Board of Governors, June 28, 2001 - APPENDIX II, Annex 5
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, awards and prizes.
Irene Harris and Mildred MacPherson Entrance Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Library and Information Science)
Awarded to a full-time student of outstanding quality entering the masters program in Library and Information Science based on academic achievement (minimum 78% academic average). The recipient will be selected by the Scholarship and Awards Committee in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 to honour and thank Irene Harris and Mildred MacPherson for their commitment to the importance of education, their encouragement of young people who want to further their opportunities through advanced study, and their service to the community. This scholarship was established by a generous gift from Dr. Roma Harris.
Value: $1,000
Effective Date: May 2002
Dean Carol P. Herbert Bursary (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Awarded to a student in the undergraduate medical program who demonstrates financial need. This bursary was established by a generous gift from Dr. Carol P. Herbert.
Value: $300
Effective May 2002
W. Donald R. Eldon Scholarship (Faculty of Social Science)
Awarded to an undergraduate student in any year beyond year one of a program in Social Science based on academic achievement (minimum 80% average). Primary preference will be given to students in History and secondary preference will be given to students in Economics. The Faculty of Social Science will select the recipient. This scholarship was established by a generous gift from Dr. W. Donald R. Eldon (BA '48).
Value: $1,000
Effective from 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 only
AstraZeneca Scholarship (Faculty of Science)
Awarded to the fourth year undergraduate student in Science with the highest overall academic performance in third year. This scholarship will be awarded to a student in Chemistry in the first year it is offered, and will be awarded to a student in Biochemistry and then Pharmacology & Toxicology in its second and third years respectively. This scholarship was established by a generous gift from AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Value: $4,000
Effective from 2001-2002 to 2003-2004 only
Pon Elman HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Awarded to a student entering first year of the Honors Business Administration program who demonstrates academic excellence (minimum 70% average) and leadership in the University and/or community. The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review applications and select the award recipient. Application forms will be available from the Ivey Business School Program Services and Admissions Office and must be completed by April 1. This award was established by Stuart Elman (HBA '99) and Phillip Pon (HBA '99).
Value: $750
Effective May 2000
Isabelle Elizabeth Young Pearce Bursary in Biology (Faculty of Science, Biology)
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in the third or fourth year of the Biology program in the Faculty of Science who demonstrates financial need. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Gwenyth Pearce and Andrew Pearce in memory of their mother, Dr. Isabelle Elizabeth Young Pearce (BA '51, MSc '54, PhD '58)
Value: $1,000 effective May 2000
Effective May 2001, this bursary will increase to $1,500 and will include OSOTF funding.
Isabelle Elizabeth Young Pearce Undergraduate Student Award in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in Medicine based on academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Applications are available through Student Financial Services in the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted by April 30. Final selection of the recipients will be made by a committee of Medical faculty. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Gwenyth Pearce and Andrew Pearce in memory of their mother, Dr. Isabelle Elizabeth Young Pearce (BA '51, MSc '54, PhD '58)
Value: $1,000 effective May 2000
Effective May 2001, this award will increase to $1,500 and will include OSOTF funding
E. Stanley and Nadine M. Beacock Travel Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Library and Information Science)
Awarded to full-time or part-time graduate students in the Masters or Doctoral program in Library and Information Science who demonstrate financial need, to enable them to attend conferences, workshops or field trips or to cover travel expenses and fees associated with a co-op placement. A faculty committee, appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Information & Media Studies, will select the recipients. One recipient will be selected per term. If there are no worthy candidates in the current term, multiple bursaries can be awarded in the following term. Applications are available in the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Information & Media Studies and must be submitted 30 days prior to the end of the term in which the bursary is sought. These bursaries were established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Stanley & Nadine Beacock.
2 at $600 each annually
Effective May 2001 to April 2007
*non-OSOTF, but terms the same as original Beacock Travel Bursaries
Cieslak Family Bursary (Faculty of Science, Computer Science)
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in any year beyond year one of a program in computer Science who demonstrates financial need. This bursary was established by Mr. John B. Cieslak (BSc '81) through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $500
Effective May 2004
The following individuals and organizations are supporting term-funded scholarships for students through the Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (OGSST) or the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) programs. Each year a report will be made to the Board of Governors and Senate listing the donors who, in the 12 months preceding April 30, have given in excess of $1,800 and who choose to be recognized. A gift of $1,800, when matched 2:1 by government funds, is sufficient to support one term of a graduate student's research scholarship.
It is preferable not to submit each individual term-funded scholarship through the established approval process for new awards, because these scholarships are numerous, may only exist for one year, and share similar selection criteria as required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Government of Ontario. Therefore, only scholarships which are endowed in perpetuity will be submitted separately as part of the Scholarship Report to the Board.
Donors of $1,800+ who choose to be recognized |
Alzheimer Society of London and Middlesex |
Muriel F. Askin |
Mitchell and Kathryn Baran Family Fund |
Birks Family Foundation |
The Honourable J. Judd Buchanan |
James H. Cairncross |
Canadian Arthritis Network |
Delmar and Audrey Cobban |
Compaq Canada Inc. |
John and Mary Beth Drake |
The EJLB Foundation |
Miss Dorothy J. Emery |
William and Barbara Etherington |
J. W. Lynn Fordham |
Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation |
Nikolai Gourianov |
Harry E. Foster Foundation |
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario |
Henry White Kinnear Foundation |
Hydro One Inc. |
John Deere Foundation of Canada |
Richard H. Konrad |
The Leflar Foundation |
Dr. William P. McGrath |
Nancy F. McNee |
Marjorie Stevenson Miller |
Port Elgin Rotarians |
Shell Canada Products Limited |
Carl and Agnes Santoni |
Dr. David E. Sylvester |
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thompson |
The T. R. Meighen Foundation courtesy of Michael and Kelly Meighen |
Dr. Alan C. Weedon |
Mr. David Wu, The London Athletic Clubs |
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following revisions to the terms of reference for scholarships, bursaries,awards and prizes.
Whit Tucker Award (Any Faculty)
Change in criteria from: Awarded to an undergraduate student in year two, three or four who has a minimum 'B' average and is a member of the varsity football team. Applicants who are Intercollegiate student athletes must be in compliance with current OWIAA, OUAA and CIAU regulations.
To: Awarded to a student in year two, three or four, in any faculty, who has a minimum B average and is a member of one of the following varsity sports teams in this order of preference: football, basketball, and track and field. Candidates who are Intercollegiate student athletes must be in compliance with current OWIAA, OUAA and CIAU regulations.
Effective May 2000
Don Wright Mustang Marching Band (Any Faculty)
Change in value from $250 to $350 effective May 2001
Merck Sharpe and Dohme Award in Therapeutics (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Change in title to: Merck Sharpe and Dohme Award in Pharmacology
Change in criteria from: Awarded to a Year III student showing the most promise in Therapeutics. Established through the generosity of Merek, Sharp and Dohme.
To: Awarded to a Year II student showing the most promise in Pharmacology. Established through the generosity of Merek Frosst Canada & Co.
Effective May 2000
Norman B. Keevil Award in Earth Sciences (Faculty of Science, Earth Sciences)
Change in criteria and value from: Awarded annually to a full-time student entering third year of an Earth Sciences program who is in the top quarter of the program and who demonstrates a long-term interest in the discipline of Geophysics or Geology through academic or extra-curricular activities. The award will be continuing for two years provided the student remains in an earth sciences program and continues to be in the top quarter of the program. Established by Teck Corporation in honour of Norman B. Keevil.
$1,250 annually, up to two years.
To: Awarded to a full-time student entering third year of an Earth Sciences program who is in the top quarter of the program and who demonstrates a long-term interest in the discipline of Geophysics or Geology through academic or extra-curricular activities. The award will be continuing for two years provided the student remains in an earth sciences program and continues to be in the top quarter of the program. Established by Teck Corporation in honour of Norman B. Keevil.
$2,000 biennially, continuing for up to two years.
Effective May 2001
Richard Ivey Foundation Continuing Scholarships in Business (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Change in value from 3 at $5,000
Effective 2001-2002 only: 1 at $5,000 HBA Year 1, 1 at $5,000 HBA Year 2, 2 at $5,000 Special Opportunities
Effective May 2002 and thereafter: 1 at $5,000 HBA Year 1, 1 at $5,000 HBA Year 2, 1 at $5,000 Special Opportunities Award
Kathleen and Alex Raymond Bursaries (Any Faculty)
Change in value and number from: 15 at up to $500
To: a minimum of 6 at $1,500, number awarded based on funds available
Effective May 2001
Helen Reid Bursaries (Any Faculty)
Change in value and number from 65 at $1000
To: a minimum of 48 at $1,500, number awarded based on funds available
Effective May 2001
Jessie and Tom Archibald Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Change in value from $1,000 to $1,250
Effective May 2001
Jessie and Tom Archibald OSOTF Awards (4) (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Change in value from 4 at $1,000 to 4 at $1,250
Effective May 2001
London Police Services Board Awards (Any Faculty)
Change in criteria from: Available to spouses and natural or adopted children of active, retired or deceased police and civilian employees of the London Police Service who are full-time students at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario or any affiliated college. Applications are available at the Office of the Registrar and from the Chief of Police, City of London. Applications must be returned by October 31. A joint committee, with representation from the London Police Services Board and the University's Financial Aid Services - Office of the Registrar, will be formed to make the final selection. These awards were established by the London Police Services Board and the London Police Association.
To: Available to spouses and natural or adopted children of active, retired or deceased police and civilian employees of the London Police Service. Applications are available at the Office of the Registrar and from the Chief of Police, City of London. Applications must be returned by October 31. Selection of the recipients will be made by Student Financial Services in the Office of the Registrar in consultation with the London Police Services Board. These awards were established by the London Police Services Board and the London Police Association.
Effective May 2000
The following two awards in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry require a change in the application deadline date from April 30 to March 15 effective May 2000:
Helen Mildred Blythe Allison Undergraduate Awards in Medicine (5)
Kenneth Colling Awards in Medicine (3)
Carlyle Peterson Award (Faculty of Law, Richard Ivey School of Business)
Change in value from $1,000 to $1,250 effective May 2001
Mary Campbell Memorial Bursary (Any Faculty)
Change in value from $250 to $500 effective May 2001
UWO Staff Association Bursary (Any Faculty)
Change in value from $250 to $500 effective May 2001
Geoff Bain Award for Field Research (Faculty of Science, Zoology)
Change in effective date from May 2001 to May 2000
Hydro One Inc. Scholarships in Engineering Science (10) (Faculty of Engineering Science)
Change in value from $5,000 to $4,750 effective May 2000
Faculty of Law Entrance Scholarships (Faculty of Law)
Change in to: Dean of Law Entrance Scholarships
Change in value from: Up to $5000 each - number of scholarships will vary annually
To: Up to $7500 each - number of scholarships will vary annually
Effective May 2001
Arlene Shimeld Bursary (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)
Change in criteria and value from: Awarded to a full-time student in year 1 of the MClSc Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need and meets OSOTF guidelines. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 in honour of Arlene Shimeld by Marilyn Ernest Conibear.
Value $500
To: Awarded to a full-time student in the MCLSC Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need and meets OSOTF guidelines. Preference will be given to students in year 1. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 in honour of Arlene Shimeld by Marilyn Ernest Conibear.
Value $600
Effective May 2001
Marilyn Conibear Bursary (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)
Change in criteria from: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in year 2 of the MCLSC Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need and meets OSOTF guidelines. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Marilyn Ernest-Conibear.
Value $500
To: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in the MCLSC Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need and meets OSOTF guidelines. Preference will be given to students in year 2. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Marilyn Ernest-Conibear.
Value $600
Effective May 2001
Ruth Horner Arnold Fellowship in Plant Sciences (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Plant Sciences)
Change in criteria from: Two fellowships valued at $1,000 each are awarded annually to a first year graduate student in Plant Sciences. Preference will be given to a student doing research in the field of mycology. Applications and/or nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the Plant Sciences Department by July 1. This fellowship is awarded in memory of the late Ruth Horner Arnold by Dr. John Arnold and colleagues.
To: Awarded annually to first year graduate students in Plant Sciences. Preference will be given to a student doing research in the field of microbiology. Applications and/or nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the Plant Sciences Department. Established in memory of the late Ruth Horner Arnold by Dr. John Arnold and colleagues.
Effective May 2000
Bruce R. Dodds HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Change in criteria and value from: Awarded to an outstanding student who must demonstrate all-round academic and class leadership, strong university involvement, and clear financial need. Applications are available from the Student Services Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business. Established through the generosity of Bruce R. Dodds.
Up to $5,000
To: Awarded to an outstanding student entering HBA year 2 who must demonstrate all-round academic and class leadership, strong university involvement, and clear financial need. Applications are available from the Student Services Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business. Established through the generosity of Bruce R. Dodds.
1 at up to $5,000 annually, and 1 at up to $10,000 will be awarded periodically at the discretion of the Richard Ivey School of Business
Effective May 2000
Jesse and Tom Archibald OSOTF Awards (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Change in number and value from 3 at $1,000 to 4 at $1,250
Effective May 2001
Jesse and Tom Archibald Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Increase from $1,000 to $1,250 effective May 2001
Dawson Woodburn Memorial Awards (2) (Faculty of Education)
Change in criteria and value from: Awarded to any pre-service student enrolled in music courses, Fine Arts Subject Group in the Faculty of Education. The student must have been successful in practice teaching, demonstrated interest in the use of Tonic Solfa and possess a high degree of knowledge and proficiency through use of Tonic Solfa. Established by the late Dawson Woodburn, Professor Emeritus, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. a letter of application should be made to the fine arts subject group co-ordinator by January 31st of the academic year.
Value: 2 at $250
To: Awarded to any pre-service student enrolled in music courses, Fine Arts Subject Group in the Faculty of Education. The student must have been successful in practice teaching, demonstrated interest in the use of Tonic Solfa and possess a high degree of knowledge and proficiency through use of Tonic Solfa. Established by the late Dawson Woodburn, Professor Emeritus, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.
Value: 2 at $600
Effective May 2000
Don Wright Scholarships in Vocal Music (4) (Faculty of Education)
Change in criteria from: Awarded annually to students enrolled as a Choral major in one of the pre-service BEd programs who have a strong interest in developing young voices, Grade 5 through Grade 10. A letter of application should be made to the Fine Arts Subject Group Coordinator by January 31 of the academic year. This scholarship was established by Dr. Don Wright.
To: Awarded annually to students enrolled as a Choral major in one of the pre-service BEd programs who have a strong interest in developing young voices, Grade 5 through Grade 10. This scholarship was established by Dr. Don Wright through Foundation 深夜福利站.
E. Stanley and Nadine M. Beacock Bursaries (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Library & Information Science)
Decrease in number from 5 at $600 to 3 at $600 effective May 2001
E. Stanley and Nadine M. Beacock Travel Bursaries (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Library & Information Science)
Change in name to: E. Stanley and Nadine M. Beacock OSOTF Travel Bursaries
Change in number and value: 5 at $600 effective May 2001 to April 2007
To: 3 at $600 effective May 2001 *these travel bursaries are OSOTF
Ronald and Gladys Richardson Bursary in Occupational Therapy (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)
Change in criteria from: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in year 2 of the MClSc Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Ronald (BA '40) and Gladys Richardson.
To: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in any year of the MClSc Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Ronald (BA '40) and Gladys Richardson.
Effective May 2001
Lillian Fuller Medical Access Awards (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Change in value and effective date from: 2 at $3,112 each effective for 1999-2000 only
To: 2 at up to $3,600 or less as funds permit effective 2000-2001 to 2003-2004
Marguerite Ruth Dow Bursary - Correction
At the last meeting, the Marguerite Ruth Dow Bursary was revised. The bursary was erroneously identified as being offered by the "Faculty of Arts, English" on the title line but in fact this bursary is a "Faculty of Education" bursary for students in English. The criteria are correct as reported at that time.
Discontinued Awards
The following award will be discontinued effective May 2000:
The following award will be discontinued effective May 2001: