
To be disbanded:

Graduate Planning and Policy Committee (GPPC)

Terms of Reference:

To recommend to SCUP initiation or termination of graduate programs and any major change in their operation.

To recommend to SCUP the establishment of terms of reference for graduate scholarships and/or awards.

To receive reports from the Dean of Graduate Studies on the results of all appraisals of existing programs, and to recommend follow-up action to SCUP, where appropriate.

To report at least annually to SCUP on the results of the appraisal process.


Three persons, appointed by SCUP, of whom two shall be members of faculty, and one a graduate student.

Ex officio:

  • Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
  • Vice-President (Research)
  • Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
  • Chair, Senate Ctee. on University Planning
  • Policy Planning Officer [Executive Officer, SCUP] (non-voting)

The Provost & Vice-President (Academic) shall act as Chair

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES Membership Cycle: July 1 - June 30.
New Members: Appointed by SCUP in July (or at the first meeting following the appointment of new members to SCUP). Officers: Vice-Chair elected in July (or at the first meeting following appointment of new members).
Meetings: As required.

Rev. 1997 04

To be revised as shown:

Terms of Reference:

To act as the chief forum for critical appraisal and coordination of long-term plans for the University and to make recommendations concerning these to Senate, with appropriate commentary.

To ensure that the University budget and financial planning have taken full consideration of the planned priorities and programs of the University.

To approve, on behalf of the University, briefs for presentation to external bodies.

To transmit to Senate such reports of its subcommittees, and recommendations relating thereto, as are necessary to discharge effectively the duties of SCUP and its subcommittees.

To propose to Senate annual University Operating and Capital Budgets for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor.

To approve allocations from the Academic Development Fund.

To propose to Senate a long range capital project plan for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor.

To receive amendments to the capital plan on a quarterly basis.

To invite presentations by units requesting major projects.

To examine policies concerning graduate scholarships and/or awards, as well as provisions of graduate scholarships and/or awards, and to make recommendations to Senate.

On behalf of Senate, to approve, for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the President & Vice-Chancellor:

  • the establishment of terms of reference for graduate scholarships and/or awards not involving changes in the graduate scholarship policy of the University;
  • the establishment of designated chairs, professorships, and faculty fellowships consistent with University Policy, subject to approval by a two-thirds majority of members present.

Seven members to be elected by Senate, including: one graduate student; one Principal of an Affiliated College (to be appointed on a rotating basis); one member of administrative staff; and four members of faculty who are members of Senate at the time elected. The President of the Society of Graduate Students shall qualify as a student for this purpose. The term of elected members (faculty) is three years, non-renewable.

Senate Committees on Academic Policy and Admissions (SCAPA) and Information Technology and Services (SCITS) each shall appoint one member.

Two representatives of the Board of Governors, appointed by the Board.

Ex officio:

  • President & Vice-Chancellor
  • Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
  • Vice-President (Administration)
  • Vice-President (Research)
  • Chair of SCAPA
  • Academic Colleague
  • Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
  • President, University Students' Council

  • Policy Planning Officer [Executive Officer] (non-voting)
  • Secretary of Senate (non-voting)


  • Senior Director - Financial Services (n-v)
  • Senior Director, Physical Plant & Capital Planning Services (non-voting)
  • Director, Institutional Planning & Budgeting (non-voting)
  • Associate Director of Physical Plant (n-v)
  • Manager, Occupational Health & Safety (n-v)

The Committee shall elect a Chair annually from among the Senate-elected members. The Provost & Vice-President (Academic) shall be Vice-Chair.


Membership Cycle: July 1 - June 30 for elected/appointed members; Chair of SCAPA and Academic Colleague for term of office only.
New Members: Elected by Senate and appointed by SCAPA

To be revised as shown:

Terms of Reference:

To formulate, and recommend to Senate:

  • policy concerning admission to, registration in, and curriculum of undergraduate academic programs offered by the Faculties and Schools and Affiliated Colleges of the University;
  • any other general academic policy affecting all students at the University, whether undergraduate or graduate.

To examine, for recommendation to Senate, proposals for the establishment of new undergraduate programs and the discontinuation of undergraduate existing programs. *

To review proposals for the introduction or discontinuation of undergraduate courses, or changes to undergraduate courses or programs, the implementation of which has been challenged by a Faculty, School, Affiliated College, or the Registrar and to rule on the proposals and report to Senate. *

To examine policies concerning scholarships and/or awards, as well as provisions of scholarships and/or awards, and to make recommendations to Senate.

On behalf of the Senate, to approve the establishment of terms of reference for undergraduate scholarships and/or awards not involving changes in the scholarship policy of the University, for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the President & Vice-Chancellor.

To receive and forward to Senate, the annual report of award recipients selected by from the Subcommittee on Teaching Awards (SUTA), to report decisions of the Subcommittee to Senate, and to consider, for recommendation to Senate, changes in the policies, procedures and criteria governing the awards.

To receive an annual report from the Dean of Graduate Studies on the results of the appraisal process of existing graduate programs. To receive and forward to Senate an annual report from the Provost's Review Committee to Review Undergraduate Programs.


Ten members elected by Senate:

  • eight members of Faculty, at least five of whom are members of Senate at the time elected. At least one member shall be from each of the Faculties of Arts, Graduate Studies, Science, and Social Science. No more than one of the members of faculty may be a Dean.
  • two students, at least one of whom is a graduate student and one undergraduate and at least one of whom is a member of Senate at the time elected

One member (and an Alternate) from an Affiliated College, appointed in consultation with the Principal concerned. Representation by the Affiliated Colleges is on a rotational basis (two year cycles).

Ex Officio:

  • President & Vice-Chancellor
  • Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
  • Vice-Provost & Registrar
  • USC Vice-President Education
  • SOGS Vice-President Academic

  • Dean of Graduate Studies (non-voting)
  • Secretary of Senate (non-voting)
  • Deputy Registrar Manager, Applicant Services (non-voting)

* The appropriate Dean(s), Principal(s) and/or Chair(s) of Department(s) shall be invited to attend a meeting at which these issues are to be considered.

Membership Cycle: January 1 - December 31.
New Members: Elected by Senate in November.
Officers: Chair and Vice-Chair elected at the last meeting in April (terms May 1 - April 30).
Meetings: Monthly, Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m.

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