1. Appointments Procedures: Terms of Appointment - Deans
Recommended: That the following sections of Appointments Procedures be amended as shown:
The term for the Dean of Graduate Studies is seven five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave between the first and second term, the term of appointment will be six years.
The term for Deans of other Faculties is seven five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave between the first and second term, the term of appointment will be six years.
At the December meeting of Senate, the recommendations show above were proposed by the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee. Professor R. Hawkins then proposed an amendment to the effect that the term of Deans be non-renewable. The Chair of Operations/Agenda observed that changing the term of appointment for Deans from "renewable" to "non-renewable" would negate the motion as it stands. He asked that the Operations/Agenda Committee be given the opportunity to review the recommendations and the proposed amendment before asking Senate to give either further consideration. Senate concurred with this request and asked that Professor Hawkins provide the Operations/Agenda Committee with a rationale supporting his amendment.
Operations/Agenda met on January 15. Professor Hawkins explained to the Committee that he believes that ten years is too long for one person to serve as Dean of a Faculty, from three perspectives:
Members of the Operations/Agenda Committee agreed with much of what Professor Hawkins stated, but did not agree with the suggestion that the University should be precluded from renewing the term of an effective Dean. At the end of a Dean's term of appointment (currently seven years), Appointments Procedures require that a selection committee -- including members elected by the Faculty concerned and by Senate -- be established. As part of the selection process, an external review of the Faculty is conducted, and the results are integral to the selection committee's considerations in identifying candidate best suited to serve as Dean, whether it be the incumbent or a new candidate. Allowing for the possibility of renewal of a decanal appointment does not ensure that an incumbent will either seek or be granted reappointment. Reappointment of a Dean for a subsequent term requires a favorable recommendation from a selection committee which includes members elected by the Faculty and by Senate, and approval by the Board of Governors.
The existing policy is that a Dean is appointed for seven years and may be reappointed following the required selection committee process. The proposed changes would (a) reduce the standard term from seven to five years; and (b) recognize the possibility that a Dean who is reappointed may take Study Leave between the two terms. Five-year terms are consistent with those for the President, Vice-Presidents, and Chairs of Departments at 深夜福利站. A survey of Canadian universities, conducted since the last Senate meeting, reveals that renewable five-year terms are typical for Deans. See Appendix 1 at the end of this report.
After considering Professor Hawkins' submission and the issues noted above, the Operations/Agenda Committee resubmits its recommendation for amendments to Appointments Procedures as detailed above.
Recommended: That the following Senate meeting dates for 1999 be approved, with all meetings to begin Fridays at 1:00 p.m:
January 22
February 19
March 19
April 16
May 21
June 11
September 17
October 15
November 19
December 10
1. Location of Senate Meetings - May and June 1998
The May 15th and June 19th meetings of Senate will be held in Room 40 of the Richard Ivey School of Business due to renovations scheduled for Convocation Hall.
2. Amendment - Candidates for Degrees, Spring Convocation 1997
On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendment to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 1997, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 19, 1997.
Wednesday, June 11, 1997 FACULTY OF ARTS
Bachelor of Arts - Honors English and Drama
Thursday, June 12, 1997 FACULTY OF SCIENCE
Bachelor of Science
3. Amendment - Candidates for Degrees, Autumn Convocation 1997
On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the amendments to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Autumn Convocation 1997, contain in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 17, 1997.
Friday, October 24, 1997: FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE
Bachelor of Arts
Friday, October 24, 1997FACULTY OF ARTS
Bachelor of Arts
EXHIBIT I, Appendix 1
University of Alberta -- 5 years -- Renewable
Bishop's University -- Elected by the Faculty for 3-year terms (was previously 4 years) -- Deans may stand for election as often as they choose to.
University of British Columbia --Up to 6 years --Renewable for one additional term
Brock University -- 5 years -- Renewable
University of Calgary -- 5 years -- Renewable
Carleton University -- 6 years -- Renewable for a further three years
University of Guelph -- 5 years -- Renewable, but normally an incumbent may hold office for no more than two consecutive
Lakehead University -- 5 years -- Renewable
University of Manitoba -- Normally 5 years, but not to exceed 7 -- The term can be extended for a further term, cumulatively not to exceed ten years after satisfactory completion of a reappointment review. An incumbent may stand for an additional term beyond the ten year limit only by participating in a full search i.e., as an applicant.
McGill University -- 5 years --Renewable, but with few exceptions, only once
McMaster University -- 5 years -- Renewable
Ryerson Polytechnic University -- 5 years -- Renewable
Queen's University -- 5 years -- Renewable
University of Toronto -- 7 years -- Renewable for a term of up to 5 years. (Renewable for a 3rd term only under most exceptional circumstances.)
Trent University -- 5 years -- Renewable
Wilfrid Laurier University -- 5 years -- Renewable
University of Waterloo -- 5 years -- Renewable once, for a three-year term.
University of 深夜福利站 Ontario -- 7 years (5 years proposed) -- Renewable
University of Winnipeg -- 5 years -- Renewable (in practice, but not policy, only once)
York University -- 5 years -- Renewable