
Senate Minutes of the Meeting of November 14, 1997

As approved at the December 5, 1997, meeting of Senate.

Copies of Exhibits and Appendices are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 1:00 in Room 224 of University College.


J. Adams, R. Archibald, P. Barker, K. Barrowcliffe, I. Black, D. Braun, W.A. Bridger, C. Briens, P. Cain, C. Callaghan, M. Cheesman, R.P. Coulter, M. Cousineau, J. Crimmins, P. Davenport, P. Deane, J. Deans, C. Down, M. Floryan, A. Garcia, B. Garcia, W. Gibson, E.E. Gillese, R. Green, L. Griffin, R. Harris, R. Hawkins, T. Hessel, K. Howlett, N. Huner, C. Iwasiw, A. Katz, Y. Kang, W. Kennedy, G. Killan, G. Leckie, R. Lipson, T. Lo, J. MacKinnon, L. Mansinha, R. M. Mathur, C. McCreery, D. McLachlin, J. McKay, R.Y. McMurtry, M. McNay, K. McQuillan, P. Mercer, I. Moore, D. Muñoz, P. Neary, J. Orange, A. Pearson, H. Polatajko, K. Porter, A. Prabhakar, S. Provost, M. Randall, D. Rosner, A. Sancton, C. Seligman, D. Semotiuk, K. Shapiro, D. Shroyer, E. Singer, B. Singh, B. Slade, J. Snyder, D. Spencer, J. Stokes, S. Tan, C. Thomson, J. Thorp, R. Toft, K. Tribe, S. Usprich, J. Van Fleet, R. Walker, E. Wood, A. Wylie, R. Young, M. Zamir

Observers: D. Jameson, T. Kennedy, R. Parks, R. Tiffin

By Invitation: P. Cass

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of October 17, 1997, were approved as circulated.


[See also Appendix 1 to these Minutes.]

S.97-225a Annual Community Meeting

Dr. Davenport reported that the Annual Community Meeting, held on October 29, 1997, at the London Convention Centre, was well received. Guests included members from both the general community [60%] and the 深夜福利站 community [40%]. Positive feedback and suggestions for improvement have been received.

S.97-225b Update on Student Loans and Student Debt

Dr. Davenport advised that within the next month or two major developments are expected with respect to the student loan and student debt issue. The National Round Table -- a coalition of college and university presidents, representatives of major national student groups, and the Canadian Association of University Teachers -- continues to meet and expects to reissue a call to the government for a renewed student loan system. Last January the group issued a paper on renewing student assistance that set out a wide range of principles. It is hoped that the Federal Government will pick up the challenge and reflect it in the decisions of the February budget. It is believed that the Provincial Government is working diligently to develop a workable renewed loan system.

S.97-225c Update on Leadership in Learning

The update on 深夜福利站's Strategic Plan, Leadership in Learning, contained in the Report of the President, was received for information.

S.97-225d Student Recruitment Initiatives

Dr. Roma Harris gave a presentation on 深夜福利站's student recruitment initiatives. She highlighted her presentation with overheads, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1. This past year's recruitment efforts were extremely successful: enrolment is up 10% and the proportion of Ontario Scholars in the first-year class is now 55%. In addition, the number of out-of-province and international students has increased. This year 深夜福利站's recruitment efforts include a new video for high schools (shown at this meeting), a print campaign aimed at the Metro Toronto market, updated recruitment fact sheets and viewbooks, and a telephone campaign supported by faculty and staff.

The guarantee of a space in residence and assurance of first-year courses being available are important recruitment tools.

S.97-225e 2001 Canada Games/Stadium

Dr. Mercer informed Senate of the proposal to build a new stadium that will be presented to the Property & Finance Committee of the Board on November 17. In August 1996, the Board approved 深夜福利站's participation in the Canada 2001 GamesSubject to some conditions that were accepted at the time by the Canada 2001 Games Host Committee. Those conditions had to do with the budget for the renovation of J.W. Little Stadium and at that time it was identified that the Host Society would provide $2.5 million and the University would provide $2.5 million to cover the estimated $5 million cost of refurbishing the existing stadium. At the same time, as part of 深夜福利站's participation in the bid process and its subsequence acceptance, 深夜福利站 reserved the right to build a new stadium on a new site, identified the likely cost of that new stadium as approximately $10 million and again stipulated that the $2.5 million from the Host Society would flow into that project if the University determined that it wished to build a new stadium on a new site. It will be recommended to the Property and Finance Committee and, if approved, to the Board that a new stadium be built on the Huron Flats at the south end of the parking lot. The second part of the recommendation will be that fund raising for the new stadium be a joint fund raising enterprise between 深夜福利站 and the Host Society Committee.

