
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - September 17, 1999



Senate Membership

Faculty Constituencies:

Representative of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies

Recommended: That Bernd Frohmann, elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Information and Media Studies constituency, be granted a leave of absence, and

That Gloria Leckie be elected to serve on Senate as his Alternate (term from September to December, 1999)

Undergraduate Student Constituencies:

Representatives of the Affiliated Colleges

Recommended: That the Senate seats held by Inge Thomsen and Eli Singer, elected undergraduate student representatives to Senate for the Affiliated College constituency, be declared vacant as a result of their resignations, and

That Michael Lawless (Honors History II, King's College) and Christopher Sinal (Honors History II, Huron College) be elected to replace them (terms to October 31, 1999).

2. Delegation of Authority on Committees Mandated Under Conditions of Appointment (S.98-203)

Recommended: That the Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, that for the duration of negotiations of a first contract with the UWO Faculty Association:

that the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies, Dr. N. Kuiper and Dr. M. Kreiswirth, be authorized to serve on behalf of the Dean of Graduate Studies on the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure when necessary.


The "Definitions" section of the Preamble to Conditions of Appointment states:

11. Provost shall mean the Provost (Vice-President Academic) or other senior academic administrative officer designated by Senate and the Board of Governors to carry out those duties specified in these Conditions of Appointment.
12. Dean of Graduate Studies shall mean the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies or other senior academic administrative officer designated by Senate and the Board of Governors to carry out those duties specified in these Conditions of Appointment.

In the past this has been interpreted to mean that the Senate and Board of Governors must designate any senior academic administrative officer by name. The Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. A.C. Weedon, is involved with the negotiation of a first collective agreement with the UWO Faculty Association. Last September, Senate approved a resolution (S.98-203) which reflected the names of the Associate Deans at the time -- N. Kuiper and W. Flintoff. This year the Associate Deans are N. Kuiper and M. Kreiswirth.

3. Subcommittee on Teaching Awards (SUTA)

Recommended: That Senate approve the following revision (shown in italics) to the composition of the Subcommittee on Teaching Awards (SUTA):

Subcommittee on Teaching Awards (SUTA)

Terms of Reference:


Four members of faculty, elected by SCAPA, for three-year terms (renewable). To be eligible for election, faculty members must hold full-time appointments or be Academic Clinicians appointed under Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of the Basic Sciences Departments (1999).

One graduate student , elected by SCAPA, for a one-year term

Ex officio:

Members of SUTA may not, during their term of membership, prepare or write letters of support for nominees for the awards.


To date, the composition of SUTA has restricted membership to full-time members of faculty. Clinical Academics appointed under Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999) are currently ineligible for nomination. Academic Clinicians are neither full-time nor -part time, but a hybrid.

In an Agreement with the Faculty of Medicine earlier this year, there was an explicit undertaking that the administration would promote recommendations:

"...to enable all Clinical Academics to be eligible for election or appointment to University governing bodies and committees, specifically:
a. Senate;
b. Board of Governors;
c. Senate Committees where the composition requirements stipulate "member of faculty/faculty member,"
d. Senate Subcommittee on Teaching Awards. "

The change in eligibility for nomination to SUTA membership parallels the change in eligibility for nomination for the Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching, approved at the May 21, 1999, meeting of Senate.

4. Senate Election Procedures: Appointment of Alternates

Recommended: That the Senate Election Procedures be amended with regard to the Appointment of Alternates as shown in italics below:

Appointment of Alternates
Pursuant to Section 24(4):
24.(4) Where the Senate grants leave of absence to any member, the Senate may provide, in such manner as it determines, for an alternate member who shall have all the powers of a member of the Senate.
When an elected member of Senate is granted leave of absence by the Senate, he/she shall be replaced by an alternate member as required by Section 24(4) and the alternates shall be the candidates, in order, who stood highest among the unsuccessful candidates of the unit in the last election. When no alternate is available by this procedure, the Senate may appoint an alternate upon the recommendation of the unit concerned, except in the case of students, administrative staff, and Representatives of the General Community elected by Senate, in which case the Senate shall appoint an Alternate in accordance with the procedure for Filling of Vacancies.


