
MARCH 3, 2000

As approved at the March 24, 2000, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in A. Brandon Conron Hall, University College.


J. Adams, A. Belcastro, D. Bell, D. Bevan, R. Bohay, D. Braun, W.A. Bridger, C. Callaghan, P. Canham, T. Carmichael, V. Chahal, G. Cherian, M. Chernoff, J. Clark, R. Coulter, M. Curry, P. Davenport, J. Davies, P. Dean, H. DeLasa, E. Dipchand, C. Down, A. Esterhammer, T. Fulton, J. Garnett, W. Gibson, R. Harris, R. Holt, P. Hong, J. Hore, F. Irani, G. Killan, M. Kissel, W. Lai, G. Leckie, F. Longstaffe, S. Lupker, J. MacKinnon, P. Mahon, S. Mangsen, D. Martin, C. McAulay-Weldon, K. McKellar, K. McQuillan, P. Mercer, L. Milligan, I. Moore, G. Moran, P. Neary, J. Nicholas, K. Okruhlik, J. Orange, M. Parker, C. Piper, S. Radcliffe, D. Rosner, J. Roth, K. Rowe, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, E. Skarakis-Doyle, P. Skidmore, D. Small, J. Stokes, B. Tepperman, B. Timney, J. Van Fleet, J. Vance, G. Vanderburg, A. Vandervoort, M. Weyers, M.A. Wilkinson

Observers: D. Jameson, S. McDonald, E. Redekop, S. Tan

By Invitation: D. Riddell, J. Thorp

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of January 28, 2000, were approved as circulated.


S.00-32 SuperBuild Growth Fund Announcement [S.99-305]

Dr. Davenport announced that 深夜福利站 will receive $45 million from the SuperBuild Fund to help finance the Accessibility and Quality Project submitted as one of two Category I SuperBuild applications in November 1999. This project involves two new academic buildings sited at the north and south end of campus, the Advanced Technology Centre, additional facilities for the three affiliated colleges, expansion at the Ivey Business School, and a large classroom attached to the Natural Sciences Building. Since all of the funding will be received up-front before March 31, 2000, the Government will hold back 10% of the $45 million to take into consideration the interest that will be earned by the time it is fully expended; therefore, 深夜福利站 will receive $40.5 million by the end of March this year. The hold-back will provide funding of more SuperBuild projects. Consultation will soon begin to discuss the siting of buildings and other issues that arise in the context of the Campus Master Plan.

S.00-33 Operating and Capital Budgets

Dr. Davenport reported that the Provincial Government's announcement on operating grants will be made within two weeks. COU continues to press the Government for a significant increase in the operating grant to recognize the 6-7% increase in enrolment that has occurred in Ontario since 1998-99. It is anticipated that the government's announcement of allowable tuition increases will be made at the same time as the grant announcement.

Dr. Davenport stated that it is hoped an announcement concerning capital grants will be made prior to the Government's fiscal year end or its budget presentation in May. COU continues to lobby the government with regard to deferred maintenance costs. A recent study done by Price Waterhouse shows that deferred maintenance is a burgeoning problem. Buildings constructed in the 1960-70's are rapidly accumulating deferred maintenance.

S.00-34 Canada Research Chairs

Dr. Bridger gave a presentation on the Canada Research Chairs, also known as the 21st Century Chairs. He highlighted his presentation with the use of slides copies of which are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.

There will be 400 Chairs per year for five years starting in 2000-01; $900 million will be provided to fund these Chairs. There will be an equal number of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Chairs: Tier 1 Chairs will receive $200,000 while Tier 2 Chairs will receive $100,000. No matching of funds is required. A strategic research plan must be submitted which will become the reference document for the allocation of individual chairs. 深夜福利站 should expect approximately 14 new Chairs per year, i.e., a total of 70 when the program is fully implemented.

Professor Holt asked if a two tier advertising process must be utilized. Dr. Bridger stated that he believed that the intent of the program was recruitment from universities outside Canada and that consequently normal immigration procedures would likely be waived.

Professor Davies observed that the institutional allocations will be based on granting council funding over three consecutive years. He voiced concern that only 20% of the chairs are might be allocated to SSHRC areas. Dr. Bridger stated that he hoped the funding allocation would be based on that formula, but agreed that flexibility is needed once the funding is received.

Asked if appointees to the Research Chairs would be allowed to teach, Dr. Bridger stated that the federal government must stay away from the teaching aspect because of constitutional sensitivities, but that that does not mean that Research Chairs will not teach. Dr. Bridger stated that the strategic research plan must accommodate individuals who perform outstanding research but are not necessarily part of a particular research group.


S.00-35 Appointments Procedures: Associate Vice-President (Research)

On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by W.A. Bridger,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, a new section to Appointments Procedures -- Section R - Associate Vice-President (Research) -- as detailed below:



The committee to select an Associate Vice-President (Research) shall consist of:
(a) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair
(b) 4 members elected by Senate, one of whom will be a graduate student
(c) 2 members elected by the Board of Governors


1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.


The term for the Associate Vice-President (Research) is five years, renewable.


S.00-36 Composition of the University Council on Student Housing (UCOSH)

It was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by P. Mercer,

That the composition of the University Council on Student Housing be amended as shown below:


Three persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student who does not live in a residence of the Constituent University.

One alumnus of the University, appointed by the Alumni Association.

One representative of each of the University residences, elected by the residents of each.

Ex officio:

Resource: (non-voting)

In answer to a question concerning guaranteed beds for UCOSH representatives, the Associate Secretary of Senate advised that traditionally the election of residence executives and UCOSH representatives has taken place in February, and those elected are guaranteed a bed in the relevant residence for the following fall. The revisions to the UCOSH composition do not change the current policy on guaranteed beds [S.88-208]. Professor McQuillan clarified that the information contained in the first paragraph of the "Background" [Exhibit I, page 2] is included in the administrative notes which accompany the Terms of Reference of UCOSH.

Ms. McDonald noted that the background information stated that the Residents' Association of Platt's Lane Estates asked that their President's observership on UCOSH be discontinued. She asked if there is a body to which the Platt's Lane residents can bring their concerns. Professor McQuillan confirmed that the Platt's Lane Estate residents have their own council.

The question was called and CARRIED


S.00-37 Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (SUREP)

The following were elected to the Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (SUREP):

Chair: W. Fisher (term to June 30, 2002). Members: B. Hoffmaster (Ethicist), B. Avison (terms to June 30, 2002), J. Nisker (Ethicist), D. Sim (terms to June 30, 2001).


S.00-38 Exchange Agreements with Other Universities

The Chair referred to page 3 of Exhibit III, Appendix 1 and made the following correction to section 19.00 (a) [change shown in italics]: "advising the students of their responsibilities as set out in sections 20.00 through 24.00"

It was moved by K. Okruhlik, seconded by J. Stokes,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, the Policy on International Student Exchanges attached as Exhibit III, Appendix 1 [as corrected, above.].

Professor Piper asked what date the policy comes into effect, has the policy been discussed with the major exchange-oriented faculties and schools and does the policy apply to graduate students as well as undergraduate students. Professor Thorp replied that the policy does not stipulate an effective date and that it is difficult to predict how rapidly the Provost's Advisory Committee on Student Exchanges (PACOSE) will commence its work. He contended that this policy must be interwoven with what is already in operation and that the Committee would not slow down or impede existing exchange programs that are sound. The Undergraduate Exchange Officer consulted with all deans during the drafting of the proposal. The Exchange Agreement Policy applies to undergraduate student exchange programs.

Professor Davies stated that some Faculties continue to negotiate and enter into exchange agreements without undergoing a review and without the agreement being signed by the University's designated signing officers. Agreements made after this policy is approved should be reviewed by the Provost's Advisory Committee on Student Exchange and signed by the designated officers, but in the case where exchange programs were reviewed and executed by the designated signing officers of the University and where there are no concerns, he contended that a review by PACOSE would be unnecessary.

S.00-38a It was moved by J. Davies, seconded by S. Lupker,

That 17.00 of the proposed policy be amended to read:

Ongoing exchange programs in existence prior to the date that the Committee establishes its criteria for approval that were not executed by the University's designated signing officers must provide appropriate documentation to the Committee through the Exchange Coordinator within two months of the date that the criteria are sent to the Faculties. These programs will be subject to the same review and approval process as new programs. If the Committee does not recommend approval of such an ongoing program, the Provost will have discretion whether to approve the program on an interim basis until the expiration of its current term or terminate the program prior to the expiration of its current term.

Professor Piper voiced concern about the approval process. It presupposes that the person who in the past approved exchange programs cannot do so after the policy is approved because approval must be given by PACOSE.

Dr. Harris stated that the intention of the review process is to ensure that problems are identified in advance of the exchange occurring. Dr. Moran added that a liability exists in that 深夜福利站 must ensure that the exchange institution provides programs that meet 深夜福利站's standards and its concerns for the students. Many existing exchange programs are the result of one individual's advocacy. The policy is needed to ensure the soundness of the arrangements, should the advocate of the program discontinue his/her patronage.

