As approved at the April 14, 2000, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in A. Brandon Conron Hall, University College.
J. Adams, A. Belcastro, D. Bell, D. Bentley, R. Bohay, D. Braun, W.A. Bridger, R. Bryan, P. Burman, C. Callaghan, T. Carmichael, V. Chahal, M. Chernoff, J. Clark, R. Coulter, D. Cunningham, M. Curry, P. Davenport, J. Davies, P. Dean, P. Deane, E. Dipchand, A. Esterhammer, D. Fairbairn, M. Floryan, T. Fulton, J. Garnett, W. Gibson, R. Harris, R. Hawkins, R. Holt, P. Hong, J. Hore, B. Hovius, N. Huner, F. Irani, G. Killan, M. Kissel, W. Lai, G. Leckie, F. Longstaffe, J. MacKinnon, S. Mangsen, D. Martin, C. McAulay-Weldon, K. McKellar, M. McNay, K. McQuillan, P. Mercer, L. Milligan, I. Moore, G. Moran, J. Ndayiragije, J. Nicholas, K. Okruhlik, A. Oosterhoff, J. Orange, M. Parker, A. Pearson, M. Pendakur, C. Piper, S. Radcliffe, T. Rajan, S. Rich , D. Rosner, J. Roth, K. Rowe, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, E. Skarakis-Doyle, P. Skidmore, D. Small , J. Stokes, R. Telfer , T. Topic, J. Van Fleet, J. Vance, G. Vanderburg, A. Vandervoort, A. Weedon, G. Weese, J. White, M.A. Wilkinson
Observers: D. Jameson, S. McDonald, E. Redekop, S. Tan
By Invitation: S. Grindrod, J. Thorp
The minutes of the meeting of March 3, 2000, were approved as circulated.
Dr. Davenport announced that effective May 1, 2000, the following officers become Official Observers at Senate meetings:
Mr. Dave Braun, President of the University's Student Council
Professor Ed Ebanks, President of the Faculty Association
Mr. Fern Gauthier, President of the Society of Graduate Students
On April 1, 2000, Mr. Mike Cowan, President of the MBA Association, becomes an Official Observer at Senate meetings.
Dr. Davenport reported that Dr. Theresa Topic has been appointed Principal of Brescia College by the Council of Trustees of the College. She will take office on July 1, 2000.
The President outlined the provincial grant announcement, including the Accessibility Fund, Performance Fund, "Fair Funding" component, and redistribution of pay equity funds. Highlighting his presentation with slides (attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes), he spoke about the impact of the grant and its component parts on 深夜福利站's budget in the short and long term.
University operating grants will increase to $1.663 billion, but $16.5 million of that money will be distributed based on each university's performance which will be tied to three indicators: graduation rates, graduate employment rates after six months and graduate employment rates after two years. Dr. Davenport stated that the minimal grant increase does not respond to recent or projected enrolment growth and will not permit an appropriate response to the significant increase in demand for access to universities.
The Accessibility Fund, designed to recognize the increase in student numbers, does not include graduate students. The Accessibility Fund puts an extraordinary weight on a single data point, that of whether next September's first-year enrolment is higher than last year's. 深夜福利站's increase in total undergraduate BIUs will be one of the highest in the Province, but 深夜福利站 may not receive funding from the Accessibility Fund because to be eligible for funding first-year enrolment in 2000-01 must exceed that of 1999-2000. First-year enrolments are traditionally volatile because of unexpected changes in confirmation rates. Last year the constituent University and King's College both experienced an unexpected surge in first-year enrolment, which rose on campus as a whole by over 9%. If 深夜福利站 returns to a more normal level of first-year enrolment next fall, the University will not be eligible for funding from the Accessibility Fund.
