

As approved at the January 28, 2000, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in A. Brandon Conron Hall, University College.


J. Adams, D. Bell, D. Bentley, D. Bevan, R. Bohay, W.A. Bridger, R. Bryan, P. Burman, C. Callaghan, T. Carmichael, V. Chahal, G. Cherian, M. Chernoff, R. Coulter, D. Cunningham, M. Curry, P. Davenport, P. Dean, P. Deane, E. Dipchand, C. Down, J. Erskine, A. Esterhammer, D. Fairbairn, M. Floryan, T. Fulton, J. Garnett, W. Gibson, R. Harris, R. Holt, P. Hong, J. Hore, B. Hovius, N. Huner, F. Irani, D. Jorgensen, A. Katz, M. Kissel, W. Lai, G. Leckie, F. Longstaffe, S. Lupker, J. MacKinnon, P. Mahon, S. Mangsen, D. Martin, K. McKellar, M. McNay, K. McQuillan, L. Milligan, I. Moore, G. Moran, P. Neary, J. Nicholas, K. Okruhlik, A. Oosterhoff, J. Orange, M. Parker, A. Pearson, M. Pendakur, C. Piper, S. Radcliffe, T. Rajan, S. Rich, D. Rosner, J. Roth, K. Rowe, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, E. Skarakis-Doyle, P. Skidmore, D. Small, J. Stokes, B. Tepperman, B. Timney, T. Topic, J. Van Fleet, G. Vanderburg, A. Vandervoort, A. Weedon, G. Weese, M. Weyers, D. Williamson

Observers: S. McDonald, S. Tan

By Invitation: W. Roberts, J. Thorp

S.99-294 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of November 19, 1999, were approved as circulated.


S.99-295 Operation Funding - Timing of Announcements

Dr. Davenport reported that the Working Group on University Capacity, established last Spring, was revived this Fall by Minister Cunningham. The Working Group, comprising members of COU, the Ministry, and a representative from Finance, will discuss the operating funds needed to meet the increase in student demand as a function of demographic change and Ontario's double cohort and to ensure quality. Ontario is falling further behind US public universities and other Canadian universities relative to government funding. Dr. Davenport highlighted his presentation with the use of overheads, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1.

The following government announcements are expected in December and January :

S.99-296 Update on External Research Funding

Dr. Davenport gave a presentation on new sources of external research funding: Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI); the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund (ORDCF); Canadian Institutes of Health Research; and the 21st Century Chairs for Research. He highlighted his presentation with the use of overheads, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.

Professor Katz asked how the 21st Century Chairs will be distributed. Dr. Bridger stated that ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ expects to receive 70 chairs or more of the 2000 allocated. Details relating to the deployment of the funds are yet to be determined.


S.99-297 Senate Membership: Faculty of Social Science Constituency

On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by K. Okruhlik,

That Professor Martin Westmacott, elected representative to Senate for the Faculty of Social Science constituency, be granted a leave of absence from Senate during his study leave, and,
That Professor Jonathan Vance (History), runner up in the last Senate election, be elected to serve as Professor Westmacott's alternate (term January 1 to June 30, 2000).

S.99-298 Terms of Reference of the University Council on Animal Care (UCAC)

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by B. Bridger,

That the terms of reference of the University Council on Animal Care be revised as shown in Exhibit I, Appendix 1:

1) with respect to the role of UCAC as an appeals board, and,
2) to remove the reference to the Director of AVCS as Executive Officer of Council.

S.99-299 Terms of Reference of Animal Use Subcommittee (AUS)

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by F. Irani,

That the terms of reference of the Animal Use Subcommittee be revised with respect to the role of the Chair and Vice-Chair as shown below:
FROM: The Chair will be elected from among the faculty members of AUS who have served at least one year on AUS. The term of office shall be two years, once renewable.
TO: The Chair will be elected from among the members of AUS who have served at least one year on AUS. The term of office shall be two years, non-renewable. A Vice-Chair shall be elected for a one year term (renewable).

S.99-300 Nominating Committee Membership

The results of the mail ballot held following the November 19, 1999, meeting of Senate are:

Members: Patrick Deane (Arts), Robert Hawkins (Law), and Sandra Mangsen (Music) were elected for two year terms (to November 2001).

Alternates: George Cherian (M&D) was elected for a two-year term (to November 2001) and Elizabeth Dipchand (undergraduate student) was elected for a one-year term (to November 2000).


S.99-301 Selection Committee for Vice-President (Research)

The following were elected to the Selection Committee for Vice-President (Research):

P. Monaco, J. Davies, K. Okruhlik, C. Ross, and K. Rowe.


S.99-302 The Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Student Code of Conduct (S.99-292)

SCAPA reported that the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Student Code of Conduct is charged with developing a Student Code of Conduct for the University. It is envisaged that the Code will include descriptions of expected standards of behavior, types of behavior that would violate the code, sanctions for breaches of the Code, and a system to ensure fair process with appropriate appeal mechanisms.

The Committee will be inviting comments from the community with respect to what categories of behavior should fall under the jurisdiction of a Student Code of Conduct, what type and range of sanctions should be applied to students who breach the Code, and who should be responsible for both making decisions concerning violations of the Code and for evaluating appeals against decisions about a Code violation.

The Committee comprises Brian Timney (Chair) of the Faculty of Social Science, Theresa Morrissey of the University Secretariat, Sydney Usprich of the Faculty of Law, with Michael Curry of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry as the student advisor.

In addition to a mailing to members of the Board of Governors, Senate, Deans, Director of Libraries, Senior Directors, Presidents of Unions, PMA, USC, SOGS, MBAA, the Ombudsperson and the Director of the Student Development Centre, a notice will be placed in the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ News and the Gazette soliciting views on the content of the Code. Submissions should be addressed to Professor Brian Timney, Dean's Office, Faculty of Social Science, Social Science Centre, or by e-mail at timney@julian.uwo.ca. The Committee is also prepared to hear oral submissions from interested parties.

The deadline for submissions (including oral presentations by interested parties) is Friday, January 14th, 2000. Following receipt of submissions, the Committee will issue a report and a draft policy for comment within the community and for publication in the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ News on March 2, 2000. Written comments on the draft may be submitted by Friday, March 17th. The time lines projected are for a final recommended policy to be sent to SCAPA for recommendation to Senate in April and to the Campus and Community Affairs Committee for recommendation to the Board of Governors in May.

S.99-303 Revision to Policies on Dean's Honor List and Graduation "With Distinction" (S.99-277)

In the November 19th SCAPA Report to Senate, the revisions to the Progression Requirements for the MD Program (item 9) impacted on the Policies on the Dean's Honor List and Graduation "With Distinction" (item 11). Both items were approved by Senate. To clarify the revisions made to the latter policies, the Dean's Honor List policy will read as shown below.

This statement applies to undergraduate students in the Faculties of Arts, Education, Health Sciences, Information & Media Studies, Music, Science and Social Science, the School of Dentistry, and at Brescia, Huron and King's Colleges.
For other undergraduate faculties and schools...
4) For the Doctor of Medicine program, the honors grade adjusted by the course weight leads to a weighted honors score. A student who obtains a total weighted honors score in the top 10% of the class for all courses in each year of the MD program will be considered to have passed with Honors and shall be named to the Dean's Honor List.

The revised section 4) of the policy on Graduation "With Distinction" will read:

4) Medicine: Students who have been named to the Dean's Honor List in each year of the MD program will graduate With Distinction.

S.99-304 Faculty of Law: Structure of the Academic Year/Revision to 2001 Sessional Dates (S.99-267)

Effective September 1, 1998, January courses (designated as "c" courses and lasting 4 weeks) and February/March/April courses (designated as "d" courses) were introduced in the Faculty of Law.

As part of the new format for the winter term in the Faculty of Law, the add/drop period for the January courses was designated as the first two days of the January Term, and the add/drop period for the February/March/April (FMA) courses was set as the first five days of the February/March/April (FMA) Term.

As further information regarding the new structure of the academic year for the Faculty of Law, the last day of the 4 week "c" courses will be designated as an examination day, followed by one week to be designated as a Study Week (in lieu of the Conference Week enjoyed by most other Faculties and Schools in March).

SCAPA advised Senate of two editorial changes to the sessional dates in the Faculty of Law as presented to Senate and approved at the November 19th meeting, specifically to the date spring 2001 classes end and the day that examinations begin.


