
Report of the Nominating Committee

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - September 18, 1998


1. University Planning (SCUP)

Composition: Includes seven members elected by Senate: one graduate student*; and one Principal of an Affiliated College (appointed on a rotating basis); one member of administrative staff; and four members of faculty who are members of Senate at the time elected. Membership terms for elected faculty are three years, non-renewable; graduate student's term is one year, renewable.

* The President of the Society of Graduate Students shall qualify as a student for this purpose.

Current Senate-Elected Members:
Continuing to June 30, 1999: J. Cairney (Grad.), M. Goodale (Soc.Sci.), S. Singh (Sci.)
Continuing to June 30, 2000: D. Bevan (Affil. - Huron College), J. McKay (Music)
Continuing to June 30, 2001: D. Campbell-Borland (Admin. Staff), K. McQuillan (S)(Soc. Sci.)

Required: One Senator who is a member of faculty to replace M. Goodale who has resigned (term to June 30, 1999).

Nominee: Joyce MacKinnon (S) (HS)

2. Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA)

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members -- thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Members:
Continuing to November 30, 1998:
Undergraduate Students: M. Braun, P. Kucherepa, E. Mandelcorn, E. Singer, J. Vangulck, S. Werger.

Required: Two undergraduate students to replace J. Vangulck and E. Mandelcorn who have resigned (terms to November 1998).

Nick Iozzo
Danielle Marenkette

3. Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee

Composition: Six members of Faculty with tenure, elected by Senate, one from each of the Faculties of Arts, Social Science, Medicine & Dentistry and Science, and not more than one from any one Faculty (except from the Faculty of Graduate Studies);
The Provost & Vice-President (Academic)

Retiring September 1998: B.J. Elliott (Arts), J. Hore (Med. & Dent.), A. Pearson (Educ.)
Continuing to September 1999: K. McQuillan (Soc.Sci.), A. Schneider (HS), A. Weedon (Sci.)


Three members of Faculty with tenure
- one must be from the Faculty of Arts
- one must be from the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
- none may be from the Faculties of Health Sciences, Science or Social Science
- no two may be from the same Faculty


Eric Ball (M&D)
Angela Esterhammer (Arts)
Bernd Frohmann (IMS)

4. Senate Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee

Composition: Seven members of Faculty with tenure
- one from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Science and Medicine & Dentistry, and,
- not more than one from any one Faculty.

Where possible, at least three members elected should have recent experience on the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee [marked * on the list below].

Retiring September 1998: H. Laschinger (HS), M. Lennon* (Arts), T.K.Y. Lo (Med. & Dent.), F. Longstaffe (Sci.)
Continuing to September 1999: W. Avison* (Soc.Sci.), C. Lanfranconi (Ivey), S. Rich* (Educ.)

Five members of Faculty with tenure: four for terms to September 2000 and one to replace
W. Avison who has resigned (term to September 1999):
- one must be from the Faculty of Arts
- one must be from the Faculty of Science
- one must be from the Faculty of Social Science
- one must be from the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
- not more than one may be from any one faculty
- at least two members should have recent experience on the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee (marked by *)

Nominees: David Bellhouse (Sci)
Chris Brandl (M&D)
Peter Ossenkopp (Soc.Sci.)
Heather Laschinger (HS)
Madeline Lennon (Arts) (Term July 1, 1998, to September 1, 1999)

5. Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II - SCPT-II


The Provost & Vice-President (Academic)

Five tenured members of Faculty who are eligible for Senate membership, none of whom shall be below the rank of Associate Professor. No more than three shall be at the same academic rank, and no more than one shall be from the same Faculty. No more than one shall be a Department Chair.

One student from the constituent University whose Faculty of registration is not the same as that of the student member of SCPT-I

No member of the SCPT-II may at the same time be a member of the SCPT-I or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Continuing to November 1998: R. Hardie (Student), L. Falkenstein (Assoc./Arts), P. Haase (Prof./M&D)
Continuing to November 1999: K.M. Baines (Assoc./Sci.)
Continuing to November 2000: J. Cook (Assoc./HS), S. Majhanovich (Prof./Educ.)

Required: Two faculty members with tenure who are eligible for Senate membership, to replace K.M. Baines and J. Cook who have resigned (terms to November 1999 and 2000 respectively).
- neither shall be from the Faculties of Arts, Education or Medicine & Dentistry
- no more than 1 at the rank of Professor
- neither shall be below the rank of Associate Professor
- not more than 1 shall be a Department Chair
- neither shall be a member of SCPT-I or the Senate Committee on Appeals.

Nominees: Catherine Nolan (Mus.)(Term to November 1999)
Elizabeth Skarakis-Doyle (HS) (Term to November 2000)

6. Nominating Subcommittee - Senate Representative from the General Community

Composition: Five members of Senate. The Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee shall chair the Subcommittee.

Retiring September 1998: R. Bryan (Sci.), (vacancy), C. Iwasiw (HS), J. Thorp (Arts).
Continuing to September 1999: A. Pearson (Educ.)

Required: Four members of Senate: three for terms to September 2000 and one for a term to September 1999 (in order to maintain a balance in staggered terms).

Nominees: Ross Archibald (Ivey)
Darwin Semotiuk (HS)
John Thorp (Arts)
Robert Walker (Undergrad.) (Term to September 1999)

7. Selection Committee, Director of Industry Liaison

Composition: (a) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair
(b) the Dean of Engineering Science or designate
(c) the Dean of Science or designate
(d) the Dean of Medicine & Dentistry or designate
(e) one person from a Type 3 or Type 4 research centre, to be appointed by the University Research Board
(f) one person from the external community with industrial experience, elected by the Board of Governors
(g) two members of faculty, elected by the Senate

Required: Two members of faculty, elected by the Senate:

Nominees: George Knoff (Engg.)
Nils Peterson (Sci.)