The Fair Funding program of $29 million announced three years ago ignored the BIU underfunding of professional programs such as Medicine. 深夜福利站's share was 1.1%, a loss of $2.3 million compared to 深夜福利站's 9.3% share of base grants. The Pay Equity Redistribution removed $615,000 from 深夜福利站's budget. 深夜福利站 responded vigorously to the Pay Equity program in the early 1990s and now a large share of the incentive funds will be removed.
In addition to announcing the grant for 2000-01, the government has announced tuition policy for the next five years: universities will be allowed to raise tuition fees for most programs by a maximum of 2%. 深夜福利站's preliminary budget was based on the assumption that tuition would increase 5% and the grant would increase 3%. The actual announcement will produce a shortfall in revenue from $2 million to $3 million, depending on 深夜福利站's allocation from the Accessibility Fund. The five-year tuition announcement will greatly reduce 深夜福利站's flexibility in the future and its ability to protect and enhance quality.
Asked how 深夜福利站 will confront the difficulties associated with the provincial grant announcement, Dr. Davenport stated that the university presidents will lobby the government for additional grant funding in the May budget and will work with Ministry officials to reexamine the Accessibility Fund and the Performance Fund to avoid the "knife-edge" situation where very small percentage differences can make a huge difference in outcome in terms of funding. COU will also lobby the government to have graduate students included in the funding formula.
In response to a request for an update on negotiations between the University and the Faculty Association, Dr. Mercer reported that negotiations are moving forward and are now at the stage where salary and benefits proposals are on the table. He expressed confidence that the negotiations are moving towards a settlement.
Professor Davies referred to Senate's resolution at the last meeting to set next year's first-entry undergraduate enrolment target at 4,350. The motion included a provision that allows the Provost "to alter the enrolment target following consultation and approval from SUEPP, as might be appropriate given the particulars of a government funding announcement." He asked whether the Provost will consult with SUEPP concerning changes to the enrolment target, given the recent funding announcement. Dr. Moran stated that he will likely consult with SUEPP and report back to Senate. Last year's enrolment intake, which included the Affiliated Colleges, was relatively higher than projected. The enrolment target must be reviewed in light of the criteria for the Accessibility Funds. Any adjustment must be weighed against the financial consequences.
On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by K. Okruhlik,
That the Senate seat held by Dan Jorgensen (Anthropology/Social Science), elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Graduate Studies - Music/Arts/Social Science constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and
That Jerry White (Sociology/Social Science), be elected to complete Professor Jorgensen's term (to October 31, 2001).
The order of Convocation - Fall 2000 is:
Thursday, October 26 - 3:30 p.m.
Installation of the new Chancellor
* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Education, Engineering Science, Health Sciences, Law, Medicine & Dentistry, Music, and the Richard Ivey School of Business
Friday, October 27 - 10:00 a.m.
* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts and Science
Friday, October 27 - 3:30 p.m.
* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Information and Media Studies and Social Science
S. McDonald (graduate student) was elected to the Selection Committee for the Associate Vice-President (Research). An additional nomination for the remaining places on the Committee was presented at Senate, and consequently a mail ballot will be conducted.
D.M.R. Bentley was reappointed to serve as Academic Colleague to COU for a two-year term from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2002.
An additional nomination was presented at Senate, consequently a mail ballot will be conducted.
An additional nomination was presented at Senate, consequently a mail ballot will be conducted.
The following were elected to the University Council on Student Housing (UCOSH): C. Sinal (term to March 31, 2001) and D. Dawson (term to March 21, 2002).
F. Gauthier (graduate student; term to June 30, 2000), and W. Kennedy (Admin. Staff; term to June 30, 2001) were elected to the Senate Committee on University Planning (SCUP).
On behalf of SCAPA, it was moved by G. Moran, seconded by T. Fulton,
That the Guidelines for the Structure of the Academic Year be revised to read as follows:
1. Each term will be 60 teaching days, i.e., two equal twelve-week terms.
2. Lectures will begin on a Monday in first term and a Monday or a Tuesday in second term, not later in the week.
3. There will be at least one study day (including Saturdays and Sundays) between the end of classes and beginning of exams.
