
Board of Governors APPENDIX II - September 27, 2001

Draft Report of the Strategic Planning Task Force:

"Making Choices: 深夜福利站抯 Commitments as a Research-Intensive University"


The was circulated at the end of June and posted on the University抯 website. Since then, the Committee has discussed the Draft Report with Senate and requested written submissions from the University community. Members of Senate had the opportunity to discuss the Draft Report on September 21, as did the general community in an open meeting later that day.

At the September 27, 2001, meeting of the Board of Governors, members will be asked to provide comments on the Draft Report, and the substance of this discussion will be conveyed to the Strategic Planning Task Force for consideration as the final report is prepared.

Following these meetings, the Task Force will prepare its final report, integrating concerns brought forward during the consultations with Senate, the Board and the University community. Approval for the final Report of the Strategic Planning Task Force will be sought from Senate on October 19 and from the Board of Governors on November 22, 2001.

Attached as is an article written by Dr. Davenport about the Strategic Plan, published in the September 6 edition of 深夜福利站 News.