
Senate Agenda, May 21, 1999 - EXHIBIT I



  1. Senate Membership

    a) Faculty Constituencies

    Recommended: That the Senate seat held by Kathleen Okruhlik, elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Arts constituency, be declared vacant since she will be attending Senate meetings in her new capacity of Dean or Arts, and

    That Angela Esterhammer (Modern Languages and Literatures), be elected to complete Professor Okruhlik's term (July 1, 1999, to October 31, 2000).

    Recommended: That the Senate seat held by John Snyder, elected representative to Senate for the King's College constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation, and

    That John Orange (Modern Languages), be elected to complete Professor Snyder's term (July 1 to October 31, 1999).

    b) Undergraduate Student Constituencies

    Recommended: That Christine Russell, elected representative to Senate for the Social Science/Information and Media Studies Undergraduate Student constituency, be granted a leave of absence, and

    That Peter Kucherepa (Administrative and Commercial Studies II), a runner up in the last Senate election, be elected to serve as Ms. Russell's alternate (term from May 1 to August 31, 1999).

    Recommended: That the Senate seat held by SzeJack Tan, elected representative to Senate for the Undergraduate At Large Student constituency, be declared vacant as a result of his resignation: he prefers to attend Senate in his ex officio observer status as President of the University Students' Council, and

    That Dan Phillipson (Honors Business Administration III), runner-up in the last Senate election, be elected to replace him (term from May 1 to October 31, 1999).

    Recommended: That Jeffrey Clayman, elected representative to Senate for the Undergraduate At Large Student constituency, be granted a leave of absence, and

    That Nabil Sultan (Honors Mathematics II) , a runner-up in the last Senate election, be elected to serve as Mr. Clayman's alternate (term from May 1 to August 31, 1999).


  1. Board of Governors Referral to Senate: Medical Fees for 2000-01 and 2001-02
  2. Senate, at its meeting on April 16, 1999, approved the 1999-2000 University Operating and Capital Budgets, including the University's Quality Improvement Plan and the tuition fees as presented in the documents recommended by the Senate Committee on University Planning with the following amendment to a paragraph that appears in the middle of page 11 of the 1999-2000 Operating and Capital Budgets document:

    Medicine: Tuition fees for incoming undergraduate Medical students will remain at $10,000 in 1999-2000 and increase to $11,000, in 2000-01, and to $12,000 in 2001-02. Students "in program" will be grand parented at an annual fee increase of 20%. All students in the program will be paying the maximum fee in 2001-02.

    The outcome of the Board of Governors meeting on April 22 with respect to the Operating and Capital Budgets, tuition and fees, is summarized in Appendix 1. (shown below)

  3. Status Report: ad hoc Subcommittee to Investigate an Allegation Regarding the Operation of SRBA
  4. The ad hoc Subcommittee is continuing its work and expects to report to Operations/Agenda and Senate in June.

  5. Senate Membership - Alumni Association Representatives
  6. The Alumni Association has announced the appointment of Sally Siegner to Senate as a representative of the Alumni Association (term September 1, 1999, to October 31, 2000). Wally Gibson will continue as the designate of the President of the Alumni Association, to May 2001.

  7. Candidates for Theological Degrees - Huron College
  8. a) Master of Divinity Candidates

    On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following list of candidates who received the Master of Divinity degree at the 1999 Spring Convocation at Huron College (May 6, 1999).

    Tom Bonnema*

    Margaret Greenhow *

    Katherine Loynd *

    Len Myers

    Karen Nelles *

    Rachael Walker *

    Tom Wilson *

    * = graduated "with distinction"

    b) Master of Theological Studies

    On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following candidates who received the Master of Theological Studies degree at the 1999 Spring Convocation at Huron College (May, 6, 1999).

    Djuwe Blom *

    Natalie Dickert

    Tom Dobie

    Alfred Jewlal

    Pat Milliken *

    Adelina Pecchia

    Patrick Sweeney*

    Jancy Winmill *

    * = graduated "with distinction"Senate Agenda EXHIBIT I

Senate Agenda, May 21, 1999 - EXHIBIT I, Appendix 1

April 26, 1999

Dr. Paul Davenport
President & Vice-Chancellor
Stevenson-Lawson Building

re: Decisions of the Board of Governors: Operating and Capital Budgets, Tuition and Fees

Dear Dr. Davenport:

I am writing to confirm the action of the Board of Governors, at a meeting held on April 22, 1999, with respect to the Operating and Capital Budgets, tuition and fees.

The Board was informed of Senate's recommendation that the tuition fees of incoming undergraduate Medical students be set at $10,000 for 1999-2000, 2000-01, and 2001-02. This was acknowledged in a series of four motions proposed at the Board meeting, which appear on the attached page. The third motion was not voted upon because a procedural motion to refer the question back to Senate was passed. The effects of the Board's resolutions are:

(a) The reinvestment in Medicine for 1999-2000 will be determined by the Provost in consultation with the incoming Dean of Medicine & Dentistry
(b) Tuition fees for incoming undergraduate Medical students in 1999-2000 will be $10,000.
(c) The issue of undergraduate Medical fees for incoming Medical students in 2000-01 and 2001-02 has been "referred back to Senate with a request that SCUP consult with the incoming Dean of Medicine & Dentistry and consider explicitly the implications of the foregone revenue for the academic and student-support programs in the Faculty."

With respect to referral of the question of Medical fees for 2000-01 and 2001-02, the Board did not set a time by which SCUP and Senate might respond, but is aware that consultations with the new Dean of Medicine & Dentistry, Dr. Carol Herbert, cannot occur until she begins her term at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ in September.



Janis K. Van Fleet
Secretary of the Board of Governors

cc: Dean Allen Pearson, Chair, Operations/Agenda Committee
Dr. Shiva Singh, Chair, SCUP

Senate Agenda, May 21, 1999 - EXHIBIT I, Appendix 1 (Continued)

Resolutions of the Board of Governors, April 22, 1999:

Operating and Capital Budgets, Tuition and Fees

  1. That the Board of Governors approve the 1999-2000 University Operating and Capital Budgets shown in Annex 1, including the University's Quality Improvement Plan, but excluding any tuition fees, and on the understanding that the reinvestment in Medicine for 1999-2000 will be determined by the Provost in consultation with the incoming Dean of Medicine & Dentistry.


  2. That the Board of Governors approve the tuition fees as summarized on pages 11-12 (and detailed in Tables 10a and 10b) of the operating budget, except the reference to tuition fees for incoming undergraduate Medical students in 2000-01 and 2001-02.


  3. That tuition fees for incoming undergraduate Medical students remain at $10,000 for 2000-01 and 2001-02.


    That the motion be referred back to Senate with a request that SCUP consult with the incoming Dean of Medicine & Dentistry and consider explicitly the implications of the foregone revenue for the academic and student-support programs in the Faculty.


  4. That the Board of Governors approve the Other Fee Schedules and Tuition Deposits shown in Annex 2.



Janis K. Van Fleet
Secretary of the Board of Governors