Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - March 19, 1999
Recommended: That the Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, the implementation of Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999), effective July 1, 1999, under the terms of section 15 of Conditions of Appointment "Exclusions". This document will replace the current Conditions of Appointment: Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Science Departments (1988) for physicians in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
Section 15 of Conditions of Appointment, under "Exclusions", states:
"Where a Faculty or Department wishes to institute alternative procedures, such a Faculty or Department may petition Senate to supplant Senate procedures, in whole or in part, with the alternative procedures. Such a petition shall be accompanied by a full description of the alternative procedures, together with a complete statement of the special reasons justifying the departure from the established Senate procedures. The above shall be transmitted to the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee for a recommendation to Senate.
Where such alternative procedures are approved, it is the responsibility of the appropriate Dean or Department Chair to inform all faculty members affected about the change."
See the attached "Redefining the Relationship: The Faculty Members, The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario, and The London Teaching Hospitals". The proposed Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments document is attached as Appendix 1.
[Paper copies of these materials are available from the University Secretariat.]
Note that the current Conditions of Appointment: Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Science Departments (1988) will continue to cover non-physician appointees - UFT (University Full-Time Appointment) or HFT (Hospital Full-Time Appointment), sometimes called "Basic Scientists" - holding UFA (University Full Academic) or UPTA (University Part-Time Academic) appointments at the University.
Approval Process:
On March 5, 1999, the clinical faculty in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry voted on the proposed new document. Of the 544 eligible members, 348, or 64%, cast their vote. The results were:
AGREE: 265 (76%)
DO NOT AGREE: 73 (21%)
On March 10, 1999, the new document was approved unanimously by the Council of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
Operations/Agenda also approved the document (March 11) and commends it for approval by the Senate.