Copies of Exhibits and Appendices are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
The meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in Room 224 of University College.
J. Adams, R. Archibald, D. Banting, P. Barker, D. Bell, A. Belcastro, I. Black, D. Braun, W.A. Bridger, C. Briens, P. Cain, M. Cheesman, M. Cole, R.P. Coulter, M. Cousineau, R. Darnell, P. Davenport, P. Deane, J. Deans, C. Down, D. Fairbairn, A. Garcia, T. Garrard, W. Gibson, E.E. Gillese, R. Green, L. Griffin, R. Hawkins, T. Hessel, K. Howlett, N. Huner, C. Iwasiw, D. Jorgensen, C.-Y. Kang, A. Katz, G. Killan, D. Kuntz, R. Lipson, T.C.Y. Lo, J. MacKinnon, M. Mathur, C. McCreery, D. McLachlin, J. McKay, R.Y. McMurtry, K. McQuillan, P.P. Mercer, I. Moore, G. Moran, D. Muñoz, P. Neary, J. Orange, A. Pearson, K. Porter, A. Prabhakar, S. Provost, M. Randall, D. Rosner, A. Sancton, C. Seligman, D. Semotiuk, K. Shapiro, R. Shroyer, E. Singer, B. Singh, B. Slade, J. Snyder, D. Spencer, J.L. Stokes, S. Tan, C. Thomson, J. Thorp, R. Toft, K. Tribe, J.K. Van Fleet, R. Walker, A. Weedon, L. Whittaker, A. Wylie, R. Young, M. Zamir.
Observers: D. Jameson, T. Kennedy, R. Parks, R. Tiffin
By Invitation: S. Singh
The minutes of the meeting of December 5, 1997, were approved with the inclusion of the following amendments:
- add D. Bell and D.P. Cain to the attendance list
- S.97-268 concerning the proposal to establish a BSc Honors Program in Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization, add a paragraph following the short paragraph that reads "Professor Cass advised that SCAPA ... did not discuss the point raised by Dean Mathur."
[See also Appendix 1 Paper copies of the Appendix are available from the University Secretariat]
Dr. Davenport reported on the discussions with both the federal and provincial governments on the following topics: provincial grants, student aid, support for research, and tuition fees. He highlighted his presentation with the use of overheads, copies of which can be found in Appendix 1.
With respect to proposals to raise tuition fees, Mr. Slade asked whether student groups have yet been consulted. Dr. Moran advised that an invitation was issued to the student groups and the deans to make submissions on tuition fees. A meeting with the student groups has been scheduled for early February.
Professor Jorgensen asked if it is true that funding for student assistance is now to be included in grants to universities and, if so, whether an increase in tuition fees could result in a diminution of the grants to universities. Dr. Davenport confirmed that the government utilizes a single funding envelope for university grants and contributions to student aid. The possibility exists that the grant could be reduced as a result of fees rising by 10% on average. The situation is complicated because the government will do their accounting on the basis of accrual accounting, not on the basis of funds spent each year. The envelope will be assessed in the aggregate for the entire university system.
Mr. Singer recalled that the statement of the Minister of Finance to the Legislature included the opportunity for university boards may to impose an additional tuition increase of up to 5% in each of the next two years for use towards further "educational improvements". He asked if 深夜福利站 is considering such an increase and, if so, to which specific educational improvements would the funds be applied. Dr. Davenport replied that 深夜福利站 will consider all its options with regard to tuition fees, but that no decisions have been reached yet. The purpose of the Provost's consultation with deans and student groups is to discuss the options that are available. The 1998-99 budget model will contain statements about how any additional fee revenue will be used to improve the quality of education and to meet enrolment demands.
Professor Katz referred to a recent article in 深夜福利站 News by Dr. Moran and Dr. Mercer regarding faculty salaries and how 深夜福利站 has kept up to salary levels at other Ontario universities. He noted that faculty salaries at the University of Toronto seem to be very high relative to other universities. He asked whether University of Toronto salaries are attributable in part to the age profiles and whether age profile information is available and how it relates to 深夜福利站's standing. Dr. Moran stated that age profiles are an important determinant of the statistics. The University of Toronto, he speculated, may have suffered less than most other universities in Ontario in the last four or five year period in terms of early retirement programs, layoffs and hiring freezes. Consequently, there are more senior professors at the University of Toronto, and this is a large factor in the difference between their salary levels at the full professor ranks and those at most other Ontario universities. It is very difficult to interpret average salaries without factoring in the details of age profiles. To attract top scholars, it is essential that 深夜福利站 be able to offer market level salaries which are substantially higher in some disciplines. This fact makes it difficult to compare individual salaries against the averages for a discipline. Until there is a policy, institutionally or provincially, that allows for the release of salaries, 深夜福利站 relies on the deans and Chairs to respond to individuals who approach them seeking reassurance that their salary, given the discipline they are in and all the other factors that should be considered, is consistent with others in the Faculty.
Professor Seligman asked if it would be possible to have a discussion at Senate about adopting an open salary disclosure policy at 深夜福利站. Dr. Moran stated that the government's legislation of disclosing salaries over $100,000 has not been detrimental, but the suggestion of having broader salary disclosure at 深夜福利站 involves legal and personal information issues. 深夜福利站 might not have the freedom to decide unilaterally to adopt an open salary policy. Dr. Mercer said that in most jurisdictions salaries are published as a requirement of either the state or provincial legislative body. Aside from legislation, for reasons concerning privacy under Access to Information laws, salaries are protected at institutions like universities. Dr. Mercer agreed to investigate whether there are any impediments to initiating a salary disclosure policy at 深夜福利站. He will report his findings at the next Senate meeting.
Professor Toft asked if it would be possible to release the data provided by Statistics Canada on the breakdown of salaries, discipline by discipline, within Ontario. Dr. Moran took the request under advisement.
Professor Cheesman recalled that when the Faculty Appointments by Gender Report was presented at the September Senate meeting she asked if information was available comparing the genders relative to rate of promotion/tenure and time to promotion. Dr. Moran stated that since that Senate meeting it was determined that the data prepared during the Strategic Planning process was not adequate, and consequently another statistical analysis began several weeks ago. He agreed to provide this information at the next Senate meeting.
On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by
M. Cheesman,
That the following sections of Appointments Procedures be amended as shown:
The term for the Dean of Graduate Studies is five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an
appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave between the first and second term, the
term of appointment will be six years.
The term for Deans of other Faculties is five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an
appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave between the first and second term, the
term of appointment will be six years.
Dean Pearson reminded Senators that the recommendation to reduce deans' terms from "seven years, renewable" to "five years, renewable" was presented at the December meeting of Senate. At that meeting, Professor R. Hawkins proposed an amendment to the effect that the term of deans be non-renewable. Senate concurred with the request that the Operations/Agenda Committee be given the opportunity to review the recommendation and the proposed amendment before asking Senate to give either proposal further consideration. The Operations/Agenda Committee met on January 15, at which time Professor Hawkins elaborated on his belief that ten years is too long for one person to serve as dean of a Faculty -- from the perspective of the person serving as dean, from the perspective of the Faculty, and from the perspective of the University.
Dean Pearson explained that the Operations/Agenda Committee agreed with much of what Professor Hawkins stated, but did not agree with the suggestion that the University should be precluded from renewing the term of an effective dean. As a result, the Operations/Agenda Committee resubmits the original proposal, for the following reasons:
S.98-005a It was moved by Professor Hawkins, seconded by R. Toft,
That the recommendation concerning the sections of Appointments Procedures-- K. Dean of Graduate Studies and L Deans of other Faculties -- be amended by inserting after the word "renewable" "once, for a three-year term." [i.e., The term ... is five years, renewable once, for a three-year term."]
In support of the amendment, Professor Hawkins stated that ten years is a very long time for one person, no matter how adept, and no matter in what circumstances, to serve continuously as a dean. He asserted that a career deanship is not compatible with healthy collegial development within a Faculty. Collegiality means involvement and engagement of as many people and positions as possible. Unless Faculty leadership changes from time to time on a regular basis, the interchange that occurs with new leadership does not happen. In that situation, the teaching, learning, and growing process is lost. If a dean appears to be entrenched indefinitely there is a risk that individuals within the Faculty will "check out" of the governance obligation. A good dean will be concerned about succession and rejuvenation, and will put into place structures within the Faculty that guarantee potential successors can do the job and then will let them have a turn at doing that job. It is not enough to say that there is a renewal process and the renewal process will look after the situation. A renewal process, regardless of the formal rules, works differently when there is an incumbent. During a selection process, when there is an incumbent, inevitably the question becomes, did "X" do a good job, rather than who will do the job best. Also, if there is an incumbent others will be reluctant to let their names stand for a decanal appointment. Professor Hawkins emphasized that his amendment is about reinforcing collegiality and reinforcing institutional renewal.
Those opposing the amendment provided the following arguments:
Professor Toft spoke in support of the amendment. Deans may not be appointed for life but stipends are paid for numerous years and for perhaps during the terms of two or three successive deans. He asked, as well, that the issue of academic rank of deans be addressed. In particular, any member of Faculty elected to the Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee must be a full professor, and yet the dean, who chairs that committee, does not always hold that rank.
In support of the main motion, Dr. Moran stated that decanal searches are open; this is the default situation. Past practice has been that even though the term was specified as seven years there have been exceptional cases where a term of less than seven years has been agreed to. The practice has been that there is the option to negotiate a term other than seven years.
Dean Mathur pointed out that for every year of academic administrative duties, an administrator receives two months of study leave entitlement. In the case of a five-year appointment, only ten months of leave would be earned. He suggested that the regulations be amended to ensure a one-year study leave to those who serve five-year terms.
The question was called and CARRIED.
It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by D. Semotiuk,
That the following Senate meeting dates for 1999 be approved, with all meetings to be held on Friday, beginning at 1:00 p.m:
January 22
February 19
March 19
April 16
May 21
June 11
September 17
October 15
November 19
December 10
The May 15th and June 19th meetings of Senate will be held in Room 40 of the Richard Ivey School of Business due to renovations scheduled for Room 224 University College (Convocation Hall).
On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Spring Convocation 1997, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of June 19, 1997.
Wednesday, June 11, 1997FACULTY OF ARTS
Bachelor of Arts
Honors English and Drama
Thursday, June 12, 1997FACULTY OF SCIENCE
Bachelor of Science
On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the list of Candidates for Degrees for Autumn Convocation 1997, contained in Appendix 1 to the Senate minutes of October 17, 1997.
Friday, October 24, 1997:FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE
Bachelor of Arts
Friday, October 24, 1997FACULTY OF ARTS
Bachelor of Arts
M. Atkinson was elected Chair of SRBA (term to November 1998), replacing M. Owen who has resigned. P. Barton and S. Galsworthy were elected to membership on SRBA (terms to November 30, 1999).
J. Good was elected to membership on the Senate Committee on Housing Policy to complete the term of C. Farber who has resigned (term to April 30, 1998).
On behalf of the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admissions, it was moved by J. Thorp, seconded by R.M. Mathur,
1) That effective September 1, 1998, a limited enrolment concurrent degree program be introduced by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Engineering Science, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, leading to the LLB and the BESc degrees after six years of academic studies, and,
That Chemical Engineering and Law be listed as a fourth option (Option D) for the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering.
2) That effective September 1, 1998, a limited enrolment concurrent degree program be introduced by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Engineering Science, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, leading to the LLB and the BESc degrees after six years of academic studies, and,
That Civil Engineering and Law be listed as a fourth option (Option D) for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
It was moved by J. Thorp, seconded by E. Singer,
That, effective September 1, 1998, students in their first year be allowed to register for up to two full International and Comparative Studies (ICS) courses offered by Huron College.
First year general program courses are grouped into four divisions....
At least one course from each of two of the faculties of Arts, Science and Social Science must be included. One of the five required courses (numbered 001-099) may be taken as two half-courses for a total of six different subjects. Except as noted below, not more than one full-course equivalent in a particular subject may be taken in first year. Exceptions are: the first year of any of the honors or combined honors Visual Arts programs which require two Visual Arts courses in first year; Applied Mathematics and Mathematics courses AND INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES COURSES where up to two full-course equivalents may be taken in first year. For complete regulations see the Graduation Requirements page.
Note: (no change)
It was moved by J. Thorp, seconded by R.Y. McMurtry,
That the Deadlines for Requests for Relief be revised for students in the MD program of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
Deadlines for Requests for Relief (S.96-155, S.97-273)
Marks: A request for relief against a final grade in a course must be initiated with the instructor as soon as possible after a mark is issued. In the event that the instructor is not available to the student, or fails to act, or if the matter is not resolved satisfactorily with the instructor, a written request for relief must be submitted to the Chair of the department by the following dates:
January Marks: January 31st
April/May Marks: June 30th
Intersession: July 31st
May/June Dentistry Marks: July 31st
Summer Evening: August 31st
Summer Day: September 15th
Spring\Summer Mediated Learning Courses: October 15th
A request for relief against a decision of the Chair must be made to the Dean in writing not later than three weeks after the Chair's decision is issued. All relevant information and documentation must be provided to the Dean with the request for relief.
Program eligibility and progression: A request for relief against a decision concerning program eligibility must be made to the Chair of the department in writing by June 30th. A request against a decision of the Chair must be made to the Dean in writing within three weeks of the Chair's decision being issued. Students requesting a Grade Point Waiver must do so in writing to the Dean of their Faculty by June 30th.
Other requests for relief: Requests for relief regarding Scholastic Offences and other matters not related to the normal completion of a course during a regular academic session (including requests for relief against grades in a Special Examination, satisfaction of "Incomplete" requirements, etc.), must be made in writing within three weeks of a decision being issued.
1) In the Medical Program, a request for relief against a mark must
be initiated with the
instructor within six weeks of the mark being approved by the appropriate administrative
committee. All other requests for relief must be made within six weeks of the date of the decision
giving rise to the request for relief. A request for relief to each successive level of appeal must be
made within six weeks of the date of the decision at the prior level.
2)The deadline for an appeal to SRBA remains at six weeks after a decision has been issued by a
student's Dean.
Senate was informed that SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, bursaries and awards. These will be recommended to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:
Edwin R. Jarmain Entrance Scholarship (Any Faculty)
Mervin Wass Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Science/Mathematics)
Catherine Michelle Newton Memorial Bursary (Faculty of Science)
The SCAPA Report contained the following items for information. The full text may be viewed in the Secretariat.
Consistency in Naming Awards
Sessional Dates
On behalf of the Senate Committee on University Planning, it was moved by G. Moran, seconded by R.M. Mathur,
That Senate endorse the concept of the Institute for Advanced Research contained in Exhibit IV, Appendix 1.
Dr. Bridger highlighted the concept of the Institute for Advanced Research, 深夜福利站's institutional innovation proposal for the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund (ORDCF). The proposal is detailed in Appendix 1 to Exhibit IV, circulated with the agenda.. Five considerations led directly to the concept of an institute on campus to support collaborative multidisciplinary research:
For the most part, the disciplines participating will be those within the Faculties of Science, Engineering Science, Medicine & Dentistry, and Health Sciences, but opportunities exist for other disciplines to participate in collaborative research.
The preliminary cost for a partially equipped campus infrastructure platform is $81 million which includes $20 million for a new building adjacent to the existing Engineering Sciences Building, $15 million for renovation of two floors of the Medical Sciences Building, $3 million for renovations to accommodate a central analytical facility and major equipment installations of $20 million for the five areas of excellence to be located in the new building, $11 million for the cost of the five research centres to be located on the two renovated research floors of the Medical Sciences Building and $12 million for the major installation cost of the research areas envisioned by the Faculty of Science. 深夜福利站 must raise 60% of the project cost.
Comments, questions, and responses during discussion included the following:
A motion to close debate was carried by a 2/3 majority of Senators.
The question was called and CARRIED.
As noted earlier, working from the Institute for Advanced Research as a platform, 深夜福利站 will seek funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and from the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund (ORDCF). Dr. Bridger provided the following information about the ORDCF:
The 238th meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities was held on December 12, 1997. The Report of the Academic Colleague, Dr. T. Kennedy, is detailed in Exhibit V. Topics discussed at the meeting included: the President's Report, the Auditors' Report and Financial Statements 1996-97, Task Force on Admission Issues, and a report on OCGS, OCUR, and OCAV activities.
Dr. Kennedy reported that the principles/guidelines which apply to Ontario secondary school students were adopted by Council and will come into effect for the 1998-99 admission cycle. Beginning in the spring of 1999, Ontario universities may make a conditional offer of admission to Ontario secondary school students in approximately mid-March. The earliest date by which a response can be required from the student will be June 1.
Asked about the implementation of the Undergraduate Program Audit Process, Dr. Kennedy replied that the program, which began last year, determines whether or not a particular university is following its own review procedures to ensure that the undergraduate programs are of good quality. Dr. Moran stated that in the Spring of 1997, Senate approved an undergraduate program review process which included the establishment of the Provost's Committee on Undergraduate Program Review. This Committee, which includes two students, monitors the reviews of the undergraduate programs. Senate will receive a summary of the reviews of all undergraduate programs when they become available.
Announcements and Communications, detailed in Exhibit VI, were received for information.
It was moved by K. Shapiro, seconded by R. Walker,
That Senate support the January 28, 1998, rally at UWO against student debt.
Mr. Shapiro stated that on January 28, 1998, beginning at 11:00 a.m., a rally against student debt will be held outside the entrance to the University Community Centre. It is one of a series of rallies which will be held across the country to protest the government's plans for funding student loans. Student debt should be of concern to Senate because the level of student debt affects the quality of students who attend university. 深夜福利站's mission statement states that the University "seeks to provide an environment of creative enquiry within which creative thinking, humane values and practical skills are cultivated and sustained". To do this 深夜福利站 needs the quality of students who can accomplish this goal.
The question was called and CARRIED.
Reflecting on a motion passed earlier in the meeting [S.98-005 above] whereby in future deans will be appointed for five-year terms, Dean Mathur asked that the appropriate Senate Committee review the policy that an academic administrator earns two months of Study Leave entitlement for every year of administrative service [Section D.3, Appointments Procedures]. In his view, an administrator who serves a five-year term should qualify for a one-year Study Leave. The President took this request under advisement.
The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Signed by:
P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary