
Announcements and Communications

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT VII - April 17, 1998


Richard Ivey School of Business
K. Hardy, Associate Dean, July 1, 1996 - June 30, 2000
L. Wynant, Associate Dean, July 1, 1997 - June 30, 1999

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
W. Sibbald, Assistant Dean - Academic Networks and Clinical Evaluation, February 1, 1998 - January 31, 1999.

Faculty of Social Science
J.M. Olson, Chair, Department of Psychology, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003

Faculty of Science
M.G. Cottam, Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, July 1, 1998, June 30, 2003
N.P. Huner, Chair, Department of Plant Sciences, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003
J.F. Jardine, Chair, Department of Mathematics, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003
F.J. Longstaffe, Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2004
J. Millar, Chair, Department of Zoology, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003.

Selection Committees

Director, School of Kinesiology:
Provost & Vice-President (Academic): G. Moran
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences: A. Belcastro (Chair)
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies: A. Weedon
Elected by the School of Kinesiology: D. Cunningham, C. Hall, D. Miller, D. Semotiuk
Elected by the Faculty Council: I. Connidis, J. Garland, J. Miller-Polgar, B. Kline

Director, School of Nursing
Provost & Vice-President (Academic): G. Moran
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences: A. Belcastro (Chair)
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies: A. Weedon
Elected by the School of Nursing: S. Carroll, S. Evans, M. Ford-Gilboe, Y. LaForet-Fliesser
Elected by the Faculty Council: P. Allen, W. Avison, K. McKenna, T. Vandervoort

Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admissions Chair and Vice-Chair

J. Thorp and T. Topic were re-elected as Chair and Vice-Chair of SCAPA respectively (terms to April 30, 1999).


On the recommendation of the Senate, the Board of Governors, or a committee of the Board delegated to act on its behalf, has approved or received for information the following items:

S.97-247 Annual Report - Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I
S.97-248 Annual Report - Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II
S.97-249 Annual Report - Senate Committee on Appeals
S.97-250 Report of the Academic Colleague - 237th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities
S.97-253a Appointments Procedures: C. Rules for the Operation of Selection Committees
S.97-253b Appointments Procedures: D. Study Leave
S.97-266 Integrated Engineering Program
S.97-267 BA in Honors Business Administration - BESc Concurrent Degree Proposals
S.97-269 Huron College - Combined Honors Program in International and Comparative Studies
S.97-270 Combined Honors Program in Anthropology and French Linguistics
S.97-271 Faculty of Law - Extended Time LLB Program
S.97-276 Scholarship/Prize/Award Conditions
Irene Dewdney Art Therapy Award
Legacies for Tomorrow Entrance Scholarships
Reinhard Konrad memorial Bursaries
Hugh McKellar Award

S.98-005 Appointments Procedures: Terms of Appointment - Deans
S.98-012 Concurrent BESc/LLB Degree Program
S.98-015 Edwin R. Jarmain Entrance Scholarship
Mervin Wass Bursaries
Catherine Michelle Newton Memorial Bursary
S.98-017 The Institute for Advanced Research
S.98-018 Report of the Academic Colleague - 238th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities
S.98-034 Withdrawal of the Post Diploma (Degree Completion) Program in Physical Therapy
S.98-049 BSc Honors Program in Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization
S.98-050 1997-98 Winners of The Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching
S.98-051 1997-98 Winner of The Marilyn Robinson Awards for Excellence in Teaching
S.98-052 Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders: Proposal to rename "Communicative Disorders" program and courses as "Communication Sciences and Disorders"
S.98-056 Code of Behavior for Use of Computing Resources and Corporate Data