1. Senate Membership - Faculty Constituencies
For the following constituencies, for the Fall 1997 Senate Elections, nominations were not received or were not received in sufficient numbers prior to the deadline for nominations. As required in Senate election procedures, the unit involved has been contacted and in each case has recommended the name(s) shown. Terms are effective immediately with one-year terms running to October 31, 1998 and two-year terms to October 31, 1999.
Recommended: That the following nominees be elected to represent the constituencies shown for the terms indicated:
1. Representing the Brescia College constituency, that Paul Barker be appointed to Senate for a two-year term and Alicia Garcia be reappointed to Senate for a one-year term.
2. Representing the Richard Ivey School of Business Administration constituency, Ross Archibald be appointed to Senate for a two-year term and Rod White be appointed for a one-year term.
3. Representing the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning constituency, David Spencer be appointed for a two-year term and Gloria Leckie be appointed for a one-year term.
4. Representing the Faculty of Engineering Science constituency, Maciej Floryan be appointed for a two-year term and Cedric Briens be appointed for a one-year term.
5. Representing the Faculty of Health Sciences constituency, Joyce MacKinnon be appointed for a two-year term.
6. Representing the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry constituency as a member of the School of Dentistry, David Banting be appointed for a two-year term.
7. Representing the Faculty of Science constituency, David Rosner be appointed for a two-year term.
2. Nominating Committee - Membership
Composition: Eight members of Senate, elected by Senate, at least one of whom shall be a graduate student, and at least one an undergraduate student. Not more than two members from a single academic unit. The Faculty of Graduate Studies is not considered an academic unit in this context.
There will be three alternates who are members of Senate, one of whom is a student, to attend meetings when regular members are unable to attend.
Current Elected Membership: Continuing to November 1998:
T. Lo (Med & Dents.)
B. Garcia (Med.& Dents)
M. Randall (Arts)
A. Weedon (Sci.)
One undergraduate student Senator and one graduate student Senator; and
Three additional members of Senate; none from the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and not more than one may be from the Faculty of Arts.
Nominees: J. Adams (Undergraduate) [Nomination to be presented at Senate]
D. McLachlin (Graduate)
P. Deane (Arts)
E. Gillese (Law)
A. Weedon (Sci.)
Alternates Required:
Three members of Senate, one member to complete the term of A. Weedon (to November 1998) and one of whom is a student Senator.
Nominees: L. Griffin (Student Senator)
G. Killan (King's)
R. Toft (Music) [term to November 1998]
3. Composition of Animal Care Committees
a. Animal Use Subcommittee
Recommended: That the membership of the Animal Use Subcommittee be revised to include "One graduate student appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies". One alternate is also to be appointed by the Dean.
Revisions are shown below.
b. University Council on Animal Care
Recommended: That the membership of the University Council on Animal Care be revised to include, "One student, who is not a member of the Animal Use Subcommittee, to be appointed by the President and Vice-Chancellor."
Revised terms of reference are shown below.
These two recommendations are in response to a recommendation by the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) assessment report last November. The report recommended, "That student representation be considered for both the Animal Use Subcommittee and the University Council on Animal Care." AUS agreed that student representation would be beneficial and approved inclusion of a graduate student representative in its membership. UCAC agreed enthusiastically with this change and also agreed to include one student representative in Council's membership.
4. Convocation - Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - M.D. Program
Recommended: That Convocation for students graduating from the MD Program in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry be held in mid-May each year, following the Medical Council of Canada Exams. In 1998, the MD candidates would graduate on Friday, May 15.
The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and the graduating MD class have requested that the MD convocation be moved to mid-may, following the Medical Council of Canada Exams in order that the graduates may have six weeks of vacation prior to taking up residency training. Medical students at 深夜福利站 essentially work straight through from September of their third year until the end of the Medical Council of Canada Exams which take place in mid-May. Their residency training begins on July 1. Course marks for the graduating class are submitted sufficiently in advance of mid-May that adjudication of the students' eligibility to graduate can be carried out by the Registrar's Office; this is not the case with many other programs.
