The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in Room 224 of University College.
J. Adams, R. Archibald, K. Barrowcliffe, D. Bevan, I. Black, D. Braun, W.A. Bridger, C. Briens, P. Cain, C. Callaghan, M. Cheesman, R.P. Coulter, M. Cousineau, R. Darnell, P. Davenport, P. Deane, J. Deans, D. Fairbairn, M. Floryan, B. Garcia, W. Gibson, J.M. Good, R. Green, R. Harris, R. Hawkins, K. Howlett, N. Huner, C. Iwasiw, D. Jorgensen, C.-Y. Kang, A. Katz, W. Kennedy, G. Killan, G. Leckie, T.C.Y. Lo, C. McCreery, D. McLachlin, J. McKay, M. McNay, K. McQuillan, P.P. Mercer, J. Moorhead, G. Moran, A. Pearson, K. Porter, A. Prabhakar, S. Provost, D. Rosner, C. Seligman, D. Semotiuk, K. Shapiro, E. Singer, B. Singh, B. Slade, J. Snyder, D. Spencer, J.L. Stokes, S. Tan, C. Thomson, J. Thorp, R. Toft, S. Usprich, J.K. Van Fleet, R. Walker, A. Weedon, C. Weldon, E. Wood, M. Zamir
Observers: D. Jameson, T. Kennedy, R. Parks,
By Invitation: S. Singh, P. Watts
Dr. Mercer acknowledged that he had not reviewed the Ontario Professional Engineers Act, but that he would do so. His statement to Senate on February 20 was not a formal opinion based on a review of legislation: it was based on his familiarity with the issue because of the lawsuit at Memorial University over the use of the term "software engineering". The Professional Engineers Association is suing Memorial University for trademark infringement because CCPE hold the trademark on the terms "engineer" and "engineering".
Professor Floryan stated that the Memorial case does not involve the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. He quoted from an article by Connie Mucklestone called "Roundtable looks at issue of licensing software engineers" [Engineering Dimensions, January/February 1998]:
"..PEO deputy registrar Larry Gill, P.Eng., said that under the Ontario Professional Engineers Act, it is illegal to use a title that may lead to the belief that an individual is a professional engineer, if the individual is not. As far as PEO is concerned, he said, use of the term "software engineer" by anyone who isn't a professional engineer is a breach of section 40(2) of the Act which is punishable by maximum fines of $10,000 for a first conviction and $25,000 for any subsequent convictions..."
Professor Floryan contended that Senate was misinformed about the relevant legislation surrounding this issue and suggested that the use of the term "software engineering" should be revisited.
Dr. Moran made the following observations about the data:
At the Associate Professor level, there is not a significant difference between the percentage of males and females who have been promoted or their time to rank.
While five males of this group were promoted to Professor, no female faculty members were.
The faculty turnover rate is fairly high.
Dr. Moran stated that idiosyncratic variations might explain the differences, such as the tendency for individuals to be promoted to full Professor more quickly in some disciplines than in others, and significant differences in experience level among those appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor with probationary status.
Professor Cheesman thanked the Provost for providing the information. She stated that it confirmed her belief that idiosyncrasies exist in the rate and time to tenure and promotion of males and females and that the retention rate is low in the case of both male and female faculty. To address the high turnover rate among faculty, she suggested the initiation of a mentoring procedure to help new faculty members early in their career.
Dr. Moran stated that he will provide data on rate and time to tenure/promotion to Senate on an annual basis.
"The cost of hiring an Equity Officer is approximately equal to 100 journal cancellations at the library [based (generically) on $50,000 salary and benefits, and $500 per journal]. Is the workload at the Office of Equity Services so heavy that we need to undertake this expense in addition to the existing arrangements?"
"North American universities have witnessed a string of false, malicious and/or unwarranted accusations of racial and sexual harassment, in most cases encouraged by the Equity Officer. It is often believed that the absence of real cases entices Equity Officers to launch these accusations in order to justify their job. How is the workload of the Equity Officer going to be monitored? What measures is the UWO administration prepared to undertake in order to protect the UWO community from false accusations?"