4. The final examination period will be 12 days in the first term and at least 15 days in the second term, but preferably 16 or 17.
5. No examinations are to be scheduled on Good Friday, Easter Sunday or on the first two days of Passover.
6. The last day of examinations will be not later than April 30 in second term.
7. Conference Week will be scheduled following the first six weeks in second term.
That the revised sessional dates for academic years 2000-2001 through 2004-2005, attached as Exhibit III, Appendix 1, be approved.
[Note: These Guidelines apply only to those faculties, schools and colleges which operate on a 24 week teaching term, i.e., they do not apply to the Faculties of Education, Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine & Dentistry or the Ivey School of Business.]
Professor Thorp reported that considerations taken into account while drafting the guidelines for the structure of the academic year include:
Mr. Weese asked about the consultation process involving this initiative. Professor Thorp replied that discussions concerning the revision to the structure of the academic year occurred at SCAPA and SCAPA investigated the structure at other universities.
Dean Okruhlik asked for reassurance that the revisions to the academic year would not result in the expansion of Orientation given that 深夜福利站 is working hard to shed the "party school" image and to portray itself as a proper scholarly environment for students. The longer Orientation period hurts many students emotionally and occasionally physically. In addition, legal considerations must be taken into account as a large percentage of the incoming class will be below the drinking age. Dr. Harris stated that SCAPA discussed the impact the change to the academic year will have on Orientation Week. SCAPA understands that because the proposal is effective September 2000, further discussions with the USC about the structure of Orientation Week are required. Ms. Grindrod said that given the formidable logistics of moving so many students into the residences in one day, a two day move-in will be considered. The University, the USC and the Residence Councils are committed to working together to reduce the more undesirable features of previous Orientation weeks and to provide an academic aspect to the activities. Mr. Tan stated that over the last few years Orientation activities have incorporated an academic focus and the number of alcoholic beverage events has been reduced; last year Orientation contained only one sanctioned alcoholic event. The USC Orientation Officer, in light of the proposal to restructure the academic year, will address incorporating Thursday and Friday into Orientation schedule.
Professor Coulter expressed concern that parents will be forced to take additional time off work to bring their child to 深夜福利站 because move-in day will be later in the week. Professor Thorp stated that optional move-in day arrangements will be available for those students who cannot move in during the week.
Professor Coulter contended that the optics of revising the structure of the academic year are not favorable because the government now links funding to accountability and performance indicators and students pay hefty tuition fees. She asked if the Communications Department will develop a plan to deal with the optics of this issue. Professor Thorp stated that SCAPA did consider the possible optics of this restructuring, but observed that under these arrangements, faculty will be working "smarter" by lopping off days of instruction that in the experience of many faculty are useless because only half the students attend the classes.
Asked for information about the structure of the academic year at other universities, Professor Thorp reported that across the country the requirements as to the length of term are stated differently -- in terms of days, numbers of teaching hours or numbers of weeks. He provided the following information on the structure of the academic year at other universities: Bishop's, 36 hours or 12 weeks; Calgary, 62 days in the first term and 63 - 65 days in the second term; Carleton, 60 days in both terms; Laurentian, 13 weeks in both terms; Manitoba, 62 days in the first term and 65 days in the second term; Nipissing, 36 hours of instruction per term; Trent, 12 weeks per term; Trinity 深夜福利站, 62 days in the first term and 63 days in the second term; Wilfrid Laurier, 60 days in both terms; Windsor 13 weeks per term.
Professor Thorp stated that the extra time at the beginning of second term recognizes the academic support staff as much as the faculty in that the support staff must post the marks from the previous term on the same day lectures and the add/drop process begins. The extra week this year afforded a smoother start to the second term. He confirmed that the guidelines apply only to those Faculties, Schools and Colleges that operate on a 24 week teaching term: they do not apply to the Faculties of Education, Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine & Dentistry or the Ivey School of Business.
Professor Rosner asked for clarification of Easter and Passover relative to classes because the guidelines state no examinations are to be scheduled on Good Friday, Easter Sunday or on the first two days of Passover. In 2002, Monday and Tuesday, April 8 and 9, will be used to "make up for Thursday and Friday classes not held on Passover (March 28 and 29)". Professor Thorp confirmed that the guidelines includes classes, but in the five-year proposal this occurrence is minimal. *
Professor McQuillan voiced concern about taking two days off to observe Passover. He asked if SCAPA investigated the possibility that other religious groups will seek the same consideration. Professor Thorp stated the observation of religious holidays is governed by the University's general provision on religious holidays. Students may be excused from their academic duties on religious holidays and be allowed to make them up at another time. A large number of 深夜福利站's students belong to the Christian and Jewish religions consequently to include a more systematic provision for Easter and Passover is administratively sensible. *
The question was called and CARRIED.
* [Secretarial Note: Subsequent to the meeting, a review of the existing policies on religious holidays revealed that the guidelines were not to include classes. For clarification, see the SCAPA Report to Senate for April 14, 2000.]
It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by M. Kissel,
That the minimum admission requirements for high school students who enter university after completing the revised secondary school curriculum be:
Completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent. This will include the satisfactory completion of the Literacy Test
Completion of six Grade 12 "U" or "U/C" courses with a minimum average to be determined from year to year by the University, one of the courses must be Grade 12 "U" English (ENG4U). (1)
That during the transition from the current to the new OSS program and curriculum, the University consider applicants and their academic programs from either system, equally. Students who present OAC course results in combination with "U" and/or "U/C" courses will be considered equally provided that they meet all the course prerequisites specified by the Universities, and,
That the University review the admission requirements after three years to determine if there are any differences between the performance of students who have entered with mostly "U" or "U/C" courses.
Responding to a question about scholarship requirements, Dr. Moran stated that admission and scholarship requirements will parallel the current OAC requirements.
Professor Rosner asked why "U" courses exist if "U/C" courses are not just watered down University preparatory courses, but should serve as appropriate for students planning to go into university or college. Professor Thorp stated that built into the proposal is a recommendation that after three years a review of the admission requirements will be implemented to determine if there are any differences between the performance of students who have entered with mostly "U" or "U/C" courses.
The question was called and CARRIED.
It was moved by T. Fulton, seconded by C. Piper,
That effective May 1, 2000, the minimum average required to apply for admission to all programs leading to a BESc/BA (Honors Business Administration) be set at 78% and that the requirement of achieving a minimum grade of 70% in Business 257 in second year be added.
In order to be eligible for entrance to the concurrent BESc/HBA degree program, students must have completed the first two years of the * Engineering program at 深夜福利站 (or equivalent) and meet the eligibility requirements for the Ivey School of Business. In addition to applying for the concurrent degree program through the Office of the Associate Dean - Academic, students must also make a separate application to the Ivey School of Business for admission into the HBA program.
Admission Criteria
1. A high school student may qualify for the HBA program through the Academic Excellence Program offered by the Ivey School of Business. Please consult the Ivey School of Business for further details.
2. A student may qualify for the HBA program on the basis of his/her performance in the first two years of a university academic program as outlined in The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Academic Calendar.
3. To be eligible for the concurrent degree program, students must have completed all the requirements of the first year curriculum in the Faculty of Engineering Science, and the second year program, including Business 257, ** with a minimum year weighted average (YWA) of 78% in each year. Students must complete Business 257 with a minimum grade of 70%. Students must also have demonstrated participation in extracurricular and/or community activities, leadership and work experience.
4. Students who apply and are admitted to the Ivey School of Business while they are registered in the Faculty of Engineering Science will not be eligible for the concurrent degree program unless they meet all the criteria as specified above.
5. Entrance into the concurrent degree program is competitive and limited.
Notes: Under each individual program heading the references vary:
* "Chemical", or "Civil", or "Electrical", or "Mechanical".
** "Option C, in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering"; or "in the Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering"; or "Option B, in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering"; or "in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering" respectively.
SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new undergraduate Scholarships and Awards for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:
Senate was advised that the start date for the Faculty of Law in January 2001 has been revised from Tuesday, January 2 to Wednesday, January 3.
Wording of the diploma for four-year degrees, detailed in Exhibit III, page 5, was received for information.
It was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by A. Weedon,
That the importance of the use of an external examiner in the PhD thesis examination process be affirmed, but that the external examiner's veto at Stage 1 of the PhD examination process be revoked, and that a PhD thesis be allowed to proceed to Stage 2 (oral examination) as long as a majority of the examiners (i.e., three out of four) approve the content and the form of the thesis.
Professor Milligan asked for the rationale behind the change in the PhD Thesis Examination Process. Dean Weedon stated that the ad hoc committees mentioned in the SCUP report found that in a significant number of cases where the external examiner was the only examiner who did not approve the thesis going forward to oral examination, the external examiner had applied an inappropriate standard in judging whether the written thesis required major as opposed to minor revisions to its content. The revision to the process allows the thesis to proceed to oral examination. The covering letter to examiners directs them to carefully read the information and guidelines provided, especially as they pertain to examples of major versus minor revisions.
Dean Okruhlik agreed that the importance of the use of an external examiner in the PhD thesis examination process must be affirmed, and stressed that their participation in the examination should be encouraged. Dean Weedon reported that between 70 to 80 percent of PhD examinations occur with the external examiner present and when the external examiner cannot be present they can participate via telephone conferencing.
Professor Milligan stated that the external examiner is an expert in the field and in many cases the internal examiners do not have the expertise to recognize serious deficiencies in a dissertation. Dean Weedon advised that a second external examiner is utilized in these types of situations.
The question was called and CARRIED.
It was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by E. Skarakis-Doyle,
That the name of the graduate program of the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders be changed from "Communicative Disorders" to "Communication Sciences and Disorders", with the following "fields" added to the wording of the degrees below:
MSc Communication Sciences and Disorders (Audiology)
MClSc Communication Sciences and Disorders (Audiology)
MSc Communication Sciences and Disorders (Speech-Language Pathology)
MClSc Communication Sciences and Disorders (Speech-Language Pathology)
SCUP has approved on behalf of Senate the terms of reference for the following new graduate scholarships:
S.00-71 Academic Development Fund
Senate was advised that SCUP has approved the recommendations of SUPAD for Academic Development Fund grants. Details appear in Appendix 2 of Exhibit IV. The total budget for the Academic Development Fund in 2000-2001 is $1 million. Of this, $71,877 is required to fund the second and third years of projects given multi-year funding in the 1998-99 and 1999-2000 competitions. The sum available for allocation in 2000 is therefore $928,123, plus $67,680 reverted to the ADF budget from unused portions of previous awards, for a total of $995,803.
The total amount of the awards recommended for 2000-2001 is $903,373, excluding recommendations for multi-year projects totalling $12,700 for 2001-2002 and $6,700 for 2002-2003.
SUPAD has unanimously agreed to set aside 8% (approximately $80,000) of the $995,803 available to support a Small Grants Competition to commence in 2000, contingent on approved revisions to the ADF Terms of Reference by SCUP and Senate. The Small Grants Competition will be administered through SUPAD and funding will be provided jointly from ADF funds and the Research Promotion Fund. Matching support from the Research Promotion Fund cannot begin until the 2000-01 fiscal year (i.e., for the Fall 2000 and Spring 2001 Small Grants Competitions).
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Signed by:
P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary
1. The last phrase in this provision -- " one of these courses must be Grade 12 "U" English (ENG4U) -- did not appear in the SCAPA Report by oversight.