September 5 School Commences
October 9 Thanksgiving
December 5 First Term Classes End
December 7 Examinations Begin
December 21 First Term Ends


January 2 January Term Begins
January 25 January Term Ends
January 26 January Term Exams
January 29-February 2 Study Week
February 5 Spring Term Begins
April 12 Spring Term Classes End
April 13 Good Friday (no exams)
April 13 Passover (no exams)
April 16 Examinations Begin
April 27 Spring Term Ends
June Convocation


S.99-305 UWO Submission to the SuperBuild Growth Fund for Postsecondary Education - Category 1

Senate received for information the UWO Submission to the SuperBuild Growth Fund for Postsecondary Education - Category 1, detailed in Exhibit IV, Appendix 1.

S.99-306 Status Report on SuperBuild Growth Fund - Category 2

Dr. Moran reminded Senate that Category 2 of the SuperBuild Growth Fund provides $150 million for joint projects between colleges and universities. ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ is working with Fanshawe to develop two or three proposals. The lead project is a ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾/Fanshawe College Collaborative Program in Nursing. The proposal is for a $18 million project, with ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ receiving $10-$12 million and Fanshawe College receiving $5-$6 million. The matching funds request for this proposal is in the range of 5-1 government money to university-private money. The Board of Governors and Senate will not have an opportunity to review the proposal given that the deadline for submission is December 15, but more details will be provided to both bodies in the new year.

A second proposal involves collaboration between the Faculty of Information and Media Studies and Fanshawe College information technology programs. This proposal would involve add ons to the Category 1 proposals at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ and Fanshawe College.


S.99-307 University Council on Animal Care Annual Report - 1998

Senate received for information the 1998 Annual Report from the University Council on Animal Care, detailed in Exhibit V, Appendix 1.

S.99-308 Revised Protocol Form for Research Involving Animals

The University Council on Animal Care reported that revisions to the Protocol Form were recently approved. Details are provided in Exhibit V, Appendix 2. The Chair announced that item B.6. of the "UWO Procedures for the Use of Animals" should read as follows [revision underlined]:

In exceptional circumstances, a feasibility study using up to 5 preparation (maximum 10 animals for recipient/donor experiments), may be approved on the joint recommendation of the AUS chair, an AUS community member and an ACVS veterinarian. A complete application may not be submitted before completion of the feasibility study and the results must be included in the new application.


Announcements & Communications, detailed in Exhibit VI, were provided for information.


S.99-310 Enquiry Period - Senate Meetings

Professor Katz noted that the "Enquiries" item on the Senate agenda has been moved to the end of the agenda and asked the reason for the change. Dean Pearson, Chair of the Operations/Agenda Committee, explained that historically the intention of the "Enquiries" session has been to question the progress of Senate matters. The Operations/Agenda Committee, following a review of the agenda format, observed that the Enquiry period has been used more frequently to raise questions of a general nature, and for that reason has been included in the same agenda item as New Business.

S.99-311 Access 2000 Campaign

It was moved by M. Weyers, seconded by G. Vanderburg,

That Senate endorse the 2 February 2000 day of information and action to be organized at the University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario by the Society of Graduate Students and the Community Coalition for Accessible Education as part of the Canadian Federation of Students' Access 2000 campaign.

Ms. McDonald, President of the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS), stated that Access 2000 is a campaign organized by the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). CFS is an organization that represents more than 400,000 students at campuses and colleges across Canada. This campaign calls upon the government to recommit and reinvest in postsecondary education in Canada. Access 2000 calls for the federal government to:

• restore the level of transfer payments to provinces for higher education.
• create a comprehensive national system of grants for students
• work towards national standards for the provision of post-secondary education
• work with the provinces to reduce tuition fees and bring about the eventual elimination of user fees for post-secondary education

The United Nations declaration of human rights states that "Everyone has the right to education. Higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. .... Further higher education shall be made equally accessible to all on the basis of capacity by every appropriate means and in particular by progressive introduction of free education". Ms. McDonald stated that Canada committed to this platform more than twenty years ago, and CFS, through Access 2000, asks the government to finally take the steps necessary to fulfill that commitment. On February 2, SOGS will hold a variety events on and off campus. Access 2000 is supported at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ by a number of groups, by Boards and Senates at universities across the country, and is endorsed by the Canadian Association of University Teachers.

Ms. McDonald stated that ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s Day of Action on February 2 will involve three hours of activities. At many universities, endorsement of a "no academic penalty day" is being sought because the day involves lengthier demonstrations. She clarified that if ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s Senate endorses Access 2000, students will be expected to attend classes, but endorsement will denote Senate's agreement with SOGS that the campaign issues are important.

Mr. Sinal referred to a letter sent to most Senators asking that the motion regarding Access 2000 be supported. It was not sent to undergraduate student Senators and Mr. Sinal asked what the letter contained. Ms. McDonald explained that she sent the letter to faculty representatives on Senate in an effort to garner support for the proposal. It contained information on the Access 2000 day of action and stated that this matter would be brought forward at the Senate meeting. The letter indicated that it was anticipated that undergraduate student Senators would disagree with the motion. She noted, however, that an information sheet was handed to Senators as they entered the meeting this afternoon and a number of undergraduate Senators took one. She contended that the issues involved with Access 2000 transcend any difference between the undergraduate student population and the graduate student population and that this point was discussed with members of the USC.

Mr. Curry objected to the fact that some Senators were excluded from receiving information that is germane to a debate in Senate. He also objected to the statement that there is disagreement between undergraduate student Senators and graduate students in this matter: undergraduate student Senators are independent and do not represent the University Students' Council.

Dean Pearson clarified that the letter in question was sent by an individual and was not part of an official mailing. The Operations/Agenda Committee declined to place the item on the agenda, but agreed that it could be raised as an item of new business at the Senate meeting.

Professor Jorgensen asked for an explanation of the disagreement between undergraduate and graduate students alluded to during this meeting. Ms. McDonald explained that the disagreement is political. ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s two student bodies are affiliated with different national student groups. SOGS is a member of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), while the USC is affiliated with the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA). Mr. Kissel stated that CASA is not opposed to what is proposed by CFS. He explained that the campaign initiated by CASA and the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance is called "Education Builds a Nation". He pointed out that Senate's endorsement of CASA's campaign is not sought and asked why CFS believes an endorsement by Senate is necessary. Ms. Parker added that because CFS has been involved in some radical actions in the past, the varying views on Access 2000 Campaign were presented at a recent USC Council meeting.

Dr. Moran agreed that the federal and provincial governments must recommit to supporting postsecondary education, but observed that the debate today illustrates the problems associated with seeking Senate's endorsement on a specific recommendation from a particular group. Some Senators might disagree with the notion that support of public education necessarily involves no tuition. He contended that historically ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s Senate has avoided this type of endorsement and he suggested that the tradition be continued.

Dr. Coulter took issue with the Provost's statement: Senators should support access to education and efforts taken to lobby the Canadian and Provincial Government to support the International Covenants signed with respect to the right of access to education for all people regardless of their income. She asserted that Senate will look foolish if it does not support the motion because it will go down in history as not supporting full access to education for all qualified students.

Dr. Harris spoke in support of the students and their initiative, but suggested that in view of the debate, Senate should back away from supporting the motion in order to avoid giving a sense of political support for one group over another.

Several Senators agreed that all Senators could support the principle of the issue if it were expressed in simple "motherhood" terms and not as elaborate or conclusive as it is. Elements in the detail of the proposal might be viewed differentially by Senators and supporting the recommendation in its current form raises difficulty in a political sense.

Ms. McDonald stated that SOGS is aware of the concern that if Senate endorses the Access 2000 campaign, Senate may be seen as endorsing potentially radical demonstrations that might occur at other universities. But she stressed that the motion is specific to observation of the event at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ and activities that will be coordinated by SOGS. In her view, Senate's endorsement of the motion will demonstrate a consensus that this platform is reasonable and that these issues must be addressed.

The question was called and was DEFEATED.

S.99-312 Distribution of Information to Senators

It was moved by M. Curry, seconded by P. Hong,

That Senate reaffirm its support for the idea that information relating to Senate motions be made equally available to all Senators.

Mr. Curry stated that certain members of Senate did not receive information distributed by one individual concerning the Access 2000 campaign because of the belief that a specific segment of Senators was prejudiced against the idea. The motion is not a criticism of the Operations/Agenda Committee or the Senate Office: it asks simply that information be made available to all Senators.

Dean Pearson spoke against the motion on the grounds that it would be inappropriate for Senate to dictate to whom individual Senators must send material. Official material pertaining to the Senate agenda is distributed through the University Secretariat to all Senators.

Professor Rosner stated that the motion is a "motherhood" issue, one that can be supported because it is not fair to conceal material from Senators who might oppose a motion.

The question was called and was DEFEATED.


The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary