

As approved at the April 16, 1999, meeting of Senate. Copies of Exhibits and Appendices not included in World Wide Web information are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in A. Brandon Conron Hall, University College.


J. Adams, R. Archibald, D. Banting, P. Barker, A. Belcastro, D. Bentley, D. Bevan, D. Braun, W.A. Bridger, R. Bryan, P. Cain, C. Callaghan, P. Canham, J. Clayman, M. Cole, R. Coulter, D. Cunningham, R. Darnell, P. Davenport, J. Davies, H. DeLasa, D. Fairbairn, M. Floryan, B. Frohmann, J. Garnett, J. Good, R. Green, R. Harris, R. Holt, J. Hore, B. Hovius, N. Huner, D. Jorgensen, A. Katz, M. Kissel, D. Kuntz, S. Lupker, J. MacKinnon, T. Macuda, A. Malowitz, J. McKay, K. McKellar, D. McLachlin, R.Y. McMurtry, M. McNay, G. Moran, J. Ndayiragije, J. Nicholas, A. Norris, K. Okruhlik, A. Oosterhoff, A. Pearson, M. Pendakur, A. Prabhakar, S. Provost, D. Rosner, C. Russell, E. Singer, D. Small, J. Snyder, D. Spencer, J. Stokes, S. Tan, D. Taub, R. Telfer, I. Thomsen, B. Timney, R. Toft, T. Topic, S. Usprich, J. Van Fleet, A. Vandervoort, A. Weedon, G. Weese, E. Wood, R. Young, M. Zamir.

Observers: I. Armour, K. Barrowcliffe, D. Jameson, R. Tiffin

By Invitation: B. Davis, K. Fleming, S. Singh, J. Thorp

S.99-55 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of February 19, 1999, were approved as circulated.

S.99-56 Provost's Advisory Committee on Scholarly Communications and Collections [S.99-04, S.99-29]

Dr. Moran reported that, in response to the presentation by the Director of Libraries on the escalating costs of scholarly materials and the second year of cuts to ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s serials collection, a Provost's Advisory Committee on Scholarly Communications and Collections will be established. Suggestions for membershp are being solicited and the committee should be established, with terms of reference, in the Fall.


S.99-57 Update on Double Cohort

Dr. Davenport provided an update on the issues and implications of the "double cohort" of students in Ontario who will be seeking admission to the postsecondary institutions in 2002-03, due to changes in the province's secondary school structure and curriculum. He highlighted his presentation with the use of slides, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.

S.99-58 1999 Provincial Budget

Dr. Davenport reported that the likely timing of events leading up to the presentation of the 1999 Provincial budget are as follows:

S.99-59 Ontario University Student Alliance (OUSA) General Assembly

Speakers at the Ontario University Student Alliance (OUSA) General Assembly, held on March 13, 1999, included Diane Cunningham, David Trick, and Paul Davenport. They spoke in support of OUSA's position on student aid and the need for income based support after graduation. Evident among the participants was agreement about the need for additional public funding given the growing gap between Ontario and the other nine provinces and the US. There was a lively discussion about the roles of tuition fees and public funding. During the discussion, Dr. Davenport stressed his position that universities cannot ensure future accessibility and meet the challenge of the double cohort with funding from tuition fees.


S.99-60 Barrier Free Access

Mr. Armour asked that the following questions concerning barrier free access be forwarded to Dr. Mercer, General Counsel, for a response at the next meeting:

1. Is the University (the Board of Governors) legally responsible for financing projects to ensure all campus buildings are barrier free?

2. How much money is budgeted and spent on accessibility projects by the University specifically and solely to eliminate barriers to access that are not tied to other maintenance or the construction of new buildings? (Separate from those funded from the approximately $100,000 collected from undergraduates for accessibility development).

3. Does this money come from deferred maintenance lines? Is it possible to break this amount out as a separate line item in the 1999-2000 budget and in future budgets?

4. Is ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ currently being proactive in fulfilling its obligations and legal requirements to provide a barrier free campus?

Dr. Davenport agreed to refer these questions to Dr. Mercer for his response.

S.99-61 GTA Funding/Graduate Scholarships

Professor Green asked the following questions in view of the fact that Faculties and departments have been encouraged in recent years to expand and strengthen their graduate programs.

Dean Weedon stated that the funding of GTAs and GFS scholarships for the coming financial year has not been cut. The chairs of the 50 graduate programs received a preliminary allocation of their funding for the coming year and in May adjustments will be made to the allocations once the budget is known. It is anticipated that the funding announcement and enrolment in the 50 graduate programs in 1999-2000 will be comparable to what it was last year. Meetings with graduate chairs to discuss the budget are scheduled for the week of March 29.

S.99-62 Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments

It was moved by R.Y. McMurtry, seconded by A. Pearson,

That the Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, the implementation of Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999), effective July 1, 1999, under the terms of section 15 of Conditions of Appointment "Exclusions". This document will replace the current Conditions of Appointment: Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Science Departments (1988) for physicians in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

Dr. Moran reported that the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and the London teaching hospitals have been workinging to redefine the relationships between medical faculty members, the University and the hospitals. The issues are complex and to a major degree driven by fiscal realities. The proposed system is fair, consistent, transparent and promotes equity. The document is wholly supported by all parties concerned.

Dean McMurtry provided an overview of the Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999), detailed in Exhibit I. He explained that cuts in funding and the vulnerability of the overage system became a catalyst for seeking to change the way in which medical faculty are remunerated. There was also increasing recognition by all faculty and leadership that valuable contributions by medical faculty are not adequately recognized nor rewarded by peers, the University, or the hospitals, yet these activities are key to University and hospital academic missions. Under existing Clinical Conditions of Appointment (1988), a part-time faculty member may make valuable academic contributions but receive no remuneration, while a full-time faculty member making similar contributions is paid a full base salary. The new document compiles the multiple aspects involved in the appointment and financial relationship of medical faculty with the University and hospitals.

The question was called and CARRIED.


S.99-63Status of Clinical Academics as "Faculty"

On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by R.Y. McMurtry,

That Clinical Academic members of the academic staff of the University appointed under Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999) be deemed to be "Faculty" of the University as defined under section 1(1)(g) of the University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario Act, 1982.

S.99-64 Eligibility for Election to Committees Mandated Under Conditions of Appointment (1986)

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by R.Y. McMurtry,

That Clinical Academic members of the academic staff of the University appointed under Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999) who hold Continuing Appointments in the Senate Stream be eligible for election to the following Senate Committees mandated under Conditions of Appointment (1986) whose members must be tenured members of faculty or full-time tenured members of faculty: Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, Senate Committee on Appeals, and Senate Grievance Committee.

S.99-65 Senate Election Procedures

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by R.Y. McMurtry,

That Candidate and Voter Eligibility for Representatives of Faculties, Schools and Affiliated Colleges as set out under Senate Election Procedures be amended as follows:
(2) Persons holding part-time academic appointments with the rank of Assistant Professor or higher shall be eligible for election and to vote in their appropriate academic units.
(3) Persons holding Clinical Academic appointments with the rank of Assistant Professor or higher shall be eligible for election and to vote in their appropriate academic units.
(4) If, at any annual election, no nominations are received for a faculty constituency, Senate may appoint a member upon the recommendation of the constituency concerned.
(5) Emeritus Professors who are members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies are eligible to vote for representatives of the Faculty of Graduate Studies to the Senate. Ballots will be mailed to the Emeritus Professors' home Departments.

S.99-66 Nominating Committee Membership

M. Kissel (Undergraduate) was elected to serve as Alternate on the Nominating Committee to complete the term of D. Small who now serves as a Member on the Committee (term to November 1999).

S.99-67 Subcommittee on Enrolment Planning and Policy (SUEPP)

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by R. Harris,

That the composition of SUEPP be amended by the addition of the Manager, Admissions and Liaison Services as a non-voting Resource Person, as recommended by SCUP.

S.99-68 Subcommittee on the World Wide Web (SUWWW)

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by J. Good,

That the composition of SUWWW be amended to include the USC Communications Officer as an ex officio non-voting member, as recommended by SCITS.

S.99-69 Review of the Operation of the Senate Review Board Academic

Dean Pearson, Chair of the Operations/Agenda Committee, reported that the Committee has been asked by the Chair of the Senate Review Board Academic to review the operations of SRBA in light of the allegations made by Professor S. Lupker in his letter to the Editor of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ News, February 18, 1999. Dean Pearson reported on the Committee's plans to date. The concerns are whether there has been a breach of confidentiality and whether SRBA is making its decisions on the basis of the evidence before it or on some administrative directive. Section VIII of Senate's By-Laws make clear that confidentiality is expected of members of Senate's committees, subcommittees, councils, and boards and that the penalty for breaches of confidentiality may be the "suspension or dismissal of the member from the Committee upon the recommendation of the Committee to Senate." Operations/Agenda also agreed that an ad hoc subcommittee made up of members of Operations/Agenda who are elected by Senate will conduct the investigation of these allegations. At present the terms of reference and operating procedures of the subcommittee are being developed. When this is complete Operations/Agenda will review them, and if they are approved , a subcommittee will be named and the investigation will begin.

Professor Lupker stated that he supports the review of SRBA. In his opinion, SRBA's procedures do not stand up to the commitment "to an environment of fairness, broad participation and openness in which information is widely shared and the processes for decision making are understood and respected", as stated in Leadership in Learning. He cited, for example, that an instructor is not a party to an appeal to SRBA and has no rights within that process. If there are reasons for this, they should be made clear. Dean Pearson replied that the issue of openness and the role of the instructor likely go beyond what Operations/Agenda sees as the mandate of the ad hoc subcommittee. These issues would likely be the subject of a procedural review, and he recalled that such a review of SRBA was conducted approximately two years ago.(1)

Referring to a statement made by Dr. Mercer, Vice-President (Administration) & General Counsel, at the February 18 meeting of Senate(2), Professor Lupker expressed concern that one of the goals of the review might be to identify the individuals who provided him with the information that prompted this investigation. He asked for assurances from the Chair of Operations/Agenda that if the identities of these individuals do emerge, they will not be subjected to discipline or dismissal. Dean Pearson responded that as a committee of Senate, Operations/Agenda's only powers are those established by Senate. As noted earlier, Senate's penalty for breach of confidentiality is the possible "suspension or dismissal of the member from the Committee upon recommendation of the Committee to Senate".

Professor Katz asserted that there is a systemic problem in that many committees have as members individuals from the President's Office, SRBA being one. He stated that although some might regard comments made by these individuals as representing their own view, others might interpret the information offered as coming from "higher ups". He asked if the terms of reference of the ad hoc subcommittee might include consideration of the appropriateness of having members from the President's Office on such bodies as SRBA. Dean Pearson stated that the subcommittee envisages its work to be an investigation into one specific set of allegations. If there are other concerns that arise from this review about the composition of committees, that is something that Operations/Agenda can consider subsequently.


S.99-70 Selection Committee for Dean of Law

R. Coulter, P. Deane, R. Green were elected to serve on the Selection Committee for Dean of Law.

S.99-71 Operations/Agenda Committee

E. Skarakis-Doyle was elected to the Operations/Agenda Committee to replace P. Deane who will be attending meetings in his ex officio capacity as Chair of the Nominating Committee (term to November 1999).

S.99-72 University Council on Student Housing

C. Beynon (term to March 31, 2001) and A. Malowitz (term to March 31, 2000) were elected to the University Council on Student Housing.


S.99-73 Four-Year General BSc Program in Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization

It was moved B. Timney, seconded by R. Bryan,

That, retroactive to September 1, 1998, the Four-Year General BSc Program in Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization be introduced in the Faculty of Science.
(to be placed after the Four-Year General BSc Computer Science)
Four-Year General BSc Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization
Admission Requirements
Students enter this program in fourth year. Admission requirements are identical to those for entry into year four of the Four-Year General BSc Computer Science program.
Fourth Year
Computer Science 470y
Seven additional half-courses in Computer Science at the 300- or 400-level; these must include at least three half-courses from Computer Science 377a/b, 471a/b, 472a/b, 473a/b, 474a/b; Computer Science 342a/b must be included if not already taken.
One full-course option, chosen in accordance with item I) in the Graduation Requirements listed with the Four-Year General BSc program in Computer Science.
Graduation Requirements
The requirements for graduation from this program are the same as those for the Four-Year General BSc Program in Computer Science, with the exception of item e): this program requires the achievement of an overall average of at least 60% in Mathematics 222a, 223b, and the ten required senior Computer Science courses.

Professor Floryan asked for an update on the lawsuit filed by the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers against Memorial University over the use of the term "engineering" in their software engineering course. Professor Thorp stated that the trial is now in the discovery stage and the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland, the licensing body, intends to withdraw its consent for accreditation on the four undergraduate engineering programs offered by Memorial University of Newfoundland. SCAPA is aware of these developments but considered that it is right for ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ to carry on the tradition of being free with the term "engineering" until a court decision is reached.

The question was called and CARRIED

S.99-74 Commercial Aviation Management Stream of the BACS

Professor K. Fleming of the Department of History was present to respond to questions about the Commercial Aviation Management Stream of the BACS.

It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by W. Bridger,

That effective September 1, 1999, the Faculty of Social Science introduce a Commercial Aviation Management Stream to the Four-Year General Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies program.
Area of Concentration: Commercial Aviation Management
First Year
Economics 020; Calculus 050a/b and 051a/b or 081a/b; Business 020 or one full-course or equivalent numbered 020E-099E from the Faculty of Social Science or the Faculty of Arts; Administrative and Commercial Studies 020a/b; Computer Science 031a/b (or another half-course in Computer Science numbered 020-099); Geography 020E or one of: Physics 020, 021, 024.
Second Year
Business 257; Economics 150a/b and 152a/b; Statistical Science 135 or Economics 122a/b and 123F/G; History 1xxF/G (Aviation History); Economics 1xxF/G (Economics of International Air Transportation); Geography 180a/b; Geography 208a/b.
Third Year
Administrative and Commercial Studies 372 or 360a/b and 361a/b; Administrative and Commercial Studies 310a/b and 320a/b; One full-course or equivalent from: Actuarial Science 153, Economics 154a/b, 156a/b, 180a/b, 184a/b, History 143F/G, 144F/G, 146F/G, Philosophy 162F/G, Political Science 211E, 246E; Administrative and Commercial Studies 305a/b and 306a/b; One full-course or equivalent option.
Fourth Year
Administrative and Commercial Studies 330a and 410b; One full-course or equivalent from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 275a/b, 372 (must be completed if not taken in Third Year), 460a/b, 461a/b, Economics 162a/b, 163a/b, 164a/b, Geography 372a/b, Sociology 309F/G; One senior essay full-course or equivalent; Administrative and Commercial Studies 405F/G and 406F/G; One full-course or equivalent option.
Note: this program must include one full-course or equivalent option from the Faculty of Arts.

Questions were raised about the flight training option of this course. Professor Thorp explained that SCAPA does not have jurisdiction or govern regulations concerning a commercial pilot's license and SCAPA has no say in the matter of fees for the flight training. The University's intent is to avoid involvement in flight training, but offer a high quality undergraduate degree suitable for individuals interested in the aviation industry. There is demand in the aviation industry for people with university degree qualifications. Students will have the opportunity to pursue a commercial aviation license through one of the partners (Empire Aviation).

Professor Fleming stated that students taking the flying option would, over the final three years of the program, be required to complete seven intensive certificate courses covering the technical aspects of flight in addition to completing approximately 375 hours of flight training and briefing. A relatively low intake of students is anticipated -- approximately 20-40 each year, for a total program enrollment of 80 -160 over the four years.

Professor Coulter asked about the nature of the partnerships mentioned. Professor Timney stated that with respect to the BACS stream itself, the University will have complete control over the academic program while the partners (Empire Aviation) ensure that the students meet Transport Canada flight certification requirements.

The question was called and CARRIED

S.99-75 Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (Policy and Handbook) [S.98-124,S.98-142, S.98-264, S.98-293, S.99-23, S.99-51]

It was moved by N. Huner, seconded by R. Bryan,

That Senate approve that the Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities be amended as outlined in Exhibit IV, Appendix 1 and reflected in the Faculty handbook on the Implementation of the Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (Exhibit IV, Appendix 2).

Professor Lupker stated that he found the proposed revision to the policy to be reasonably good, although not as good as the existing one. He proposed to make some amendments, but first provided the context for them, during which he made the following points:

• The viability of any disabilities policy depends much more on the good will of the participants than on the wording of the policy. What is needed is a new relationship between the SSD and the professoriate. The SSD needs to take professors' objections and suggestions seriously. The SSD should also recognize that the professor is the person who is the expert in the course and course material and accept the fact that the professor's grading process will be unfairly compromised by an inappropriate accommodation of a student with disabilities.

• There is no accepted definition of a learning disability and, in fact, the Canadian Psychological Association has decided that politically it is better not to even try to define it. Therefore the existence of an assessment saying that someone has a learning disability is, in and of itself, very uninformative. If professors are to best serve a student's needs, knowledge of the student's problem and its seriousness is absolutely essential. Only then can the professor consider how best to address the problem in the context of the course. Currently, SSD refuses to answer questions and provide information about these issues, citing as a rationale the statement in the Handbook that "the validity of the assessment cannot be at issue".

• The proposed amendment has to do with timing of the process, in item 3 in the Procedures [Exhibit IV, Appendix 1, page 3]. Every participant in the accommodations process, with the exception of the SSD, has a very strict deadline for doing certain things. However, there is no deadline by which the SSD must first contact the instructor. Even under the proposed policy, the SSD can call a professor an hour before an exam to advise that there is a student in the class that will require certain accommodation. This is not acceptable.

Professor Lupker therefore offered the following as a "friendly amendment":

That Item 3 under Procedures be amended by the addition of the following: "SSD shall first attempt to contact the instructor no later than the third week of classes in the fall and winter terms and no later than the end of the first week of classes in intersession, distance studies, summer day and summer evening sessions."

Professor Thorp stated that he could not accept this as a friendly amendment. Although that might be suitable for disabilities that are known before the start of a given academic term, the imposition of this type of time limit would rule out dealing with disabilities which arise during the course of the academic term. He suggested alternative wording which Professor Lupker rejected.

Professor Lupker stated that the problem is in the initiation of the whole process. Once initial contact has been made between SSD and the instructor, deadlines are set and things can move very quickly. What is at issue is the timeline for the initial contact between the SSD and the instructor.

Professor Usprich questioned Professor Thorp's earlier reference to accommodating disabilities that occur or are diagnosed during an academic term. The Procedures document obliges the student to come forward to SSD "in no event later than August 1". He asked if SCAPA intends that an application for accommodation be barred if it is filed on August 2 or thereafter. Professor Thorp advised that SCAPA's intention was to allow for cases which arise in the course of a term, though not for cases of a standing disability which ought to have been communicated to the SSD before the term began. Professor Usprich therefore questioned the use of "in no event" when limited flexibility is in fact intended.

The Provost observed that the intention of the revisions is that the SSD should contact the instructor at the earliest possible opportunity for exactly the reasons Professor Lupker has cited. He could not say whether the timelines suggested by Professor Lupker could reasonably be met without further examination. He suggested that it might be better for SCAPA to re-examine the proposed policy rather than amend at this level of detail today. Professor Thorp agreed, but asked the indulgence of the Chair and Senate to continue the discussion, as it will be helpful to SCAPA.