Dr. Mercer stated the cost of hiring an Equity Officer is not an additional expense: the person hired recently replaces an Equity Officer who left the University. Compared with other Canadian universities, the resources that are devoted to Equity Services at 深夜福利站 are not disproportionately high. The workload of the Equity Officer is monitored by the Director of Equity Services. 深夜福利站's Equity Office is involved in a broad range of responsive activities including inquiries from the community about 深夜福利站's policies and general questions about human rights laws. Dr. Mercer declined to comment on the suggestion that there is a history of Equity Officers making unwarranted accusations.
Ms. Barrowcliffe stated that it is important to have student involvement on the Millennium Fund Board and asked if 深夜福利站 will have any input into the composition of the Board. Dr. Davenport advised that he has not been involved in any discussions about the composition of the Board of the Millennium Fund but agreed to take her concern under advisement. The National Round Table on Student Assistance, which was the vehicle that enabled the progress made relative to the federal budget, included student representatives. Logically it would follow that a student would be a member of the Board. He recalled, however, that the composition of the Board for the Canadian Foundation for Innovation was simply announced without consultation.
Dr. Davenport stated that from March 9 - March 11 he chaired the Annual Meeting of AUCC in Ottawa. The guest speaker was Prime Minister Jean Chrétien who delivered an address outlining the importance his government attaches to higher education in shaping Canada's future. Dr. Davenport led a group of five university presidents who met with Finance Minister Paul Martin to discuss future federal engagement in student aid and university research and the role of universities in the knowledge-based economy. Both the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister were urged to pay special attention to the granting council budgets after the first year to bring them to a more competitive level with the United States and Europe. In particular the Prime Minister and Finance Minister were advised that the increase to the SSHRC budget was inadequate.
Dr. Davenport advised that COU continues to lobby the provincial government for announcement of their designation of "professional" programs for which tuition fees can be set by individual university Boards of Governors. The news is vital in University budget preparation because it is a determinant of institutional revenues. If a government decision is not available by the first day or two in April, it may be necessary to delay Senate and Board consideration of the University Budget until May.
The Secretary of Senate explained that the Operations/Agenda Committee, at its meeting of March 12, 1998, considered and accepted Dr. Moran's request to include in the Exhibit a report prepared by himself and Dr. Mercer. Dr. Moran confirmed that he reviewed the document orally at the OAC meeting and that the Committee agreed to his request that the report be circulated with the Exhibit.
One Senator suggested that the report should not have been attached to the document containing the Notice of Motion.
Responding to Professor Katz's question about delaying the implementation of the program, Dr. Davenport stated that a delay would not occur unless Senate voted to do so. Once Senate receives the report from Dr. Mercer following his review of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act, it can reassess the situation if deemed necessary.
Professor Jorgensen stated that because this issue was discussed by Senate and SCAPA at length the matter is closed.
Professor Floryan voiced concern about potential legal action, costs to the University and related budget implications.
[Dr. Davenport left the chair to participate in the discussion. Dean Pearson, Vice-Chair of Senate, assumed the chair.]
Dr. Davenport stated that the University should not bend to threats of legal action, but should decide what makes sense for itself as an academic institution. The law should be obeyed, and Dr. Mercer has agreed to review the relevant legislation and report back to Senate. Canadian universities are united in supporting Memorial University in the lawsuit involving the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and the CCPE's claim of trademark infringement because Memorial offers a program in "software engineering". AUCC believes that Memorial University is fighting the right cause and will pay a portion of the legal costs. Dr. Davenport advised that if Senate desires to reverse the decision it took at the last meeting concerning the naming of the program a specific recommendation is required.
Dean Kang stated that the naming issue was carefully reviewed and debated at length by SCAPA and by Senate. The use of the term "software engineering" is an internationally accepted term which refers to software design. He contended that until the federal court's decision is made, 深夜福利站 should proceed as directed by Senate.
Professor Floryan reiterated that 深夜福利站 could be in violation of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act and trademark infringement and he quoted the penalties that are imposed under the Act. Dr. Mercer suggested that he and Professor Floryan should discuss this issue, review the legislation and bring a response to Senate in due course.
[Dr. Davenport resumed the Chair]
Dr. Davenport cautioned that although these issues are important, Senate is not the proper forum for their discussion.
M. Cheesman,
That R. Lipson, elected representative for the Faculty of Graduate Studies: Medicine & Dentistry, Science and Health Sciences constituency, be granted a leave of absence (term from March 1 to August 31, 1998), and that Professor J. Moorhead be elected to serve as his alternate.
That the composition of SUCA be amended to include the Planning Analyst, Institutional Planning and Budgeting, as a resource person (non-voting).
Professor Seligman asked if the Operations/Agenda Committee considered the merits, positive or negative, of adopting a policy of universal salary disclosure. Dean Pearson stated that the Committee did not consider the merits, but focused on how adopting such a policy could be pursued.
That the effective date for introduction of the BSc in Honors Kinesiology with a specific area of concentration in the Faculty of Science be changed from September 1, 1998, to September 1, 1997.
That, effective September 1, 1998, all Home Economics courses offered by Brescia College be renamed Human Ecology, as shown in Exhibit III, Appendix 1.
That, effective September 1, 1998, the Richard Ivey School of Business, in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, establish a concurrent HBA/LLB program, administered jointly by the two HBA/LLB Program Directors.
Structure of the Program
The program is administered on behalf of the Richard Ivey School of Business and the Faculty of
Law by the two HBA/LLB Program Directors, one of whom is appointed by the Richard Ivey School of
Business and the other by the Faculty of Law.
Students enrolled in the first year of this concurrent program are registered in the Ivey Business
School. Similarly, students in the first year of LLB are enrolled in the Law School. In Year Five, they are
considered for financial purposes to be enrolled one-half year in the Ivey School and one-half year in the Law
School. In Year Six, they are enrolled in the Law School.
Below is a brief outline of the program by year. The specifics may change as courses change in each
faculty. For purposes of description, it is assumed that students do not take more than two years of course
work prior to beginning HBA1; however, it is possible to undertake this program with more than 10 credits
prior to HBA1.
Years One and Two:
All students must complete at least two years of full-time university courses obtaining 10 full credits.
Students may take a wide variety of courses in any faculty and are discouraged from taking a business or
commerce program. However, they must take Business 257.
Year Three:
All students must take the HBA1 year in Year Three.
Year Four:
All students must take first year Law in Year Four.
Years Five and Six:
Students will take an approved mix of required and elective courses from both faculties in these
years. The student must take courses in the Faculty of Law totalling at least 45 credit hours. These courses
must include: the compulsory core curriculum courses; a course relating to the philosophy of law or law in the
international setting; as well as a course requiring a written essay worth at least two credit hours. This last
course may be one integrated piece of work that satisfies the essay requirement and includes a significant
business component.
Students' choices of elective courses are subject to the approval of the Program Directors, who must
review proposed elective course selections to ensure that the objectives of the program are met. The elective
courses may not include introductory courses of a dual law and business nature, such as Law and Accounting
or Business Law.
Exchange Programs:
Students enrolled in the concurrent program may be eligible for exchange programs through either
faculty in Year Six. The student must satisfy both Program Directors that his or her course load is
appropriately balanced before permission will be given to participate in an exchange program.
Progression Standards:
Students in this concurrent program must meet the progression standards of each faculty and stand in
the top half of their class, where class refers to year and the school in which they are enrolled.
Failure to Meet Progression Standards:
A student who fails to meet the progression standards in any year must withdraw from the concurrent
program. That student may, with permission from the appropriate Program Director, continue in one program
and request the Faculty or School whose program was not selected for permission to complete that program at
a later date.
Dean's Honor List:
Students in the program are considered for the Dean's Honor List depending on the faculty in which
they are enrolled in any particular year.
Eligibility is determined by the Faculty of Law and the Ivey Business School.
Graduation with Distinction:
Eligibility to graduate with distinction for each degree is determined by each Faculty.
The normal fees for the HBA and LLB programs apply to the HBA/LLB program. In the years in
which a student is registered in the Faculty of Law, LLB fees are assessed; HBA fees are assessed when a
student is registered in the Ivey Business School.
That, effective September 1, 1998, the format of the Bachelor of Laws program be revised by the introduction of January courses and February/March/April courses;
That the suffixes "c" and "d" respectively be used to designate January and February/March/April (FMA) courses in the Faculty of Law;
That all courses with a "c" suffix carry four credit weights; and,
That the add/drop period for the January courses be the first two days of the January Term, and the add/drop period for the February/March/April (FMA) courses be the first five days of the February/March/April (FMA) Term.
All courses in the first year are obligatory. They include Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Introduction to Legal Theory, Property, and Torts. During the month of January regular classroom instruction will be deferred. Students enrolled in first year will work exclusively in small groups developing research, writing, and advocacy skills.
Students in their second and third years must take fourteen to sixteen course credit hours in each term, with a minimum of twenty-nine hours and a maximum of thirty- one hours in the two terms combined; students may take more than thirty-one credit hours only with the permission of the Associate Dean (Academic).
The following courses must be taken in second year:
Administrative Law 401a/b
Company Law 403a/b
Evidence 414a/b
Income Taxation 438 a/b
The following courses must be taken in third year:
Civil Procedure 446a/b
Trusts 476a/b
The regular winter term in the Faculty of law is divided into two terms. The January Term runs for the four weeks after classes begin in January. Students enrolled in first year will work exclusively in small groups developing research, writing, and advocacy skills during the January Term. Students in second year will be enrolled in only one January course in which they will receive daily classroom instruction. Students in third year will select one from a range of optional January courses. These options are ordinarily restricted to no more than twenty-five students, and offer a major writing or other active learning component. Students will fulfill their remaining course requirements for the year during the February/March/April Term.
In second or third year a student must take at least one course that requires....
That, effective April 1, 1998, the admission requirements for the Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT) 3 Year Area of Concentration and Combined Honors programs be revised as shown below.
Entrance to second year of the 3 year Area of Concentration (AOC) in MIT:
Entrance to the AOC is limited. All students with an average of 65 percent in their first five university courses are eligible to apply. Students will be evaluated for admission based upon their academic standing.
Entrance to the second year of the Combined Honors Program in MIT:
Entrance to the Combined Honors program is limited. Students must be accepted by both participating programs. A minimum requirement for admission to the second year of the MIT Combined Honors program is an overall average of 75 percent with no grade lower than 65 percent and a minimum of 70 percent in the required 020-level MIT half-courses. Students will be evaluated for admission based upon their academic standing.
That, effective September 1, 1998, students in the Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT) 3-year Area of Concentration and Combined Honors programs be required to take 3 half-courses at the MIT 020-level and that students be allowed to take up to two full-course equivalents at the 020-level in MIT.
Students in the MIT program are required to take three MIT 020-level half-courses, including MIT 025a/b, 026a/b and 027a/b. Students typically would take two of these in their first year, and one in their second year. MIT 024a/b is also available to interested students, but is not required.
That Senate approve the instructions, detailed in Exhibit III, Appendix 2 (pp. 1-7), for making changes to academic policy, programs and courses, including the introduction of deadlines and the formats for submission.
Professor Thorp advised that the form "Submissions to DAP" detailed in Exhibit III, Appendix 2, pages 5-6, will be amended as a result of the review of the Affiliated Colleges Agreement.
Faculty of Science Students' Council Awards (4) (Faculty of Science)
Edward Kernaghan HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Joan and Geno Francolini HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Thomas Brent HBA Awards (2) (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Bruce Birmingham HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Dez Windischmann Memorial Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Law)
First Nations Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Law)
Mary Warner Prize in Human Rights (Faculty of Law)
Michael Allen Harte Award (Faculty of Law)
David S. Simmonds HBA Awards (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Parents' Fund Ontario Student Bursaries (11) (Any Faculty)
L. Maxwell Forsythe Scholarship in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine)
Jean Winnifred Forrest Scholarships (2) (Faculty of Health Science, Nursing)
Nabisco Scholarship (Any Faculty)
County of Grey Scholarship (Any Faculty)
That the responsibility for the activities of the Division of Continuing Studies and for University-wide instructional technology support be removed from the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning.
That academic responsibility for the development, offering, and ongoing monitoring of all diploma and certificate programs currently managed by the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning be transferred at the earliest opportunity to the relevant Faculty or Faculties. These programs should be developed and reviewed by Faculty EPCs. Non-credit courses should be coordinated through and offered by Continuing Studies. Enrolment in Certificate and Diploma program courses will be included in Faculty statistics for planning purposes and Enrolment Contingent Funding. Where no Faculty wishes to assume responsibility for a program, it will be discontinued.
Removal of Continuing Studies and University-wide instructional technology support from the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning will result in the following:
a) The 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies will be established as a cost-recovery unit reporting to the Vice-Provost with responsibilities for non-degree-credit courses, the Trois-Pistoles French Immersion Program, and, in cooperation with academic Faculties, certificate and diploma programs (where such programs are not offered solely by the Faculty)
b) The Instructional Technology Resource Centre (ITRC) will be established within Information and Technology Services (ITS) as a University-wide support service with responsibilities for:
c) A single position of Coordinator of Summer and Distance Studies will be established, reporting to the Vice-Provost, with the following responsibilities:
d) Use of the term "Mediated Learning" will be ended and replaced with "Distance Studies" and the responsibilities for Distance Studies will be allocated as follows:
The question was called and CARRIED.
Given the elimination of the responsibility for the activities of the Division of Continuing Studies and for University-wide instructional technology support, that the name of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning be changed to the Faculty of Information and Media Studies, effective immediately, as recommended by the Council of the Faculty.
That Senate endorse the following Operating Principles for Continuing Studies:
Operating Principles for Continuing Studies
That Senate approve the following First-Entry Undergraduate Programs Admission Policy and Practices:
Accomplishment in athletics or leadership.
Attendance at an outstanding high school, or school in another province or country, where student records at 深夜福利站 indicate graduates have unusually high levels of preparation for university level study.
Questions, responses and concerns raised during the discussion:
The question was called and CARRIED.
Dr. Donald Rix - D.Sc. - Tuesday, June 9, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (DDS)
Richard Ivey School of Business
Dr. Alison Prentice - LL.D. - Wednesday, June 10, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Communications and Open Learning
Mr. Shayne Ainsworth - LL.D. - Wednesday, June 10, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.
Brescia College
Huron College
King's College
Ms. Janet Amos - D.Litt. - Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Social Science (Honors and ACS)
Dr. John Colter - D.Sc. - Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.
Faculty of Science
Dr. David C. Smith - LL.D. - Friday, June 12, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.
Faculty of Social Science (3-year programs)
Mr. Bill Etherington - LL.D. - Friday, June 12, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Music
It was moved by K. Shapiro, seconded by C. McCreery,
That the Senate direct the Senate Committee on University Planning to bring forward an operating budget for 1998-99 that is based on a maximum 5% average increase in tuition.
Mr. Shapiro spoke in support of the motion. The post-secondary educational system in Ontario is drastically underfunded, and consequently, universities have made severe budget cuts which affect the quality of education and research . In difficult financial times all funding sources are examined, including revenue generated from tuition fees. Students cannot afford any more substantial increases in tuition. In the past five years the proportion of the University revenues from student tuition has risen from less than 20% to more than 30%. With the government's recent freeing of the restrictions on fee limits, the potential exists for UWO to regain much of what was lost from the grant cuts. However, this approach is seriously misguided because it incorrectly assumes that good students have the money to meet the increase. The government's student grant system ended this year and the Ontario Student Loan maximum was frozen for the indefinite future. While the government has promised to revise the student loan system in a way that is more responsive to student needs, that has not materialized. There is a growing number of students who will not be able to afford the tuition increases. Quality students may not be able to attend university.
Mr. Shapiro stated that a 5% average increase in tuition rate across the board, as proposed by the motion, would allow for the CPI at 1.6% for the entire University budget. This is a compromise solution that provides a $3.9 million dollar increase over last year's budget.
Several student Senators expressed dismay about the tone of the document prepared by Dr. Moran and Dr. Mercer, particularly the statement that "an average tuition increase of 5% is seriously misguided -- flawed in process and wrong in policy". They charged that the manner in which concerns about an average tuition increase of 5% were presented was non-constructive and insulting to some members of the Student Caucus on Governance who are asking that a legitimate examination of other budget options be examined.
Dr. Moran acknowledged and regretted the students' interpretation of the written response to the proposal. He explained that he and Dr. Mercer regarded the proposal developed by the Student Caucus on Governance as well-reasoned, and as a result they took great care to articulate why it is an inappropriate proposal and one that is not in the best interests of the University as a whole or in the best interests of students. The response was not intended to be divisive. It attempts to illustrate the impact that a shortfall in revenue would have should tuition be restricted to 5% on average. The revenue shortfall of about $5 million could be accommodated only by reductions in expenditure and employment. Over the last few years the student aid portion of 深夜福利站's budget has grown and 深夜福利站 remains committed to increasing student aid in the future. However, the federal and provincial governments must commit to helping students finance their studies and pay back their debts.
Dr. Mercer echoed the Provost's apology, clarifying that neither he nor the Provost intended to offend the proposers of the motion or the Student Caucus that supports it. However, he acknowledged that he would not have changed the tone of the document no matter who proposed the motion. Dr. Mercer stated his belief that both groups desire the same end as can be seen in the following statement
"Taken together, the most pressing requirement of the 1998-99 budget planning cycle at 深夜福利站 is for a substantial increase in revenue, so we can avoid further reductions in employment at the University, reductions which inevitably reduce the quality of the educational experience which we can offer our students."
Mr. Parks gave a presentation in support of the motion which included the following points:
Other Senators supporting the recommendation provided the following comments:
Those speaking against the recommendation provided the following arguments:
Professor Zamir stated that since the students are dissatisfied with the assumptions made concerning tuition rates and with the presentation of their motion along with a rebuttal prepared by Drs. Moran and Mercer, voting on the motion would be divisive.
S.98-089a It was moved by M. Zamir, seconded by R. Hawkins,
That the motion be postponed to the next meeting.
Dr. Davenport voiced concern about the impact of the motion given the time frame regarding the presentation and approval of the budget. He stated his hope that the entire budget will be presented to Senate for approval at the April meeting. It is problematic if postponing the motion means that a budget would not be presented to the Board for approval at the April meeting.
Professor Hawkins explained that if the motion is postponed to the next meeting of Senate, it would be brought forward together with other motions dealing with the budget.
Mr. McLachlin stated that postponing the debate of the motion to the next meeting essentially defeats it, given that the budget must be drafted by the April meeting of Senate.
The motion to postpone consideration of the main motion was called and was DEFEATED.
Discussion of the main motion continued.
Addressing concerns about the issue of consultation, Dr. Moran said that since the government's Financial Statement in December 1997, the University's senior administration has been engaged in consultation regarding fees with all sectors of the University community. The meeting with Mr. Parks was a positive one which focused on the issues of student aid and accessibility.
Dr. Killan spoke against the recommendation. Over the last six years budget cuts have lead to a reduction in staff and faculty and a deterioration in the maintenance of the University's physical plant. However, class sizes continue to grow. 深夜福利站 must increase tuition levels in order to maintain the quality of education offered at 深夜福利站 and not pass on to the next generation of students further deterioration of the educational system.
Professor Wood asked for clarification of the main motion because comments made during the discussion gives the impression that the administration is being requested to prepare a number of alternative budgets, thereby allowing Senate a choice. His interpretation of the motion is that the administration is asked to prepare a single budget based on a 5% average tuition increase.
The Chair stated that the motion directs the Senate Committee on University Planning to bring forward an operating budget for 1998-99 based on a maximum 5% average increase in tuition. Since it is the practice of SCUP to present a single budget, he interpreted the motion to mean that a single budget would be presented for consideration.
Student Senators clarified their intention that SCUP be directed to prepare one possible budget scenario based on a 5% average tuition increase, but that would not preclude SCUP from bringing forward another model.
S.98-089b After some discussion, Mr. Shapiro, mover of the main motion, accepted the suggestion that the main motion be amended to read:
That the Senate direct the Senate Committee on University Planning to bring forward an operating budget for 1998-99 based on a maximum 5% average increase in tuition rates as one possible alternative.
The amendment was accepted by general consent, with no objections.
S.98-089c It was moved by K. Barrowcliffe, seconded by R. Walker,
That a role call vote on the main motion be conducted.
The question was called and was DEFEATED
The main motion, as amended, was called and was DEFEATED [25 in favor; 26 against; confirmed by recount.]
The report of the Academic Colleague on the 239th meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities, detailed in Exhibit VII, was received for information. Topics discussed at the meeting included the President's Report, Report of the Task Force on Labour Market Issues, OUAC Rules of Engagement, Report of the Committee on Relationships between Universities and Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, the AUCC Report and the Report of the Presidential Search Committee.
Ms. Howlett gave notice of the following motions concerning ex officio student positions on selected senate committees and subcommittees to be debated at the next Senate meeting:
Ms. Howlett explained that the rationale for proposing that one student position on selected Senate committees and subcommittees be designated as ex officio seats for members of the University Students' Council is to ensure that the most knowledgeable students in these areas sit on these committees at all times.
Signed by:
P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary