That Elizabeth Skaradis-Doyle (Communication Sciences and Disorders) be elected to complete Professor Cheesman's term (to October 31, 1998).
That Dan Phillipson, runner-up in this constituency in the last Senate election be elected to complete Mr. Tribe's term (to October 31, 1998).
The change to section 2.B.(c) of the Constitution of the Faculty of Education recognizes the restructuring and renaming of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (formerly the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning).
New sections 2.B.(d) and(e) and the deletion of 2.C.(b) and (c) give voting rights to previously non-voting representatives of personnel in the Faculty who are PMA-eligible staff and members of UWOSA. Subsequent sections are renumbered as a result.
This change is proposed to acknowledge the change of name of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning to the Faculty of Information and Media Studies.
This change is proposed to acknowledge the change of name of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning to the Faculty of Information and Media Studies.
(a) the Acting Assistant Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs), Dr. Donald Janelle, be authorized to serve on behalf of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) on committees mandated under Conditions of Appointment, effective October 1, 1998; and
(b) that the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies, Dr. N. Kuiper and Dr. W. Flintoff, be authorized to serve on behalf of the Dean of Graduate Studies on the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure when necessary.
The "Definitions" section of the Preamble to Conditions of Appointment states:
11. Provost shall mean the Provost (Vice-President Academic) or other senior academic administrative officer designated by Senate and the Board of Governors to carry out those duties specified in these Conditions of Appointment. 12. Dean of Graduate Studies shall mean the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies or other senior academic administrative officer designated by Senate and the Board of Governors to carry out those duties specified in these Conditions of Appointment.
In the past this has been interpreted to mean that the Senate and Board of Governors must designate any senior academic administrative officer by name. Since September 1995, Dr. Roma Harris, Vice-Provost & Registrar, has served on behalf of the Provost. Because Dr. Harris will be involved in negotiations of the first union contract with the UWO Faculty Association, some of her duties will be assigned to Dr. Don Janelle, Acting Assistant Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs). It is recommended that Senate and the Board authorize Dr. Janelle to act on behalf of the Provost on committees mandated under Conditions of Appointment. The Senate Promotion & Tenure Committee, the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee, and the Senate Grievance Committee are the committees on which the Vice-Provost has served in the past and which the Acting Assistant Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs) will participate as required. As has been the case with Dr. Harris, the Provost will work closely with Dr. Janelle in all of his areas of responsibility.
Dr. Alan Weedon, Dean of Graduate Studies, will also be participating in negotiations of the UWOFA contract. As time permits, he will continue to participate as a member of the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure I and as an Alternate on the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure II, but will delegate his responsibilities to one of the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies when necessary. Any given case, however, will be handled by only one of the three individuals.
The Dean of Graduate Studies is an ex officio member of selection committees for Chairs of Departments and for Directors of Schools within the Faculty of Health Sciences. Dean Weedon will continue to serve on those committees whose work began prior to the fall of 1998, but in order that he be able to carry out his responsibilities associated with the negotiation of the first union contract with the Faculty Association, it will be necessary for him to assign one of the two Associate Deans of Graduate Studies to serve on some new selection committees.
V. DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRY LIAISON Composition of Selection Committee A committee to select a Director of Industry Liaison shall consist of: (a) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair (b) the Dean of Engineering Science or designate (c) the Dean of Science or designate (d) the Dean of Medicine & Dentistry or designate (e) one person from a Type 3 or Type 4 research centre, to be appointed by the University Research Board (f) one person from the external community with industrial experience, elected by the Board of Governors (g) two members of faculty, elected by the Senate Procedure 1. The Chair shall convene the Committee. 2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates. 3. The Chair of the Committee shall report to Senate through the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) and the President & Vice-Chancellor.Term Initial term of no more than five years, renewable.
The two positions -- Director of Industry Liaison and Director of the UWO Research Park -- will be filled by two individuals.
9. Advertisement of Academic and Administrative Vacancies (S.2159,
Recommended: That the University's policy on advertisement of academic and administrative vacancies be
revised as follows:
All faculty and senior administrative openings must be advertised internally and externally unless the Selection or Appointments Committee concerned deems that external advertising is unnecessary and obtains approval from the President to that effect. In those instances where advertising is required, [DELETE such advertising will be forwarded to] [ADD placement of external advertising in] "University Affairs" and/or "CAUT Bulletin" [DELETE through the Department of Communications and Public Affairs] [ADD will be the responsibility of the Dean (in cases involving Appointments Committees) or the committee Chair (in cases involving Selection Committees) following the approval of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic). Internal advertising will be the responsibility of the Office of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic). A short version of the ad will appear in 深夜福利站 News and the complete ad will be available on the University's website.]
In the case of selection of Chairs and Deans:
1. The selection committee should commence work in early spring and arrange for the usual reviews to take place in the late spring or very early fall.
2. After the reviewers have met with the Selection Committee, normally by mid-October, the Selection Committee should determine whether or not to seek exemption from external advertising. If advertising is to take place, there will be reasonable time for it to appear. If the exception is granted (by the President), then the internal advertisement should be placed [DELETE (in 深夜福利站 News)], and the selection process will proceed to consider internal applicants and nominees.
Tuesday, June 8 through Friday, June 11, 1999
for all Faculties excluding the MBA and MD degrees
In December 1997, Senate was asked to move the Convocation dates for Spring 1999 from June 8-11 to June 15-18, based on the implementation schedule of the PeopleSoft Student Administration System as it was known at that time.