Professor Jorgensen disagreed with the suggestion that special wording is necessary to deal with disabilities that occur as a result of accidents or other emergency. There is already adequate provision in place in the form of academic counsellors who are able to intercede in these circumstances. He shared the concerns of both the Provost and Professor Lupker with respect to timelines. Not knowing how long it will take the SSD to process the number of cases that come forward, he urged that SSD have adequate resources to process the work that comes to them in a timely way. There was some discussion about the caseload of the SSD, although no conclusive figures were available. Professor Thorp said he would endeavor to obtain a breakdown of the figures, based on the nature of accommodations recommended.

Professor Thorp took up the suggestion of Professor Zamir to insert the words "where possible" in Item 3 of the Procedures, but Professor Lupker questioned how this would be interpreted: something that is impossible for one person may be quite possible for another.

It was moved by D. Bentley, seconded by M. Zamir,

That the main motion be tabled pending further review by SCAPA.

Professor Thorp stated that the document is difficult to amend piecemeal. There are legal issues to be considered and sections are cross-referenced. If each time SCAPA brings the document forward yet another matter of detail is examined, approval of the policy will continue to be delayed. He asked that Senate identify at this meeting other matters that are of concern so that SCAPA may have as much substantive information before it as possible when it re-examines the proposal.

There being no objections, discussion continued.

The following questions and concerns were raised, and answers given where noted.

• Item 9 of the Procedures (top of page 5, Appendix 2, Exhibit IV) it is noted: "If the Dean accepts the accommodation proposed by SSD, the instructor may appeal the decanal decision to the Provost (or to the Principal in the case of an Affiliated College). The Provost's (or Principal's) decision is final and not appealable to SRBA." Why can a student appeal to SRBA, but an instructor cannot?

• SRBA can hear only students' appeals against certain academic decisions of Deans as set out in SRBA's jurisdictional terms of reference.

• Could the Senate be provided with the next iteration of the proposed policy well in advance of the Senate meeting where it is to be considered?

• SCAPA will do its best to send the proposal to Senators well in advance of the Senate meeting.

• The proposal before Senate today has new language that indicates that the only criteria for not granting an accommodation is that the proposed accommodation would compromise the integrity of the academic course or program. It is suggested that another criterion be added -- "... or impose an unreasonable workload on the instructor".

• Issues of workload would not properly be addressed in this policy, but rather, in the collective agreement.

Several Senators asserted that the instructor should be involved in deciding what the accommodation should be. Professor Lupker observed that the wording in the most recent proposal has changed from inviting the instructor to have a discussion with SSD to allowing the instructor to offer an opinion about the recommended accommodations. In his view, it would be more appropriate to have the instructor and SSD working in a collaborative framework. He asked why SCAPA made that change.

Professor Thorp explained that the intent of the document was to separate different operations. One is the operation of judging whether a given accommodation would compromise the academic integrity of the course or program and that is the judgment that is left in the first instance to the instructor. The other operation is a judgment which is the province of the SSD about what accommodation would be appropriate given the functional disabilities and the student in question. It was the intent throughout the document to separate those two judgements that motivated the change to which Professor Lupker referred.

Professor Lupker objected to the notion that the two functions can be separated. In his view, it is not possible to devise an appropriate accommodation unless both the issues that the student presents and the issues the courses present are considered in tandem. An accommodation may be academically legitimate for one student with one kind of disability and academically illegitimate for the same student with a different kind of disability. He argued that the extra time accommodations he has been asked to provide are illegitimate for students with spelling disabilities but not for a blind student who needs to get information from a tape recorder. In Professor Lupker's view, it is imperative that SSD and the instructor talk to one another to determine the appropriate accommodation, taking into consideration both the student's disability and the nature of the course.

S.99-76 Withdrawal of the Certificate Programs in Promotion of Early School Learning and in Women's Issues and Social Change

It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by N. Huner,

That admission to the Certificate Program in Promoting Early School Learning and the Program in Women's Issues and Social Change be discontinued and that both certificate offerings be withdrawn, effective September 1, 2003.

S.99-77 Revisions to Certificate and Diploma Policies: Definitions, Procedures and Criteria for the Establishment of Programs, Convocation Guidelines, Process for Approval by Senate and its Committees, and Admission Deadlines

The following revised policy will clarify the roles of Continuing Studies and its academic partners and the process to be used in future for new, revised and discontinued certificate and diploma offerings.

It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by N. Huner,

That the policies on certificates and diplomas be revised to read as shown below as a result of the reorganization of Continuing Studies.

Certificates and Diplomas

General Definitions of Certificates and Diplomas (S.4082.01)

A Certificate should be awarded when the following criteria are met:

A Diploma should be awarded when the following criteria are met:

[Note: Senate has approved exceptions to the naming policy such as the Certificate Programs for Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners (S.95-273) and Tertiary Care (S.98-165), offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences, in recognition of the desire for a standard program name for Nursing graduates from this program across the province, and the Diploma in Education (Technological Studies), offered by the Faculty of Education, which is not a post-degree program.]

Procedures and Criteria for the Establishment of Certificate and Diploma Programs offered by the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies (S.3896)


1. A Certificate offered through the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies is a non-degree credential. It will be awarded to candidates who have successfully completed an approved program with a coordinated curriculum which usually will have a professional or an applied focus. A program normally will require completion of a set of degree-credit courses from the undergraduate offerings of the University combined with a set of specially designed certificate-credit courses, practica and/or workshops. The workload effort required in each certificate program normally will be equivalent to that of at least one academic year of full-time undergraduate study.

2. To be eligible to enter a certificate program, a candidate must be admitted to The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario and must have completed the prerequisites for any degree-credit courses in the program. Any additional requirements for entry into a specific certificate program will be defined in the proposal for the program. Students may be granted advanced standing in a certificate program for university courses already completed.

3. Generally, certificate programs will be designed so that they may be pursued concurrently with a Bachelor's degree.

4. To maintain registration in the program and to be eligible to obtain a certificate, a student must be in good standing in the University. Additional requirements to maintain registration in a program will be defined as part of each certificate program proposal. To be granted a certificate, a student must obtain pass standing in all courses in the program and, in the credit courses in the program, obtain a mark of at least 60% in each course and an overall average of 70%. Certificate-credit components must be completed in no more than five years following admission into the certificate program.

5. Students will retain their academic standing for the degree-credit courses completed in a certificate program in accordance with the rules applicable to the partnering Faculty or Affiliated College .

Approval and Administration of Certificate and Diploma Programs offered through the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies

The Role of Program Advisory Committees

The ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies will strike a Program Advisory Committee for each existing and proposed Certificate and Diploma program offered by Continuing Studies. Each Program Advisory Committee will be chaired by the Director of the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies (or delegate). Membership shall include:

The Program Advisory Committee shall have responsibility for:

Any new proposal for the establishment of a certificate program will be considered in light of the following criteria:

The Role of the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies for approved programs:

The ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies will present to SCAPA for its approval each proposal for a certificate program which will include the structure of the program, an outline of the degree-credit component and descriptions of the certificate-credit components.

When a certificate program is approved, its general administration will rest with the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies which will be responsible for overall coordination, coordination of the diploma-credit and certificate-credit components, student record-keeping, marketing, providing information to students, and other administrative issues.

The ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies, in conjunction with the Program Advisory Committee, will prepare an annual report for the information of the Dean of the relevant Faculty.

The Role of the Dean's Office for approved programs:

The Dean of the relevant Faculty in consultation with the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies' Coordinator of Diplomas and Certificates shall name representatives of the faculty to an ad hoc committee to adjudicate candidates for admission to , progression in and graduation from certificate programs.

The Dean's Office shall also provide academic counselling for certificate and diploma program students.

The Role of the Registrar's Office for approved programs:

The Registrar shall:

Students admitted into a certificate program shall, in addition to their ordinary tuition fee, pay to the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies, such other prescribed fees established for each certificate program.

Convocation Guidelines for Certificate and Diploma Recipients (S.4095, S.89-73)

Recipients of Certificates and Diplomas will be listed in the Convocation Program, and will be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremonies.

All Diplomas and Certificates will be signed by the Registrar and the Dean of the relevant Faculty and the names of graduands from Diploma and Certificate programs will be listed under the heading for that Faculty in the Convocation Program.

Candidates who meet the requirements for graduation in Diploma and Certificate programs will be issued a Notification of Eligibility to Graduate (rather than an application to graduate, required of potential degree recipients).

Certificates and Diplomas - Process for Approvals by Senate and its Committees (S.96-159)

1) Major changes, i.e., a Diploma or Certificate name change; an exception to the usual definitions of a diploma or a certificate; or the introduction or withdrawal of a diploma or certificate program must be recommended to SCAPA for recommendation to Senate for approval using the process approved by Senate (see http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/scapafrm.html);

2) Structural changes or changes of calendar copy within a diploma or certificate program or courses within the program must be recommended by the Office of the relevant Dean to the Deans: Academic Programs "virtual" committee for approval using the process approved by Senate. The proposal should include a hot-link reference to the existing calendar copy on the Continuing Studies Web page (see http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/dapform.html)

Admission Deadlines for Diploma and Certificate Programs (S.89-175)

The admission deadlines for diploma and certificate programs offered by the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Centre for Continuing Studies will be January 15 for Certificate programs and March 15 for Diploma programs.


S.99-78 Examination Conflicts with the Graduate Record Examination Subject Tests

It was moved by N. Huner, seconded by B. Timney,

That the Policy on Examination Conflicts be revised to include a statement for the purpose of interpreting the policy which indicates that public examinations not offered by this University such as Graduate Record Examination Subject Tests are to be considered equivalent to ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s if the times conflict.
EXAMINATION CONFLICTS (S.3242, S.3648, S.89-191)
A student who is scheduled to write more than two examinations in any 24-hour period may request alternative arrangements through the office of the dean of their faculty.*
A student who is scheduled to write two examinations concurrently must notify the Registrar so that arrangements may be made for both examinations to be written in the Examination Conflict Room in a sequence established by the Registrar.
A student scheduled to write an examination that conflicts with a holy day of that student's religion which prohibits such activity should seek accommodation under the terms of the policy on religious holidays.
Examinations written in the Conflict Room will be the regular examinations.
The Registrar will notify the appropriate department chair of the required information regarding students writing in the Conflict Room (i.e., student name, course, section, date and time of the conflict).
It is the responsibility of the Department Chair to ensure that the Registrar receives the appropriate examination paper and supplies seven days before the examination date.
Examinations written in the Conflict Room are to be picked up by the Department Chair or designate during the first working day following the examination date.
Students writing examinations in the Conflict Room will have a supervised break between examinations. Students are required to follow the instructions of the Conflict Room proctors at all times.
*Note: For the purposes of interpretation of this policy, the Graduate Record Examination, or other examinations for entrance to professional or graduate schools, shall be considered equivalent to a final examination offered by ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾. Students should give notice of the conflict in writing to their Dean as early as possible but not later than November 15th for mid-year examinations and March 1st for final examinations, i.e., approximately two weeks after the posting of the mid-year and final examination schedule respectively. In the case of mid-term tests, such notification is to be given in writing to the instructor within 48 hours of the announcement of the date of the mid-term test.

S.99-79 Sessional Dates for the Faculty of Education and the School of Dentistry

It was moved by N. Huner, seconded by R. Green,

That the sessional dates outlined in Exhibit IV, Appendix 3 for the Faculty of Education and for the School of Dentistry be approved.

The following points should be noted with regard to the sessional dates being submitted for approval:
1) Application deadlines are standard from year to year.
2) Add/Drop dates are assigned according to policies established by Senate.
3) Convocation dates are stated as T.B.A. as they have yet to be established by Senate.
4) Program Planning has been moved to the two weeks previous to conference week.


S.99-80 Scholar's Electives Program

It was moved by N. Huner, seconded by D. Jorgensen,

That the regulations governing the Scholar's Electives Program be revised to indicate that students who fail any course(s) will not be permitted to continue in the program.
SCHOLAR'S ELECTIVES PROGRAM (S.1197, S.1201, S.1726, S.2669, S.97-156)
The Scholar's Electives Program allows students who have demonstrated outstanding academic potential to elect their own program of studies in consultation with the departments concerned and with the approval of the Deans' office(s) involved. The Dean(s) will also appoint a faculty advisor for each senior student in the program. Students enrolled in the Scholar's Electives Program are able to pursue one of the Theme Areas discussed below or a combination of two subjects for which a formal joint program is not generally available, or an interdisciplinary combination of courses from different subjects which constitutes an appropriate liberal education. The Educational Development Office facilitates the initial registration of students in the Scholar's Electives Programs, especially for students entering it in their First Year. However, admission to the program is granted by the Dean of the Faculty designated by the applicant, who is responsible for the academic counselling for the student.
Admission to the Program
The ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Scholar's Electives Program is open to all students who apply for full-time admission to the first year in the Faculties of Arts, Engineering Science, Health Sciences, Information and Media Studies, Science or Social Science and who have achieved at least a 90% average in their incoming high school marks. Students whose incoming average lies between 85% and 89% may request special permission to enter the program.
Students entering their second, third, or fourth year may also apply to enter the Program, provided that they have been registered for five courses in each September-April session that meet the criteria for the program (e.g., no more than five 020-level courses for a three-year degree, and no more than five 020 + 100 level courses for the honors degree) and have maintained at least an 80% average in each year of university study. Exceptions to these requirements will only be approved by the Dean(s) of the Faculty in extraordinary circumstances.
Affiliated Colleges
Each Affiliated College may offer a Scholar's Electives Program leading to a BA degree under the same conditions. Admission to the program shall be granted by the Dean or by the Principal of an Affiliated College and, where appropriate, in consultation with the Dean(s) of the constituent university Faculties involved in the proposed course of study. See the Calendar of the appropriate Affiliated College for Theme Areas available at that institution.
Progression in the Program

The achievement of an average of at least 80% in a full course load (minimum of five courses per session of September - April) is necessary for progression to the next year of the Program. The privileges of the Program shall be withdrawn upon transfer to another undergraduate program or failure to meet the progression requirements or receipt of a failing grade in any course. Exceptions to the full course load requirement will only be approved by the Dean(s) of the Faculty in extraordinary circumstances.

First Year of the Program
Scholar's Electives students in their First Year at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ can, with permission of their Dean, enrol in certain 100- and 200-level courses normally restricted to senior students, and/or enrol in more than one course in a given subject, and/or restrict their choice of courses to a single Faculty. Normally the choice of the Theme area or disciplinary combination is made during the First Year, although students will be counselled during registration for First Year of the likely prerequisites for their program(s) of choice.
Diploma Designations
The baccalaureate diploma awarded to students will record both the status of Scholar's Electives, and if appropriate the Theme Area or discipline(s) studied, as recommended by the Dean.
Honors Scholar's Electives Programs - Degree Requirements
Both BA and BSc Honors Programs are available, and require fifteen of the twenty courses counted for graduation to be honors courses, i.e., numbered 200-499. Combined Honors degrees between Scholar's Electives and those subjects in Arts and Social Sciences listed in the Combined Honors section of the Calendar are also available, subject to consultation with the appropriate department and Deans' offices. Students must enrol in a full course load (minimum of five courses per session of September - April) , and maintain an average of 80% with no failures in each year of study. Exceptions to the full honors course load requirement normally will be approved only in extraordinary circumstances.
3-Year Degree Scholar's Electives Programs
Both BA and BSc 3-year degree programs that involve one or more disciplinary-based areas are available, as are 3-year BA and BSc programs without a designated area. Of the fifteen courses counted for graduation, no more than five can be numbered 001-099. Students must enrol in a minimum of five courses per session of September - April, and maintain an average of 80% with no failures in each year of study.
Combinations of Two or More Subjects
The many programs that combine the study of two disciplines that have been established at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ are listed elsewhere in the Calendar. Students who wish to pursue the simultaneous study of two or more subjects for which no formal combined program has been established may be able to do so through the Scholar's Electives Program, after consultation with the appropriate departments and the approval of the Dean(s) concerned. In certain cases, it is possible to combine subjects from several different faculties, including those other than Arts, Science, and Social Science. The Educational Development Office will facilitate the initial counselling between the student and the Faculties concerned.

S.99-81 Policy Revisions: Deferred Registration, Admission Scholarships, Deferral of Admission Scholarships, and Academic Counselling

It was moved by N. Huner, seconded by R. Green,

That the following policies be modified as indicated below to apply to all Faculties:
For all students offered one-year admission scholarships, including OAC, Out-of-Province, US Grade 12 and International Baccalaureate (IB) and General Certificate of Education (GCE) applicants, the following offer and adjudication process will apply:
Conditional offers of one-year admission scholarships will be made on mid-year admission averages.
Applicants who are informed they will receive a one-year admission scholarship will be required to maintain a final admission average within the relevant average band in order to have the offer of the scholarship confirmed. The three average bands are 80% to 84.9%, 85% to 89.9% and 90%+.
If an applicant's final admission average is below or above the range for the initial award offered, a revised offer will be issued for the appropriate scholarship's value.
NOTES: [S.97-13]:
University Admission Scholarships to the Faculty of Music are awarded to applicants on the basis of high academic achievement and on high musical potential demonstrated by an audition. Additional Faculty of Music awards and scholarships for which entering students may be eligible are listed in the Professional Awards - Music Section.
Students whose admission into first-year programs has been deferred by the Registrar's Office for one year may have their Admission Scholarship deferred for one year also upon application to the Office of the Registrar.
A student whose request to defer admission to the University has been granted by for one year will also have his/her admission scholarship deferred for one year.
Students offered admission to The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario into first year programs may request permission to defer their registration for up to one year. Requests for deferral of registration should be received by the Registrar prior to commencement of the session for which our offer of admission was given.
ACADEMIC COUNSELLING(S.663, S.713.04-06, Senate Agendas Feb. 23/73, Feb.13/75, S.1336)
The Dean of each Faculty shall appoint a body of academic counsellors, responsible directly to the respective Dean, to help students in their choice of, and progression within, their programs of study.
Departments of the Faculties shall designate members to assist the coordination of academic counselling in each faculty.
The recommendations for academic counselling should not be construed as to prohibit use of students in academic counselling.
No additional remuneration shall be paid to faculty members participating in academic counselling services, except those participating in the summer counselling program.
Each department shall provide course outlines and reading lists for the Academic Counsellors for all courses offered by the department for the general three and four-year general programs.
Counselling is compulsory for all undergraduate and special students who intend to register in courses at The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario. (This does not apply to students in the Faculties of Medicine & Dentistry, Law and Education.)

S.99-82 Admission from the Province of Quebec (CEGEP)

It was moved by N. Huner, seconded by D. Banting,

That the policy on admission from a CEGEP program be revised to delete reference to the programs in Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy (item 3) since it is no longer applicable.
PROVINCE OF QUEBEC (CEGEP's) (S.762, S.1437.1, S.2667, S.3569, S.94-209)
The requirements for admission with advanced standing shall be based on completion of the two-year CEGEP general program subsequent to the Province of Quebec Grade 11 completion, and subject to standing satisfactory to the Senate Subcommittee on Admissions, and approval of the department(s) concerned, and subject to the following conditions:
1. No consideration will be given to graduates of CEGEP's by the Faculties of Law, Medicine, and Dentistry, until such time as the work completed at the CEGEP together with that completed at The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario (or at another university elsewhere) is considered equivalent to completion of second year of an appropriate University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario program.
2. Applicants to Year Three of the Program in Business Administration must also present a level of achievement equivalent to that demanded in #1.
3. Students graduating from the Three-year Program (Professional) leading to qualification as a technician or technologist at the CEGEP shall be considered for admission as we now consider graduates in these fields from Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) in Ontario.
Admission requirements for the Province of Quebec are: Grade 12 or its equivalent, i.e., completion of first year CEGEP (General Program), with appropriate standing.
Note: Applicants who present Diplome d'étude Collegiale with at least second class standing may be eligible for advanced standing in certain subjects.

Effective September 1, 1994:

1. CEGEP applicants who have completed a minimum of twelve semester credits in the pre-university program with an average of 70% or better are eligible for admission consideration to Year I.
2. CEGEP applicants who are registered in or have completed Year II in the pre-university program may be eligible for advanced standing consideration up to a maximum of five full (or equivalent) courses or first year of a professional program in accordance with established procedures. An average of 75% or better is required for advanced standing consideration on approved course equivalencies.
3. CEGEP applicants who have completed two years of a Career Program are eligible for advanced standing consideration for those courses that satisfy approved course equivalency guidelines.

S.99-83 Report on New Scholarships/Awards/Prizes

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the Terms of Reference for new scholarships, awards and prizes, for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

S.99-84 Restricted Registration (Policy Rescinded)

The policy on Restricted Registration (formerly Conditional Admission) has been rescinded since the process has been streamlined and the policy is no longer necessary.

RESTRICTED REGISTRATION (formerly Conditional Admission) (S.90-57)

Restricted Registration may be granted to applicants (excluding current OSSD students) who are Canadian

Citizens or Permanent Residents. Such applicants must complete and submit an "Assessment of Eligibility" form to be considered for Restricted Registration status. Dependent on the above noted assessment of eligibility, such applicants will either:

1. be granted Restricted Registration status in one of the Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Science or Kinesiology and be permitted to enrol in a maximum of three courses in one session as approved by the appropriate Dean. Mature candidates will be permitted to register in up to three first-year courses from the 001-099 series in a single session as approved by the appropriate Dean.

2. be required to submit further documentation to the Admissions Office for further consideration and evaluation for admission/advanced standing. No further registration will be allowed until the relevant documentation is received and adjudicated.

Applicants granted Restricted Registration will receive grade reports and transcripts displaying the number/letter grade earned. Further registration will be contingent on the student meeting all Senate-approved progression requirements. Requests for advanced standing will only be considered during the session of Restricted Registration. Prior to the session immediately following registration under Restricted Registration status, the Admissions Office will undertake a review of all such students to remove initial registration restrictions or impose further admission requirements as appropriate.


S.99-85 First-Entry Undergraduate Enrolment for 1999-2000

It was moved by R. Harris, seconded by B. Timney,

a) That the first-entry undergraduate enrolment objective for 1999-2000 be set at 4150 students and that the approximate program-specific objectives be as described in Exhibit V, Appendix 1
b) That entrance requirements be set by the Provost to achieve these objectives as a function of final admission numbers, qualifications of applicants, and estimates of the rate of offer confirmations in each program
c) That no program-specific entrance requirement be set below 75% except where performance is a major element of the selection process. Final admission will be contingent upon a final average of no less than 72%.
i. Given the increased applications at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ for 1999-2000 there is a real possibility that minimum entrance requirements in most programs will be higher than 75%.
ii. Every effort will be made to maintain single minimum standard of admission in Arts, Social Science, Science, Information and Media Studies and Health Sciences. Possible exceptions will be in ACS, Kinesiology, and Nursing, where a higher standard may be necessary to meet enrolment targets. The objective will be to set the same standard for Engineering Science as for Science, but, given the special funding opportunities of the ATOP program, consideration will be given to maintaining the minimum entrance requirement at 75% even if other programs have a marginally higher entrance requirement in 1999-2000.
iii. As indicated in the Senate resolution of Spring 1998, consideration may be given in the admissions process to factors such as performance in program-relevant courses (e.g., mathematics and sciences in Science and Engineering Science), relevant extra curricular activities, and the academic record of the secondary school.
iv. In this cycle, the period between the availability of initial application information (not including final year, winter semester applicant grades) and the offer date did not permit an admissions proposal to be brought to Senate for consideration before initial offers were made. As a result, the objectives of the existing Senate resolution guided construction of this proposal and approval was requested from SUEPP and SCUP before offers were made to OAC students in March. These proposals will be considered by Senate at its March 1999 meeting after which some limited adjustments could be made to total intake with changes to the non-OAC applicant pool.
v. As in the past, final admission will be contingent upon a final average of no less than 5% below the minimum grade set for conditional acceptance to any given program.

Dr. Moran reviewed the rationale and implementation of the recommendations concerning first-entry undergraduate enrolment for 1999-2000. Two factors complicate the admissions decision making process for this year. First, Ontario's universities may now make offers of admission to OAC students as of March 10, 1999, and students have until June 1, 1999, to accept or reject those offers. In the past, offers were not made until mid-June and the students'decisions were required within two weeks. The necessary data on applicants from the Ontario University Application Centre were received only weeks before the offer date. The second complication is that this year's applications and offers of admission are being processed on an entirely new information system. The information necessary to make initial decisions on entrance requirements will not be available until a few days before the offers must be mailed. Because of these circumstances, it is not possible for the March offers of admission to follow past practice in SUEPP, SCUP, and Senate that involved formal approval of entrance requirements well before offers were made to students. This year's recommendation focuses on an overall University first year intake objective and program specific targets. Minimum admission levels will follow from these approved objectives as a function of number of applicants and the grade qualification of those applicants. Consistent with past practice, all offers will be conditional upon a minimum OAC final average.

Professor Holt asked if the possibility exists that the complete high school record will be reviewed when making offers of admission rather than the top six OACs. Dr. Moran stated that this year for the first time universities have information on the student's high school record, but early offers are made on the basis of marks achieved in Grades 11 and 12. Starting next year universities will have complete disclosure of high school records. In the next few years Senate will need to re-establish the minimum entrance requirements in light of revisions to the secondary school curriculum.

Asked about the basis for scholarship offers, Dr. Harris stated that scholarship offers will be going out with the offers of admission as they have in the past but the offers of scholarships are contingent on maintaining the grades required to receive the scholarship.

The question was called and CARRIED

S.99-86 PhD Program in Education Studies

It was moved by A. Weedon, seconded by A. Pearson,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, the introduction of a PhD Program in Education Studies, effective May 15, 1999.

S.99-87 The Scotiabank Professorship in Research on Violence Against Women and Children

It was moved by R. Harris, seconded by D. Small,

That the Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, the establishment of The Scotiabank Professorship in Research on Violence Against Women and Children funded by a gift of $1,000,000 from the Bank of Nova Scotia. The Professorship will be funded for 10 years, at which time the gift will be fully expended.

S.99-88 ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s Statement on the Capital Requirements of the Double Cohort

The response of the University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario and Affiliated Colleges to the Ministry of Education memorandum of February 1, 1999, was provided in Exhibit V, Appendix 2.

S.99-89 The Rotman Family Fellowship in Neuroscience

On behalf of the Senate, SCUP has approved, for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor, the establishment of The Rotman Family Fellowship in Neuroscience (described below) based on a generous gift from the Rotman Foundation.

The Rotman Family Fellowship in Neuroscience

Under the terms of an Agreement between The Rotman Family Foundation and The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario, the University will establish "The Rotman Family Fellowship in Neuroscience".

The Rotman Family Foundation and the University recognize and agree that one of the goals of the Fellowship is to develop a research program in Neuroscience based at the University in collaboration with the Rotman Research Institute of the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care. For greater clarity, the Fellowship is to be under the direction and supervision of Dr. John Girvin, the Head of the Neurosurgery Division, Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences at the University.

Terms of Reference

Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience

I. Qualifications:

a) Has completed an M.D. or Ph.D. with a primary focus in neuroscience. The individual may come from any of the neuroscience disciplines (neurology, neurosurgery, neuroimaging, neuropsychology, and neuropsychiatry).

b) Has demonstrated potential for research productivity in an academic career in neuroscience with peer reviewed publications of excellent quality.

c) Has demonstrated commitment to the study of neuroscience.

II. Duties:

a) Develop a research program by assisting in ongoing research in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario and/or the Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, University of Toronto.

b) Develop an independent research program.

c) Initiate and maintain a consistent publication record in excellent peer reviewed journals.

d) Serve as a catalyst to foster interactive research in neuroscience.

III. Interactions:

Develop, as a primary responsibility, significant interactions that have been initiated between Department of Clinical Neurosciences of The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario and the Rotman Foundation Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care.

IV. Reporting Relationships:

Report to Dr. John Girvin, Head of the Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario.

V. Recruitment:

The candidate will be recruited by an international search. To facilitate this, the recruitment may be done in conjunction with the postdoctoral fellowship recruitment of the Rotman Research Institute.

VI. Contract:

Postdoctoral fellowships will be for the duration of two years, with a possible extension based upon excellent performance during the first two years. There will be an annual review of the progress of the Fellow.


S.99-90 Honorary Degree Recipients - 272nd Convocation, Spring 1999

The Honorary Degrees Committee of the Senate announced the following persons who are to be honored by conferment of honorary degrees at the morning and afternoon Convocation ceremonies to be held on Tuesday, June 8 through Friday, June 11, 1999.

Mr. Oscar Peterson - LL.D.

10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 8,1999

Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Music

Dr. Margaret Chan - D.Sc.

3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 8, 1999

Faculty of Health Sciences [except graduates from the School of Nursing] , Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (DDS) Richard Ivey School of Business (HBA)

Dr. Ted Aoki - LL.D.

10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 9, 1999

Faculty of Education, Faculty of Information and Media Studies

Mr. John Ralston Saul - D.Litt.

3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 9, 1999

Brescia College, Huron College, King's College

Dr. W. Glenn Campbell - LL.D.

10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 10, 1999

Faculty of Social Science (Honors and ACS)

Dr. David Brillinger - D.Sc.

3:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 10, 1999

Faculty of Science

Mr. Bob White - LL.D.

10:00 a.m. on Friday, June 11, 1999

Faculty of Health Sciences (BScN), Faculty of Social Science (3-year programs)

Ms. Mary Eberts - D.C.L.

3:30 p.m. on Friday, June 11, 1999

Faculty of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering Science, Faculty of Law


S.99-91 Acquisition of an Enterprise Communications Solution

SCITS has approved, for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the President and Vice-Chancellor, that the University proceed to negotiate with Bell Canada for the acquisition of a Nortel Technologies MSL-100 Communication System. The details and approximate cost of the proposal will be discussed by the Property & Finance Committee of the Board prior to the commencement of negotiations with Bell Canada. The information outlined in Exhibit VII, Appendix 1, is forwarded as part of SCITS' mandate "to advise Senate regarding all policies and other matters pertaining to information technology and its application at the University".

Professor Bentley asked what the approximate cost of the Nortel Technologies MSL-100 Communication System is and whether the option of leasing the equipment a possibility. Professor Bauer, senior Director of ITS, stated that the cost of the system is approximately $4.2 million and the possibility of leasing the equipment is an option that will be investigated.


Dr. Davenport announced the following senior academic administrative appointments in the Faculty of Law: B. Hovius, Associate Dean (Administration), January 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000, and R. Solomon, Associate Dean (Academic), July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000.


S.99-93 Medical Resident Fee

Professor Canham reported that the Council of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry passed a motion that opposes the levy of tuition fees for Medical Residents. The Council also passed the motion that urges the Senate and Board of Governors to adopt the following four recommendations toward rescinding tuition for Medical Residents:

1. Remove the provision for tuition for medical Residents from the operating budget for the year 1999-2000

2. Commit to a two year moratorium for residency tuition at zero dollars, as other Ontario universities have suggested.

3. Conduct a review to evaluate the costs and benefits of having medical residents.

4. Within the next two years, reconsideration by the Senate and/or Board of Governors of the University policy on tuition for Medical Residents.

Dr. Davenport acknowledged that these issues will be debated when the University Budget is presented to Senate in April.


The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary

1. April 1996, S.96-80

2. [S.99-41: "In the name of making sweeping generalizations against unnamed members of the Administration and against unnamed members of SRBA, allegations which if proven would justify at least discipline and possibly dismissal, Professor Lupker now says 'I'm sorry, I can't substantiate the allegations because they're hearsay.'" - P. Mercer]