1. New Graduate Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries
SCUP has approved on behalf of Senate the terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, prizes and awards shown in Appendix 1 [below] which will be recommended to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, for approval.
2. Report of the Subcommittee on Priorities in Academic Development
Academic Development Fund - Category A Grants
The total budget for Category A of the Academic Development Fund in 1998-99 is $1 million. Of this, $133,734 is required to fund the second year of projects given multi-year funding in the 1997-98 competition. The sum available for allocation in 1998 is therefore $866,266.
This year SUPAD reviewed 59 applications for funding under Category A of the ADF, an increase over the previous year when 51 applications were received. Of the 59 applications, 16 were recommended for funding. The total amount requested by these 59 applicants was $4,172,860; of this, $3,230,846 was requested for 1998 99.
As in previous years, SUPAD divided into three sub-groups in order to facilitate the detailed review and preliminary ranking of the applications. The sub-groups and the number of applications within each are
noted below.
Applications Funding Received Recommended Recommended Biosciences & Psychology 20 6 $308,746 Physical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering 29 6 395,040 Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities 10 4 121,862 _____ ______ 59 16 Total: $825,648
Reports from a total of 108 arm's-length external referees contributed to the assessment of the projects this year.
Applications involving computers were referred to an ad hoc Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Information Technology and Services (SCITS) for technical assessment.
SUPAD met twice as a whole to evaluate the applications and related materials. Separate meetings of sub-groups did preliminary evaluations.
The total amount of the awards recommended for 1998-99 is $825,648, excluding recommendations for multi- year projects totalling $49,190 for 1999-2000 and $49,190 for 2000-2001. Details are provided on the attached table (Appendix 2 - Not available for the World Wide Web. Copies are available in the University Secretariat).
Senate Agenda - April 17, 1998 - EXHIBIT IV - Appendix 1
New Graduate Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries
Ivey MBA Association Award (2) (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences
Awarded to students entering second year of the MBA program who have demonstrated academic excellence
and who have contributed to life at Ivey, either in activities or sports. Students must rank in the top 50% of
year one of the program. To apply, MBA 1 students who rank in the top 50% of the class will provide a
summary of their contribution to life at Ivey to the outgoing President of the MBAA who will evaluate the
applications and make a final recommendation in writing to a committee of the MBA Section heads who will
make a final recommendation to the Ivey MBA Scholarship Committee.
These awards are made possible by a generous gift from the Richard Ivey School of Business MBA
Value: $1,500
Effective: May 1999
Ross N. Clouston Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business Administration)
Awarded to a student entering first year of the MBA program who has demonstrated success professionally
and academically and has demonstrated financial need. The award will alternate annually between Canadian
and international students. The award will be renewed for year two students ranking in the top 50% of year
one who maintain the above criteria. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will
have an opportunity to apply for this award.
Application forms are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business. The
MBA Scholarship Committee will review and select each award recipient. Recipients of this award must, in
their second year of the MBA program, make a contribution to the intellectual capital of the Richard Ivey
School of Business by writing a business paper, case or similar project. The project will be placed in the
School's library and the author will be recognized as the Ross N. Clouston Award recipient.
These awards are made possible by a generous donation from Brendan (MBA '79) and Robert (MBA '72)
Clouston to honor and recognize the important role that their father, Ross, played in supporting and
mentoring them through their educations and careers.
Value: Tuition plus an annual stipend of $7,000
May 1998: MBA Year 1 $19,000; May 1999: MBA Year 1 $23,000 and Year 2 $21,000;
May 2000 and thereafter: MBA Year 1 and Year 2 $25,000.
David S. Simmonds MBA Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business
Awarded to an outstanding second year MBA student and based on financial need, a twelve month residency
as per OSOTF guidelines and demonstrated success professionally and academically. Application forms for
these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business. The MBA
Scholarship Committee will review and select each award recipient.
Established by Clearnet Communications Inc. as a special and generous tribute in honor of founder David S.
Value: $5,000
Effective: May 1998
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Nelson M. Davis Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business
Awarded to a Canadian student entering first year of the MBA program and based on academic performance,
demonstrated leadership and entrepreneurial skills and spirit, a twelve month Ontario residency as per
OSOTF guidelines and demonstrated financial need. The award will be renewed for year two for students
ranking in the top 50% of year one and maintaining the above criteria. If a student does not meet these
requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award.
Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of
Business. The MBA Scholarship Committee will review and select each award recipient.
The intent of these awards is to support and produce future Canadian business leaders. These awards are
made possible by a generous donation from the Nelson M. Davis Trust Fund.
Value: May 1998 and May 1999, $4,750 for MBA Year 1 and 2;
May 2000 and thereafter, $6,000 for MBA Year 1 and 2.
This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Earl Orser MBA Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business Administration)
Awarded to a student entering the first year of the MBA program and based on financial need, a twelve month
Ontario residency as per OSOTF guidelines and demonstrated success professionally and academically.
The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in MBA year one and
finishing in the top 50% of their class. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will
have an opportunity to apply for this award.
The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award
recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey
School of Business.
These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by Earl Orser (LLD '91), Chair
of the Ivey Business School Advisory Board, through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $5,000
Effective: May 1998 -MBA 1; May 1999 - MBA 2; May 2000 and thereafter - both MBA 1 and 2.
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Michael Needham MBA Award (2) (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business
Awarded to a student entering the first year of the MBA program and based on financial need, a twelve month
Ontario residency as per OSOTF guidelines and demonstrated success professionally and academically.
The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in MBA year one and
finishing in the top 50% of their class. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will
have an opportunity to apply for this award.
The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award
recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey
School of Business.
These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by Michael Needham (MBA
'68) through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $5,000
Effective: May 1998 and 1999 - 1 award for MBA 1 and 1 for MBA2;
May 2000 and thereafter - 2 awards for MBA 1 and 2 for MBA 2.
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Robert Luba MBA Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business Administration)
Awarded to a student entering the first year of the MBA program and based on financial need, a twelve month
Ontario residency as per OSOTF guidelines and demonstrated success professionally and academically.
The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in MBA year one and
finishing in the top 50% of their class. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will
have an opportunity to apply for this award.
The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award
recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey
School of Business.
These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by Robert Luba (MBA '67)
through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $5,000
Effective: May 1998 - 1 award for MBA 2; May 1999 - 1 award for MBA 1;
May 2000 and thereafter - 1 award for MBA 1 and 1 for MBA 2.
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Gilles Lamoureaux MBA Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business
Awarded to a student entering the first year of the MBA program and based on financial need, a twelve month
Ontario residency as per OSOTF guidelines and demonstrated success professionally and academically.
The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in MBA year one and
finishing in the top 50% of their class. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will
have an opportunity to apply for this award.
The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award
recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey
School of Business.
These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by Gilles Lamoureux (MBA 66)
through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $5,000
Effective: May 1998 - 1 award for MBA 1; May 1999 - 1 award for MBA 2;
May 2000 and thereafter - 1 award for MBA 1 and 1 for MBA 2.
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
David Clark MBA Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business Administration)
Awarded to a student entering the first year of the MBA program and based on financial need, a twelve month
Ontario residency as per OSOTF guidelines and demonstrated success professionally and academically.
The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in MBA year one and
finishing in the top 50% of their class. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will
have an opportunity to apply for this award.
The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award
recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey
School of Business.
These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by David Clark (MBA 66)
through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $5,000
Effective: May 1998 - 1 award for MBA 2; May 1999 - 1 award for MBA 1;
May 2000 and thereafter - 1 award for MBA 1 and 1 for MBA 2.
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Ivey Alumni Association/Toronto Club International Student Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social
Sciences Division/Business Administration)
Awarded to an International student entering the first year of the MBA program with a high academic
standing, and with an excellent prognosis for long term success in the international business field. The award
will be renewed for year two upon successful completion of year one. If a student does not meet this
requirement, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award. The MBA Scholarship
Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient.
This award is made possible by a donations from the Ivey Alumni Association - Toronto Club through
Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $7,500
Effective: May 1998: 1 award for MBA 1 and 1 for MBA 2
MBA '71 Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business Administration)
Awarded to a student entering the first year of the MBA program and based on financial need, a twelve month
Ontario residency as per OSOTF guidelines and demonstrated success professionally and academically.
The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in MBA year one and
finishing in the top 50% of their class. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will
have an opportunity to apply for this award.
The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award
recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey
School of Business.
These awards are made possible as a result of a generous donation made by the MBA Class of 1971 through
Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: May 1998 and 1999 - 1 award of $5,500 for MBA 1 and 1 for MBA 2;
May 2000 and thereafter - 1 award of $6,000 for MBA 1 and 1 for MBA 2.
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
The Pharmacology & Toxicology Professor's Fund Travel Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences
Division/Pharmacology & Toxicology)
Awarded to a student registered full-time in the graduate program in Pharmacology & Toxicology.
Candidates must have achieved an academic average of 80% in the past two years of study and meet the
Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund criteria for financial need. In this regard, candidates must have been
residents of Ontario for at least 12 months and generally not have received any other competitive travel award
for the calendar year, nor have access to funding designated as travel support from external funding agencies.
Applicants will apply to the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology by April 30th by submitting a
one-page summary of their research progress, along with the name, location and dates of the scientific
conference at which they will be presenting their work. Selection will be made by the Chair of the
Department after consultation with the Graduate Studies Committee of the Department of Pharmacology &
Value: Up to $200
Effective: May 1998
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Michael Locke Graduate Travel Bursary (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences Division/Zoology)
Awarded to a student registered full-time in the graduate program in Zoology. Candidates must have
achieved an academic average of 78%.
Applications can be obtained from the Department of Zoology or the Office of the Registrar by April 30th.
Students must submit a bursary application form and a one-page proposal outlining how the bursary will
help them achieve their career objectives. Selection will be made by the Graduate Education Committee of
the Department of Zoology.
Value: Up to $500 biennially
Effective: May 1999
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student
Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Daniel Ling Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences Division/Communication Sciences &
Awarded annually to a graduate student who achieves the highest academic average in Aural Rehabilitation
CD511. The graduate committee for the graduate program of the School of Communication Sciences and
Disorders will select the recipient.
Established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by donations from friends of Daniel Ling, Professor Emeritus,
Applied Health Sciences.
Value: $200
Effective: May 1997
Dr. W. Glenn Campbell Fellowship (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Economics)
Awarded to an outstanding first year PhD student in Economics. The fellowship is renewable for up to four
years and would then be awarded to a first year PhD student. Selection of the recipient will be made by the
Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Economics in consultation with the Chair of the
This fellowship has been endowed by Dr. W. Glenn Campbell (BA '44) through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $5,000
Effective: May 1995
International Thesis Research Fellowship (4) (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business
The International Thesis Research Fellowships are intended to encourage and enhance
internationally-oriented research by PhD candidates enrolled at the Ivey Business School. Up to four
fellowships will be awarded annually, in September and April, to defray thesis research expenses. To be
considered, applicants must have passed their thesis proposal defence and the Ethics Review process. Award
winners are selected by a committee composed of the PhD Program Director and the faculty members who
teach research methods (Business 704) and international business (Business 703).
Value: Up to $5,000
The Chunfang Hu Graduate Fellowship (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences Division /Plant Sciences)
This award will be given annually for the best MSc or PhD thesis in the Department of Plant Sciences.
Selection of the recipient will be made by the Department.
Established by the faculty, staff and students of the Department of Plant Science to honor the memory of
Chunfang Hu to reward excellence in graduate level research.
Value: $250
Effective: January 1995
Bruce & Helen Mills Instrument Awards in Music (Faculty of Music & Faculty of Graduate Studies, Arts
Division, Music)
Awarded to students entering or enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program offered by the Faculty of
Music who demonstrate financial need, academic excellence and excellent achievement and potential in
musical performance. To be eligible, undergraduate students must have a minimum B average and graduate
students must have a minimum B+ average. Applications are available in the Dean's Office, Faculty of
Music, and must be completed and returned by October 31. Selection will be made by a Faculty of Music
committee. The Senior Technical Officer may aid the students in purchasing the instruments from dealers at
reduced prices. These awards were made possible by Helen (HBA '40) & Bruce Mills to recognize the
musical instrument needs of Music students.
Approximately $35,000 is available annually. Number and value of awards will vary.
Effective: May 1998