This revision reflects all of the constituencies wherein Senate has established a procedure of the Filling of Vacancies. A complete copy of the procedures is attached as Appendix 1 (below).

5. Senate Election Procedures and Fall 1999 Election Schedule

Recommended: That the Senate Election Procedures be revised as shown in Appendix 2 (shown below) to allow Internet Voting for Graduate and Undergraduate Students.


For 1999, the Faculty and Administrative Staff elections for the Senate elections will follow the same voting schedule and process (i.e., mailing of ballots to campus addresses) as in previous years. The election schedule is shown below.

For undergraduate and graduate students, a new system has been devised by Information Technology Services, the University Secretariat and the Registrar's Office which will allow voting on the Internet, i.e., the World Wide Web, for Board of Governors and Senate student constituencies.

The schedules conform closely to the rules governing elections. However, some of the regulations need to be changed, as outlined below:

  1. The procedures for elections have been revised to reschedule the Call for Nominations for all students during the third, rather than second week of September, i.e., to be made during the week of September 14th rather than September 7th in 1999. The Call for Nominations has traditionally been made during students' first full week on campus during orientation and their first few days of classes. The timing change is seen as an improvement in that it coincides with plans made in the Spring by the USC for their Fall by-elections and it is seen as a positive step in creating interest in the elections.

  2. The election regulations state that nominations for all student constituencies will close 14 days after the call for nominations, i.e., close for most students at 4:00 p.m. on September 30 with Senate undergraduate "At Large" closing one week later (October 7). Each year following the close of nominations for "At Large", at 5:00 p.m. there is a Mandatory All Candidates meeting for all candidates to receive detailed instruction about campaigning and election rules.

    Starting this year, there will be two Mandatory All Candidates meetings: one at 5:00 p.m. on September 30 following the close of nominations for graduate students and all undergraduate constituencies except At Large; and the other at 5:00 p.m. on October 7, following the close of nominations for undergraduate At Large candidates. The campaign period will be the following week, October 12-25. These changes do not require revisions to the Senate regulations.

  3. There will be a significant change to the procedures for "Opt In" students. Students in Faculty of Education programs, students taking Distance Studies courses, and part-time graduate students have traditionally been sent a "Franchise Activation Form" with their Fall registration materials. they are interested in participating in the elections, they return the form to the University Secretariat, and they are subsequently sent a mail (paper) ballot for their constituency which they then cast by mail. For these groups, participation has traditionally been low. This year, using the PeopleSoft systems, the Registrar's Office is no longer unable to distinguish these three groups of students to enable mailing the Franchise Activation Forms. However, these students are not alone in encountering difficulty in getting to campus polling booths to vote: last year, medical students proposed that they be included in the mailing of Franchise Activation Forms in future because many are located in hospitals and find it difficult to vote at campus polling stations. Voting on the Web addresses these concerns about access to polling booths since all students will be able to vote at any computer with access to the Web.

  4. Reference to Honorary Scrutineers has been removed from the procedures, since ballot counting for student constituencies will be managed electronically.

  5. Elections for Graduate Student constituencies for the Board of Governors (1 position) and the Senate (4 positions) are scheduled for Tuesday, October 12, and Wednesday, October 13. For Undergraduate Student elections, voting on the web will take place on Tuesday, October 26, and Wednesday, October 27. When paper ballots were used, polling stations were open for two days during normal hours, i.e., approximately 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 or 9:30 p.m. Web voting will also be scheduled for a two day period but votes can be cast at any time during the full 48 hour period. Students may vote at any computer connected to the Internet, including campus computer labs. The two-stage election -- Graduate Students followed by Undergraduate Students -- will allow evaluation of the first pilot project with a smaller constituency before the system is reset for the second.

The election process will be advertised in the Gazette and 深夜福利站 News and linked to the UWO Homepage. There is a demonstration ballot now shown on the University Secretariat's election site at: [Note that this is a demonstration only of the appearance of the ballots, not of their functionality.]

Students have both an ID number and a PIN number to connect them to RegiStar. These serve as the passwords to allow the student to vote. The new voting system will allow an individual to vote only once. The system will record the ID number, time and machine used to access the Web and the vote cast by the individual will be counted once the ID number is validated, however, the stored record will NOT reveal how the individual voted.

Web-based voting is being introduced at this time because:

Subject to a positive review of the pilot projects in November, the Secretariat will pursue the introduction of voting on the web for the Administrative Staff and Faculty constituencies, and relevant changes to the Senate Election Procedures will be proposed to Senate, through the Operations/Agenda Committee.

The Senate election schedules are outlined below:
1999 Senate Election Schedule: Faculty and Administrative Staff Constituencies
Call for Nominations [WWW and 深夜福利站 News] September 9
Nominations Open September 10
Nominations Close 4:00 p.m. September 23
Posting of Nominations September 24
Distribution of Ballots September 28
Balloting September 29 - October 14
Polls Close 4:00 p.m. October 14
Posting of Results (Deadline) 4:00 p.m. October 16
Publication of Official Results in 深夜福利站 News October 21

1999 Senate Election Schedule: Graduate Student Constituency
Call for Nominations Advertised

[WWW, 深夜福利站 News and Gazette]

Nominations Open September 17
Nominations Close 4:00 p.m. September 30
Posting of Nominations and Mandatory Candidates' Advisory Meeting (292 SLB) 5:00 p.m. September 30
Campaign Period October 1 - 11
Balloting on the World Wide Web October 12 - 13
Posting of Results (Deadline) October 15
Publication of Official results in 深夜福利站 News October 21
1999 Senate Election Schedule: Undergraduate Student Constituencies
Call for Nominations Advertised [WWW, 深夜福利站 News and Gazette] September 16
Nominations Open September 17
Nominations Close:
- All constituencies but At Large
- At Large constituency

4:00 p.m. September 30
4:00 p.m. October 7
Posting of Nominations and Mandatory Candidates Advisory Meeting (142 UC) 5:00 p.m. October 7
Campaign Period October 12 - 25
Balloting on the World Wide Web October 26 - 27
Posting of Results (Deadline) October 29
Publication of Official Results in 深夜福利站 News November 4

6. Alternative Procedures under Conditions of Appointment: Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Requested: That the Senate authorize the Dean of Medicine & Dentistry to delegate to Dr. Paul Harding the decanal duties and responsibilities mandated under Section B of Conditions of Appointment and Section 5.3.1 of Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Science Departments 1999 during the academic year, September 1, 1999, to June 30, 2000. Upon such delegation, Dr. Harding shall exercise all of the decanal duties and responsibilities as set out in Conditions of Appointment and Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Science Departments 1999 with respect to candidates for promotion and tenure.


Conditions of Appointment, provides that "Where a Faculty or Department wishes to institute alternative procedures, such a Faculty or Department may petition Senate to supplant Senate procedures, in whole or in part, with the alternative procedures. Such a petition shall be accompanied by a full description of the alternative procedures, together with a complete statement of the special reasons justifying the departure from the established Senate procedures. The above shall be transmitted to the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee for a recommendation to Senate. Where such alternative procedures are approved, it is the responsibility of the appropriate Dean or Department Chair to inform all faculty members affected about the change."

Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Science Departments 1999 is an alternative procedure established under the above-noted section of Conditions of Appointment. The request is intended to apply to faculty appointed under both Conditions documents.

Reasons for the Request:

Before being selected as the new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dr. Carol Herbert had accepted an Overseas Visiting Scholarship position at Cambridge University for the months of October and November 1999. When Dr. Herbert subsequently accepted the position of Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at 深夜福利站, it was agreed that she would honor her acceptance of this position.

It is requested that the term of delegation include the full academic year, September 1999 through June 2000, in order that he may see cases in which he is involved through the full promotion and tenure cycle, including possible appeals.

A similar exception was granted to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in 1996-97.

The above-noted recommendation was approved by the Council of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry on September 9, 1999.


1. Officers of Convocation

The Senate Operations/Agenda Committee has appointed the following Officers of Convocation (terms to October 31, 2001.

2. Order of Fall Convocation - October 1999

The Order of Fall Convocation - October 1999 is as follows:

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Health Sciences, Medicine & Dentistry, Education, Engineering Science, and Music, and by the Richard Ivey School of Business

Friday, October 22 - 10:00 a.m.

