
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - November 19, 1999



Senate Membership

a. Faculty Constituencies

For the following constituencies, for the Fall 1999 Senate Elections, nominations were not received or were not received in sufficient numbers prior to the deadline for nominations. As required in Senate election procedures, the unit involved has been contacted and in each case has recommended the name(s) shown. Terms are effective immediately for two-year terms to October 31, 2001.

Recommended: That the following nominees be elected to represent the constituencies shown for the terms indicated:

1. Representing the Huron College constituency, that Trish Fulton be appointed to Senate for a two-year term.

2. Representing the Richard Ivey School of Business Administration constituency, Chris Piper be appointed to Senate for a two-year term.

3. Representing the Faculty of Arts constituency, Patrick Mahon be appointed to Senate for a two-year term.

4. Representing the Faculty of Health Sciences constituency, Joyce MacKinnon and Anthony Vandervoort be reappointed to Senate for two-year terms.

5. Representing the Faculty of Information and Media Studies constituency, Michael Nolan be appointed to Senate for a two-year term.

6. Representing the Faculty of Music constituency, Sandra Mangsen be appointed to Senate for a two-year term.

b. Member of Senate from the General Community

Recommended: That Shanthi Radcliffe be elected to serve on Senate for a two-year term (to October 31, 2001) as representative of the General Community.

Membership on Senate, according to the UWO Act (1982) includes five representatives of the General Community -- the President of the Alumni Association (or designate), two persons appointed by the Alumni Association, and two persons elected by Senate. Nominations for the Senate-elected members come from an ad hoc Senate Nominating Committee.

In accordance with Senate procedures, the ad hoc Nominating Committee has conferred and agreed that Ms. Shanthi Radcliffe, Executive Director of the London Intercommunity Health Centre, an active member of the London community and a former Senator (1986-1990) , be recommended for election to Senate.

2. Senate Meeting Dates 2001

Recommended: That the following Senate meeting dates for 2001 be approved, with all meetings to begin Fridays at 1:00 p.m:

3. Convocation Schedule for 2001

a. Spring Convocation - June 2001

Recommended: That Spring Convocation 2001be scheduled from Tuesday, June 5, through Friday, June 8.

b. Fall Convocation - October 2001

Recommended: That Fall Convocation 2000 be scheduled on Thursday, October 25, and Friday, October 26.

4. Nominating Committee Membership

Composition: Seven members of Senate, elected by Senate, at least one of whom shall be a graduate student. Not more than two members from a single academic unit. The Faculty of Graduate Studies is not considered an academic unit in this context.

[Ex Officio members include the Chair of the Student Caucus on Governance.]

There will be three alternates who are members of Senate, one of whom is a student, to attend meetings when regular members are unable to attend.

Current Elected Membership:

Retiring November 1999:

Members: D. McLachlin, D. Small, P. Deane, A. Weedon
Alternates: M. Kissel, G. Killan

Continuing to November 2000:

Members: B. Bryan (Sci), J. MacKinnon (HS), R. Young (SS)
Alternate: R. Darnell (SS)

Members Required:

One graduate student Senator

Three additional members of Senate but not more than one may be from each of the Faculties of Science, Health Sciences and Social Science


Patrick Deane (Arts)
Sandra Mangsen
Sharon Rich
_______________ (Graduate Student) [Nominations to be invited at Senate]

Alternates Required:

Two members of Senate, one of whom is a student.


George Cherian (Medicine & Dentistry)
David Small (Undergraduate Student)

5. Composition of SUEPP

Recommended: That the composition of the SCUP Subcommittee on Enrolment Planning and Policy (SUEPP) be amended to include:

One member (and an Alternate) from an affiliated College, appointed by the Provost in consultation with the Principal concerned. Representation by the Affiliated Colleges is on a rotational basis (two year cycles).


With the prospect of the increased enrolment cohort, it is important that SUEPP include representation from the Affiliated Colleges. The Provost will consult with the Principals initially to determine the order of the rotation amongst the Colleges.

The current composition of SUEPP is:

Resource Persons (non-voting):


1. Proposal to Establish an ad hoc Committee of Senate

[See in this agenda package]

At the Senate meeting of October 17, 1999, it was moved by M. Lawless, seconded by J. Clayman: "That Senate create an ad hoc committee comprising 5 Senators, at least one of whom must be a student, to examine the procedures taken in imposing academic sanctions for a non-academic violation." By a motion approved by Senate, this matter was referred to the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee to be appropriately placed on the agenda for the November meeting of Senate.

The context for the motion was extensive discussion during the Enquiries period of the October meeting concerning the deregistration and subsequent reinstatement of four Engineering students who damaged a number of University residences by throwing balloons of purple dye at the buildings. That discussion is reported in the October Senate minutes, S.99-215.

One of the assigned responsibilities of the Operations/Agenda Committee is to "...make recommendations ...establishment of new standing or ad hoc committees, and other operational matters." The Committee reviewed the motion made by Senators Lawless and Clayman: Is the intention to review procedures for imposing academic sanctions for non-academic offenses? Or is the intention to review the procedures followed in the case of the four Engineering students? The Committee was unsure.

Operations/Agenda also considered the rationale provided by the mover which suggests that:

• "The imposition of academic sanctions for non-academic violations may infringe upon the jurisdiction of Senate."

• Deregistration can be imposed only in the case of non-payment of fines.

• Only the penalties set out in the Student Disciplinary Code (e.g., fines, community service, restriction of social privileges) can be imposed for "any student who commits damage, or attempts to commit damage, on campus".

The Committee points out that there is a Senate policy on Academic Sanctions (S.95-179) which states:

(S.992, S.1008, S.1714, S.2229.03, S.92-100, S.93-80, S.94-221, S.95-179)

Registration in the University and the right of free access to the library, residences, specialized equipment and other University facilities implies a commitment on the part of the student to use such facilities in accordance with established rules. A student not fulfilling these obligations becomes liable to the imposition of academic sanctions. [emphasis added]

In instances of non-payment of prescribed fees or fines and/or bills, or of delinquency in the return or replacement of university property on loan, the University shall seal the academic record and no information will be released. In addition, the University shall

(a) not issue a Grade Report
(b) not issue a transcript or degree diploma
(c) not permit admission or readmission
(d) not permit registration

Students will be notified by registered mail of any overdue account before the record is sealed, except when outstanding tuition fees and/or University loans are involved, in which case notification by registered mail will occur prior to deregistration. Upon notification, students may appeal any action to be taken by the University to the department(s) involved.

Moreover, the above prohibitions shall be in force until such time as indebtedness to the University, including payment of the fee for removal of the seal, has been cleared to the satisfaction of the University.

The Student Disciplinary Code is a policy of the Board of Governors of the University. It involves hearings by a Student Court composed of Magistrates who are law students appointed by the Board. The penalties available to the Student Court do not include academic sanctions. Academic sanctions, including deregistration, suspension, and expulsion, may be imposed by senior administrators, such as a Dean, Registrar, Vice-President or President, and they have an obligation to follow due process.

In 1995, a Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on Student Code of Conduct was established to develop a Code for ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾. The Committee, chaired by Professor B. Timney, worked for some time to collect representative policies from other universities and to develop a statement of rights, responsibilities and expectations of members of the community. As well, the Board of Governors agreed that the Student Disciplinary Code should be revised and expanded within the context of the Student Code of Conduct being developed by the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee. Operations/Agenda is of the view that issues raised in the Lawless/Clayman motion would best be addressed in this context. In this way, a comprehensive solution to the larger issues can proceed to SCAPA, and thence to Senate and the Board of Governors. In light of this, Operations/Agenda does not support the adoption of the motion.

2. Candidates for Degrees - Fall Convocation 1999 - Amendments

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Fall Convocation 1999, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 15, 1999.

Friday, October 22, 1999

King's College
Bachelor of Arts
Add: Meghan Alexandra Carrie

Faculty of Science
Bachelor of Science
Add: Hyuk-JaeWon

Faculty of Social Science
Bachelor of Arts
Add: Meghan Ann Cronin
Add: Penny Lawlis

3. Candidates for Degrees - Spring Convocation 1977 - Amendment

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 1977, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 3, 1977.

Monday, June 6, 1977

Faculty of Education
Bachelor of Education
Add: June Allison Lendore

4. Senate Attendance Requirements

The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario Act provides, in Section 26:

(3) Where within any membership year* a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 50 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate may by resolution declare such membership vacant.

(4) Where within any membership year* a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 25 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate shall by resolution declare such membership vacant.

* (The Senate membership year begins in November.)

Senate attendance is reviewed by the Operations/Agenda Committee from time to time, and the Committee is prepared to recommend to Senate that a Senate seat be declared vacant should a pattern of absenteeism develop. Senators who find they have a schedule conflict with Senate meetings may apply for a Leave of Absence from Senate for the period of the conflict. In this case, an Alternate will be appointed in accordance with the Senate policy for filling vacancies. If the conflict is unresolvable, resignation from Senate would be appropriate in order that the constituency concerned be represented by a duly appointed replacement.