Dr. Mercer explained that consideration of the possibility of a constructing a new stadium began early in the process, but this issue was not widely discussed during the bid process because it was believed that mixed signals would be sent to the committee making the determination if it appeared that 深夜福利站 was unsure about what it wanted to do. However, the possibility of building a new stadium has been under active review and the cost projections are firm. Refurbishing the J.W. Little Stadium is a relatively unattractive prospect simply because of the age of the structure. Even with a $5 million refurbishment, the life expectancy would only be another 20 years. A new stadium would have a life of between 50 and 70 years. Besides the obvious advantage of having a new facility, a new stadium will meet a broader range of needs of the University, the community, and the Canada 2001 Games. The stadium is an attractive project for fundraising and the Board of Governors has received a report that indicates that there is much community support for the Games and for a new stadium as part of the Games. Most of the money that would be donated to this project would be money that would not otherwise be available to the University. This fact has been tested with a number of corporations and large donors.

Another major reason why the new stadium site is attractive is that it will occupy space that is currently green space on the fringe of flood plain land and there are few prospects for building other structures on this land. In addition, the site vacated by the existing stadium could accommodate, for example, three large academic buildings equal in size to the Law Building, University College and a third building with an 80,000 sq. ft. footprint. This would provide the University with considerable flexibility for the future and would allow 深夜福利站, for the first time, to consider how to develop the property along the river. The attractiveness of 深夜福利站 as a campus is an increasingly important recruitment tool. Dr. Mercer highlighted these points with the use of two overheads, copies of which can be found in Appendix 2 to these minutes.

Professor Sancton pointed out that the proposed location of the new stadium is not in accordance with the approved Campus Master Plan. Dr. Mercer confirmed that the Campus Master Plan speculated that a new stadium might be built adjacent to Althouse College; however, at that time it was not anticipated that the flood plain regulations would likely allow building a stadium on the Huron Flats. The space planning advantages of building the stadium on that site are borne out by the fact that in freeing up a large amount of central space, 深夜福利站 could look to the future and consider realistically the prospect of moving the Faculty of Education from Althouse College to the main campus. The property at Althouse College is approximately 20 acres which adds an element of flexibility which would be missing if the Campus Plan's original conception was followed.

Asked if the City of London will be approached for a portion of the $7.5 million needed to fund the project, Dr. Mercer replied that the reason it is described as a joint fundraising enterprise is because the Host Committee, which has its own financial needs, is a surrogate for the City. The advice received is that the package of the new stadium as part of the Canada Games enterprise would be very attractive to donors. It is not anticipated that the City, per se, would be contributing the additional capital, nor is such contribution precluded. Investigations conducted by the Ketchem Group and the Vice-President (External) staff indicate that there are opportunities to raise funds for this project from the usual donors. 深夜福利站's focus has been on developing an operating agreement with the City so that the continued operating costs of the stadium are supported both by the City and the University. Currently use of the stadium is 20% UWO and 80% community. With a new stadium, use by external groups is expected to increase. The recommendation to be presented to Property and Finance and the Board is that approval of a new stadium be contingent upon arriving at an appropriate operating agreement with the City.

Asked what cautions will be taken to ensure the project does not incur cost overruns, Dr. Mercer advised that cost overruns are unlikely because the configuration of the stadium is relatively straightforward. The design is functional and will include an all-weather track, lighting, better seating, improved change rooms, a proper press box, and a reception area.

Concern was expressed about the loss of the Huron Flats for Kinesiology activity courses and varsity teams as a practice area. Dr. Mercer said it is inevitable that 深夜福利站 must look at the development of alternative space to accommodate those usesSuch as the Baldwin Flats. However, any initial inconvenience to the School of Kinesiology posed by having the new stadium construction at this location will be more than offset by the advantage of the new facility.

