Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT IV - February 19, 1999
G. Murray Fraser Memorial Awards in Pharmacology & Toxicology (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division/Pharmacology & Toxicology)
Awarded to full-time graduate students registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and enrolled in the Graduate Program in Pharmacology & Toxicology to enable them to present research papers to learned societies. The Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology will select the recipients on the basis of financial need. Applications will be accepted throughout the year as need arises. Please contact the Department for application details. These awards were established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ by the family of the late G. Murray Fraser.
Value: The number and value of awards will vary to a maximum of $1,500 annually or as funds permit.
Effective immediately
Grad Club Graduate Student Awards (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to full-time graduate students (Masters or Doctoral level) who have demonstrated an individual contribution to the University community as achieved through involvement in departmental activities, committees, volunteer organizations, etc. and who have demonstrated financial need. These awards were created to recognize and assist graduate students by the Society of Graduate Students and are sponsored by the Grad Club.
Students must apply for these awards. Applications are available at the office of the Society of Graduate Students. Completed applications must be accompanied by a statement (max. 250 words) describing the student's contribution to the University community and must be returned to SOGS by March 31. Assessment of financial need will be completed by the Office of the Registrar - Financial Aid Services. Final selection will be made by a committee of the Society of Graduate Students.
Value: 2 at $500 for doctoral students, 2 at $500 for masters students
Effective May 1999
Graduate Student Research Scholarships in Nursing (4) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Social Sciences Division/Nursing)
Awarded to full-time or part-time Masters of Science in Nursing students from those who meet eligibility criteria. Eligibility criteria include (a) completion of a minimum of 3.5 full course equivalencies; (b) a minimum 80% overall grade average; (c) a well developed plan to pursue a research project or thesis in workplace empowerment (nursing administration stream), curriculum evolution or nursing student empowerment/self-efficacy (nursing education stream), health promotion in health and illness or empowerment/self-efficacy in clinical practice (clinical practice stream). To be considered for one of these scholarships, applicants must forward a summary of their research proposal (maximum 3 pages) to the Director of the School of Nursing by May 1, 1999. Recipients will be selected by the Graduate Studies Committee in Nursing.
Value: 4 one-time scholarships of $500 each will be made in June 1999
Society of Graduate Students OSOTF Bursaries (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded three times annually to full-time students who are members of the Society of Graduate Students (Masters or Doctoral levels) who have demonstrated financial need. These bursaries were created to recognize and assist graduate students and were made possible through the generosity of the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) and the Government of Ontario.
Students must apply for these bursaries. Applications are available at the office of the Society of Graduate Students. Completed applications must be accompanied by a statement (max. 250 words) describing the extent of financial need and must be returned to SOGS by March 31 for the winter term, November 30 for the Spring term or July 31 for the Fall term. Assessment of financial need will be completed by the Office of the Registrar - Financial Aid Services. Final selection will be made by a committee of the Society of Graduate Students.
Value: $1,000
15 to be awarded in 1998-99 (7 - winter term; 8 - spring term)
Up to 40 to be awarded in May 2000 and thereafter (13 - fall term, 13 - winter term, 14 - spring term)
These bursaries will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario student Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Society of Graduate Students Bursaries (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded three times annually to full-time students who are members of the Society of Graduate Students (Masters or Doctoral levels) who have demonstrated financial need. These bursaries were created to recognise and assist graduate students and were made possible through the generosity of the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS).
Students must apply for these bursaries. Applications are available at the office of the Society of Graduate Students. Completed applications must be accompanied by a statement (max. 250 words) describing the extent of financial need and must be returned to SOGS by March 31 for the winter term, November 30 for the Spring term or July 31 for the Fall term. Assessment of financial need will be completed by the Office of the Registrar - Financial Aid Services. Final selection will be made by a committee of the Society of Graduate Students.
Value: 3 at $1,000 (2 - winter term; 1 - spring term)
Effective only in 1998-1999
Nortel William Silverman MBA Continuing Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Social Sciences Division/Business)
Awarded annually to a student entering the first year of the MBA program. Available to Canadian MBA students currently enrolled full time in the MBA Graduate Program at the Richard Ivey School of Business with an interest in pursuing a career in supply management who have demonstrated success professionally and academically. The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in MBA year one and finishing in the top 50% of their class. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award. This award is made possible as a result of the generosity of Nortel through the Canadian Purchasing Research Foundation.
Students must apply for this award. Applications are available at the MBA Program Services office at the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be completed and returned by April 1. The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will select and provide a short list of applicants to Nortel for final approval.
Value: 1998 - MBA Year 1 - $5,000 + summer internship
1999 and thereafter - MBA Year 1 - $5,000 + summer internship
MBA Year 2 - $5,000