The graduates' names will appear in the regular June Convocation Program, indicating the date in May when the degrees were actually awarded. This will establish the official Senate record of the graduating class.
1. Order of Convocation - Spring 1998
The order of Convocation in the Spring 1998 shall be:
April 30, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. * Huron College (theological degrees)
April 27, 1998 ** Graduate Studies: Richard Ivey School of Business (MBA)
May 15, 1998 at 9:00 a.m.*** Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (MD)
Tuesday, June 9, 1998 at 3:30 p.m. Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (DDS) Richard Ivey School of Business (HBA)
Wednesday, June 10, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. Faculty of Education Faculty of Communications and Open Learning
Wednesday, June 10, 1998 at 3:30 p.m. Brescia College Huron College King's College
Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. Faculty of Arts Faculty of Social Science (Honors and ACS)
Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 3:30 p.m. Faculty of Science
Friday, June 12, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. Faculty of Social Science (3-year programs)
Friday, June 12, 1998 at 3:30 p.m. Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculty of Engineering Science Faculty of Law Faculty of Music
* In keeping with the standard schedule for this Convocation (S.93-177).
** The standard schedule would have this Convocation scheduled for Saturday, April 25; however, the London Convention Centre (where such ceremonies are held) was not available and the date has therefore been shifted to Monday, April 27, 1998. The time of the ceremony is yet to be announced by the Ivey School of Business.
*** Subject to Senate approval of the new Convocation date for students graduating from the MD program -- see approval item above.
2. Order of Convocation - Fall 1998
The order of Convocation for Fall 1998 shall be:
Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 3:30 p.m. Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Science Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Law Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Faculty of Music Richard Ivey School of Business
Friday, October 23, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. Faculty of Arts Faculty of Science Brescia College Huron College King's College
Friday, October 23, 1998 at 3:30 p.m. Faculty of Communications and Open Learning Faculty of Social Science
3. Amendment to Candidates for Degrees
a) Spring Convocation - 1997
On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the list of candidates for degrees for Spring Convocation 1997, detailed in Appendix A to the Senate minutes of June19, 1997.
Thursday, June 12, 1997 HURON COLLEGE
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Honors History
b) Autumn Convocation - 1997
On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the list of candidates for degrees for Fall Convocation 1997, detailed in Appendix A to the Senate minutes of October 17, 1997.
Friday, October 24, 1997 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE
Bachelor of Arts
4. Senate Attendance Requirements
The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Act provides, in Section 26:
(3) Where within any membership year* a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 50 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate may by resolution declare such membership vacant.
(4) Where within any membership year* a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 25 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate shall by resolution declare such membership vacant.
* (The Senate membership year begins in November.)
Senate attendance is reviewed by the Operations/Agenda Committee from time to time, and the Committee is prepared to recommend to Senate that a Senate seat be declared vacant should a pattern of absenteeism develop. Senators who find they have a schedule conflict with Senate meetings may apply for a Leave of Absence from Senate for the period of the conflict. In this case, an Alternate will be appointed in accordance with the Senate policy for filling vacancies. If the conflict is unresolvable, resignation from Senate would be appropriate in order that the constituency concerned be represented by a duly appointed replacement.
Terms of Reference:
To advise the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall bring to Senate via the appropriate committee, those matters requiring Senate's attention.
To advise on all matters pertaining to the procurement, maintenance and use of experimental animals for teaching, research and testing in the University and its affiliated bodies.
The Council shall:
ensure that all experimental animals are procured, cared for and used in such a way as to protect the good name and reputation of the University and to meet the requirements of the Ontario Animals for Research Act; the Canadian Council on Animal Care, and University of 深夜福利站 Ontario procedures;
act as the ultimate forum for review and approval, and, if necessary, withdrawal of approval of all research projects that involve animals;
ensure that facilities and personnel are adequate to provide proper and humane care and supervision of all experimental animals before, during, and after the course of experimental procedures or teaching exercises;
serve as the board of inquiry when the proper and humane care of animals has been questioned formally by an individual or an organization;
pursue all developmental plans for additions, expansions and renovations of animal facilities and determine that adequate professional advice has been sought with respect to their design and equipage;
advise on future requirements for animal facilities and foster the orderly development of such facilities, and
ensure that enquiries from the public and the news media regarding the procurement and use of experimental animals at this University are channelled through a Response Team of the University Council on Animal Care, chaired by the Vice-President (Research), and answered as comprehensively as possible.
The Director of Animal Care and Veterinary Services shall act as the Executive Officer of the Council. As such, the Director shall advise the Council on standards and practices related to its responsibilities throughout the University.
To report on its activities to Senate, as directed by Senate, but at least annually.
Four members elected by Senate, two of whom shall not be bioscientists, and none of whom are members of the Animal Use Subcommittee.
Two individuals from outside the University Community, neither of whom is a member of the Animal Use Subcommittee, to be appointed by the President and Vice-Chancellor
One student, who is not a member of the Animal Use Subcommittee, to be appointed by the President and Vice-Chancellor.
Ex officio: President & Vice-Chancellor Provost & Vice-President (Academic) Vice-President (Administration) Vice-President (Research) Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies Deans of all Faculties or Schools in which laboratory animals are used or maintained Chair, Animal Use Subcommittee Vice-President Administration, Robarts Research Institute Vice-President Research, London Health Science Centre Vice-President Research, St. Joseph's Hospital
Director of Animal Care and Veterinary Services (non-voting, Executive Officer) Secretary of Senate (non-voting)
The term of office of elected members shall be Faculty, two years, Students, one year, terms once renewable.
The Council shall select a Chair (from among the voting members of Council). The term of office shall be two years, once renewable.
Terms of Reference:
To review protocols for the use of animals in research, teaching and testing, according to the procedures established by the University Council on Animal Care (UCAC), to ensure that procedures are in accord with the regulations of the Ontario Animals for Research Act and the guidelines and the "Ethics of Animal Investigation" document of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) and to make recommendations thereon.
To undertake site visits of all animal care facilities and experimental laboratories (where animals are used) from time to time, but at least once a year.
To bring to the attention of the University Council on Animal Care any matters requiring its special attention, and to make recommendations as appropriate.
To undertake specific duties as may be requested by the University Council on Animal Care.
To report to the University Council on Animal Care as necessary, but at least annually.
Fourteen members as follows:
Two faculty members from the Basic Health Science departments, elected by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Council
One faculty member from St. Joseph's Hospital, appointed by the Director of the Lawson Research Institute
Two faculty members from the London Health Sciences Centre, appointed by the Vice- President Research and Innovation. One member must be from University Campus and one member from Victoria Campus.
One faculty member from the affiliated research institutes (Robarts, Siebens-Drake), appointed by the President and Scientific Director, Robarts Research Institute
One faculty member from the Department of Psychology, appointed by the Chair of the Department
One faculty member from the Department of Zoology, appointed by the Chair of the Department
One technician involved with research or teaching involving animals, appointed by the Director, Animal Care and Veterinary Services
Four members, at least three of whom are non-animal users, appointed by the President, at least two of whom shall be from outside the UWO community.
One graduate student, appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies
There will also be fourteen Alternates appointed, one for each regular member. Faculty members will have alternates who are also faculty members. The Alternate will attend meetings when the regular member is unable to attend and will have all rights of the regular member.
Ex officio: Director, Animal Care and Veterinary Services (ACVS)
Biosafety Officer, Department of Occupational Health and Safety
Membership terms shall be: Faculty, three years, students, one year, renewable.
The Chair will be elected from among the faculty members of AUS who have served at least one year on AUS. The term of office shall be two years, once renewable.
Protocols shall be approved by consensus, or by a formal vote if consensus is not possible. The Chair has the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
Appeals of decisions made by the AUS shall be in writing to c/o the Chair of the University Council on Animal Care, within thirty days of the date of the decision being appealed.
* An ex officio member may designate a person to act on his or her behalf. A regular member may not designate a person to act on his or her behalf, other than the designated alternate. Members are responsible to arrange for alternate members to attend meetings.