Dr. Semotiuk, on behalf of the School of KinesiologySpoke in support of the stadium project which will allow the current and future needs of the School to be addressed. It will allow programs such as Campus Recreation and interuniversity sport to be accommodated as well as community outreach programs which are currently offered through the School of Kinesiology.

Dr. Mercer advised that the time line from approval through construction is about two years. This will meet the Games' requirement that the stadium be ready for use one year ahead of the 2001 Canada Summer Games. The current stadium will be demolished and removed because the redundancy of use would not warrant incurring the extra operating costs.


S.97-226 Senate Membership - Faculty Constituencies

On a motion by C. Thomson, seconded by D. Semotiuk, Senate appointed the following to represent the constituencies shown for the terms indicated:

Brescia College: Paul Barker (two years); Alicia Garcia (one year)

Richard Ivey School of Business: Ross Archibald (two years); Rod White (one year)

Communications and Open Learning: David Spencer (two years); Gloria Leckie (one year)

Engineering Science: Maciej Floryan (two years); Cedric Briens (one year)

Health Sciences: Joyce MacKinnon (two years)

Medicine & Dentistry David Banting (two years)

Science: David Rosner (two years)

S.97-227 Nominating Committee - Membership

J. Adams (undergraduate student) and D. McLachlin (graduate student) were elected Members of the Nominating Committee for one year terms (to November 1998). Elected as Alternates were L. Griffin (graduate student) and R. Toft (Music) for one year terms ending November 1998; and G. Killan (King's College) for a two year term ending November 1999.

As a result of additional nominations presented at Senate, a mail ballot following this Senate meeting will determine the other Members of the Senate Nominating Committee.

S.97-228 Composition of Animal Care Committees

S.97-228a Animal Use Subcommittee

It was moved by C. Thomson, seconded by M. Cheesman,

That the membership of the Animal Use Subcommittee be revised to include One graduate student appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies. One alternate is also to be appointed by the Dean.


S.97-228b University Council on Animal Care

It was moved by C. Thomson, seconded by J. Adams,

That the membership of the University Council on Animal Care be revised to include One student, who is not a member of the Animal Use Subcommittee, to be appointed by the President and Vice-Chancellor.


Asked why a student is to be appointed position rather than elected, Dr. Bridger responded that the President, with advice, would make appointments to UCAC and other committees with the goal of bringing experience to the committee.

S.97-229 Convocation - Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - M.D. Program

It was moved by C. Thomson, seconded by B. Garcia,

That Convocation for students graduating from the MD Program in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry be held in mid-May each year, following the Medical Council of Canada Exams. In 1998, the MD candidates would graduate on Friday, May 15.


S.97-230 Order of Convocation - Spring 1998

The order of Convocation in the Spring 1998 shall be:

April 30, 1998 at 7:00 p.m.

Huron College (theological degrees)

April 27, 1998

Graduate Studies: Richard Ivey School of Business (MBA)

May 15, 1998 at 9:00 a.m.

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (MD)

Tuesday, June 9, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.

Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (DDS)

Richard Ivey School of Business (HBA)

Wednesday, June 10, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Communications and Open Learning

Wednesday, June 10, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.

Brescia College

Huron College

King's College

Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Social Science (Honors and ACS)

Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.

Faculty of Science

Friday, June 12, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.

Faculty of Social Science (3-year programs)

Friday, June 12, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Engineering Science

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Music

S.97-231 Order of Convocation - Fall 1998

The order of Convocation for Fall 1998 shall be:

Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Engineering Science

Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Faculty of Music

Richard Ivey School of Business

Friday, October 23, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Science

Brescia College

Huron College

King's College

Friday, October 23, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.

Faculty of Communications and Open Learning

Faculty of Social Science

S.97-232 Amendments to Lists of Candidates for Degrees

S.97-232a Spring Convocation - 1997

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the list of candidates for degrees for Spring Convocation 1997, detailed in Appendix A to the Senate minutes of June 19, 1997.

Thursday, June 12, 1997 HURON COLLEGE

Bachelor of Arts



Bachelor of Arts

Honors History


S.97-232b Autumn Convocation - 1997

On behalf of Senate, the Operations/Agenda Committee approved the following amendments to the list of candidates for degrees for Fall Convocation 1997, detailed in Appendix A to the Senate minutes of October 17, 1997.

Friday, October 24, 1997 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE

Bachelor of Arts



S.97-233 Senate Attendance Requirements

Senators were reminded of the attendance requirements set out in the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario ActSection 26:

(3) Where within any membership year a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 50 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate may by resolution declare such membership vacant.

(4) Where within any membership year a member of the Senate, other than an ex officio member, not having been granted leave of absence by the Senate attends less than 25 per cent of the regular meetings of the Senate, the Senate shall by resolution declare such membership vacant.

Senate attendance is reviewed by the Operations/Agenda Committee from time to time, and the Committee is prepared to recommend to Senate that a Senate seat be declared vacant should a pattern of absenteeism develop. Senators who find they have a schedule conflict with Senate meetings may apply for a Leave of Absence from Senate for the period of the conflict. In this case, an Alternate will be appointed in accordance with the Senate policy for filling vacancies. If the conflict is unresolvable, resignation from Senate would be appropriate in order that the constituency concerned be represented by a duly appointed replacement.


S.97-234 Vice-Chair of Senate

An additional nomination was presented at Senate, and consequently a mail ballot will be conducted.

S.97-235 Board of Governors

Dr. A. Weedon was elected by the Senate to serve on the Board of Governors (term November 15, 1997, to November 14, 2001.)

S..97-236 Operations/Agenda Committee

Additional nominations were presented at Senate, and consequently a mail ballot will be conducted.

S.97-237 University Council on Animal Care

Additional nominations were presented at Senate, and consequently a mail ballot will be conducted.

S.97-238 Honorary Degrees Committee

Additional nominations were presented at Senate, and consequently a mail ballot will be conducted.

S.97-239 Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA)

M. Owen (Sci.) was elected to serve as Chair of SRBA (term to November 30, 1998).

The following members of faculty were elected to SRBA (terms to November 30, 1999): M. Atkinson (Soc. Sci.), M. deKergommeaux (Soc.Sci.), M.J. Moscovich (Arts), M. Randall (Arts), N. Skinner (King's), and C. Grant (M&D).

The following undergraduate students were elected to SRBA (terms to November 30, 1998): Efrem MandelcornSean Werger, Jamie VanGulck, Mark Braun, Peter Kucherepa, and Eli Singer.

The following graduate students were elected to SRBA (terms to November 30, 1998): Leanne Fishback, Rick Walker, Michael Hohner, Tammy Clifford

S.97-240 Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admissions (SCAPA)

The following were elected to SCAPA: R. Porter, R. Walker, C. Yu (terms to December 31, 1998), R. Green (S)(Arts), N. Huner (S)(Sci.), D. Jorgensen (S)(Soc.Sci.), J. Thorp (S)(Arts), and D. Vaillancourt (Arts) (terms to December 31, 1999).


S.97-241 First Year Course Requirements for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

On behalf of SCAPA, it was moved by R. Coulter, seconded by E. Wood,

That, effective September 1, 1998Students in their first year be allowed to register for up to four half-courses offered by the Departments of Applied Mathematics or Mathematics.



First year general program courses are grouped into four divisions....

At least one course from each of two of the faculties of ArtsScience and Social Science must be included. One of the five required courses (numbered 001-099) may be taken as two half-courses for a total of six different subjects. Except as noted below, not more than one full-course equivalent in a particular subject may be taken in first year. Exceptions are: the first year of any of the honors or combined honors Visual Arts programs which require two Visual Arts courses in first year; Applied Mathematics and Mathematics courses where up to two full-course equivalents may be taken in first year. For complete regulations see the Graduation Requirements page.

Note: (no change)


S.97-242 Admission and Progression Requirements for Honors Programs in Psychology

It was moved by R. Coulter, seconded by C. Seligman,

That the admission and progression requirements for Honors Programs in Psychology be revised as shown below:


Admission and Progression Requirements

Students are not admitted into the Honors BA or the Honors BSc programs until after they complete the first-year requirements (see the HONORS PROGRAMS section of this calendar). Because it is expected that the majority of students who wish to enter the Honors programs will begin their work in these programs at the start of their second year in universityStudents are strongly encouraged to apply for admission during their first year. FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS WHO MAY WISH TO DELAY ENTRY INTO THE HONORS PROGRAMS UNTIL AFTER SECOND OR THIRD YEAR ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO TAKE BOTH PSYCHOLOGY 280E AND PSYCHOLOGY 281 IN THEIR SECOND YEAR IN PLACE OF PSYCHOLOGY 282E. THEY ARE ALSO STRONGLY ADVISED TO COMPLETE THE OTHER HONORS PROGRAMS REQUIREMENTS AS SPECIFIED BELOW.

To enter the Honors programs at the end of first yearStudents must have a minimum overall average of 70% in their first year courses with no mark less than 60%. To enter or remain in the Honors programs in each of the subsequent years students must satisfy the following requirements:

principal courses: an overall average of at least 70% with no mark less than 60%.

subsidiary courses: an overall average of at least 60% with no mark less than 50%.

principal and subsidiary courses combined: an overall average of at least 73%.

(Students who were admitted to the Honors programs prior to September 1997 will be governed by the procedures in effect at the time the students were admitted to the programs.)

Note: The Honors programs in Psychology have limited enrolments. In cases where the number of applicants exceeds the number of available spaces, entry into the programs will be competitive; students who meet the minimum requirements may be refused admission. For additional information students should consult an Academic Counsellor in the Psychology Department. Students registered at an Affiliated College who plan to complete an honors degree should consult with an Academic Counsellor in the Psychology Department prior to registering for 300-level courses.


S.97-243 Release of Information Concerning Scholastic Offences (S.97-187)

It was moved by R. Coulter, seconded by D. Spencer,

That the section of the "Procedures for Handling Scholastic Offences" with regard to "Release of Information Concerning Scholastic Offences", be revised to read as shown below:

Release of information concerning scholastic offences

The letter informing a student that he or she has been found to have committed a scholastic offence, and the penalty or penalties imposed is a confidential document. Copies will be sent only to involved parties (instructor, Chair, designate, Dean of faculty in which the course was taught and the Dean of the student's home faculty). In the event that the penalties imposed are to be reflected in the student's academic record, a copy will be sent to the Registrar. If a student transfers to another faculty or to an affiliated college of this University, that faculty or affiliated college may request that the offence record be transferred to the Dean's Office of that faculty or college. The letter informing the student of the penalty shall also indicate that the offence record may be sent to another Faculty or affiliated college within the University should the student transfer from one to another.

In addition to the exception noted above (i.e., for students transferring between undergraduate faculties) information may be released with the express permission of the student or if required by a court order or if required by a professional licensing authority or board of certification or similar institution. Under all other circumstances, the information contained in a student's offence record shall be considered confidential. Unless the offence is to be recorded on the student's transcript, no information about the student's offence record shall be provided to any person or institution outside the University. To provide consistency in the application of this rule, the existence of a student's offence record shall not be revealed to Faculties within the university that normally require completion of an undergraduate degree prior to admission (e.g. Business, Education, Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine & Dentistry).


S.97-244 Scholarship/Prize/Award Conditions

SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the following Terms of Reference for new awards for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

Lynn Fordham Awards in Science and Engineering (4) (Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering Science)

Awarded annually to students in Science or Engineering Science who demonstrate financial need, academic excellence (full course load and minimum 75% average) and possess leadership qualities. One award will be given to a student entering first year, one to a student entering second year, one to a student entering third year and one to a student entering fourth year. This award may continue until graduation; however, the student must reapply each year and demonstrate financial need. Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted not later than October 31. A statement outlining leadership qualities must be attached.

Value: Up to $2,500 each

Effective: May 1999 - First and Second Year at $2,500 each

May 2000 - Third and Fourth Year at $2,500 each

This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

S.97-245 The Role of the Instructor in the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

An item concerning the role of the instructor in administration of the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities was provided for information (see p. 4, Exhibit III).


S.97-246 Serials Review and Cancellation 1998

Ms. Wendy Kenney, Acting Director of Libraries, gave a presentation on the Library System serials review and cancellations, detailed in Exhibit IV. She advised that the Library System proposes to reduce its serials subscription list by $450,000 in 1998. She stated that the statistics report provided by the Association of Research Libraries indicates that serial price increases of over 10% a year have occurred over this past decade. Since 1986, the serial unit price has increased 147% (See Appendix 3 to these minutes). Increases in library acquisitions budgets have not been able to keep pace with this inflation rate. At 深夜福利站, for the past three years, the Library has seen increases of 9%, 6% and 5% in its acquisitions budget. Despite cancelling hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of serials, research libraries are spending 124% more on serials to acquire 7% fewer titles. The underlying problem is complex, but part of it is that the current publishing environment is a monopoly-like marketplace which is increasingly dominated by large commercial companies. This is especially true in science, technology, medicine, law, and business. In addition to the problem of increased costs is an ongoing need to purchase new titles to support new programs, changing courses and research needs. Currently new titles are ordered only after titles of equivalent cost are cancelled. This comes at a time when there continues to be exponential growth in the amount of scholarly research published.

Ms. Kennedy outlined the serials review and cancellation process. Collections Librarians will be identifying titles and initiating discussion with faculty in the near future. As science, technology, medicine, law and business publications create the bulk of the problem, the targeted cuts will be greater in those areas. Collections Librarians are also looking at alternative ways to provide access to information even if the print version is cancelled. In the past the Library System has provided a free document delivery service for seldom used titles. Another pilot project is to include titles in the online catalogue for materials which are not owned by the University. Another methodology being used is through cooperative collection development. 深夜福利站 participates through all the Ontario Council of University Libraries on an academic journal access project whereby each of the OCUL Libraries agrees to ensure ongoing subscriptions for different full sets of journalsSo that all libraries in Ontario will have access, for document delivery purposes, to the whole set of journals. There will likely be a gradual shifting from print to electronic resources, although this is fraught with licensing problems and copywrite issues. Costs are increasing for electronic versions in some instances, rather than decreasing. There is currently underway an initiative that was begun by the Council of Ontario Universities Task Force on Innovation which is a joint Ontario Council of Universities Libraries and Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents. The proposal is a movement forward with efforts to obtain government funding for an Ontario university digital library transformation project which could provide new monies for a shift to electronic access.

The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition's mission is to create a more competitive marketplace for the distribution of research information and for new scholarly publishing ventures to combat the monopolies. These evolving strategies may help alleviate the problem in the future but it does not help the current situation.

Asked how these kinds of cutbacks will affect graduate students involved in research, Ms. Kennedy said that she hoped the cutbacks would not impact negatively on graduate students' studies because the library system should be able to provide students access to the information even if the journals are not purchased. Access is a concern of the Library System and staff are determined to find appropriate methodology to meet the needs of the community.


S.97-247 Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I (SCPT-I)[Exhibit V]

The annual report of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, detailed in Exhibit V, was received for information.

S.97-248 Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II (SCPT-II)[Exhibit VI]

The annual report of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, detailed in Exhibit VI, was received for information.

S.97-249 Senate Committee on Appeals (SCA)[Exhibit VII]

The annual report of the Senate Committee on Appeals, detailed in Exhibit VII, was received for information.


The Report of the Academic Colleague on the 237th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities, detailed in Exhibit VIII, was provided for information. Discussions at the meeting included the following topics: the President's Report; presentations by the Canadian Federation of Students (Ontario) and the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance; a meeting with the Honourable Paul Martin, Minister of Finance; Athletic Scholarships; and a response to Framework for a Research Policy in Ontario.

Mr. Parks, President of the University Students' Council, referred to an incorrect statement in the Report of the Academic Colleague (Exhibit VIII, page 1) to the effect that OUSA "supports the deregulation of tuition fees, within limits...". He stated that OUSA (Ontario University Student Alliance) is not, in any manner, in support of differential fees. OUSA does support bringing Ontario up to the national average of funding, but rejects deregulation of tuition and opposes the combination of tuition and ancillary fees that is recommended in the Smith Commission Report.


Announcements and Communications, detailed in Exhibit IX, were received for information.


The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair

J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary