
Report of the Nominating Committee

Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT II - November 14, 1997


1. Vice-Chair of Senate

In each membership year, the Senate elects a Vice-Chair of Senate who will chair Senate meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice-Chair of Senate is the chair ex officio of the Senate Operations/Agenda Committee.

Required: One member of Senate to serve as Vice-Chair of Senate (to November 1998).

Nominee: A. Pearson

2. Board of Governors

Composition: Includes two members of the Faculty elected by the Senate who are members of the Senate at the time of election.

Required: One member of Faculty elected by the Senate to serve on the Board of Governors (term November 15, 1997 to November 14, 2001).

Nominee: A. Weedon

3. Operations/Agenda Committee

Composition:Nine current members of Senate, at least one of whom shall be a student. The Vice-Chair of Senate is the Chair ex officio of this Committee.

Current Composition:

Retiring November 1997: L. Weiner, A. Allahar (Soc.Sci.), D. Baer (Soc.Sci.), R. Lipson (Sci.), C. Thomson (Arts)

Continuing to November 1998: M. Cheesman (HS), A. Pearson (Educ.), D. Semotiuk (HS), B. Singh (M&D.)

Required:Four members of Senate

One student senator

(Terms: Faculty/Staff: two years; students: one year)

Nominees:P. Deane (Arts)
R. Lipson (Sci.)
K. McQuillan (Soc.Sci.)
C. Thomson (Arts)
D. McLachlin (Student - term to November 1998]

4. University Council on Animal Care

Composition: Includes four members elected by Senate, two of whom are not bioscientists.

Current Senate Elected Members:

Retiring in November 1997: C. Gibson (M& D), G. Leckie* (COL)

Continuing to November 1998: S. Galsworthy (M & D), A. Varpalotai * (Educ.)

Required:Two members, one of whom is not a bioscientist [Terms: Faculty: 2 years; Students 1 year.]

Nominees: Z. Kucerovsky* (Engg.Sci.)
S. Leung (M&D)

[*Not a bioscientist]

5. Honorary Degrees Committee

Composition: Nine members elected by Senate.

Retiring in November 1997: C. Tattersall (undergrad.), L. Weiner (grad.), G.M. Bancroft (Sci.), R. Coulter (Educ.), A. Sancton (Soc.Sci.), T. Sea (Soc.Sci.), B. Singh (M& D)

Continuing to November 1998: S. Clark (Soc.Sci.), G. Kidder (M & D)

Required: Seven members; three for one-year terms and four for two-year terms, in order to provide for staggered terms.

Nominees:R. Coulter (Educ.)(term to November 1998)
L. Griffin (Grad.Student) (term to November 1998)
A. Sancton (Soc.Sci.) (term to November 1998)
R. Darnell (Soc.Sci.)
L. Milligan (Sci)
I. Moore (Engg.Sci.)
E. Tustanoff (M&D)

6. Senate Review Board Academic

Composition: Includes a Chair and twenty-three voting members; thirteen members of faculty and ten students (six undergraduates and four graduates).

Current Members:

Retiring November 30, 1997:

Chair: M.D. Owen (Sci.)

Faculty: M. Atkinson (Soc.Sci.), E. Buckolz (HS), R. Cecil (Soc.Sci.), M.A. de Kergommeaux (Soc.Sci.), M. Randall (Arts), N. Skinner (King's)

Undergraduates: M. Berman, S. Castiglione, S. Martin, M. Primo, S. Singh, J. Vangulck

Graduates: B. Chronik, L. Fishback, B. Holmes, S. McDonald

Continuing to November 1998:

Faculty; G. Dickinson (Educ.), D. Hunter (Sci.), C. Iwasiw (HS), P. Krishna (Sci.), C. Levine (Soc.Sci.), M. Speechley (M&D), J. Toswell (Arts)

Required: One person to serve as Chair (term to November 30, 1998).

Nominee: M. Owen (Sci.)

Required:Six members of Faculty (terms to November 30, 1999)

Nominees:M. Atkinson (Soc.Sci.)
M. deKergommeaux (Soc.Sci.)
M. Moscovich (Arts)
M. Randall (Arts)
N. Skinner (King's)
C. Grant (M&D)

Required:Six undergraduate students (terms to November 30, 1998)

Nominees:Efrem Mandelcorn
Sean Werger
Jamie VanGulck
Mark Braun
Peter Kucherepa
Eli Singer

Required:Four graduate students (terms to November 30, 1998)

Nominees: Leanne Fishback
Rick Walker
Michael Hohner
Tammy Clifford

7. Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admissions (SCAPA)

Composition:Includes eleven members elected by Senate, including

- three students, at least one of whom is a graduate student and at least one of whom is a member of Senate
- at least five additional members of Senate
- at least one faculty member from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science, and Social Science
- no more than one of the members of Faculty may be a Dean

Current Senate-Elected Members:

Retiring December 31, 1997:

S. Graham, R. Porter, C. Yu, A. Allahar (Soc.Sci.), F.P.A. Cass (Sci), R. Coulter(S) (Educ.), G. Leckie(S) (COL), J. Thorp(S) (Arts)

Continuing to December 31, 1998:D. Fairbairn (S)(Gen.Cty.), A. Pitman (Educ.), S. Singh (Sci.)

Required: Eight members:

- three students, at least one of whom is a graduate student and at least one of whom is a member of Senate
- five additional members:
- four of whom must be members of Senate
- at least one faculty member must be from each of the Faculties of Arts and Social Science
- no more than one of the members of Faculty may be a Dean
- terms: students - one year; faculty - two years


Roxanne Porter (student)
Robert Walker (student Senator)
Cabot Yu (Grad.Student/FCOL)
R. Green (S) (Arts)
N. Huner (S) (Sci.)
D. Jorgensen (S) (Social Science)
J. Thorp(S) (Arts)
D. Vaillancourt (Arts)