A recent detailed review of the PeopleSoft implementation schedule now suggests that it would be preferable to hold Convocation as originally planned using the existing database, so that implementation of a new phase of PeopleSoft may be scheduled for the week following Spring Convocation (i.e., after June 11).
The order of convocation (that is, the specific date when each Faculty's students will graduate)for the June 8-11 is under review. In light of overcrowded conditions at the Spring 1998 Convocation, it is quite likely that there will be changes in the "standard" order and/or that one convocation ceremony will be added to that four-day schedule.
Spring 1999 Convocation Dates will be:
April 24, 1999 Graduate Studies: Richard Ivey School of Business (MBA)
May 6, 1999 Huron College (theological degrees)
May 14, 1999 Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (MD degree only)
June 8-11, 1999 All Faculties and Affiliated Colleges (subject to approval of the motion above)
Fall 1999 Convocation Dates will be:
October 21-22, 1999 All Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
Prof. Jane Toswell - Chief Usher
Prof. Glen Belfry - Assistant Chief Usher
Ms. Catherine Jonkhans - Assistant Chief Usher
Dr. Dalin Jameson - Esquire Bedel
Senate Agenda -EXHIBIT I - September 18, 1998
A. Ex officio members
(i) The Dean of Information and Media Studies, who shall be Chair of the
(ii) The President and Vice-Chancellor
(iii) The Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
(iv) The Dean of Graduate Studies
(v) Such other ex officio members as Senate may, from time to time, determine.
B. (i) All full-time faculty members at the rank of Instructor or above in
the Faculty of Information and Media Studies or who hold a joint faculty
appointment within the Faculty
(ii) One full-time professional staff member from each of the following areas of
academic support, elected by Council: information technology services, information resources and media;
student services
(iii) 2 members of the part-time faculty
(iv) 4 students, elected by Council, to include one student from
the PhD program in Library and Information Science, the MLIS program, the MA in Journalism program and
the undergraduate program
(v) One Senator who represents the general community, appointed by Senate.
(i) The Administrative Officer
(ii) Such other persons as Council may, from time to time, determine.
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - September 18, 1998
Composition and Rules of Practice
A. The following ex officio members:
(a) The President and
(b) The Dean (or an Associate Dean) of the Faculty of Graduate
(c) The Dean of the Faculty of
(d) The President of the Students'
Council of the Faculty of Education
(e) The Librarian in charge of the Education Library
B. (a) i) All full-time tenured and probationary members of the University
who hold appointments with the Faculty of Education, including those who hold joint appointments with
other Faculties;
ii) All full-time limited term appointments whose
appointments are for two or more years, or are serving a second or subsequent consecutive one year
iii) All full-time secondments whose appointments are
for two or more years, or are serving a second or subsequent consecutive
one year appointment;
(b) Five students, three selected by and from the student members of
the Faculty of Education Students' Council, and two graduate students selected by and from the graduate
students in the Faculty of Education.
(c) Representatives of the full-time members of the
Faculty of the University holding the rank of Lecturer or higher:
1 from the Faculty of
2 from the Faculty of Health Sciences, one of whom shall
be from the School of Kinesiology
[DELETE 1 from the Faculty of Communications and Open
[ADD 1 from the Faculty of
Information and Media Studies]
1 from the Faculty of
1 from the Faculty of Science
1 from the Faculty of Social Science
1 from each of the
Affiliated Colleges of the University.
[ADD (d) and (e)] (d) Two representatives from the Faculty of
Education administrative staff (PMA) selected by and from the
administrative staff on an annual basis;
(e) Two representatives from the Faculty of Education support staff
(UWOSA) selected by and from the support staff on an annual basis;
C. The following non-voting members:
(a) i) any other person holding a full-time appointment in the Faculty of
Education not specifically accorded the right
to vote under terms set out in Section 1.2B(a).
ii) part-time or limited duties appointments;
iii) a visiting or similar
appointment or arrangement;
[DELETE (b) and (c) and ] (b) Two representatives from the Faculty of
Education administrative staff (PMA)
selected by and from the administrative staff on an annual basis;
(c) Two representatives from the Faculty of Education support staff (UWOSA)
selected by and from the support staff on an annual basis;
[REVISE remaining item numbers] (b) The Ontario Teachers' Federation Teacher
Education Committee Liaison Representative;
(c) One Associate Teacher or other nominee from each of the affiliated
organizations of the Ontario Teachers' Federation recommended by the Ontario Teachers' Federation
representative to the Faculty and appointed by
the Dean for a term of three years.
(d) Such other non-voting members as the Senate may determine on the
recommendation of the Council of the Faculty of Education.
Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT I - September 18, 1998
With the introduction and implementation of both the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Ontario Research and Development challenge Fund (ORDCF), 1997-98 has been an eventful year. A primary activity of the University Research Board has been to provide advice for the development of 深夜福利站's strategies for accessing these new and profoundly important sources of new research revenue. this has resulted in the establishment of a CFI Steering Committee and a supporting infrastructure for both CFI and ORDCF applications.
The University Research Board facilitated communication and provided advice on other issues affecting research. These included the following:
Revision of the university's overhead policy on industrial contract research;
Response to the TriCouncil on its development of a new policy framework for research involving human subjects;
Revision of the terms of reference for UWO's Hellmuth Prizes;
Development of procedures to ensure that 深夜福利站 is well represented among nominees to Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada.
William A. Bridger
Vice-President (Research)
Chair, University Research Board