & Communications, detailed in Exhibit VI, were provided for information.


S.00-120 Federal Contractors Program

Professor Lupker asked if the survey circulating to collect demographic information in response to the Federal Contractors Program was submitted to the University Ethics Committee for approval. In the absence of anyone who knew the answer, Dr. Davenport took the question under advisement and will ensure that Professor Lupker receives an answer.


The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary