
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - December 4, 1998



1. Senate Membership: Faculty Constituencies

The recommendations for appointment of representatives of Faculty constituencies are proposed in accord with Senate regulations for filling vacancies.

Recommended: That Jim Roth (Surgery) be appointed to Senate to represent the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry constituency (term to October 31, 2000).

Recommended: That Jim Davies (Economics) be appointed to Senate to represent the Faculty of Social Science constituency (term to October 31, 2000).

Composition of the Standing Committee on Campus Recreation and the Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics

Recommended: That the composition of the Standing Committees on Campus Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics be revised as shown below:

...The Standing Committee on Campus Recreation shall be composed of:

(iii) 10 students appointed as follows:
4 by the University Students' Council: 2 male, 2 female
[ADD] 2 by the Kinesiology Students' Council: 1 male, 1 female
2 by SOGS/MBAA: 1 male, 1 female
2 from among the Physical Activities Clubs appointed by a committee consisting of one representative from each of the Physical Activities Clubs, such committee to be convened by the Chair of the Campus Recreation Program

...The Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall be composed of:
(iii) [Add] 9 and [delete] 10 students appointed as follows:
2 male students who are each bonafide members of a different varsity intercollegiate team, such members to be elected by a committee consisting of one representative of each varsity intercollegiate team (men), such committee being convened by the Chair of Intercollegiate Athletic Program
2 female students who are each bonafide members of a different varsity intercollegiate team, such members to be elected by a committee consisting of one representative of each varsity intercollegiate team (women), such committee being convened by the Chair of Intercollegiate Athletic Program
2 to be appointed by the University Students' Council: 1 male, 1 female
1 to be appointed by SOGS/MBAA
2 to be appointed by the Kinesiology Students' Council: 1 male, 1 female


The Composition of these Committees were last revised by Senate at the meeting of February 13, 1997, to address changes required with the introduction of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The student representation for each committee stated that the number of students to be appointed were 10 for each committee, however, for Campus Recreation only 8 were listed and for Intercollegiate Athletics, only 9.

For the Standing Committee on Campus Recreation, traditionally there have been 2 individuals appointed by the Kinesiology Students' Council (1 male, 1 female); for the Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, traditionally there have only been 9 students in total for a number of years. The changes outlined above will correct these discrepancies.

3. University Research Board - Composition

Recommended: That the composition of the University Research Board be amended to include the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences as an ex officio member:


Six members of faculty who have strong records of research achievement and a broad interest in research administration, to be elected by Senate. At least one elected member shall occupy a senior position in a Type 3 research centre.

Ex officio:

The terms of the elected members are three years, renewable.


The composition of the University Research Board was established prior to the creation of the Faculty of Health Sciences, and was not updated earlier to ensure that the Dean of that Faculty is a member ex officio.