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts and Science

Friday, October 22 - 3:30 p.m.

*= students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Information and Media Studies and Social Science

3. 2000 Convocation Dates

Spring 2000 Convocation Dates will be:

4. Order of Spring Convocation - June 2000

Tuesday, June 6 - 10:00 a.m.

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts and Music

Tuesday, June 6 - 3:30 p.m.

Wednesday, June 7 - 10:00 a.m.

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Education.

Wednesday, June 7 - 3:00 p.m.

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Information and Media Studies, Medicine & Dentistry, and the Richard Ivey School of Business.

Thursday, June 8 - 10:00 a.m.

*= students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Social Science

Thursday, June 8 - 3:30 p.m.

*= students in programs hosted by the Faculty of Science

Friday, June 9 - 10:00 a.m.

Friday, June 9 - 3:30 p.m.

* = students in programs hosted by the Faculties of Engineering Science and Health Sciences

5. Annual Report of the University Research Board

The terms of reference of the University Research Board require that the URB report to Senate annually, through the Operations/Agenda Committee. The 1998-99 report is attached as Appendix 3 (not available for the Web version).

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - September 17, 1999 - Appendix I

Appointment of Alternates

Pursuant to Section 24(4):

24.(4) Where the Senate grants leave of absence to any member, the Senate may provide, in such manner as it determines, for an alternate member who shall have all the powers of a member of the Senate.

When an elected member of Senate is granted leave of absence by the Senate, he/she shall be replaced by an alternate member as required by Section 24(4) and the alternates shall be the candidates, in order, who stood highest among the unsuccessful candidates of the unit in the last election. When no alternate is available by this procedure, the Senate may appoint an alternate upon the recommendation of the unit concerned, except in the case of students, when Senate shall appoint an Alternate in accordance with the procedure for Filling of Vacancies.

Filling of Vacancies

Pursuant to Section 27:

27. Where a vacancy on the Senate occurs before the term of office for which a person has been appointed or elected has expired,

(a) if the vacancy is that of an appointed member, the vacancy may be filled by the same authority which appointed the person whose membership is vacant; and

(b) if the vacancy is that of an elected member, the Senate in its sole discretion shall determine if the vacancy is to be filled, and, if so, the manner and procedure for doing so,

and a person appointed or elected hereunder shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of the person whose membership is vacant.

When a vacancy has been declared in respect of an elected member and if Senate has determined that the vacancy is to be filled, it shall do so by appointing a replacement from among the candidates of that unit who were unsuccessful in the last election in a priority determined by their plurality in that election.

When no appointment can be made by this procedure:

(1) Representatives of Faculty

Senate may appoint a member* upon the recommendation of the unit concerned.

(2) Representatives of the Students

In the case of a vacant seat in an undergraduate Faculty constituency: (1) where there is no runner up from the last election or when the runner(s) up are unable to unwilling to fill the vacancy, the replacement will be appointed from among the At Large runners up registered in the relevant Faculty in a priority determined by their plurality in that election; (2) when no appointment can be made by this procedure, the ad hoc Nominating Committee will nominate a replacement* from the relevant constituency.

An ad hoc Nominating Subcommittee comprising the undergraduate student Senators and chaired by the Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, shall nominate a replacement* to Senate through the Operations/Agenda Committee. (Note: student Senators whose Leave of Absence or resignation is in effect by the date when the ad hoc Subcommittee meets shall be ineligible to participate.)

An ad hoc Nominating Subcommittee comprising the graduate student Senator(s) and to include at least one representative of general graduate students (to be named by the Society of Graduate Students if that group is not represented by a continuing Senator) and MBA students (to be named by the Master of Business Administration Association if that group is not represented by a continuing Senator) and to be chaired by the Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, shall nominate a representative or a replacement* to Senate through the Operations/Agenda Committee. (Note: student Senators whose Leave of Absence or resignation is in effect by the date when the ad hoc Subcommittee meets shall be ineligible to participate.) (S.96-212)

(3) Representatives of the Administrative Staff

An ad hoc Nominating Subcommittee comprising five members of the administrative staff, appointed by the Senate Nominating Committee, chaired by the Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, shall nominate a replacement* to Senate, through the Operations/Agenda Committee.

(4) Representatives of the General Community Elected by Senate

The members of the Nominating Subcommittee for Representatives from the General Community shall be reconvened. A replacement* shall be nominated to Senate through the Operations/Agenda Committee.

* In all cases, the appointee to fill a vacancy must meet all criteria for Senate membership as defined in the Act (1988) and Senate Election Procedures.

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - September 17, 1999 - Appendix 2



Pursuant to Section 24(1)(e), students shall be elected as follows:

24.(1)(e) eighteen students of whom,

(i) fourteen shall be undergraduate students of the University and its affiliated colleges and be elected by such undergraduate students, and

(ii) four shall be graduate students elected by the graduate students.

Candidate and Voter Eligibility

Pursuant to Section 25(3):

25.(3) The election of a member of the Senate under clause 24(1)(e) shall be by secret ballot and for a term of one membership year, but in all other respects such an election shall be in accordance with the manner and procedures established and determined by the Senate.

Pursuant to Senate Resolution:

(1) Student members shall be elected from and by the following constituencies:

a) Undergraduate Students

(i) Faculties of Social Science and Information and Media Studies - two members

(ii) Faculty of Science - one member

(iii) Faculties of Arts and Music - one member

(iv) Faculties of Education, Engineering Science, Law, and the Richard Ivey School of Business - one member

(v) Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine & Dentistry - one member

(vi) Brescia, Huron, and King's Colleges - two members

(vii) At Large - six members

b) Graduate Students - four members

(2) If, at any annual election, an undergraduate academic constituency fails to elect a representative(s), the seat(s) thus unfilled shall be added to the six of the undergraduate "at large" constituency for that year only and be filled at the subsequent "at large" election.

If one or more "at large" seats are not filled, the Senate may appoint the required number of members upon the recommendation of the University Students' Council.

If, at any annual election, insufficient nominations are received for a graduate student constituency, Senate may appoint member(s) to fill vacant seat(s) upon the recommendation of the ad hoc Nominating Committee outlined in the procedure for the Filling of Vacancies (see above).

(3) In accord with the definition of a student as set forth in Section 1(1)(l) and Section 24(1)(e) of the Act, any full- or part-time student who is registered, at the time of the call for nominations, in one of the academic units comprising the constituency is eligible to be a candidate and to vote in the constituency except that those who are otherwise included in a Faculty or Administrative Staff constituency shall not be eligible to be a candidate for election. In any given Senate election, a student may not be a candidate in more than one constituency.

(4) In accord with Section 25(7) of the Act, a student is not eligible to be elected for more than four consecutive terms, excluding therefrom the balance of an unexpired term for a person appointed or elected under Section 27, but is eligible for re-election after a lapse of two years after the expiration of the fourth of the four consecutive terms (S.3321.06).


The Secretary of Senate shall, each year during the first week of classes, normally the second third week in September, call for nominations for candidates to represent the undergraduate and graduate student constituencies.

Nomination of a candidate shall be on a prescribed form, available at the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, signed by 10 members of the student constituency eligible to vote. The onus is on the nominee to validate signatures with the Registrar's Office by presenting the nomination form to that office at least 24 hours prior to the official close of nominations. The agreement of the nominee to allow his/her name to stand shall be shown by his/her signature on the nomination form or in an attached letter. The nominee may submit on the reverse side of this form a biographical statement or other comments up to a limit of 75 words.

The completed nomination form must be submitted to the Secretary of Senate not later than 14 consecutive days from the official date of call for nominations in the case of undergraduate academic faculty constituencies and graduate student constituencies. In the case of the undergraduate student "at large" constituency, the completed nomination forms must be submitted to the Secretary of Senate within 21 consecutive days from the official date of call for nominations. At the close of nominations, any nomination form bearing fewer than 10 valid signatures shall be declared invalid. Any student nominee will be automatically disqualified from candidacy when neither the nominee nor his/her representative attends the All Candidates' Mandatory Advisory Meeting held following the close of nominations.

The Secretary of Senate shall publish as soon as possible after each nomination closing date an official list of valid nominations showing for each nominee his/her program of studies and Faculty/School affiliation, and, if submitted, a brief biographical statement. The list shall be published in the 深夜福利站 News and offered for publication in the student newspaper and for posting on official student notice boards.

Undergraduate students enrolled in Distance Studies courses and in the Faculty of Education, and part-time graduate students, may participate in the election provided they do so by completion of a Franchise Activation Form which will be provided in their registration materials. This form must be returned to the Office of the Secretary of Senate by the date specified on the form (usually in the first week of October). The form will require the student's student number, faculty code, name, and mailing address during the month of October of the year in which the election is held.

In the case of all students eligible to vote by mail (see above) who have returned the Franchise Activation Form by the specified date, the Secretary of Senate shall, as soon as possible, and not later than seven days after the close of nominations, mail ballots to all eligible voters, appropriate to their constituency, at the address provided on the Franchise Activation Form. The ballot, which shall show only the full names of the candidates in alphabetical order shall be included with:

a) a small secrecy envelope into which the marked ballot should be sealed;

b) a return-addressed envelope into which the secrecy envelope should be sealed, and on the upper left-hand face of which the voter must provide information to allow verification of the ballot return;

c) an information sheet containing candidates' names and statements.

In the case of part-time on-campus undergraduate students and full-time graduate and undergraduate students (except undergraduate students enrolled in the Faculty of Education), b Balloting will be conducted during a designated period at an election site linked to 深夜福利站's Homepage on the Internet. at polling stations established on campus. The Secretary of Senate is authorized to delegate to the University Students' Council and the Society of Graduate Students and the MBA Association such authority as is necessary for the distribution and collection of ballots. The Secretary of the Senate may employ the USC Election Committee to supervise campaigning by candidates, to conduct on-campus elections of students to the Senate and to count the poll, but any decision that a candidate be disqualified may be appealed to the Secretary of Senate by 4:00 p.m. of the second working day following the date of the letter notifying the candidate of the Election Committee's decision that the candidate be disqualified. Where there is inconsistency between the policies and procedures stated in USC Resolution Six, the policies and procedures of the Senate shall take precedence and the final authority for resolving all disputes in such matters shall rest with the Secretary of the Senate.

Completed ballots must be in the hands of the Secretary of Senate not later than 4:00 p.m. on the seventeenth day after the official date of distribution of the ballots.

The Secretary of Senate and two Honorary Scrutineers appointed by Senate shall be responsible for validating all ballots, for counting the poll, and for publishing the names of the successful candidates in an official notice of the Senate within forty-eight hours of the closing of the poll. The successful candidates shall be those who obtain the largest number of votes.


1. The Senate shall, each year at a meeting prior to the first call for nominations, elect two Honorary Scrutineers who, with the Secretary of Senate, shall be responsible for validating all ballots, for the counting of the poll, and publication of the official election results. The Honorary Scrutineers may delegate to the Secretary of Senate and Secretariat staff responsibility for validating and counting of ballots but must review the final count and sign the official results.

2. When only sufficient nominations to fill the vacancies for any unit are received, the Secretary of Senate shall declare the person or persons nominated elected by acclamation.

3. If in any election there is a tie vote, the election shall be determined by lot between the tied candidates. The determination by lot shall be carried out by the Secretary of Senate in the presence of the Honorary Scrutineers and the candidates concerned or their agents.

4. An election shall not be invalidated by any irregularity which does not affect the outcome of such election. Notification of any irregularity must be received by the Secretary of Senate within five days of the closing of the polls.

5. The results of the election shall be announced as soon as possible after the close of balloting. The number of votes received by each candidate will be made public, as well as the number of spoiled ballots received.

6. Any recount requested by any candidate will be conducted if, in the opinion of the Secretary of Senate and the two Honorary Scrutineers, there are sufficient grounds. The request for a recount together with a statement of grounds must be received by the Secretary of Senate by 4:00 p.m. of the second working day following the closing of the polls.

7. All ballots received, and all return envelopes, All election data will be retained by the Secretary of Senate for a period of sixty thirty days following publication of the election results, and then destroyed if no appeal is pending.

A list of voting results, validated by the Secretary of Senate and the Honorary Scrutineers shall be retained for a period of at least two years.

This information is kept current at the following Website: http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/senate/election.html