Professor Lupker asked if there have been problems with exchange programs in the past. Dr. Harris stated that some exchange students have arrived at 深夜福利站 with expectations that are different from those that were set out and 深夜福利站 has sent students abroad who found themselves in unanticipated circumstances. There have been disappointments on both sides of an exchange program.

The question on the amendment was called and was DEFEATED.

S.00.38b It was moved by M. Kissel seconded by E. Dipchand,

That a new section 25.00 be added to the policy with the following text:
25.00 When the exchange students return to 深夜福利站 they must submit a detailed report outlining their experiences at the host institutions to the Exchange Officer. The report will be kept on file for future students who embark on exchange programs to a host institution.

Some Senators expressed concerns about requiring students to write a report and requiring the Exchange Officer or the Faculty/department to pursue students to submit such a report. Professor Canham asked if there might be guidelines for writing such a report which will help students.

Mr. Kissel accepted revisions to the amendment as follows: delete the word "must" and replace it with "will be invited to" and to removed the word "detailed". The proposed new section reads as follows:

25.00 When the exchange students return to 深夜福利站 they will be invited to submit a report outlining their experiences at the host institutions to the Exchange Officer. The report will be kept on file for future students who embark on exchange programs to a host institution

The amendment was called and CARRIED.

As a result of the amendment, which creates a new section to the policy, Senate accepted the following change to Section 19.00:

(a) advising the students of their responsibilities as set out in sections 20.00 through 25.00.

The Chair announced the following editorial correction [in italics]:

7.00 Composition: An Associate/Assistant Dean or designate from each of the Faculties

S.00-38c Professor Holt stated that there should be a provision for a regular review. It was moved by R. Holt, seconded by P. Neary,

That the policy be amended to include a provision that when the term of an exchange agreement extends beyond ten years, it normally will undergo a review.

Amendment CARRIED.

The main motion as amended was called and CARRIED.

S.00-39 Brescia College: Introduction of a BA Program in Family Studies

It was moved by G. Moran, seconded by G. Killan,

That a Bachelor of Arts program in Family Studies be introduced at Brescia College, effective September 1, 2000.
(p. 281 of 2000 Composite Calendar)
[Note: additional complete calendar copy will be developed and included in Calendar 2001. In the interim, information sheets and program counselling guidelines will facilitate implementation. Please see Appendix 2.]
The interdisciplinary 3 or 4 year Bachelor of Arts program in Family Studies of Brescia College is comprised of core courses team-taught by scholars from a variety of disciplines and additional courses from an approved list encompassing several departments. The list of approved courses is available in the Affiliated College Course Information section of the current calendar.

S.00-40 1999-2000 Winners of The Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching

The Subcommittee on Teaching Awards (SUTA) selected the following faculty members as recipients of The Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching for 1999-2000: F. Michael Bartlett, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science; Bertha M. Garcia, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry; Jerry P. White, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Science; Eric Wood , Faculty of Education.

S.00-41 1999-2000 Winner of The Marilyn Robinson Award for Excellence in Teaching

The Subcommittee on Teaching Awards (SUTA) selected the following faculty member as recipient of The Marilyn Robinson Award for Excellence in Teaching for 1999-2000: Mark S. Workentin, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science.


S.00-42 First-Entry Undergraduate Enrolment for 2000-2001

On behalf of the Senate Committee on University Planning, it was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by G. Moran,

1. The first-entry undergraduate enrolment objective for 2000-01 be set at 4350 students and that the approximate program-specific objectives be as described in Exhibit IV, Appendix I.
If this enrolment target is achieved, 深夜福利站's forecasted total enrolment, including the Affiliated Colleges, will be 27,003 in the coming year, an increase of 1,862 FTE's over 1998-99, the base year for calculating enrolment changes in the SuperBuild Growth Fund program.
2. The Provost be granted permission to alter this enrolment target, following consultation and approval from SUEPP, as might be appropriate given the particulars of a government funding announcement.
3. Entrance requirements be set by the Provost to achieve these objectives as a function of final admission numbers, qualifications of applicants, and estimates of the rate of offer confirmations in each program.
4. No program-specific entrance requirement be set below 76% except where performance is a major element of the selection process. Confirmed admission to any program will be contingent upon a final average of no less than 72%.

S.00-43 Affiliated Colleges

It was moved by K. McQuillan, seconded by D. Small,

The following entrance requirements and processes for the Affiliated Colleges be approved for 2000-01:

All Affiliated Colleges will be bound to the entrance requirements established by the Constituent University for limited enrolment programs, including MIT, BHSc, and Kinesiology.


S.00-44 New 650 Seat Classroom - Natural Science Building

In April 1999, the construction of a large 650+ seat classroom was presented and approved for construction by September 2000 as part of the capital budget submission. The need for this classroom came as the result of the creation of new Faculties, the expansion of many programs, and the consolidation and expansion of courses. This project was incorporated in the SuperBuild Growth Fund Application. Since October, a design team has been selected and the conceptual design as shown in Exhibit IV, Appendix II, has been recommended by the Project Planning Committee. While an earlier plan suggested a classroom with a balcony, the new conceptual design will have seats on one floor and will be stepped to ensure good sight lines. Senate was advised that this room will be used for classes and for examinations.

S.00-45 Planning for New Construction

Dr. Davenport gave a presentation on new construction and the campus core at 深夜福利站, 2000 to 2020, detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix III. He compared the ambitious growth outlined in the 1995 Campus Master Plan to what is more likely to happen in the next twenty years, based on demographics, available funds, and land available to the University for capital expansion. He highlighted his presentation with the use of slides, copies of which are attached as Appendix 2.

[Professor McQuillan assumed the Chair during the discussion]

Discussion included the following points/concerns:

- The community worries that 深夜福利站 is growing too rapidly and that the beauty of the campus cannot be maintained under those circumstances. 深夜福利站 must find the right balance between growth and accessibility, high quality in learning and research, and maintaining its beautiful campus.

- Ontario's universities need not fear a rapid fall in demand after 2010 for demographic reasons, therefore, universities must properly expand their facilities to meet the increased demand of the next decade.

- 深夜福利站 must economize on space to keep the space per student constant, however, it is acknowledged that graduate students in the experimental sciences need much more space per student.

- Some in the 深夜福利站 community believe that 深夜福利站 should scale back the number of new buildings and hire more faculty. Certain Faculties have experienced a decline in enrolment over the past decade while others face a sharp increase and are constrained by the lack of labs and professors. 深夜福利站 needs the buildings cited in the SuperBuild project "Accessibility and Quality" to accommodate the faculty, staff and students associated with increasing enrolments.

- 深夜福利站 will engage in consultation with the community with regard to options for future campus development as the university plans the siting of the SuperBuild projects.

Professor Rosner asked if there is much likelihood that Ontario universities will be pushed by the government to rationalize their offerings and specialize in certain disciplines. Dr. Davenport observed that there is always talk of closing major Faculties in universities, such as Medicine, but it would be very difficult for the government to close high profile Faculties much less high profile universities. 深夜福利站 might decide in the future to consolidate two or more Faculties but the University should not proceed under the apprehension that an outside body will start closing units. There will be public discussion about rationalizing universities and governments can make selective choices about funding.

[Dr. Davenport resumed the chair.]


S.00-46 Honorary Degree Recipients - Spring Convocation 2000

The Honorary Degrees Committee of the Senate announced that the following persons will be honored by conferment of honorary degrees at the morning and afternoon ceremonies to be held on Tuesday, June 6 through Friday, June 9, 2000.

Tuesday, June 6 - 10:00 a.m.

Noam Chomsky - D.Litt.
Clifford von Kuster - D.Mus

Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Music
* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts and Music

Tuesday, June 6 - 3:30 p.m.

Pamela Wallin - LL.D.

Brescia College
Huron College
King's College

Wednesday, June 7 - 10:00 a.m.

Sr. Helen Prejean - LL.D.

Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Education
* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Education

Wednesday, June 7 - 3:30 p.m.

Ian McWhinney - D.Sc.

Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Richard Ivey School of Business
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (DDS only)

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Information and Media Studies, Medicine & Dentistry, and the Richard Ivey School of Business

Thursday, June 8 - 10:00 a.m.

Madam Justice Louise Arbour - D.C.L.

Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Social Science (Honors and ACS)
*= students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Social Science

Thursday, June 8 - 3:30 p.m.

Joseph B. MacInnis - D.Sc.

Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Science
*= students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Science

Friday, June 9 - 10:00 a.m.

Jack Granatstein - LL.D.

Faculty of Social Science (3 year programs)

Friday, June 9 - 3:30 p.m.

Jack Cowin - LL.D.

Faculty of Graduate Studies*
Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Law
* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Engineering Science and Health Sciences


Announcements and Communications detailed in Exhibit VI, were received for information.


The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary