
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT III - December 10, 1999



1. The Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Student Code of Conduct (S.99-292)

The Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Student Code of Conduct has been charged with developing a Student Code of Conduct for the University. It is envisaged that the Code will include descriptions of expected standards of behavior, types of behavior that would violate the code, sanctions for breaches of the Code, and a system to ensure fair process with appropriate appeal mechanisms.

The Committee will be inviting comments from the community with respect to what categories of behavior which should fall under the jurisdiction of a Student Code of Conduct, what type and range of sanctions should be applied to students who breach the Code, and who should be responsible for both making decisions concerning violations of the Code and for evaluating appeals against decisions about a Code violation.

The Committee comprises Brian Timney (Chair) of the Faculty of Social Science, Theresa Morrissey of the University Secretariat, Sydney Usprich of the Faculty of Law with Michael Curry of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry as the student advisor.

In addition to a mailing to members of the Board of Governors, Senate, Deans, Director of Libraries and Chief Librarian, Senior Directors, Presidents of Unions, PMA, USC, SOGS, MBAA, the Ombudsperson and the Director of the Student Development Centre, a notice will be placed in the 深夜福利站 News and the Gazette soliciting views on the content of the Code. Submissions should be addressed to Professor Brian Timney, Dean's Office, Faculty of Social Science, Social Science Centre, or by e-mail at timney@julian.uwo.ca. The Committee is also prepared to hear oral submissions from interested parties.

The deadline for submissions (including oral presentations by interested parties) is Friday, January 14th, 2000. Following receipt of submissions, the Committee will issue a report and a draft policy for comment within the community and for publication in the 深夜福利站 News on March 2, 2000. Written comments on the draft may be submitted by Friday, March 17th. The time lines projected are for a final recommended policy to be sent to SCAPA for recommendation to Senate in April and to the Campus and Community Affairs Committee for recommendation to the Board of Governors in May.

2. Revision to Policies on Dean's Honor List and Graduation "With Distinction" (S.99-277)

In the November 19th SCAPA Report to Senate, the revisions to the Progression Requirements for the MD Program (item 9) impacted on the Policies on the Dean's Honor List and Graduation "With Distinction" (item 11). Both items were approved by Senate. In order to clarify the revisions made to the latter policies, the Dean's Honor List policy will include the following statement (in italics):

This statement applies to undergraduate students in the Faculties of Arts, Education, Health Sciences, Information & Media Studies, Medicine & Dentistry, Music, Science and Social Science, the School of Dentistry, and at Brescia, Huron and King's Colleges.

For other undergraduate faculties and schools...

4) For the Doctor of Medicine program, the honors grade adjusted by the course weight leads to a weighted honors score. A student who obtains a total weighted honors score in the top 10% of the class for all courses in each year of the MD program will be considered to have passed with Honors and shall be named to the Dean's Honor List.

The policy on Graduation "With Distinction" will also be revised as follows:

4) Medicine: Students must pass each year of the program with honors to who have been named to the Dean's Honor List in each year of the MD program will graduate With Distinction.

3. Faculty of Law: Structure of the Academic Year/Revision to 2001 Sessional Dates (S.99-267)

Effective September 1, 1998, Senate approved that the regular winter term in the Faculty of Law be revised by the introduction of January courses (designated as "c" courses and lasting 4 weeks) and February/March/April courses (designated as "d" courses).

Senate also approved that the add/drop period for the January courses will be the first two days of the January Term, and the add/drop period for the February/March/April (FMA) courses be the first five days of the February/March/April (FMA) Term.

As further information regarding the new structure of the academic year for the Faculty of Law, the last day of the 4 week "c" courses will be designated as an examination day, followed by one week to be designated as a Study Week (in lieu of the Conference Week enjoyed by most other faculties and schools in March).

There are two editorial changes to the sessional dates forwarded to Senate and approved at its November 19th meeting, specifically to the date spring 2001 classes end and the day that examinations begin.


September 5 School Commences

October 9 Thanksgiving

December 5 First Term Classes End

December 7 Examinations Begin

December 21 First Term Ends


January 2 January Term Begins

January 25 January Term Ends

January 26 January Term Exams

January 29-February 2 Study Week

February 5 Spring Term Begins

April 12 Spring Term Classes End

April 13 Good Friday (no exams)

April 13 Passover (no exams)

April 16 Examinations Begin

April 27 Spring Term Ends

June Convocation